Harry Potter: The art of divination

Chapter 261: Hard truths

*Albus pov* 

My soul dropped to my stomach as I read the international paper, communities have been attacked, and sieged by never-seen-before magical creatures. 

There were blurry pictures in the papers that didn't bode well for anyone, they showed figures of nightmares. 

Figures one person has alluded to before. 

"Fawkes find Morpheus and bring him to me." I could hear the distress and anger in my voice 

The world didn't need this! Britain especially after Tom. Yes, I believe he is gone the proof I have is not the diadem Morpheus gave me. But the man himself, he was happy after the war of Hogsmeade so happy he couldn't hide it. 

I don't know what he did to Tom but, part of me fears the answer is worse than anything I could ever imagine. 

While I waited for Fawkes to reply an eagle flew through my balcony carrying a heavily warded letter I could even feel it from where I sat. 

"The ICW is acting fast," I remarked plucking the letter from the eagle's beak and carefully undoing the lock 

I couldn't hold back my grimace as I read the summonings. It seems that an ICW conference is being held in a week's time. Which means they have deemed the threat to large for just the attacked communities to handle. 

Classes haven't even resumed yet from the Hogsmeade fiasco and now this? The world is obviously in greater peril than I ever imagined. 

Standing I walked to my floo and grabbed a handful of powder, "Nicolas." I muttered while tossing the powder into the fire 

The flames roared before forming a face, "What do you want Albus?" my mentor sounded tiered 

"To talk, I need your help understanding something do you have the time to join me in my office?" I asked carefully 

I saw his flaming face sigh before nodding, "Very well I'm coming through." 

Nicolas look rougher than the last time I saw him, "You've been busy I take it?" I asked while sitting down and sliding the newspaper closer to him 

Nicolas cracked a smile, "Not as busy as you I imagine Albus." he picked up the paper and began to scan it 

Putting it down Nicolas looked at me, "What about it?" he asked while using my kettle to brew himself some tea 

"Morpheus has alluded to creatures such as this hidden, was it true? Are we going to face another war?" I asked 

Nicolas sighed, "Yes, we will face a war beyond anything you have ever seen before. Many will die." he paused, "You don't know who you are dealing with Albus, be careful of Morpheus." 

I went to speak but he continued, "But, I will tell you one thing Morpheus wants to win this war more than anything. He will sacrifice anything and everything to win. You can at least trust that much about him." 

A flame sparked behind Nicolas and Fawkes appeared next to Morpheus, "Ah I see the party has already started Nicolas its good to see you again." he smiled brightly 

The man seemed alive. 

More alive than I had ever seen him, and it concerned me deeply. 

"Morpheus," Nicolas said curtly a hint of displeasure on his face, "We have much to discuss, I heard Voldemort is gone." 

Morpheus nodded, "Yes, I'm sure you realized at the end why I couldn't share more with you. We can discuss this in detail later." 

"Very well, I have the items you requested made and ready for use when you are ready come and pick them up. Albus, it was a pleasure, stop by soon the wife misses you." He didn't give me a chance to speak before he disappeared into the floo 

Morpheus chuckled while taking a seat, "Before we begin I think it's prudent to end our soul pact. Tom is gone and a new war has befallen us." he gestured at the paper, "I don't think we will agree much during it." 

He brought up a point I've been meaning to address, "Very well I agree we should disband it. But first let's talk, what are these, please don't leave any details out." I said gesturing to the paper 

He nodded, "Ah beginning to believe are we?" he almost sounded mocking, "The ones with wings call themselves angels, the ones that look like demons predictably are called demons, and the other ones are what they call gods." 

I must have been making a face because he erupted into laughter, "Trust me they are nothing of the sort. They are magical creatures that are able to handle magic much easier than we humans. It is their food, their blood, their everything. In my time they treated humans like cattle, and eventually, we fought back sealing them away tightly into their realms." 

"Realms?" I asked 

He perked up, "Oh yes, the mortal plane, or earth as we call it used to be one of many realms. These creatures lived in their own realms and treated Earth like a playground, something to barter over. The humans? Just little bugs." the anger and disgust in his tone sent shivers down my spine 

"I recommend extreme caution when you attend the ICW conference Albus they are tricky and will try to sway influential wizards into thinking they are here for peace," he warned 

"So you already knew about the conference." I pointed out, "You won't be attending?" I asked 

He laughed, "I didn't get an invite Albus, but it hardly matters I have more important things to do anyways." 

"The school," I began, "Should it be shut down?" I wondered wanting to know his opinion 

"Oh magic no!" Morpheus lept to his feet, "You must keep Hogwarts open, if you find teaching classes too hard during times of war turn it into a safe haven, Hogwarts is the most important thing in Britain." he said gravely and I agreed 

Though I'm not sure for the same reasons. 

"Now let's break this pact," he said with a smile 

Yes let's, hopefully I don't need to attack Morpheus but with the pact in place it would be impossible. 

I need it broken. 

*Narrator pov*

Carter Winthrop, delegate of the ICW and master war crafter and breaker stayed on the outskirts of Salem Massachusetts as he surveyed the damage. He was sent here by the ICW to asses the situation before the big conference and so far everything he's found just made him more nervous. 

'Extremely intelligent, able to form complex wards in a short amount of time. Prefer elemental magic and weak to Transfiguration from reports of those that escaped.' he wrote quickly in his journal 

He went to creep forward when a shadow cast over him and his blood froze. Slowly Carter turned to see a large woman with glowing gold hair and wings. 

Golden wings. 

He went to raise her wand but she lurched forward grabbing his arm, "Please don't attack me, I am here as a representative of the Angels. We were wondering if you are open to negotiations." 

Carter shuddered, "Negotiations?" he asked 

She nodded, "Yes, despite what you might think we are not here for war or domination but survival. If it is possible to negotiate with whoever is in charge we would very much so like to before any more blood has to be shed. Please think over my words, I will be waiting here." she disappeared in a blinding light 

Carter quickly whisked out his portkey and fled to make his report. 

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