Have to Ketchum All! - Pokémon SI

Chapter 15: Chapter 12

I loved flying.


And so did Ash.

The morning skies of Pallet Town were clear and bathed with the welcoming pastel colors of the oncoming dawn that signified a new day. The large swatches of green landscapes surrounding our little humble hometown was as breathtaking in the sky as it was on foot. Everyone from humans to pokémon was beginning to wake up and begin their own routines.

The energetic barking of a pair of Growlithe leading a stampede of Tauros while closely followed by their Ponyta riding trainer resonated from the fields looming below us.

Residents in town slowly began to trickle out onto the roads to set up their shops, get their children ready for school, tend to their pokémon, and greet their fellow neighbors with bright smiles all around.

Flocks of Pidgey and Spearow flew through the skies in search of any appetizing pests (ex: Rattata and Caterpie) that were bound to be in abundance this early in the morning. A few of them were hostile upon noticing us in the sky with them. They however thought otherwise about messing with a pair of humans that rode on the back of a Charizard while accompanied by the intimidating visage of a Fearow. Self-preservation won out in the end, and they smartly chose to not bother us.

The reason why I was up this early was because I wanted to get a good head start before I departed for Fuchsia City. The flight averaged out at around a few hours, and I wanted to get there before noon. Like in my past life, I hated to travel by night when driving so by extension I hated to fly at night when anything is bound to happen. So, I managed to wake myself up at around 5 AM to prepare for the trip.

Unfortunately, Ash woke up and loudly declared that he wanted to join me, and so I had to spend 2 hours getting him ready and wait for his school to open early around that timeframe. The other night when I declared my intention to go on a few short trips around Kanto and Johto, my family happily acquiesced to my decision. Ash obviously wanted to join me, but with him still being in school mom killed that idea before it could fester. As for mom, well, I had to promise to be back today before 9 PM so I can join them all for dinner with a guest.

I was a little peeved that this was at the last minute. I hated to be rushed when I already made plans for the day, and to be rushed back like this sort of ruined my mood. But just a little. I rolled my eyes at the implication of who this "guest" exactly was. It obviously was a no brainer since before she even brought up the whole "dinner plan" for tonight, she recommended that I take along that Aaron Fulan guy from the other day. Saying that it would help to have company and make a new friend along the way.


Not like I have anything against the guy, but I felt more comfortable moving on my own at my own pace. It's way faster, and less awkward than putting up with a guy that was super hard to figure out from just one convo. If anything, since I'm going to one of Kanto's famed breeding ranches/reserve, I would rather bring along someone who's more into the Pokémon Breeder scene.

Hint! Hint!

"YEAAAAAAAAAH!" Ash cheered as punched the air in front of us. "Do a barrel roll!"

I rolled my eyes, tightly wrapped one arm around him to keep him secure and patted Asch's side. Rolling his eyes with a good-natured huff, my Charizard complied. Ash's cheers heightened as the world around became all topsy-turvy before righting itself just as fast.

"Woohoo!" Ash hollered as he got hopped up from the adrenaline to now excitedly point at Sparrow, who kept vigilant watch around us in the air. "Now you do a barrel roll, Sparrow."

I sighed. "Ash, we're almost at your school. Just chill and remember to go to your classroom when we get there."

"I know already, bro, but I want to see Sparrow do a barrel roll too." Ash looked up at me with a pout.

"Ash, you just told him to six dive bombs and five barrel rolls five minutes ago." It was my mistake for taking the long detour to his school. I had wanted to fulfill my promise by taking him on a quick flight through the skies while leading him to school. Killing two Pidgey with one stone. I should have known better that he would take advantage of this.

"Yeah! Exactly, I want it to be even, so he can do six dive bombs AND six barrel rolls!" What kind of logic is th-? Yeah, I almost forgot who I'm dealing with.

"Well…" I deeply groaned and turned to my serious Fearow, who was still skulking out any potential threats that can attack us in the air. "What do you say, Sparrow? Want to do another tri-?" Ash and I shut eyes tightly as Sparrow flapped his wings hard enough to release gale of wind that nearly shook us off Asch's saddle. "Didn't even let me finish…"

I sighed in exasperation and watched as my Fearow took the air to show off. It took a while for my eyes to adjust to the speed that he was going at, but I knew he was intentionally slowing down to show us and anyone lucky enough to spot his quick turns, his rapid ascending spins, and suspenseful dives to the ground. One particular dive had Ash at the edge of his seat for what was possibly the third time. My Fearow purposefully waited for the last minute to unfurl his wide wingspan as he just barely touched the ground.

In one beat of his wings, Sparrow emerged back into the sky. Flying through a rattled flock of Pidgey that dispersed upon noticing the larger avian predator soar through their personal space. And with a gruff squawk, Sparrow returned to fly by our side. His ever-vigilant gaze returning to scope out and blow any offenders to us out of the sky.

