Chapter 20: Chapter 17: Guess Who's Coming to Dinner?
When faced with the man, who nearly killed me and planned to strip me of my closest friends, I only reacted as I should. Contempt so strong that it laced each word that slipped past my lips as my eyes never left the sole threat that stood in our home…so close to my mother and in close range to my brother as well.
Why was he here?
Why was he helping mom set up dishes at our family table?
Why did mom even allow him in the house?
Does she even know about him or was this just mom being mom?
If so for the latter, then why have Cleo stick to Ash like glue while he played with that bastard's Persian?
I see, Kamina but no Sparrow. What happened to him?
…Why was Giovanni, the leader of Team Rocket in our home?
"If you will not give me the answers I seek, then I will just rip it straight out of the mouths of those you love! Daisy Oak, Joey Parker, Delia Ketchum. Ash Ketchum." Giovanni's threat rang in my ears.
I had to suppress the urge not to command Kamina to strike down the man before me. My Scizor was so close to him too…just one Bullet Punch could be enough to…
I can't risk that.
If the bastard's Persian is out, then who knows whether he has his other pokémon out standing around our home. Not to mention that he's literally next to mom. The intense, throbbing pain of almost getting my neck snapped surfaced, and I had to quell the urge not to feel for the already faded strangulation marks.
I couldn't afford to show weakness in front of this guy and also…I didn't want to see mom get sad or cry ever again. I don't want her to end up a wreck like she was when I was admitted to the Viridian City's Pokémon Center after the "incident" at this fucker's gym.
Mewtwo should have explicitly made things clear before blowing up Viridian City's Gym. If he were to attempt anything on me and my loved ones, I wouldn't hesitate to splurge every bit information about Team Rocket to Prof. Oak and the League. I wouldn't care if it meant getting suspicions on how I knew so many things I shouldn't, every last piece of metaknowledge on Team Rocket from the Anime, Games, Manga, and parts of the Drama CDs would be used to bring low the man's organization.
It was a Cold War pact for a reason and why I had even requested Mewtwo bring up about how I "knew" of Team Rocket's affairs.
Sure, I could have ousted Giovanni out on the spot while I was getting surrounded by reporters and detectives after my initial recovery at the pokémon center. Hell, I could have let Mewtwo kill the bastard after things were said and done. It would have been so easy too as he laid there screeching in pain on the ground.
But instant gratification usually blinds people from seeing the bigger picture.
Yeah, I could have left Giovanni to die or even reveal who he truly was to the public, then everything would have a neat red bow tied over all of Kanto's problems with Team Rocket.
Except it wouldn't because this was real life and not the video games.
I was the lone challenger that faced Giovanni during that fiasco, and if he were to disappear then that would lead to a bunch of criminals turning their eyes to me and my loved ones. Giovanni is the head of Team Rocket, but Team Rocket is still an organization that can still be a pain in the ass without him as evidenced by the Johto games.
Except things would only get worse…for me.
Team Rocket is absurdly loyal to Giovanni and so if they had heard about his death/disappearance then they would turn to the only culprit that was there that could be the cause: Me. It'd be easy to simply prepare and battle the face of Team Rocket, but I don't have the strength or resources to face or predict every Grunt, Admin, or whatever crazy shit that an organization like that can send after me and my family.
Hell, before my match with Giovanni, I barely had next to zero interaction with Team Rocket on my journey.
The only things I had going for me were my metaknowledge, what knowledge I could recall from my days as a Biology major, the wilderness training and equipment that Pokémon Ranger Mr. Gabe gave me, and my own pokémon.
And despite all of that, I was just incredibly lucky that Asch and I had pulled off what we did otherwise our story would have ended that day.
And so, before the man could even answer my hostile question, mom calmly walked to stand before me, blocking my view of the man. My paranoia from the situation demanded that I keep my eyes on the threat in my safe space, our home, but I repressed it. Doing that would make me do something rash like aggressively pushing mom aside and potentially giving the bastard an opening to strike or do whatever he came here to do.
And…it would have prevented from perceiving what mom had said. Lucas? She never uses my full first name unless its serious. Sure, she'd call me "Luke" or "Lukey" 75% of the time and even uses my full name when she's angry, but just "Lucas" was saved for moments of dire straits.
"Mom?" Taking my hand, she deposited a single pokéball into it. Her hands were warm and firm, no shaking whatsoever. It did ease my mind that she wasn't terrified, but it left more questions. Was she oblivious to who this man was or is these something that I'm not aware of?
Mom's smiles would always put me at ease, but her eyes. They possessed that same warmth, but they were not gentle. "Don't worry about us in here. With Mr. Grumbles and Kamina here, we'll have the table set-up finished soon. Just be sure to release any pokémon of yours that want to eat out into the backyard. Lizzie should have already prepared portioning out the pokéfood by now."
"…Huh?" I blinked as suddenly found myself being led out of the kitchen. What was happening? My sense of urgency was outweighed by my befuddlement with the situation until a delicate whisper reached my ears.
"We'll talk after dinner."
"Mom, what's really goi-?" I began to ask, but she shook her head and hardened her stare.
"Lucas. After dinner. Please."
"…Yes, ma'am…"
"…I'll also apologize to you later too, sweetie."
In a complete 180, mom cheerfully ushered me out of the kitchen's vicinity in the direction of the backyard. "Now there's no time to move like molasses, silly. Your pokémon deserve to eat, especially Sparrow for all of his hard work. I'd say that he almost gave all of us a fright when our guests started arriving, but thankfully you left his and Kamina's pokéballs here in case a situation like this happened."
So, to translate: Sparrow and Kamina (rightfully) became hostile when the guests (ie. Giovanni) arrived, and since Sparrow wasn't left out with Kamina that meant mom was forced to return him lest he fatally harm the man.
Shame. Damn shame.
