Harry Potter's : Fantastic Beasts Guide

Chapter 94: Alyssa and Charles

"Alyssa, you've been sneaking around again," a deep, authoritative voice echoed through the dense forest.

David turned instinctively, finding himself face to face with a magnificent white unicorn. Its mane shimmered in the dim light, and atop its head sat a small crown, marking it as the leader of the herd. David's mind reeled. He could understand the unicorn. No, he wasn't just understanding—it felt as if he was experiencing something beyond himself.

Had he become a unicorn? Had he crossed into another existence?

A flood of questions stormed his mind.

"Father, why can't I go out and play?" a soft, youthful voice whined behind him. David turned and saw a smaller unicorn, her silver coat shining in the moonlight.

His heart clenched. This was the same little unicorn from the Forbidden Forest—the one he had tried to save. But here, she was different, younger. The realization struck him like a lightning bolt.

Was he seeing its memories?

The leader, her father, frowned deeply. "Alyssa, I've told you before. It's too dangerous beyond our borders. Have you already forgotten what happened to our kind at the hands of those greedy humans?"

"But… not all of them are bad!" Alyssa protested, stamping a small hoof against the soft earth.

"Hmph!" Her father snorted, his eyes filled with pain and anger. "It only takes one bad human to end your life. I won't risk it. Uncle Jim will be watching you from now on. You won't be going anywhere."

With that, he turned and disappeared into the shadows, leaving Alyssa fuming. She huffed, glaring at the spot where her father had stood before storming off toward a dense cluster of trees. She flopped onto the soft ground beneath their shade, grumbling to herself.

David couldn't help but chuckle. She reminded him so much of her child.

"Alyssa, what's wrong? Did someone upset you?" Another unicorn trotted over, his silver coat gleaming under the filtered moonlight.

"Go away, Charles! I don't want to talk to you," Alyssa pouted, turning her back to him.

Charles blinked in confusion. "Did I do something wrong?"

"My father assigned Uncle Jim to watch me. I'm not allowed to leave!" she sniffled, her frustration evident.

Charles hesitated. "Well… Uncle Ross is the patriarch. My dad can't go against his orders."

"Hmph!" Alyssa turned away again, burying her face against the tree.

Charles fidgeted, glancing around as if searching for an answer. After a moment, he lowered his voice. "I can take you out."

Alyssa's head snapped up. "Really?"

Charles nodded. "But you have to promise me something."

"What?" she asked eagerly.

"You can't ignore me anymore, and you have to listen to me once we're out."

"That's two things!" Alyssa huffed but quickly relented. "Fine, fine. I promise!"

Charles grinned. "Good. I know a secret way out. We'll go tomorrow night. No one will know."

Alyssa bounced excitedly. "Ooooh! What do you think the outside world is like? Are humans really as bad as Father says? Or are they like us?"

She continued, her voice brimming with wonder. "Do you think we'll see dragons? Father once said they exist beyond the trees. What if we run into one? Or maybe some other magical creatures?"

Charles lay down beside her, listening patiently as she rattled off endless questions. He didn't interrupt. He never did.

The next night, thick clouds blanketed the moon, draping the forest in shadows. Perfect for sneaking out.

"Be careful," Charles whispered. "Stay close to me."

Alyssa nodded eagerly, her silver tail swishing in excitement.

Charles glanced around before leaping into a thick patch of grass below. His figure disappeared into the darkness.

"Charles? Where did you go?" Alyssa whispered nervously.

A rustling sound came from below. "I'm right here. Just jump down."

Taking a deep breath, Alyssa stepped back, then sprang forward, leaping down—

"Oof!" Charles grunted as she landed right on top of him.

"Oh no! Are you okay?" Alyssa scrambled off him, eyes wide with guilt.

Charles groaned but chuckled. "I made space for you, and you still landed on me."

"I'm sorry! Do you need me to heal you?" she asked, ears drooping.

"I'm fine." He shook his head, sighing. "Come on. We need to hurry before they notice we're gone."

"Got it!" Alyssa grinned, her excitement undiminished as she trotted beside him.

"Are we there yet?" Alyssa whispered as they weaved through thick undergrowth.

"Almost. And that's the tenth time you've asked," Charles replied, exasperated.

"I just don't want you getting us lost."

"I don't get lost," he said smugly.

"Hah! Says the unicorn who swore he could find the flower and wandered in circles for hours."

"That was one time," Charles defended, laughing. "And I still found it!"

Alyssa pouted but couldn't argue. Charles always found those rare flowers for her, no matter how long it took. He even called them 'Alisha flowers,' just for her.

"We're here," Charles finally announced.

A shimmering barrier stretched before them—a powerful magic ward protecting their sanctuary from the outside world. Only the patriarch could open a path, yet Charles had found a tiny hole at its edge.

Alyssa gaped. "How did you find this?"

"Last summer. I was searching for Alisha flowers and stumbled upon it."

"Then let's go!" Alyssa whispered excitedly, ready to crawl through.

"Wait." Charles stopped her, stepping in front. "I go first."

"Why does it matter?" she huffed.

"Just let me go first. Please."

Alyssa sighed dramatically. "Fine, fine."

Charles took a deep breath, then squeezed through the gap. He scanned the area before turning back. "Okay, come on."

Alyssa wiggled through eagerly, shaking her coat once she emerged. The air smelled different—crisp and wild, filled with new scents and possibilities.

She breathed in deeply, grinning. "We're finally out!"

"Shhh! Keep your voice down!" Charles hushed her, eyes darting around.

"Oops!" Alyssa clamped her mouth shut, but her excitement remained.

And just like that, the two young unicorns took their first steps into the unknown, unaware of the dangers—or wonders—that awaited them beyond the trees.

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