Ash cheered while Asch and I looked at our old friend and companion with knowing smiles. Since the day he evolved, Sparrow had become one of my best fliers. He didn't have as much firepower as Asch or the sheer versatility that my adorable baby girl Jubilee has, but his sheer speed and skill to constantly remain in the air gave him an edge over my two other Flying-types.

No matter how serious or protective he was, the big bird never failed to show off his stuff just to prove his amazing technique.

"You troublesome kids! YOU BLEW ALL MY MAIL AWAY!" Huh, that voice sounds so familiar. Is what I would be thinking if I wasn't too busy ignoring it.

"Hey, look! Mr. Feenie's back!" I forcibly nudged my little brother away from poking his head from behind one of Asch's wings.

"I know it's you, Luke! I just saw Ash's face!"

At that, I flicked Ash's ear.

"Ow, what was that for?" My little brother's face scrunched up in annoyance as he rubbed his ear.

"That was for getting caught and looking over the side like I told you not to."

"But you do it all the time!"

"And I have the license while you don't. Now lets hurry out of here before Mr. Feenie ropes us into helping him." It was sort of a dick move, but I really didn't want to stop right now. After Ash was dropped off, I was dipping out of Pallet Town.

"Come down here and-! Hey, wait, you no-good kids come back here and-!" We sped up our flight just enough to miss the end of that ensuing rant/demand.

"Sorry, Mr. Feenie." But hey, at least on the bright side, he's doing good for himself on his current new mail route. I'm so glad that he's recovered from that Rattata trap prank that Kidd pulled on him.

"Hey, do you think he'll come over to give us mail again like he used to?" Ash curiously asked.

"Well, I hope so. At least until he's cooled off enough to just forget about this little accident…" I groaned.

We reached our destination in no time at all. After that, I had to personally escort Ash into the school and hand him off to one of his teachers. You'd be surprised with how dedicated our town's teaching staff were considering that the Academy was the only school in town. Since the community is close-knit, they won't fail to pick up on the habits of their students with very colorful personalities, and none possessed more personality than Ash.

So, when I left her in the care of Mrs. Jennings, I knew that he wouldn't find a way to slip out of school just to follow me and beg that I take him along.

As I rushed outside to my two pokémon, I patted Sparrow's cheek and said, "Alright, you know the drill. Keep watch of the school grounds, but not too close so that he'll easily spot you. Got it?" Sparrow dutifully nodded.

"And now for the other one." I turned around and as expected, Kamina was prostrated on a single knee behind me. This time I anticipated his arrival, so no jump scares for me.

"Scizor." He grunted.

"Stay hidden and survey the Academy's perimeter. Should he leave the school premises, then observe and follow. If he gets into trouble, then protect him. If the trouble goes so far beyond what's containable and can severely harm him or worse? Six shots." I looked at both of my pokémon and they gravely nodded at me. Their eyes hardened with my last command. After another round of goodbyes and reassurances, they took off with Sparrow soaring high into the sky and Kamina all but vanishing without making a single sound.

Letting my relief win over my concern, I left my two pokémon to their "Ash Watch" duty. Nodding to myself, I turned to my Starter and best friend. "Okay, pal. Let's jet!" Asch enthusiastically snorted plumes of smoke from his nostrils and crouched down to allow me to fasten myself to his harness after stashing away the auxiliary portion of that was used to carry Ash.

With one beat of his wings, Asch had risen a few feet into the air. By habit, I tightly clung to my harness as the second sweep of his wings were powerful enough to launch us heavenward. The sheer force of the ascent always sent chills down my spine, but the sense of looming dread that followed as I looked down at the very steep drop below was all but gone at this point.

Asch wouldn't drop me, and I trusted him not to. The only way I could fall was if it was due to my own actions or the actions of someone who did want me to fall. With that little assurance, I conquered my fear of pokémon assisted flight.

Flipping my goggles on, I pointed in the general direction of Mt. Silver. "Alright buddy, let's keep going North!" Asch's growling lilted up in question, and so I provided a bit more context. "Don't worry, pal. I didn't forget the way to Fuchsia. I just wanted to pop over to Pewter and check if a good friend of ours wants to tag along."

Mid-flight, I did consider contacting Daisy if she wanted to tag along, heck, I even thought about stopping her place. I decided against it though, she seemed busy and probably a little miffed about when I mentioned my plans for possibly going to the Xanadu Nursery with her and possibly our little brothers.

Flying over what would have been days of trekking through Route 1, the Pallet Woods, Viridian City, and Viridian Forest gave me a new appreciation for travel by flight. It wasn't as instant as the games portrayed it, but it sure as hell was still faster than going by foot.

It also provided a lovely view of all of the sights. Especially in particular, the remnant and burnt down remains of Viridian City's very own Viridian Gym. Heh, signs warning of no passage beyond the fenced gates filled me with glee. I wonder what the League will do about the Gym for the next Circuit? Since it's the off season, they're not really in a rush to fill in the vacant Gym Leader seat so soon.