Both of my pokémon responded well to the visitor. Kamina withheld his rage and complied to remain out and keep a close eye on Giovanni while Sparrow acted with immediacy and saw the opportunity to skewer the man that had almost killed me.
I can't fault either of them for their behavior since they had acted as I would have expected of them. Giovanni was a target that automatically fell under the "Six Shots" command, and I wouldn't ever discourage them or any of my other pokémon to reconsider.
That's why it galled me with the fact that I'd have to pick and choose my more level-headed pokémon to release all the while this bastard was sharing the same space as my mother and in close proximity to Ash. Tch! I can't even think of resting or taking it easy at all. I legitimately couldn't even be at peace in our home with the main source of my problem being here.
A problem that I can't remove lest he somehow drags my family into it, and that's not even counting the other two guests who were here.
…I hated it.
I hated how out of left field all of this was…
But I know my mom and I trust her. It's the only thing I have at this point that can keep me centered so I'll follow her lead and see how this all plays out…though without my own precautions.
"…Okay." I gruffly grunted and nodded to her and looked past her shoulder to Kamina. "Don't let him out of your sight." My Scizor didn't give any physical tells of my unsaid command, he was as silent as he was diligent when following an order.
"Good. I'll call everyone in as soon as everything is ready! Now lets get back to work, Mr. Grumbles."
My back crawled as I heard that man's voice accompanying my mother's as I made a beeline straight for the backyard. Along the way there, I did have to calm myself down long enough to inform Lance and Clair that dinner was almost ready and that I required some time to prepare the meals for my pokémon. I didn't bother to pay attention to their responses beyond that but luckily Ash was around to pester them with his questions.
It did relieve me to know that Giovanni's Persian wouldn't be the only one in his presence with Cleo and two Blackthorn Clan members around to act should it act out.
And speaking of pokémon who would act out, I had called Asch to fly over to the backyard so I could fill him and everyone else of Giovanni's presence. It warmed my heart to see each of them (sans a confused Fafnir and an oddly silent Sylvie) flare up in indignant fury about the man who was so close and persistent about tearing them away from me.
Sadly, we couldn't use this fervor against the bastard, especially with Lizzie there to calm our nerves and to remind everyone and I for our purpose outside by slamming bowls of recently made pokéfood all across the lawn. So, under the watchful eye of my mother's Nidoqueen, I laid everything bare for my pokémon, so they weren't lacking in context.
The thought of me having dinner with Giovanni seemed absurd to them and they all rightfully voiced their complaints. Though Lizzie and I did have to quell Thor's urge to violently charge up a veritable amount of electricity to direct at Giovanni should he come out to the backyard.
That became the perfect moment for me to solidify that this was happening whether we all liked it or not and if any one of them couldn't control themselves not to act out then they had to be sent to the Professor Lab for the night. A few were vehemently insistent on staying with me, but I had to draw the line now to avoid escalating this issue with Ash and mom now directly in the crosshairs of things.
Surprisingly, Sylvie was the first one to volunteer to be sent to the professor's lab. It concerned me that she was so devoid of any emotion, she did lean into my petting before I balled her back to be sent through the pokédex, but that stoicism still remained. I thanked her for her honesty.
Thor shamelessly shrugged and kept banging his crackling fists together to show that he'd just start a fight with the man and his pokémon the first chance he gets, so he too was sent to the professor's lab.
Sparrow kept squawking his disagreement with even the notion of a dinner with Giovanni but eventually relented when I stressed how serious this was. Instead of eating, he chose to perch himself upon the rooftop of the house and vigilantly watched both the front door and back door for any signs of other unwanted visitors. The thought did put my mind at ease, so I didn't scold him.
I made a reminder for myself that I would praise him for his decisive action once Giovanni reared his ugly mug around here.
I didn't have to worry about Asch and Epona acting out, they were the top few who could keep a level head.
As for Dartz…I took his passionate buzzing and him stabbing his stingers in the air for him complying.
Lastly was Fafnir, my little noodle was confused, then terrified once one of my pokémon explained who Giovanni was and what he did. All of sudden my newest addition didn't feel like staying…until he heard the sound of Lizzie propping bowls of pokéfood across the backyard, then he immediately zipped away to start inhaling the nearest bowl available to him.
"Never change, Faffy." I chuckled. It also served as a good distraction since I didn't want his mood going dour with those Blackthorn guys in our home staying around.
My back went ramrod straight as the sound of a ladle hitting the bottom of a frying pan rang out from inside. "DINNER'S READY EVERYONE! PLEASE WASH YOUR HANDS AND GATHER AT THE TABLE~!"
Guess it's about time. Dread and anxiety for what was going to be one of more awkward dinners of my life began to surface. I stood up only to get bumped by the snout and muzzle duo of Asch and Epona while I suddenly felt Dartz worriedly chitter and vibrate against my back.
"Hey, hey…" I comfortingly rubbed the faces of both the fire types and warmly looked back to Dartz. "Everything will be okay, guys… Trust me…no, trust mom. She wouldn't have just anyone around me and Ash if she knew they would mean us harm, right?" It came out as a rhetorical question, but I shot a glance at Lizzie, who gently crooned at me with a nod. "See? Nothing will happen to anyone; I'll make sure of it so just enjoy yourselves out here."
Going inside, I had to do my best not to glare at the limping Persian that made their way out the door as the sharp phantom pain on my back resurfaced. Though the bastard's pokémon didn't make eye contact with me at all as it felt the hostile stares of my other pokémon. Some growling, loud stomping, and angry buzzing were quelled by Lizzie's admonishing grunts.
Though it did surprise and warm my heart to see the usually lazing Cleo be on the prowl. She strode out the door, following Giovanni's Persian while driven with actual purpose. Her size may be smaller compared to her male counterpart, but her frame was methodical and slow as her eyes never lost track of the mob boss's Persian. Like a predator, she was simply lying in wait for the chance to pounce on her prey.
