Chapter 4: What is Death
In a top floor balcony in the middle of the city while the sun was still high in the sky, two devure can be seen chatting away. Sitting across each other, enjoying their water and a side dish of sweet deserts.
While Nosra had changed to his casual clothes for daily life, Fanrar was still wearing his fighting outfit, fit to protect him from the nasty elements of monsters and demons.
"So will you finally depart today then, eh?"
"Yes, for it is time."
"And after all our friendship, you are still not going to teach me your flame technique?"
Even though it wasn't long that they knew each other, they had become weirdly close, so close in fact that Nosra had thought that Fanrar was seeing someone else trough him.
"For what you lie, my friend, you and I know that there is nothing to teach, you already know how to use it."
"But I still don't have full control over it yet"
"For it is not something I should teach, it is something you should practice, my friend."
They drink water as they watched the bustling city down below. They smelled the fresh air and sensed the light breeze on their skin, they enjoyed it quite a lot, relaxing after a difficult expedition.
"Would you consider joining the Orya of Tryen? For people like you would be appreciated there."
"Not really friend, I enjoy being a part of the Vanquisher, and if I leave, who would replace me? Surely the Old Guard is not to be forced to fight demons again."
"For that is true, but do still consider the offer, would you?"
Nosra continued enjoying the sight of the city, as he spotted a flock of birds gliding away above the crowd. While far away, he could see each person with precise detail, from their clothes to the color of their eyes.
"I heard Flamehart is even livelier than this."
"Certainly, for as much as a frontier city to attract young warrior vying for glory, the Great City became a sanctuary for normal people, wanting safety and the guardianship of the strong."
Fanrar always sang the praises of Flamehart, from its busy harbor to the hustling uptown. He described it like a utopia, the perfect city.
"Definitely, if I were without power, I would rather go to Dranaye than staying in this place. Waiting to die."
They continued to drank their water, this one tasted bitter-sweet.
"So will be going to the Great Forest to reach Flamehart?"
"But I heard there used to be a route in Saralanorth connecting Lhatanya and the rest of Ravanna"
"Very much so, for once I used that very route for my expeditions, but ever since the Demonic Age, the port cities in the outer region had been destroyed, including the previous princedom's northernmost cities, Venalora."
Fanrar had also told Nosra about his 7 decade journey from Lhatanya to the Dragonnia, then to the east until the Vaine archipelago just south of Flamehart, it is safe to say that he had explored most of the western continent.
They chattered more and more, until the dusk in drawing near, then they said their goodbyes. Parting way to their own arduous path.
Fanrar then got up and walked toward the door of the balcony.
"Before you go… is it only you that speak this way or every flamehartian does?"
Fanrar left without answering. Every step felt heavier than before, for he knew the true reason why his Lord had called him to leave this place.
That same evening in the Vanquisher Public House, where they serve top quality animal blood and meat. Nosra and Oleva is talking to each other in front of the counter.
"You might be the commander of Daenlora's Vanquisher soon."
The silver eyes are solely focused on the drink that he got for himself, shallowing it like it's his last. Maybe he was exhausted from his work, or rather he was just so infatuated with blood in general.
"Maybe, after the death of Heskan, the only vanquisher around capable of leading is me after all." And he, too, is downing a glass of blood.
"Aren't you feel a little sad, it's not that long ago you that you two are friend. But then again, it's the Old Guard who took his life."
Nosra sighed, "Let the dead search for the meaning of life, all we need to do is live on."
They continued drinking the blood of animal, not to forget the occasional meat they chewed and ate.
"Enough of this, how about the second corps, where are they?"
"Still nothing."
Months had passed without single news of them.
The northern frontier is always the most dangerous one, but this time, it seems like no one is making it back.
"So they are dead too?" A heavy atmosphere fell down upon the room, As everyone else, who is all part of the Vanquisher, take a brief moment of silence.
"What about the trainees then? They better be ready, tomorrow is the day." Nosra gripped his class tightly.
"Aren't you a bit harsh, sending them to their death as their first mission?"
"They came here knowing that this city is the northernmost frontier of the princedom, they better be ready to die" He continued to drink as the whole place was drowning in chatter.
"So, what about your research?"
"The usual, corrosive blood, awful smell, and disgusting flesh… we tried to fed people its flesh and blood, but they all die not long after."
"Well, you should just feed me some, you know."
The night passes as the both of them drank blood and continued to chatter away.
It's been a while since Oleva had left his farm behind and giving it away to a close friend. Now he was a part of the Vanquisher as a lead researcher, trying to uncover the secret of a demon and made more innovation to better fight them.
But that's all just their goal and dream, in truth nobody knew how to kill demons other than with brute force, even the dragons have no idea how to stop the onslaught for good.
"Oh, death, how so I miss you."