Still, I did feel sad for the trainers like Joey who scrambled for their 8thbadge from a minor gym after the whole fracas at Viridian Gym had forced its closure. Yet again, I'm glad that Asch and I were the last ones to deal with the bullshit pulled there before others could have faced an unfortunate fate at the hands of that slick-haired bastard. Asch growled as we flew past the charred remains of the damned building that nearly signified the end of our journey.

I sharply inhaled and patted his neck in comfort, "I know, pal. Gets me worked up just thinking about it too." Memories of that day just loved to resurface whenever we had to cross paths or even think of that blasted Gym.


The suffocating smell of ash and smoke filled my lungs. Each breath I took was one in a desperate bid to supply my aching body with the oxygen it needed to remain upright.

I forced my eyes on the back of my flame wreathed starter as he stared his foe down.

I couldn't allow myself to be distracted lest we fall. This was a battle, and it was my role as a trainer to claim victory.

The agonized screaming of a grown man rolling on the ground clutching his eye.

The horrid smell and limp body of a feline pokémon just inches away from where Asch stood.

The intense burning of my fist that inexplicably didn't hurt.

Not even the ominous black flames that shrouded my best friend had deterred me from giving the enemy in front of us my full attention.

We were so close.

Even with half of their metallic "shackles" melted away, they were losing as much ground as we were steadily tiring out. No more of that Recover/Healing Pulse bullshit strategy seemed to be working for them anymore.

They could now bleed, and neither Asch nor I would allow the opponent any reprieve from the physical and mental toll wearing them down.

As one, we locked eyes with our opponent through the side of their cold, metallic mask that was severely shattered. Their sole glowing eye that welled up with psychic energy conveyed so much emotion behind them that it served as a complete contrast to the cold & calculating lusterlessness they held after Macaque's defeat.






Their emotions were all so pure and simple that they oddly reminded me of my little brother, who's been introduced to something new and unfamiliar that they couldn't even begin to put together the words to express himself.

They were like…a child.


I quickly shook myself out of my own head and rubbed my eyes. Asch rumbled his worry for my abrupt bout of silence, and I tiredly rubbed his back to ease his worries. "Don't worry, pal. I'm doing fine. Just getting stuck in the past…" And thinking of the future too. "This Clair stuff is sort of convenient in a way. We can get back in the groove of training and prepare ourselves for our rematch."

Asch's excitement was so palpable that his roar shook me as the trees surrounding us shook, and out of came flocks of startled Pidgey and Spearow frightened by the roaring of the fearsome pokémon.

Reaching Pewter City was a cinch. Compared to past Pallet Town's Bay and overseas to quickly react Fuschia City in at most an hour or two, the flight to Pewter was a standard 20 minutes or less. The "Stone City that rests between Mountains" was as rugged and rustic as ever. Especially with all the rocks everywhere, but that pretty much fit into the place's whole theme.

The allure of travelling may have given new trainers rose-tinted glasses when they came to admire the place's architecture but after they travel to more vibrant cities like Celadon, Saffron, and Neon City, they'd come to see Pewter City as a dump. Wholly neglecting to see the importance of one of the only two cities in Kanto that had managed to withstand and keep Johto's frontal assault at bay during the First and Second Great Pokémon Wars.

Viridian and Pewter stood as the two border cities that held down the fort during the wars. Were they to have fallen then Kanto would have long since been overtaken by its neighboring region.

Though they unnecessarily overprice you for it, the city's tour guides (including Flint) would happily show you landmarks around the city that revealed the wars' impact on the surroundings and in turn Pewter City's impact on the wars.

Though there were spots that they'd be reluctant to show you like the "Southwestern Crags". That landmark from the first war was far too morbid to introduce to tourists. It looked like your deep, average chasm, but it was actually man-made.

The trainers from back then had their Pokémon make it to assist with knocking enemy fliers from the air straight down into it before showing Stone Edges and Rock Tombs down it to bury the opposing side's soldiers and pokémon. It dealt with the hassle of removing bodies and served as way to smother Johto's superior Flying force.

So, in all, it was a massive burial ground.

No one dared to go there unless you REALLY paid a tourist guide just to hear the story or you're in desperate need of a Ghost type pokémon and couldn't wait until Lavender Town to get one.

I know about the place because Flint took me out on a tour of Pewter City for free. Well, he took me there when my mom came by with Ash to watch my rematch against him for my first gym badge.

"Let's land in front of the gym." With practiced beats of his wings, Asch's landing was considerably more peaceful than his take-offs. Unstrapping his saddle, I walked with him to the aged old front doors to the gym.

"Woof." I blinked as a wave of DeJa'Vu suddenly hit me.

Charizard looked at me in question.