"Thanks, Cle-ppphbbbbt!" I had to recoil back and blow a raspberry to get the fur out of my mouth after she swatted her tail at my face. Her eyes never once left the male Persian, but I sensed that self-same feline annoyance from her.
Since she was putting her all in watching the Persian, she now was deprived of getting her precious sleep so "rightfully" she was in a bad mood.
"Nido…" Lizzie exasperatedly crooned something at the feline pokémon, but only received a low hiss in return that had Giovanni's Persian stiffen just as he sequestered himself on the opposite end of the yard, far away from everyone else.
Feeling her tail incessantly bat against my legs, I shot Cleo a tired smile and sighed, "Yeah, I got it…I'm going…" I waved goodbye to all of the pokémon and joined everyone inside the kitchen. As we entered, I did my best to not even acknowledge that Giovanni was there beyond the bare minimum of interaction that was needed to not give anything away to our Blackthorn guests.
I just had to focus on the delicious spread of food on the table (mom mostly made my favorites today for…obvious reasons), figure out why Lance and Clair were here, keep an eye on Ash, and act should Giovanni pull some shit on us.
Should be easy, right?
Our comfy rectangular family table could only hold 6 people, so we all naturally fit, but the seating arrangement ended up with Lance sitting across from me, mom sitting beside me, Ash sitting on my other side on the long end of the table, Clair sitting beside Lance (she directly went for the seat that wasn't facing me), and lastly Giovanni sitting across the table from Ash.
I didn't want the man to be in my brother's field of vision, but at least he wasn't close to Ash. Mom had made sure of that by dashing Ash's hopes of sitting near the inactive Gym Leader by taking the seat for herself. On the same page as her, I had redirected Ash's attention to Lance and Clair by mentioning word of the pokémon battle I had won today.
"Whoa! You faced a teleporting Venomoth!?" Hook. Line. And Sinker.
"Yup, you wanna hear how well Dartz, Thor, and Asch did?" I chuckled.
"Do I!" Ash slammed his hands on the table with a bright grin. Sad for him that Mom didn't take kindly to his poor table manners.
"Ash, what did I say about banging the table?"
"U-Urp…not to…?"
"Very good. Please be aware that we have guests joining us today, okay, sweetie." Mom gestured to the three "guests" as she scolded the youngest in the household.
"Y-Yes, mom…sorry mom…" Ash bowed his head to her. I'll be sure to aggrandize the battle story to him later, least I can do for getting him excited just to distract him from Giovanni.
"Hmph, at least there's a modicum of discipline being doled out in this househ-."
Clair had begun to say something before a sharp cough from Lance stopped her mid-sentence. The two Blackthorn trainers glared at one another before Clair quickly backed off. Coughing into his hand, Lance composed himself enough to smile and bow his head, "We are thankful for you even having us, Mrs. Ketchum. Though our reason for being here is due to another matter." Clair sniffed and averted her gaze from everyone at the table. "We are grateful that you could provide us with not only the time but also the means to which we can complete our intended purpose for being here." Lance's smile grew. "And also grace us with a well-made and expansive dinner to which I might add is making it very hard for me to hold back and indulge myself."
That earned a round of laughter from me and mom while Clair scoffed and Ash remained silent, drooling at the platters of food that laid before him which was bad manners.
"Ow! Hey!" I flicked his forehead and met his petulant stare with a quiet, scolding wag of my finger.
Not yet. It was a challenge to teach a six-year-old manners while teaching a six-year-old Ash basic self-control was basically a long-term plan. Once Ash gets a thought, he'll enact it without a second to even think of it. That's why he needed the reminder NOT to start reaching across the table for food to fill his plate before messily eating.
"Why thank you very much, young man. With big eaters like my boys, I always tend to go big or go home, and like Grandma Delilah always says, "a lively home is a happy home". So just relax and enjoy yourselves while you take care of whatever business that you have with my boy, it's not too often we have guests over." Mom laughed it off as she started placing the ladles, spoons, and forks in their respective dishes.
"Again, your kindness is too much." Lance deeply bowed his head, but slightly turned his head to Clair. "Isn't that right, Clair? I'm sure that grandfather would share the same opinion were he here in my stead, no?"
Clair stiffened and bit her lip as confliction marred her expression before it faltered, and she too bowed her head with her cousin. "Y-Yes… Yes, he would. Mrs. Ketchum, you truly are an auspicious host."
"Now now, you two. There's no need for that, you know. I'm just glad to have a full table to feed…and an extra hand to help out too." Mom's head turned to Giovanni's side of the table, but I didn't follow her line of sight.
"As a guest it was the very least that I could do to lend a hand to the host who graciously accepted me into her home." From the side of my eye, I caught the bastard bowing his head while meticulously arranging his dinner cloth and utensils as if he were eating at a five-star restaurant. Mom's cooking was way better than any rich establishment, but the asshole was simply doing too much.
But what else would you expect from a freaking mob boss…?
"Good evening, everyone, I know we may have had the fortune of bumping each other for the night, but I would like to properly introduce myself to everyone at the table." Using his one arm to adjust his collar, the don boss of team Rocket placed his hand on the table and bowed his head. "I, Giovanni, pokémon trainer of Viridian City, am grateful for the chance to dine with you all tonight in your lovely home."
The man's gaze swept past my family, but instead of acknowledging him, I instead focused my attention on the food. My appetite was pretty much shot but the delicious food served as a better alternative than looking Giovanni in the eye.
"As I am also grateful to make the acquaintance of two of Johto's esteemed dragon tamers of the Blackthorn Clan. Amongst many things, the presence of you two being here were quite a surprise." His tone was deep, smooth, and amicable, but I detected a hint of genuine exasperation?
No, it was something else that I can't put my finger on…Grgh! Another reason to be on edge, this guy was way too good at hiding his true feelings when you're not prodding him to break composure.
