Harry Potter: The Chronicles of Black.

Chapter 41: CH 41

"Well, my Lord. I was initially worried about Rabastan, as I informed you he seemed to be merely going through the motions because he was told to do so, but now, he is throwing himself into his recovery plan and he's working harder and asking about what else he can do to help himself. I believe that this is fully because of Harry. He wants to get stronger and fitter for Harry. They had no mirrors in Azkaban, they could see what each other looked like, but not what they themselves looked like and I'm sure that coming out of the prison and seeing his own face for the first time horrified him and it made him lose all hope…until Lucius came to me with the proposal for a betrothal between him and Harry. Now, since he's met Harry and they've spent some time together, his lust for life has come back, as has his hope and his pride, his emotions are coming back and he's showing more interest in the things and the people around him. It's all thanks to Harry." Voldemort nodded his bald head. "This pleases me too. Rabastan is one of my most loyal followers, seeing him and Rodolphus wasted to nothing angered me. The wizards who put them in that prison will pay. I am pleased that he is becoming the man that he once was. Keep him and the boy interacting, they must not be allowed to drift apart and we must break the boy away from Dumbledore once and for all. If he truly doesn't want to fight again, I will accept that, but I will not allow him to oppose me. I will kill him if he stands in my way."

"I will speak to Harry when I see him at the next possible opportunity, my Lord. I will see what he's thinking and if he actually meant what he said to that old fool." Lucius said respectfully.

"Dumbledore believes that what he said was true." A new voice interjected. "He called an emergency Order meeting the very same night. He is concerned and afraid. He's talking about forcing the boy, by any means necessary, to fight in this war, but he fully believes that the boy doesn't want to and so does the werewolf, Remus Lupin, who was also in the headmaster's office when Potter had his outburst."

"Do you believe that the boy will stand by and let my plans commence, Severus?" The Dark Lord asked with a sibilant hiss.

"If he is anything like his old self, then no. But by all accounts, from Lucius, Xerxes, Rabastan, Rodolphus, and Dumbledore himself, the boy has changed significantly. If he truly has changed so much, then I don't see any reason why he would intervene with your plans, my Lord. The rift between him and Dumbledore is only growing larger with each passing day."

"Look after him in the school." The Dark Lord ordered. "I will not have that old fool damaging what Lucius and Xerxes have started moulding. If I don't have to worry about the boy, then my plans can progress that much quicker and that much smoother. This pleases me. Leave me, all of you. I have plans that need to be made."

Lucius stood, bowed respectfully and he left the room immediately. He and his fellow Death Eaters remained silent until they made it outside of the property.

"Make sure that you do look after Harry in that school, Severus. He's my son now and I would see no harm come to him."

"He is to be my grandson-in-law as well; you won't like what my family will do to you if anything happens to that boy." Xerxes added with a much more threatening tone. "Rabastan is very fond of him and since he's been betrothed to Harry, I've seen a vast improvement in his behaviour and his mental health has improved as well. That boy is good for my Rabastan. I won't have anything stand in the way of Rabastan's recovery." "I will keep a closer eye on him, but as a Gryffindor, it is harder for me to be around him at all times than if he had been in my house."

"I understand that, but the boy is a true Gryffindor at heart and I know that even if asked that he wouldn't consent to be moved, even if there was a way to move him, I'm sure of it. Just do what you can and if there is anything that you see or hear, get in touch with me immediately. I will do what I can as his father."

"How is he as a son?"

"He's more intelligent than I would have expected. There is a surprisingly quick, focused mind under all of that hair. He's usually well behaved and he responds well to punishments when he isn't well behaved. He is surprisingly easy to teach, he picks up things quickly and easily and when he actually applies himself, he can understand things to a depth that I wouldn't have believed him capable of. You should see a new side to him this year, Severus. I've told him that if he doesn't apply himself one hundred per cent then he will be severely punished and he will have all of his privileges stripped from him once he's home."

"I am surprised to see him with that hair still."

Lucius sighed aggravatedly. "There is nothing to be done for it. I tried to have it cut back respectably, but that never worked as I planned, so I had him use copious amounts of potions on it and still, nothing worked…I gave up and told him that as long as he brushed it twice a day I wouldn't have him completely shave his head. Not that you could tell that he's brushed it at all, but I trust him to do as I say."

"Has he taken to instruction well?"

"He has taken to it wonderfully well. He needed a parental figure, someone to give him a structured set of rules and guidelines to follow and to give him punishments that are both fair and just to reprimand bad behaviour and someone to be strict enough to stick to them. He has had no direction throughout his life and hearing of how those abhorrent muggles treated him, I can now understand why he craves a known set of rules and a punishment that he knows isn't going to change daily. I need to speak to him about the letter that Draco sent to me. I need to find out how badly he was treated other than his rushed admission of being beaten and starved and look into how deeply this goes, then I'll make a decision to see if he needs a mind healer or not."

"Draco told you that it was that bad?" Severus questioned with surprise.

"Draco told me that the boy was beaten and starved since he was a young child. Harry confirmed that he said as much to Draco, but it could be a lot worse from the way the boy is acting about it. Such a thing repulses me." "As soon as Harry tells you where they live…" Xerxes trailed off, his strong, age lined face was pale and tight with anger. "I've come to like that boy and what he's doing for Rabastan. He's good for my boy, that he's been hurt deliberately in such a way…I'd kill those beasts in a heartbeat."

"I think we're all in agreement for that, Xerxes." Lucius said. "I would be happy to invite you to pay them a visit once I have their address from Harry."

"I wouldn't mind a night with them. Several hours under a heavy silencing ward with them at my mercy in revenge for Harry." Xerxes sighed. "I'm sure it would make Rabastan and Rodolphus happy too, once I've told them. Perhaps letting off some steam will do them both some good and aid in their recovery."

Lucius nodded as they reached the property boundaries. "I will contact you once I have spoken to Harry then. Good evening, gentlemen."


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