"Nothing. It's just…" Standing here next to Asch just took me back to the days where we first challenged Pewter City. I only had Asch (Charmander), Sparrow (Spearow), Macaque (Mankey), and Dartz (Kakuna) with me. My first major Gym loss really hit me back then. It was so frustrating that all of the prep work I did to train up my pokémon barely ended in a win. The loss had truly stung once Daisy decided stayed around in town to rub it in that she won her gym battle on her first try and teased me for my loss before leaving for Cerulean City.

None of my pokémon had an edge against Rock-types besides Macaque and yet Flint possessed enough skill to teach his pokémon how to work around the Fighting-type. Especially one of Macaque's species by infuriating him with just enough with Taunts to cause him to go on a rampage and thus be easier to get picked off by Onix.

Man, Onix sucked. In the games, their stats suck but in real life if you can manage to train one well, they'll be a complete pain in the ass to handle.

I sighed and shook my head. "Can't believe I keep doing this every time we come together, but it's just…nice to see where we started, y'know?"

Asch happily nodded and gently nudged his head down against mine. I couldn't contain my laughter as memories of my first Gym loss were overwritten by the feeling of jubilation that I felt from my first Gym victory. Asch didn't evolve, but we managed to perfectly get Metal Claw down perfectly for him to overcome Onix. Also, Dartz had finally managed to evolve into a Beedrill during his battle against Geodude. Of course, he didn't win the match and loosened things up for Macaque to finish, but that was still a grand achievement.

All in all, I'd say that I've come to appreciate my first Gym experience with my first circuit now over. My loss was humble and made every other Gym loss feel less awful. It's probably because of that that I wasn't all to bothered by not clearing the Finals during the Conference.

Well, that among other reasons…

I coughed and banged my fist against the doors. The faint silence was pervaded by the occasional Pidgey chirping in the background. Then the pattering of feet and a loud annoyed groan emerged from the other side of the door as the lock was unlatched and the door was wildly swung right open. I had barely managed to step back lest I get flattened to a pancake against the wall.

"It's off-season for the flipping last time! If you're not here for an appointment with the Gym Leader, then go aw-! Oh, its Luke and Asch!" One of Flint's children answered the door, and it was a boy who looked super identical to Flint and Brock. Okay, that wasn't helpful, there were like eight other kids that fit that description.

"Good morning, Forrest. How are things going on around the place?" I lazily waved with Asch happily grunting at the little boy, who was two years Ash's senior. The boy happily dropped everything to usher us in while blabbing about why he made that earlier outburst.

"We've just been getting a lot of challengers lately. They've been trying to challenge dad when he's at home." Forrest tiredly sighed. "It's been exhausting trying to deal with them all. They're just so persistent."

"Don't I know it…" Working at mom's café helped me empathize with their plight. "But hey, at least you guys are more popular now. Now the gym will have the chance to take advantage of the spotlight and grow more prominent."

Honestly, I might not have stepped foot back into Grampa Canyon, but giving Flint the heads up about it seemed like the best thing to do along with giving Prof. Oak the heads up after the old Rock-type specialist managed to capture all of the old prehistoric pokémon there. The professor was bitter over the lost opportunity to have such rare and living ancient pokémon at his lab, but after the experience I went through with my accidental fall down that God forsaken canyon, he acted in consideration for my feelings.

Having the likes of Kabuto, Kabutops, Omanyte, and Omastar amongst the ranks of his team during the Gym Challenge, Flint's gym had skyrocketed in notoriety both in the Pokémon Battling scene and the science one. All of this went according to my plan to ensure that Brock got to go out on his own journey to join the Kanto gym circuit and that his family wouldn't be deprived of their father. I didn't really know Brock all too well by then, but I felt for the guy.

Even if it's a shitty thing for Flint to do by abandoning them like his wife did, I couldn't stomach the idea of someone else losing a father…

So, I took the liberty of placing the idea of supporting Flint's family out in mom's head when she and Ash visited Pewter again to rewatch my match against the Gym Leader. It wasn't supposed to be too serious; I knew she was busy with trying to get the café up and functional back then. That's why it surprised me with how well things worked out when her presence actually bettered things for Brock's family.

Heck her presence had even managed to better Flint's moody and dour behavior…

…Though I'm still keeping an eye on him. Hm? No, I totally meant that in a way in case he tries to "go fetch some milk and never come back". I'm definitely not watching him like a papa Fearow whenever he gets too close to mom.

So, with mom (much to my annoyance) occasionally stopping by to give her support along with the responsibility of caring for and training the prehistoric pokémon, Flint was now locked into his role. He was distracted and with things looking bright for his family's future, he wouldn't slip into depression.

Forrest brightened up from that. "Y-Yeah! That's true…" Then he grimaced. "But with the challengers and those weird guys in suits that around lately, I don't know if it's all that good."

Men in suits? "There are other people causing trouble?"

The kid shook his head. "Nah, it's nothing. It was a couple of guys who came around asking dad for one of either the Kabuto or Omanyte. They didn't try to push it once he turned down whatever they were selling to them."