"As are we to be delighted to meet one of Kanto's strongest Gym Leaders in the flesh, Mr. Brando." Lance's smiled at the older man. "I take it that you have business with the Ketchums as well, sir?"
"Just a simple dinner shared with the Family is all I'm after. Nothing more or less." Bullshit. "Though there are a few matters for which I wish to settle tonight but if not then…I'll begrudgingly concede for another time."
I slightly narrowed my eyes at the man's vague reason and chose to instead focus on something more important, helping my little brother, who was aiming for the tray of baked chicken that was on the opposite end of the table.
"Aww, but bro, I can get my own food…" Ash groused.
"Ash, no reaching. Just ask for help." Taking his plate, I doled out the amount that he could finish and handed him back his dish.
"But this isn't enough though…" Which was code for: I wanted to fill my plate with chicken until it could topple in my hands.
I rolled my eyes. "The food isn't going anywhere. Finish what you can and get more later. Now choose something else to fill your plate…" Now getting my own plate, I now had my attention drawn to the other conversation at the table.
"Hmph, despite your current frail disposition, I have to admit that your tenacity to even be active at all is quite impressive, Mr. Giovanni." Clair sniffed as she began to dish out her own plate of food. "Most crumble under the dishonor of having their own gym destroyed along with failing to protect the health of themselves and their challenger from an unknown pokémon that appeared. Yet here you are…" Clair chided and began to eat despite the sharp look that Lance was shooting her.
A part of me was amazed with how Clair simultaneously sounded so respectful yet insulting at the same time.
"Clair…" Lance chided the bluenette who shamelessly her cousin to feast upon the sweet mapo tofu with surprising gusto.
"No need." Giovanni raised a hand. "I find no reason to ignore my faults for what transpired that night and I won't delude myself otherwise to save face." Yeah, right, as if you show any form of remorse for what you did. Hell, you're only sorry that you couldn't finish the job before everything came back to bite ya.
Turning to face Clair, Giovanni quietly bowed his head to her much to the bluenette's shock. "You speak the truth, miss Clair, and there is no room for me to deny your point. Even with my status as Gym Leader of Viridian on forced hiatus by the League, I still have to maintain appearances as it's protector. My current disability is no excuse for me to simply slack off." Giovanni grunted with a nod.
"Y-Yes, well, I…" Clair had to cough in order to compose herself enough to put up her imperial gaze. "I would have thought that was obvious, but at least you are aware." Coughing once more, Clair returned to her food but not before shooting her "smiling" cousin a warning glare.
"Hey, bro, what are they talking about?" Ash's face scrunched up in confusion as he pointed at our three guests. "I don't get any of it."
I patted his head with a sigh. "Nothing you should worry about, Ash. Just focus on your food."
"Okay!" I envied my little brother's ability to just pig out without a care in the world during this situation.
"Hiatus? While abroad, I did catch wind from the clan about the havoc that some mysterious pokémon caused when it appeared in Viridian, but I've yet to hear anything about you being inactive, Mr. Giovanni." Lance frowned and rubbed his chin. "Would it trouble you to explain the reason why?"
"Yes." Giovanni took a sip of his glass of water.
"Fair, but I do a question that gnaws at the back of my head. I'm certain that Champion Muramasa wouldn't have faulted you for failing to defend yourself and the challenger against that mysterious threat. I've met him in person and he doesn't seem the type to dishonorably advocate for it under those circumstances…"
I blinked in surprise. Huh, wow, how sharp of Lance. He was able to piece things together past the bum ass cover story that the league set up.
"So, the reason has to be for another reason, yes?" Lance inferred, his gaze narrowing slightly into Giovanni's stoic expression. The Team Rocket don was still a hard read, but his silence was telling. A part of me wanted to see how he'll handle slipping past this top-.
"…" My skin crawled as his lone good eye gazed at me then flickered to someone else. "Whether there was a reason for Muramasa's decision to go to the League is of no importance. I choose not to delve deeper in this topic to avoid ruining this splendid evening."
Raising a finger, mom joined the conversation, "Yes, it was…a hard time for everyone back then…especially for my little Lukey. So, lets keep all talk of that to a minimum, please~!" For the first time the entire evening, mom's voice carried a deep edge that had Lance and even Clair recoil back from the sudden whiplash.
I noticed the clattering of Ash's utensils stop. Uh-oh. I turned to my little brother to notice him looking away from the table while the hands holding his fork and spoon shook.
Taking a deep breath, I calmly rubbed my hand through his hand until his shaking stopped. Waking up in Viridian City's Pokémon Center, I've come to understand that compared to getting my back clawed out and getting strangled, the worst pain imaginable was seeing the devastation on the faces of my loved ones upon waking up from my treatment.
"Wait, you mean-?" Lance's eyes widened as he finally turned to regard me, piecing together who that "challenger" was that day. This time he bowed his head so deeply that he had nearly hit his head banging against the table. I reached out to stop him, but he deeply sighed. "It was careless of me to be so nonchalant about this topic. I deeply apologize, Luke Ketchum. My reason for coming here was to set right what should not have been a slight against you, and yet, my ignorance of the situation has brought you further turmoil."
Wow, y-you don't have to take it so seriously. Taking a better look at the 16-year-old, I smiled and waved it off. "It's fine. I'm doing fine now so don't stress over it. You didn't know so you don't have to beat yourself up." Besides, I wanted to see you push Giovanni into a corner so I wouldn't have minded if the conversation kept going.
Wow, he was not letting this go…
…Huh, I guess this Lance is an alright guy. Knowing his type, he might keep apologizing until he settles the "debt" he has to pay for his mistake.
"Well, if you want to apologize…would you mind telling me and Ash about some tales of your current journey? You mentioned going abroad somewhere, and it has me curious about what you've been up to these past four years since you defeated the Indigo Conference." I smiled and my smile only grew wider as Ash's head immediately lifted up to zero in on Lance with renewed life in them.
