Harry Potter: The Witty Wizard

Chapter 164: Chapter 164

Her mother cocked an eyebrow and smirked, "'Darker bits'?"

Hermione blushed, nodded and took her own sip of tea to try and cover it. "When I asked, 'Do you mean my areolae?' He was clearly completely confused by the term."

"Ah!" said her mother, understanding. "And, Hermione being Hermione, you launched into somewhat of a lecture about the breast, its various parts and its function in the cycle of reproduction."

"Yeah," she replied. "It took a bit, but he finally started asking questions back."


"How he thought the nipple would be bigger," she blushed. "I think he was thinking in comparison to a baby's mouth; or a pacifier."


"I explained breast development and compared mine with the breast development of other girls," she replied. "He's genuinely curious without being... crude about it."

"I remember when you asked me about your own," smiled Monica.

"And his questions were along the same lines, without the worry I had," she added.

"Oh, yes," said Monica, remembering. "Your nipples. How are they, by the way?"

"Growing," she replied. "They're at least double the size they were a year ago. I'm just thankful the areolae aren't growing, as well. I'm comfortable with them the size they are."

Monica nodded, pleased for her daughter. "Now, once you got past that hurdle, what did you talk about?"

"First, we wrote a letter back to Dumbledore," she smirked. "Sirius dropped by to check on Harry just as we finished it. When he read it, he was laughing so hard Harry had to get Dobby to get a Calming draught for him."

As she continued, the two ladies sat back and talked about the day they each had. Of course, she never admitted to her mother she'd bared her chest to Harry while explaining those parts. It wasn't yet time to do that.




In the office the proposed Betrothal Agreement had been pulled out and the three men and one boy-adult read through it and discussed what changes, if any, needed to be made.

Sirius said, "This is good work, Ted. Everything I think should be in there is there."

"Same," said Harry. "Are you sure how all either of us have to say to the other is, 'I now declare the Betrothal Agreement between us, void' is sufficient for the agreement to still be a valid document?"

"Lord Potter," Ted mock-sternly said. "I've been at this sort of thing for well over a decade. I know what I'm doing."

"Sorry," he blushed. "I just want to make sure someone... cough Dumbledore cough... can't come along later and declare the agreement is invalid because some legal 'T' was failed to be crossed, or 'I' dotted.

"This is to protect Hermione and, if someone does manage to harm her in any way, I want to be able to bring the full weight of the House of Potter down upon them as if the very Gods themselves decided to smite the idiot."

"It protects you, too, Harry," Sirius was quick to add.

"But I'm not agreeing with this to protect me," he firmly said back.

Wendell was carefully reading, yet again, the full text of the document. Employing all his reasoning as a JP, he could find no subterfuge or other trickery going on. There was no over-the-top 'legalese' in use. If anything, as a legal contract, the document was quite plainly written. There were no spaces of gaps where other words could be inserted later, or unhidden if they were there already - as the 'drafter' and 'otherwise uninvolved party' Ted had already given a magical oath to that effect. It was all above board.

Ted had also brought along similar Betrothal Agreements he had drafted, without names or families included to protect confidentiality, and this one reflected well against them. The agreement was both ironclad, to stop interference from outside parties, and had easy escape clauses for all parties involved. He especially liked the clause for each of the kids where it said, 'In the case of incapacitation of Miss Hermione Jean Granger to the point where she is unable to speak the words to dissolve the agreement if that is her desire on her own behalf, that responsibility then falls upon Wendell Marcade Granger.' An almost duplicate was also written for Harry with Sirius as the devolved.

He was, however, uncomfortable with the line, 'If the aforementioned betrothed enter into a consenting sexual relationship before the union, where both willingly enter the relationship to the point where consenting penile penetration of the vagina occurs and results in pregnancy, then the agreement is considered binding and becomes the contract. Both parties must then proceed with all due haste to the union. Such union must occur before the birth of the child or children resulting from the pregnancy.' But, he could also reluctantly see the wisdom of that and knew it was there to protect his daughter.

Indicating it to Ted he sighed and said, "That section makes me feel as if I'm giving my daughter permission to have sex."

"I doubt it would surprise you how many fathers of witches feel the same," replied Ted. "However, as the father of a daughter, I can tell you that's a line I'm making damned sure is in her Betrothal Agreement, when it comes.

"I'm not saying Harry is the sort of young man who would otherwise take advantage of your daughter, or who would not do the right thing if Hermione falls pregnant before they marry... if they marry... but that condition has needed to be enforced in the past against both reluctant grooms and reluctant families.

"Similar situations without Betrothal Agreements occur in the muggle world, do they not?"

"Yes," Wendell firmly nodded back. "I've all too often had to sit cases where a father has not done the right thing by the mother of his new child and had to put in place enforced pecuniary measures on the father, just to get him to help pay for the raising of the child, or children."

"Then your problem is one of a father having difficulty considering his daughter as... someone capable of sexual acts," said Ted.

"Yes," Wendell almost whined.

"How you internalise your acceptance of that is up to you, Sir," said Ted. "My legal advice is to include the condition, as stated. And my advice as a father is to do your best to forget you ever saw it." And wryly smirked back.

Wendell thought about it for a long while but realised he was only putting off the inevitable.

With a sigh he said, "Well, I can see nothing that needs to be removed or edited, or needs to be added."

Ted gave a firm nod back and said, "Then we have an accord. All that's left to do is to sign it."

"No," disagreed Wendell. "We've got one more thing to do, first. I know it's not a legal issue for your world; however, my daughter needs to be made fully aware of this before I'll sign. I don't want her to later blame me for entering her into such an Agreement without her prior acceptance."

Sirius gave a nod and said, "I'll get them. I take it you want Monica in here, too?"

"This idea started with her," he replied. "So, yes. She can shoulder some of my daughter's... wrath."

"I know you want to get this over with, Wendell," said Harry. "But I think we should have dinner first.

"Once Hermione is told about this, she's going to freak, call us all names, finally start to calm down, then demand a long and detailed explanation."

"Yes, she would, wouldn't she?" said Wendell. "Very well. Though I'd much prefer to get it out of the way, I can see that's probably a very good idea."

Turning to Ted he said, "I hope you don't mind staying for dinner first?"

"Nope," smiled Ted. "Any excuse I can find to enjoy one of Harry's meals, I'm going to take."

All bar Wendell realised he was speaking easy to relieve the light tension. He did figure it out later, though.




As dinner was winding down and they were finishing dessert, a particularly delicious crème brûlée served in ramekins, Monica was describing the comeuppance of a particularly up-himself patient.

When it appeared everyone was done, Sirius almost formally said, "Doctor and Doctor Granger, Miss Granger, would you please accompany Lord Potter, Mister Tonks and I to Doctor Wendell Granger's office? We have news for you."

When Hermione stared back in shock, Monica's expression slowly turned into a smirk. "Thank you, Lord Black," she replied, rising. "That is agreeable."

When Hermione's head whipped about hard to stare at her mother, her shock deepened. "Whaa...?"




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