That…doesn't sound like nothing. I really hope that won't come back to biting them in the future, but I'll put my belief in Forrest's word. My paranoia is a wonderful ally, but it can get grating at times when I literally have meta-knowledge on almost all of the evil organizations and powerful Legendaries swirling around my head.

It gets tiring.

"But enough about those guys! It's pretty nice to have the gym be appreciated for once beyond it being seen as a chump facility compared to the others." Forrest happily sighed. "Hopefully by the next gym circuit, we can get some more attention on us." Forrest nervously prodded his fingers together. "Maybe it'll even be enough for…mom to come back…"

The meek, hopeful break in his voice truly saddened me at the mentioning of own his mother. Besides the eldest, I'm sure that the older kids who remember her felt the same way. As for me, I personally couldn't care about a lady who walked out on such a sweet family, and if she was in any way like her anime counterpart then my opinion of her couldn't sink lower thank rock-bottom.

Placing a hand on the kid's shoulder, I reassuringly nodded. "All of you guys are already fantastic, so I fail to see why she wouldn't come back. Give it time…" I shot Asch a look, and with laughter abound Forrest met with a playful heated snort to the face. "Now what are you up to in here and so early?"

Forrest then blabbed on about how he was shadowing his father alongside Brock. He was up bright and early to clean the gym's battlefield and get things done and in order to set up paperwork. The kid was dedicated to the gym, so much so that he mentioned having to cram and complete all of each month's classwork and homework assignments just to be free from school to help out. That was a level of maturity that I hope Ash will grow into when he's closer of age to handle more responsibilities.

The same way that Brock wanted to be Gym Leader, Forrest sought to first learn and a get a better foundation to be at least a gym trainer. His duties were once Brock's before he set out on his journey. Now the eldest sibling of the Harrison family was at the back of the gym's personal little reserve of rock pokémon, listening intently to his father, Gym Leader Flint about something.

"There they are, I'll leave you to it, Luke. I have to go check and test out the parameters of the psychic barriers. Tell Ash and Aunt Delia I say hi!"

"I will, and thanks Forrest!" Though it can't hold a candle to Prof. Oak's lab, the Harrison's little pokémon reserve was still spacious with a few man-made caverns surrounding the perimeter of both the reserve and the Harrison household by extension. The head of a weary Onix popped out once Asch and I crossed the threshold between the gym and the territory. I amicably waved at the large rock snake sizing me up before it nodded slid back in its hole.

It was the same Onix that Flint had used against me in my first gym battle, and I'm glad that it's doing fine for itself.

As I got a little closer to them, I leant against the wooden fence and listened in on the father-son pair bluster away about the rocks while furiously rubbing the rock-hard exteriors of a few Geodude and one particular Onix that lay behind Brock.

"If you're really sure about it, then I suggest you start including igneous rocks in your Graveler's diet. There final and eighth Gym is a water type specialized facility for a reason. Hoenn's natives are naturals with being one with their land and seas. Building up some resistance to their water type pokémon wouldn't hurt." Flint deeply grumbled, rubbing his shaved chin.

"Got it." Brock attentively nodded, carefully letting one shining Geodude float away before starting to clean the next one.

"Remember, don't take the water type trainers there lightly. The current Gym Leader of Cerulean City should give you an idea of the standard type of water type trainers that stayed there." Flint warned.

Brock's brow furrowed in thought. "You mean Miss Cassidy? She's a trainer from Hoenn, but I thought that she was born in Kanto?"

"She still is, it's just that she trained abroad amongst Hoenn's finest before…unfortunate circumstances forced her to return to fill in for her late older brother." Flint grimaced. "She certainly isn't thrilled to be here, but her skills have gone unquestioned by the League to give her the position."

"How come she's not happy? Shouldn't it be an honor to be chosen for position of your city's Gym Leader?" Brock queried.

That's when I decided to chime in with memories of my Cerulean Gym experience resurfacing. "She was actually bitter about having to drop her bid to become a Gym Leader for that region's major Water Gym." After getting washed out in my first match against Cassidy, Tulip (urh…for context that's Misty's eldest sister) was very forthcoming on spilling the beans about her aunt's predicament during my time waiting for a rematch.

She was nice company to have while I waited that whole week to challenge Cassidy again. After stumbling upon my campsite just outside of Cerulean City, she came to hang out, I convinced her to take part in the Gym Circuit if she didn't want to forcibly stay in Cerulean to one day take her aunt's position as it's leader and helped her uncover the secret to evolving the starter that her aunt Cassidy gave her.

She's a good friend, and I hope that she and Milotic are doing well right now.

I can only hope that she and Daisy can get along one day. Ever since officially introducing the two girls together at the conference and a VERY awkward café visit later, they've just been acting weird. Perhaps it was her loss to Daisy in the Top 64, but for some reason beyond me, I couldn't tell why they were so rough when around each other.