"I…" Lance blinked in surprise while Clair rounded on me with gritted teeth.
"You are not privy to learn about ou-!" Lance's warm laughter drowned her out and filled the dinning room.
"Hahahaha, of course! Though I do find it flattering that you are one of the few who noticed my absence, Luke Ketchum." All of a sudden, I was hit with this weird pressure. It felt like the pressure that Clair briefly exuded during that meeting with Professor Oak, except this time, I felt it. His blue eyes were no longer looking at me with guilt, they were now sizing me up as a potential rival.
It did make it a little hard to breathe, but I wasn't too fazed not meet his stare with an audacious one of my own. "Well, I only noticed it because I was waiting to see when my opponent at the conference will put in his request to begin the Elite Challenge. You're long absence just…intrigued me is all…" Which was technically the truth.
My plans for a battle with Lance were vague at best as I would have to lean on my metaknowledge to even fathom of a decent strategy to use. Lance's last appearance in the Indigo Circuit was four years ago, meaning his data is severely outdated.
"I see." Lance smirked.
"Yup." I nodded with a grin.
We kept our staredown until the both of broke it in a fit of laughter.
"Then if it will make up for my carelessness, then I'll be happy to share my tales with you and your brother. That is if he is interested in listening to me blather on about dragons all day." Lance shot Ash a knowing look that had him vigorously nod his head so fast that his hat fell off his head and into his dinner.
"Would I!" Ash cheered.
"Then prepare yourself for my return then Young Ash and Luke Ketchum! This night is clearly for business, but when we next meet, I shall share with you the wonders and splendors of my adventure through Hoenn!" Wow, I didn't know we were having Ham for dinner because Lance was definitely starting to cook.
"Are you actually-? Ugh…just…do whatever you want…" Clair facepalmed as she returned to her food. "Stupid cousin…"
"More mapo tofu, Miss Clair?" Mom offered to Clair with a smile.
"…It is sufficient for my palate so yes." Jesus, Clair, just say you like it.
"It won't hurt to share a bit, Clair. Besides, I'm sure that Zinnia's ego would just love to hear how much I may aggrandize her feats to others." Lance chuckled.
…Hearing what Lance said made something click in my mind…
…Wait, hold on…did he just-?
Then I took notice of Lance's right hand. A band was on it, and earlier had just written it off as a watch, but looking closely, no watch looks that ancient or worn.
…You know what, I'm not even going to get into it.
"Well, whenever you're ready to come over and share the story, just hit us up." I chuckled. "But…what business are you guys here for?"
Suddenly the good mood exuded from Lance died as he turned to look at his cousin, who was doing all in her power not to meet his gaze.
"Why that's simple, Luke Ketchum. It is to in fact show to you our gratitude and correct a slight made to you by the one who was supposed to represent our clan as an exemplary representative." Lance's words cut sharp as each one had left Clair trembling (in anger or shame? I had no clue; she was doing her best not show face to anyone). "I'm here because her ability to do her duty was sorely lacking in regards to the deal that we wished to make with you."
"Deal?" Ash tilted his head.
"Oh, I get it! It must correlate with you getting sweet little Faffy, right, sweetie?" Mom asked me.
"Yep." I nodded then turned to Lance. I sort of had an idea on where he was going with this. "But just to make it clear, I'm still not going to share what information I have about Sylvie to you guys."
"No, do not worry. That data pales in comparison to the boon that you had granted to us instead with that live Aerodactyl." Suddenly a fit of coughing emanated from the other side of the table. "Mr. Giovanni are you okay?"
"No, I…just…" The man kept coughing into his good hand. "Just realized how obvious a past thought of mine was…" Mom coldly poured the man a glass of water that he diligently downed with a relieved breath. "Don't mind me, proceed with your business."
Lance nodded after giving the man a weird look. "A prehistoric pokémon such as Aerodactyl is one that our clan has been desperately vying for since word of the resurrection research by Gym Leader Blaine came out to the public. For Clair to have returned with a pokémon that we expected to gain after an uncertain period of waiting was certainly…a surprise. I had to call in many favors just to get a quick round trip back to Johto just to witness this."
Damn, he literally crossed an entire region and back just for that bastard Aerodactyl? Seeing Clair begin to sink in her seat, I was sure that she too realized how big of a hole she dug herself into with all of the hubbub that must occurred back at the clan.
"To think, we can now propagate Aerodactyl as a species in the Dragon's Den. Our breeders have only just finished integrating Bagons into Den's ecosystem, so now their time available to facilitate the Aerodactyl's breeding habits will now surely bear fruit." Lance turned to me with a deep bow. "Grandmaster Talon and the rest of the Blackthorn Clan must thank you for this, Luke Ketchum. You had far exceeded our expectations for the trade."
Then his expression darkened as he scowled at his cousin. "Which is why it shames us to learn that our end of the trade was not fulfilled in its entirety." Lance placed one finger on the opposite hand's thumb and began counting down. "The original term for that data on your Sylveon was that we would give you the finest bred Dratini from the Blackthorn Clan's kennels. Except you were given a runt from our the Silverfang Clan's kennels, our subordinate clan. That alone would have been an insufficient tribute for the data that we sought. Except, you were still given said runt after granting Clair and us ownership of a living and breathing Aerodactyl."
The pressure from before began to grow across the room as Lance continued angrily to list off all the offenses made by his now shaking cousin. "The Aerodactyl given to us has now made our earlier trade of a Dratini more insufficient, which brings us to the fact that the chosen representative did not give you the prepared Dratini. This level of disrespect has besmirched the clan's honor and thus is why we are here: To set right what Clair has done to you. But first…"
He turned to his cousin and glared. "Clair, don't you have any words to share with Luke Ketchum?"
