Chapter 153: CH :153:)
Dumbledore waved a hand. "James — John is the vanquisher of Voldemort—"
The flinches among the three Lords were far less pronounced than most people's.
"—You understand that he has special circumstances and that it would be impractical to give every student the same consideration."
James frowned. consideration may
"Whatever be, I want
that those considerations cleared with me first in the future."
"And I do NOT give my permission for you to spy on my daughter!" added Lord Greengrass.
"I feel," interjected Lord Malfoy, "That perhaps the headmaster has shown he is not able to keep his political responsibilities and his custodial duties separate, and that we should move to have him placed on probation."
Dumbledore looked towards James Potter who suddenly looked very uncomfortable. Jacob Greengrass shrugged.
"After-all," Malfoy continued, "how can we know that the headmaster will keep his word? It was only through luck that we found out about what's been going on for the past three months."
Dumbledore opened his mouth to protest but a voice from the doorway beat him to it.
"Now now, Lord Malfoy, let's not be too hasty."
He blinked. It was Lord Slytherin, standing there in his trademark emerald green and black mask. "Lord Greengrass, Lord Potter, Headmaster." Slytherin pulled up a chair and joined the delegation.
Malfoy frowned. "I was not aware you were on the board, Lord Slytherin."
Slytherin inclined his head. "I'm not… yet. However, as one of the people affected I felt I should drop by after clearing up some business, and it seems it was a good thing too. I'm sure we don't need to go so far as removing the headmaster now do we?"
Albus frowned. Lord Slytherin was defending him?
"Why not?" shot back Lord Malfoy. "He's shown he can't be trusted with the power he has."
"Ah, but that is exactly what I've just been seeing to. Making sure he is less able to abuse his power, that is. I've just come from the kitchens where I've ordered all the Hogwarts house elves that they are not to follow or gather information on any Hogwarts student."
Albus's eyes widened. He sat up straighter, "Now, see here, Lord Slytherin."
"Oh, you object? Headmaster?" "You can't just—"
"—Can I not? But I am the only one apart from yourself who can, unless the board does indeed remove you. I assume that's not in your interests? And I doubt these gentlemen will see anything wrong with such an order?" Slytherin looked between the three other lords who all shook their heads, in the case of Lord Potter and Lord Malfoy, only grudgingly. "Well then."
Dumbledore saw that Malfoy looked like a brand new toy had just been taken from him. He shook his head. "Very well. But I must implore you to please speak with me first in future before taking such unilateral action."
Lord Slytherin nodded, rose, and left.
Over the next few minutes, the other lords left too, until it was only him and Lord Potter left.
He sighed. "I'm sorry, James."
James Potter grimaced. "Me too, Albus, I assure you I was not part of that little spiel of Malfoy's."
Albus smiled. "Lord Malfoy will use any excuse to try to get me out of here, you know that."
"I know, but you really set yourself up for that one, you know."
Albus nodded. "I know."
They stared at each other across the desk for a moment.
Eventually James spoke again. "So, how is John doing?" Albus considered his words carefully. "Very well. He's far ahead of his peers, he's well liked among the other Gryffindors, and he just defeated all six of his duelling teammates."
James looked mean… everyone in duelling club?"
A moments silence.
year joined
"You the
"No. I mean he beat all six of his teammates from the other years that are going to compete in the duelling tournament in April, in order, one after the after."
"You're joking."
Albus sighed. "I am not joking." "But… that's… incredible!" James shouted the last word with a huge grin on his face. "I knew I did something right! Hah!
Albus grimaced.
"What?" "I haven't seen it for myself, but I understand that Harry did too."
The mood in the room fell faster than a defective bludger.
"He… he did, did he?" "Yes."
"And is this… expected?" James's eyes darted from him to nowhere and back again. "I mean, is this part of what's supposed to happen? I mean not to go down that path, I mean the other, I mean—" He started to babble.
"—James!" he held up a hand. "All I can say is that we are doing what we need to." James slumped back in his chair. "Are you sure it's not time for us to hear the prophecy?" Albus slowly shook his head.
"It's just, what with him in Slytherin and all, it seems like it's all going wrong anyway." "James, you know I already said that being in Slytherin was expected."
"Yes, but, you know, it's kinda hard not to… not to fear the worst."
Lord Potter continued to fret and it took another five minutes for Dumbledore to allay the young lord's fears and by the time the man left he couldn't shake the feeling of being the world's biggest bastard.
Why oh why couldn't it have been Neville?
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