Maybe it was a girl thing and that was just a form of friendship. Anyways, I finished rationalizing the off-topic thought and pulled myself back in to the conversation shared between father and son. The pair were happily surprised to see me.

"Ah, Luke! How's it going man!" Brock quickly ran over, but was overtaken by his father who speed dashed and left a flying trail of blown back Geodudes and a dazed Brock to reach me and grasp both of my shoulders with a look of sheer panic.

"Luke! You're here! Good morning…uh…" Flint quickly realized that he was now lifting off the ground and placed me back on my feet. "Is it just your or…" He sheepishly looked to distance while shakily scratching his cheek.

"Did your mom come along too?"

… … …

"I-I'm just asking to…uh! To know if I have to go and personally greet her too. Just to be polite and civil…" Under my gaze, Flint flinched back and quickly waved his hands about to explain himself.

"…No. Just me, sir."

"O-Oh, I see…" No need to look so dejected. "Well, it's nice to have you around at least…" And don't sound so dejected either otherwise it comes off as insincere.

"Thanks, I guess?" I sighed and for once placed on a smile once Brock recovered from getting tossed like doll in the distance to finally make his way over and eagerly clap my hand into a manly handshake. "Glad to see you're doing good man."

"You too, Luke. It's been a while since you've come around with Mrs. Ketchum and Ash to drop off the goods at your café and help around the house." Brock laughed. "You're not even wearing sweatpants this time either, so it must mean you're doing great."

"Hey I resent that. There's nothing wrong with wearing sweatpants." I growled.

"Luke, sweatpants are "give up on life" pants. At least that's what dad calls them." Brock deadpanned while Flint sagely nodded behind him. Feh, people just don't understand the convenience and comfort of my style!

Brock happily greeted Asch and called out for his own starter to come on out and greet us. "Rocco!" The ground shook as the large bulk of a huge pokémon popped out of the ground and rushed at us with one of their drill-fingered hands excitedly waving at me and my starter.

"Rhy! Rhy! Rhyperior!" Enthusiastically bellowed Brock's starter as they locked eyes with Asch with a childish zeal that seemed to infect my Charizard.

I chuckled in exasperation as Asch's eyes imploringly looked at me. "Fine, fine. You can go play, but not too hard. We still have a trip to make." I laughed as Asch zoomed over to play with Rocco upon getting my permission. During my journey, there were short bouts of me temporarily travelling with friends like Joey and Brock so our pokémon were bound to become close friends as a result.

Right about now, the two fully evolved pokémon were playing some extreme game of dodge ball. The whole terrain was torn apart as Rocco and an Airbourne Asch exchanged a series of Rock Tombs and Stone Edges at each other. It was such a beautiful sight seeing my little Charmander and Brock's humble Rhyhorn all grown up and causing so much destructive landscaping so casually. It almost made me want to cry.

But crying was for wimps who had the entire day to waste. "So…about why I'm here…" I decided to help them clean their pack of Geodude while simultaneously taking part in their conversation. Looks like Brock wants to head to Hoenn for the next gym circuit. He says that now is as any good time than any to go more abroad.

I had asked why he couldn't just try out Johto next, but the stiff frown from Flint and the tired smile on my friend said it all. Looks like the old veteran didn't want his own son to go anywhere near the region that was once Kantos' bitter enemy. They still compromised that Brock would eventually get the chance to explore Johto, but only after he's gotten another region's worth of experience under his belt.

Flint didn't consider the Orange Islands enough of a challenge to push his son's growth (the text messages of Joey's rather colorful adventures there begged to differ) and settled for Hoenn. They were making talk of preparation and despite a fascinating diatribe of the proper rock diets to build up a rock-type's resistance to water, talks of eventually evolving Brock's Onix were met with a mixed response from Flint.

"I'd still say that you should allow your Onix the time to grow in your travels before going down to the local Smithy to evolve him." Flint suggested.

"You think so? I think Onix is ready for the next stage after all the work he put in during this circuit." Brock rubbed his pokémon's smooth and rough exterior. The rock snake pokémon grumbled in appreciation.

"He's still a bit juvenile compared to most others of his kind." Flint countered.

"Dad, he only seems juvenile when you're comparing him to your own Onix." Brock deadpanned.

Flint sputtered before coughing to save face. "Fair, but be that as it may seem, I would really feel comfortable if you would consider pushing it off for a few months. Compose a set diet, allow him more time to grow, then you can head over to the Smithy."

Brock nodded but still didn't looked convinced, so I decided to chime in while vigorously rubbing down the Geodude in my lap.

"You remember Jubilee?"

"You mean the Togepi that you used to carry around in a baby carrier?"

I proudly nodded. "The very same. Once she evolved to Togetic, I had barely spent enough time training her in that evolution. I was tunneled vision to test out my wild and random theories about getting her to evolve." Which was technically true, but I had an actual idea on what to search for to initiate the evolution. "So, I kept buying as many stones as possible that shined to confirm it, and I eventually did, but my zeal to test it out had stifled her growth."