"I made an oath with Grandmaster Talon to ensure that you give your apology. The consequence for not doing so will be grave, and I have already done much to dissuade his decision from striking you off as a potential candidate as our home's Gym Leader." Damn, it was that serious? "Now then. Say it and let us be done with this."
And for the first time since she's been here, Clair finally looked at me. Her eyes blazed with so much hostility and defiance as she bit the sides of her lips. Her body shook as she was at odds with some inner force that made the task of lowering her head to me more difficult. "Luke Ketchum, for my…my…negligible duty as a representative of the Blackthorn Clan, I apologize for-!"
"No. The Grandmaster specified that you do a proper dogeza with your apology. Now do it right."
"Grgh!" Suddenly pressure began to build in the room from Clair's end before it was dwarfed by the pressure that came from Lance's end.
"Is that a denial?" Lance asked with a hint of trepidation in his tone.
"…No." Clair bitterly spat out as she walked from around the table to face me before getting on her knees and bowing her head to the ground. "Luke Ketchum, this one apologizes for bringing dishonor upon you while neglecting my duties. I am deeply, deeply ashamed."
…Huh, so this is what peak schadenfreude feels like.
"Hey, can I get on her back for a piggyback ride while she's down there?" Ash excitedly asked.
"Now isn't the time, darling." Mom scolded my pouting brother.
Scratching my cheek, I started to feel a little awkward when Clair didn't raise her head. "Well, I was a little mad with the state that Fafnir was in when I got him, but I wasn't THAT mad at you. So, it's fine. You can raise your head now…"
Clair remained on the ground, silent.
"Uh, Clair?"
"Do not worry, Luke Ketchum, she is only serving her punishment as she should. Until our business with you is over, she will remain like that until the proceedings are finished." Lance sighed.
I blinked in surprise. "Are you serious?"
"Quite." Lance nodded.
"O-Oh…okay, but I don't think my mom would approve of th-?"
"They are guests who came for you sweetie, you handle them the way you see fit. Right, Mr. Fumbles?"
"Ri-." Giovanni paused then blankly looked at mom. "Mr. Fumbles?"
"Oh, sorry~! It was just a new nickname, I had to go with Mr. Grumbles. You know because when we were setting the dishes you seemed to almost fumble with a few with that one arm of yours. Funny and clever right? They even rhyme~." Mom giggled in her hand.
"Y-Yes…funny…" Giovanni grumbled.
"I-Is it though…?" Lance muttered to himself, looking at my mother oddly. Seeing the dissonance between my mom's bright demeanor and her words must also be throwing the guy through a loop.
"I don't get it…" Ash's face scrunched up in confusion before turning to bowing Clair. "Hey, can I get that piggback ride n-?"
""No."" Mom and I simultaneously put a stop to his train of thought.
"Ugh, fine…" Then Ash's eyes brightened as he looked across the table toward-! Oh hell no! "Then can Mr. Gio give me a piggyba-?"
"…" Did that bastard just sigh in disappointm-nope! I'm not going to even acknowledge that.
Ignoring the pouting boy and him, we turned our attention back to Lance.
"Now to get to business." Lance began, pulling my attention back to him. He reached to his trainer belt to unclasp three pokeball, each bearing a black thorn logo on it (unlike Faffy's pokeball which had a silver fang logo). "As proper repayment for the trade, the Blackthorn Clan has deemed it necessary to provide you with not only the original Dratini that was promised to you but also another well-bred pokémon from the clan's kennels. Do not fret, the Grandmaster has personally seen to it that the pokémon selected for tonight are the finest of what we offer to our brightest members."
"Coooooool~!" Ash's eyes gleamed as he marveled at each pokémon. "What are they?"
"The Dratini that was originally supposed to go to your brother, a Bagon, and a Trapinch." Lance explained.
"Ash Reginald Ketchum, control your volume when at the table." Mom scolded and this time Ash did wilt enough to comply, but his enthusiasm remained.
"Sorry mom, but this is so cool, bro! Trapinch become Flygons and they go super fast, but Bagons are like the Dragonites of Hoenn! They're super strong AND fast! They're both so great, you gotta pick one bro!" Ash excitedly pushed his chair close to mine so he could grab my shoulders and erratically shake me.
Those are indeed great picks, but…
"Yeah, I don't think I'll pick any of them." I sheepishly scratched my cheek while ignoring Ash's distressed wails and incessant tugging of my shirt.
"Wha-?" Lance paused then rubbed his chin. "Hm, I see…the Grandmaster did foresee this as a possibility and has even offered you any favor that we can grant you, but are you sure? The Dratini that I possess was originally yours for the trade, so it would be no trouble to swap it for the runt."
"His name is Fafnir, and no…I'd like to stick with him. Sure, he's a runt now, but one day he's going to be a dragon that will topple mountains and split the heavens." I grinned. "I want to enjoy the process of getting him up there, so thanks but no thanks."
Lance slowly nodded as a tiny gleam of respect shone in his eyes. "If that is your wish then so be it. That still leaves our clan with a massive debt to you, Luke Ketchum. What do you desire? For this occasion, the clan will do almost anything to repay you."
Anything, huh? Well, I'm already getting three Aerodactyl eggs that were originally promised in the deal with Clair, and I do already have Faffy. In all likelihood, I'm pretty satisfied. Though, I don't want to keep this debt for too long either. Right now its viewed in a positive light by their clan, but waiting too long to ask them for something may end up in them seeing it as a burden then eventually a hassle.
Hm, lemme test some things…
"So, any favor?"
"Yes, any favor."
"Even if that favor were to ask the Grandmaster to forgive Prof. Oa-?"
"Sorry, let me rephrase my earlier statement: Yes, almost any favor." Lance tiredly groaned.
Okay, so I just wanted to see if they were THAT desperate to repay me. Good to know…good to know…
Um…urgh…what else do I even want from them?
"Can I have them?" Ash asked, reaching out for them before I smacked his hand away.