It broke my heart to remember Jubilee's difficulty with flying now that her limbs were effectively wings. The things that she was just starting to get used to, like her small wings were now exacerbated with the large size and her increased weight. What really made me guilty was the fact that once she realized that she was too big to be carried by me, she went into a bit of a depressive rut.

After that day, I vowed not to rush to evolve my pokémon. They weren't pixels behind a screen anymore, but actual living beings, and as a trainer, I should have put my desires to "discover" and own a Togekiss after Jubilee's own well-being no matter how much I convinced myself it would benefit her in the future.

"Jubilee's doing fine now, but what I did could have effectively stunted her growth. So, just remember that it's okay to go a little slow and just see what other areas that you can improve Onix before making that huge leap to evolve him." I offered. The Geodude in my lap was now perfectly clean. Heck they were even gleaming as if they performed Rock Polish. "There you go little guy…" I patted it on the head and sent him floating off.

"…Well… If you say so, then I'll wait." Brock reluctantly sighed. "I just really wanted to experience what it's like down at Smithy as a trainer rather than a visitor." Brock looked up at the sky with a jubilant smile. "All of those pokémon working down there to mold and properly forge the evolution of your pokémon just sounds so-."

"Cool? It is, I took my Scyther down to the local Smithy in Vermillion City after my Gym battle in Saffron City." I chuckled.

"Ah, so you went to Old Man August's shop, eh?" Flint scratched his chin. "Did He give you any recommendation for the composition of the coating that you wanted for your Scyther?"

"He did, but I looked into some of those Rock enthusiast blogs that you and Brock showed me when I was out buying rocks. Of course, I requested for some dark igneous rocks with a good 45% of the metal coating's composition being Titanium and-."

In a world filled with pokémon, I never once thought that I could get lost in talking about rocks, but this world does things to you. Remember why I'm here instead of Fuchsia City in the first place, I made my offer to take Brock along with me to go visit the Laramie Family and their ranch.

"You know the Laramies!?" Brock exclaimed.

"Yeah. You wanna come?" I simply smiled.

"I'd be an idiot not to! The Laramies are one of the Kanto's few historical clan of breeders before even the Great Wars, heck even during the Era of the Kantonian Civil War." Brock excitedly explained. "Only the best Breeders around Kanto would just die to even get a sliver of training from another Breeder that's been under their employ and training. How do you even know them?"

"Well, I sort of helped them out a bit back when I was travelling to Saffron after beating Koga. During the trip, I trained my team in the Wilderness for a few days, got lost, and stumbled upon their property." I scratched my cheek. "The Ranch owner's daughter found me and helped me out. Then one thing led to another, and I helped them win some big race that would have "stained their family's honor" if there weren't any available riders. Honestly it was all a blur…"

Back then I was so focused on getting my gym badges and training that most of what I did was considered a distraction most of the time. If people needed help and I could do anything to help them, then I will.

It's what…it's what dad would have done, so I'd gladly contribute.

"You mean you took part in the Nomad's Independence Day Race?" Flint chimed in just as surprised.

"If that's what it's called then yep." I nodded. "Why is it important?"

Flint slowly nodded. "The event is open to trainers, but families such as the Laramies are bound to only choose riders from their own family. It's a tradition that's stuck with them since the old days when their ancestors won the first race against the other tribes. As the undefeated victors of every race since then, they are steadfast in upholding such a tradition."

"Huh, then I guess it would explain why they weren't so against my idea to compete in a disguise." I blinked in realization.

"Huh?" Flint raised an eyebrow.

"You willingly chose to hide your identity? Why? Weren't super focused on advertising your Mrs. Ketchum's café back then?" Brock queried.

"I was, but the race wasn't about me. So, I focused more on helping them out than myself." Sitting up, I finished cleaning the last of the Geodude and pulled myself up onto my feet. "The offer to come is still open Brock. Unless you have anything planned for the day."

"Are you kidding?" Brock was quick to jump back onto his feet. "With this opportunity in front of me, all of my other plans can wait!"

"Ahem!" Flint's cough did temper his son's exuberance. "I won't deny you the chance to go since this is pretty big Brock. I can show you the safer routes to patrol the forests and mountain ranges around Mt. Silver later. Don't worry about your siblings either, but…didn't you make a promise with that friend of yours in town to go somewhere today?"

Brock nodded. "Yeah…I almost forgot. Well, I'm sure that Soli won't mind if we can push it back for tomorrow."

"Soli?" I muttered to myself. "Look, man if your busy with something then you don't have to-."

"It's fine, Luke!" Oh, okay, you don't have to grab my shoulders like that and shake me, Brock. "Soli will understand once I spill the news to her." Releasing me, Brock rushed off to his house. "Wait for me at the front of the Gym, and we'll go see her."

"Okay…" I uncertainly called back. Flint walked up next to me with a smile.

"It's not everyday you see Brock this excited. Thanks for giving him the offer, Luke."

I scratched the back of my head. "It was no big deal. I just considered Brock when the prospect of going to a Breeder farm popped up on my to-do list."

"Still, having my son in your thoughts is a relief. It means that he has such considerate friends." Flint laughed. "If only Lola were here to see this…"

"Y-Yeah, if only…" I awkwardly looked to the side and waited in the brief silence to avoid talking about that landmine. "So…how are the ancient pokémon doing?"

Flint brightened. "Fantastic. Professor Oak's lab assistants that come over to check up on them can even tell you that themselves. Shelly and Blade have been excellent additions to my Elite team, and the others have found their new homes in the caves to meet all of their needs."

"I'm glad." Though they did attack me like Aerodactyl after my misfortunate fall into their home in Grampa Canyon, I felt less spiteful towards the other ancient pokémon that didn't try to eat me in one bite.

"If you'd like, you could always take one of them as thanks for pointing me in their direction." Flint offered.

"Tempting, but I'll have to refuse again. Professor Oak's satisfied with just coming over to study them, and I have enough on my plate with a new addition to my team to train." I shrugged.

"Come on, it's the least I can do after everything you and Delia have done to help lighten my burden with the gym and my family." Flint said.

"Well, if I'm in the mood, I guess I can see myself getting one to make the professor happy, but I have to consider my own wants too. I mean should the mood take me then I'll hit you up on that offer." But the only way I could see myself go through the trouble of requesting a Kabuto from Flint was if the professor had managed to do something spectacular for me.

Save getting me a Gible, I doubt that will be the case this time soon especially with the other regions closed off and my potential future region that I wanted to travel to undecided with no answer from the old professor.

Flint respected my choice and I bid him farewell. Brock and I eventually recalled our pokémon to take a walk through Pewter City toward some random house. A house that apparently held this "Soli" friend that Brock mentioned.

Knocking on the door with Brock calling out to his friend had the front door slam open as a girl in our age bracket with salmon hair and blue eyes rushed out to greet us.

"Brock! You're here early and…who's this?" Correction: she rushed out to greet Brock.

"Hey, Soli. This is actually Luke, my friend that I mentioned to you before." Brock introduced me to her. "And Luke this right here is Solidad Carson, my old friend from school." Solidad…huh, that name doesn't ring a bell, but for some reason I feel like I should know her…

…huh. Guess it doesn't matter.

"Nice to meet you." I happily waved.

"Yeah, likewise…" Sheesh, you could sound more happier than that, girl. "So…is he going to join us to go and check the markets for the King Rock?" Her eye kept shifting back to me but mainly focused on Brock.

…Oh! Oh…I can see why she was acting a little cold towards me now. Awkward…

"No actually, I was wondering if we can reschedule our plans for tomorrow." Brock nervously laughed. "You see, Luke," Please don't bring me up, man. "just offered to bring me along to see one of Kanto's oldest ranches, and I definitely see their top-class Breeders in action. And it's kind of a limited sort of opportunity…"

"N-Not really a limited deal but…" I muttered and did my best not to meet the pair of blue eyes boring into me.

"Sorry if this is a bad time to spring this up on you, Soli." Brock frowned.

"N-No! No, don't feel bad, Brock!" The girl quickly shook her head. "I know how much this means to you, and…I wouldn't want you to feel like you missed this chance because of me, so you can go."

"Are you sure? Because I can stay if you want me to-."

"Brock." Solidad firmly shook her head. "It's fine. We'll just wait for the markets to open up next week. Besides, its not like we planned this day out the week before this one…"

I awkwardly shoved my hands into my jacket's pockets and looked to the side. That indirect jab was meant for me, wasn't it?

"Thanks, Soli. You're the best." Brock pulled her in for a hug.

"I know…I know…" The girl happily sighed and patted him on the back. Pulling apart, they each gave the other a sweet goodbye. Brock was quick to leave their doorstep, which left me alone with his…childhood friend, whose warm smile was quick to fall once Brock was out of earshot.

"Uh…erm…" I gulped. "Have a good day?"

"I'll try to."


Recovering from having the door loudly slammed in my face, I smacked my lips and nodded. "Fair." Joining Brock, I released Asch and set up his saddle while Brock did the same for his abnormally large Noctowl. Once strapped in, we took off for Fuchsia City, well, at least Pokémon Center near it. I wanted to give Epona a bit of a long distance run to her old home.

Still thinking back to Solidad and how I'm probably her least favorite person in the world right now, I had oddly felt a foreboding sense of DeJa'Vu. Also, I couldn't help but think back to Daisy…

Hm, maybe I should rethink bringing our brothers along with us to the Xanadu Nursery after all.


"Ah, Daisy, are you okay? You dropped your tea!"

"I-I'm fine, Erika. I-I just felt a sudden burst of vindication right now."

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