"No." Mom denied.
"B-But he doesn't even want them!" Ash frustratedly pointed at me.
"They aren't even yours to be given to, sweetie…"
"But still!"
"Still nothing…" I rolled my eyes. "Yeah, I can't really think of anything right now, so do you mind if I hit you guys with a raincheck for now?"
Lance sighed and looked downcast. "It is misfortunate that we can't settle debt now, but so be it. I can't force you to make your demand, then I take it that our business is done for now?"
I did a "so-so" gesture with my hand. "Well, only the business for the deal. I have another matter that I wish to settle with you guys…particularly one of you guys." My eyes fell to a still Clair, who no doubt noticed my gaze on her. "Clair Blackthorn, I challenge you to a 6-on-6 battle right here in Pallet Town." Suddenly the room became very tense while Ash's whining became whoops and excited hollering.
"But even though I'm hankering for a battle, you are the one who sought me out for it, so I will be dictating the time and day that we'll face each other." I left no room for argument with my statement, and weirdly enough, Clair remained quiet with her head to the ground. "On April 30[sup]th[/sup], the month before the next Circuit begins, my team and I will gladly bring all that I have to bear upon you. Do you accept this challenge, Clair Blackthorn?"
"…" Uh…she was still on the floor.
Lance chuckled and shot me a knowing look. O-Oh! Yeah, I guess I also have the power to end our previous talk if I'm still undecided about my choice of repayment for the debt. "Right, so the battle is a different matter entirely. Okay…" I breathed in and deeply exhaled. "So, to repeat myself. I'm undecided until I do make up my mind on what I want from your clan. Our talks in regard to your purpose for being here is over."
I noticed Clair's body started to loosen up. Smiling in relief, I asked, "So your answer to my challenge?"
Getting up to a knee, Clair slowly raised her head and intensely burrowed her pretty blue gaze into my brown eyes. It was a little intimidating, her brow wasn't furrowed, and she didn't look angry, but her eyes carried that passionate fervor that threatened to burst from within. Through her tightened jaw and gritted teeth, she hissed out, "Yes, I do."
Composing myself, I glared back at her and grinned. "Good. Glad to know that we're on the same page…" I reached out to the table for a specific dish and held it out to her with a goofy smile. "More Mapo Tofu?" I had hoped that would break her composure, but it didn't.
Throughout this entire dinner with her, that was all I got from my interaction with Clair. After that, she got up and returned to her seat to partake in her meal. As if she hadn't just prostrated herself at my feet. Not even Lance congratulating her for swallowing her pride, broke her from the intense one-sided staredown that she was exchanging with her bowl of rice.
The rest of the evening went surprisingly well even with that bastard joining us. Mom just went jabbering on about setting up a get-together with the others in town to make a local event with my battle with Clair down at the Café. Lance had even put in his two cents about putting off his return to Hoenn just to spectate while also informing the Clan of the proceedings.
While Giovanni was…thankfully just there. He was far more subdued than I would have expected, not that I was complaining. The less interaction that me and Ash had with him, the better. Although one topic that Ash brought up did bring practically everyone at the table into the fold to share in the conversation.
"You wish to know whether it's best for new trainers to capture and raise either a primary dragon type pokémon or train up a pokémon that becomes a secondary dragon type?" Lance rubbed his chin in thought.
"Yeah!" Ash nodded. "Me and my best friend Blossom got into an argument about it last week. She kept talking about how her mom turned out to be the strongest trainer ever because she raised up a Dratini as a starter. Wouldn't it be easier to just train up a pokémon like Trapinch than Dratini?"
"Sure, if that's the path that you think would benefit you while taking into account the nature of the pokémon." Lance shrugged.
"Buuut I wanna know whether its best to train one rather than to train a primary dragon right off the bat...!" Ash whined.
"There are no absolutes in this world, little boy." Clair grunted in between bites of her salad. "The sooner you get that, the sooner you understand that your options aren't so limited by your lack of perception."
"Hey, I-! Huh, what does she mean by that?" Ash had to stop himself short, unaware on whether he should be mad or confused.
Lance laughed at this, "Don't think too much about it. Her way of conveying her advice is rough, but the fact that Clair even chose to respond shows that she's impressed with your question." Clair simply huffed but didn't deny Lance's statement. "As am I, I don't see many your age who consider these things."
My brother sheepishly rubbed the back of his head and chuckled, "Well, that's because my bro's always around to talk about pokémon with me! He even got me these cool pokécards detailing so much about the Indigo League's pokémon!" Ash excitedly jabbered.
Ah, yes, the pokécards that James just loved to use in the anime. They were the closest that you could get to the pokédex, but without the ability to constantly update the information on it. There were some days in school where Ash needed the extra help because beyond "Pokémon are so cool, I wish I had one", he didn't know the technical knowledge or understanding that made pokémon cool.
The pokémon's typing, potential move pool, and their simple recorded facts were just the way to gain my brother's attention. I did have to lambast most of the entries just to grasp his attention, but it worked when I no longer had to wrangle him into study. After asking for the cards to keep, he actually likes to go through them on his own and seek the information out for himself.
Lance smiled. "Well, I'm glad that your brother was able to stimulate your curiosity to such a degree. As for your question, I have to agree with Clair. There isn't much difference if you choose a primary or secondary dragon type pokémon as your first choice to train. Although, the only difference would be your starting line, but that also factors in the pokémon's personality."
Ash cutely tilted his head. "How so?"
"Well, despite common belief, a dragon type pokémon isn't always so prideful. Sometimes their nature makes them more placid and timid." Lance explained.
"Oh, sort of like Faffy!"
"Faffy?" Lance turned to me and my mom.
"Fafnir." I nodded.
"Yep, my sweetie's darling little glutton." I rolled my eyes as mom pinched my cheek.
"Yes, like…Faffy…" Lance coughed. "Some secondary dragon types can be just as arrogant or haughty as their primary contemporaries. It's all a matter of the pokémon's nature."
"However-" I narrowed my eyes as his voice joined the conversation. "That isn't to say that training a Trapinch isn't a poor choice, little one. It's more likely that a nest of Trapinch will be less trouble than choosing from a strong flock of dragon types. The growth to become a dragon type will allow you ample opportunity to grow close to the Trapinch as it evolves to eventually become a Flygon."
"Ah, of course. Who better to get more ample advice than the Ground Type specialist himself." Lance grinned. "I did hear word that you've employed a couple pokémon from the Trapinch line into your Gym Challenges."
"Indeed, but I don't quite have one that's been trained to be considered part of my Elite team. Although that's simply because of my high standards. I suggest that if you want to dabble in either catching a primary or secondary dragon type that you also consider how their other typing would affect their nature."
"Huh? Nature…?" Ugh, now Ash was even more confused.
"Sort of like how a fire type can be more aggressive and that aggression can make a dragon type ten times more aggressive." I explained as childishly as I can for Ash to get.
"Oh, I see!" Ash nodded. "So then how would a primary ground type affect a dragon type's personality?" Ash asked.
"Why not ask your mother, she also possesses more than enough knowledge about Nidoqueens and Nidokings." Giovanni chuck-hold on, what the hell? How come he knows about that second part?
"You do, Mom?" Ash's eyes widened.
"Of course, dear." Mom held up her bicep and smiled. "Your mommy was quite the hard worker back in the day. Lizzie and I would always help your Great Grandmother Delilah with setting up traps around the settlem-town when I was around you and Lukey's age."
Ah, right…that must have been the period during the second war before Pallet Town was settled.
"As to give you a clue…hm…" Mom tapped a finger to her chin, before snapping her fingers with a smile. "Oh, you know how "grounded" and calm Lizzie acts when a fight breaks out between her and Cleo whenever you try to prank them by switching their food bowls?"
"WHO TOLD Y-! I mean, yes…hypodermically."
"Hypothetically?" Giovanni corrected.
"Bless you, Mr. Geo."
Ash quickly composed himself while I groaned at mom's pun.
"Well, think of it is as making a Dragon type pokémon act simpler than most others." Mom said.
"What does that mean though?" Ash squinted his eyes in thought.
"It means they won't overcomplicate things and they're straightforward." I added.
"Ah, so the opposite of Gary." Ash laughed.
"First off that's rude." I narrowed my eyes at my brother, who lowered his head in shame. "Second off, that was a sick burn, so you get a pass." I raised a fist that Ash happily bumped with his own. "And lastly, you can stand to relate to them, especially Rhyhorns, since you have more in common with them than you may realize." I took a long swig of my water.
"What? Really!? What is it!?" I kept drinking my water, uncaring of my brother's expectant gaze. "H-Hey, come on, bro! Tell me! I-Is it something bad?" I just kept drinking my empty glass of water, uncaring that Ash was shaking me in my seat. "TELL ME!"
Dinner was…nice.
After all of the food was eaten and everyone heaped their praise onto mom for the meal and being a gracious host, it was time for everyone to start leaving. Lance and Clair were actually the first ones to go. Clair didn't even bother to say her farewell to me, but she did give her thanks to mom for being a good host and encouraged Ash to keep considering his personal questions on matter regarding dragon types and how their behaviors influence their training.
As for Lance, he promised Ash and I that he'd contact us to chat about what he's been up to in Hoenn amongst another topic that he wished to talk with me about. Upon the departure of the Blackthorn duo, I immediately went to gather up the dishes and take them to the kitchen, uncaring about our third remaining guest.
I trusted mom, so I knew she would definitely lead him out of the house before we got to talk about why he was in our home.
Unfortunately, I was dead wrong.
"Say, Lucas, could you be a dear and take Mr. Grumbles with you into the kitchen to help wash all the dishes?"
"Wha-?" My mouth gaped in shock.
"I would help but Ash is in desperate need of a bath!" Mom giggled, pinching Ash's food covered cheeks.
"No, I don't! I'm perfectly clean!" Ash growled, throwing a fit while stamping his feet.
"Hm, okay, then…Lizzie dearie!" Mom's Nidoqueen crooned from outside in response to her call. "Get the hose!" I couldn't even muster the energy to laugh as my pale brother ran away screeching about "BathTimeBathTimeBathTime".
The thought that I was going to have to spend time alone with this bastard just made me sick to my stomach.
…Although, I'd rather be alone with him than him being alone with them. So, if this compromise is all that's needed, then fine.
"Fine…" I groaned.
"Thank you so much, dear." Mom giggled and walked into the kitchen to bring out the mechanical cook timer and set it for 10 minutes. Placing it down on the dining room table, she shot Giovanni a look. "Its been…an experience having you here, Mr. Giovanni. I do apologize if you must leave before I'm done washing my son, so I just wanted to wish you a lovely night."
The man's expression softened as he bowed his head. "Already you've done far more than I expected, so I humbly give you my deepest gratitude, Delia. Also, again, I want to convey to you my apologies for-"
"No, stop." Giovanni's jaw shut as mom raised her hand at him. "Just...stop." My mom's smile fell and no longer did any warmth come from her. She just coldly stared at the man and shook her head. "This." She pointed to the timer. "Is all I'll allow."
And without saying a word to either of us, mom quickly followed after Ash, yelling at the boy for leaving his dirty clothes on the downstairs floor and staircase.
Now it was just me and Giovanni.
Alone. With nothing but the clicking sound of the timer to accompany us.
"I suppose we should get to wo-hnrk!" I didn't give the man the chance to say anything as I roughly shoved shoulder into his lame arm on my way to the Kitchen. Usually, I'd feel just awful for doing that to any other person suffering from a disability.
But since that person today was Giovanni, I decided to make one of many exceptions for the bastard.