Chapter 11: 10: Angel of Death
|| Chloe Shigaraki
|| Quirk : Immortality
You had suspected there was something your mom was hiding about her quirk, but this was unexpected. Not only that, but apparently your parents were lying to you all along.
Way back, when you were only three years old.. that test result didn't say you had an 80% chance of receiving your dad's quirk.
It said there was an 80% chance of you receiving both your parents' quirks.
Which, apparently, turned out to be the case... But then why would your own parents hide such a thing from you? That was what you really wanted to know.
Your dad didn't want you to be near your mom right now, and your mom didn't want you to be near your dad either. So to your old room you went, TV and all. Your parents would visit you at different times throughout the day, but even then you were so terribly alone!
""M- maybe you can sneak out and come to live with me for a little bit?? Hana is moving out of town in a couple weeks for her high school, so there's an extra room!"" Tenko offered. Your phone was lying on your bed. You were curled up beside it. It was a late night already, and you two had just spent the past hour essentially venting to one another. You were already reaching the point of tears, and your long-time friend could hear that. This was rare for you. Expressing your emotions like this. Too bad you couldn't tell Tenko everything. Heh, you could easily stay up another five hours just doing that!
"Thanks, Tenny, but... I dunno.. I just hope everything between them turns out alright... I really miss when they loved each other.."
"I'm coming over to your house. Don't know what we can do, but I'm not going to let you stay sad like that... Do you want me to bring any games..? O-or! I started collecting comic books we could read!"
You were speechless. Laying there on the bed, you reached out and held the device in one hand. Even more tears entered your eyes. "...Yes.. I- I don't really care either!...
That would be fun."
You had no idea how, and you weren't going to ask, but somehow Tenko convinced his mom to go on a little trip by himself. Either that or he ran away. A week after it was decided, there was a knock at your bedroom window.
You gasped, at first startled, but then excited as, through the curtains, peeked the young teen's face. "Tenny!!" You raced to the window and opened it at once.
The boy threw his belongings inside but remained outside. "You wanna go on a walk with me?"
You hummed sadly, checking over your shoulder. "..But my mom's like the warden to a prison right now."
"Just a short one! Come on! You can play the track while you're gone!"
"The--? Oh! Right!" 'The Track' was something you had recorded in preparation for a moment like this. It was basically just audio of your one-sided conversation with Tenko on the past as you played games together. Since your mother wasn't allowed to hover over you all the time anymore, it would be a lot easier to play this trick on her!
Once it started playing on the speaker, you hurried out of the window and followed Tenko, climbing over the privacy fence to escape your backyard. You whispered, "Mission success!" as you landed on the other side. Tenko tugged your short sleeve to follow him in the shadows the fences made.
"Just because you broke out doesn't mean it was a successful prison break! Now hurry! After me!" The two of you laughed as you snuck away together. Once you were sure to be out of hearing range, you allowed yourselves to walk and talk normally.
"So how does it feel to be shorter than me, Tenny?" You placed your arm on the boy's shoulder as you walked down a lonely sidewalk. Nothing but grass and trees all around. The other shoved you away.
"Just you wait til I hit my growth spurt, (Y/n)! I'll be miles taller than you!" The boy boasted. Knowing he canonically would only grow to about 5'9, however, you had your doubts~ especially if you had your dad's tall genes!
The two of you walked and talked for literal hours on end, to the point that you didn't even care if Chloe found out. It was just so nice to have a friend to talk to, especially in person! You even brought Tenko to visit with Jin for a little while! Since it had been so long, the guy was obviously worried about you. So, it was nice getting to catch up with that friend too.
This was a little strange.. considering Chloe used to be the friend you would always do the same with--sneaking off to have a little fun away from your parents. Talking for hours at a time. ..You missed that Chloe. Where was she??
"You're going to spend the night at my house, right?"
"Yeah, maybe? If you're alright with having a monster under your bed."
"PSSHHH!" You punched his shoulder.
"Hey, do you have any cool quirks, by the way? M'not saying I'm not grateful for the one you gave me! Just wondering if you got any cooler ones since then."
"I...haven't really been given the chance to lately."
"Ah.." kicking a rock off the path.
"But, I heard about this one YouTuber's quirk that is pretty cool!"
"Wait so you don't just steal from bullies??"
"Hey! I haven't stolen it! Just think it's cool!"
"Okay, now you have to tell me their name!"
Jona Shimmaron, a local YouTuber with a pretty sick quirk that you took a special liking to. He can turn into a cat at will and vice-versa. He started his channel by making a load of uncanny cat videos, dancing as a cat to popular music, etc. Now, he's mostly known for pranking people as a cat by actually reacting to what people are saying to him, or straight-up switching in and out of animal form at the perfect time! This guy was a pretty big deal online actually, but you couldn't help but watch with jealousy, knowing you could so easily have that ability for yourself. After showing the channel to Tenko, he agreed. He was a little jealous too! But, it would just be rude to steal the guy's quirk, especially since he was doing nothing with it but making people laugh and having a grand old time! Oh well. One can dream...
"...So what do you want to do when you grow up?" Tenny ambled, scraping his heels over the pavement as he went. His hands gripped one another behind his neck, looking up at the sky as twilight came. A few stars poked through the deep blue. Strangely enough, neither of you were worried about the inevitable outcome of your parents finding out. Because no matter what happened, at the end of the day, you had each other to support.
...You'd be fine.
"Um... A hero I guess?"
"What do you mean, 'you guess'? You'd be an amazing hero, (Y/n)!"
"You..really think so? I mean, I always thought this power was better suited for villains.. or- or vigilantes or something!"
"Nahhh! If you want to be a hero, then you're going to be a hero! We can be partners if you want! Or even build a whole team of heroes! And you can give everyone little quirks that will help their main ones!"
You started to chuckle nervously, rubbing the back of your neck. "I...guess so. That might work." Tenny tackled your side, wrapping an arm around your shoulders happily. You reflexively tightened your hands into fists. Couldn't risk accidentally activating that Decay quirk again. Not around another person. Such a wholesome smile your friend had. You only got a side view of his face, but that was all you needed to know he was living a fulfilling life already.. "Um... Tenny?"
"Have you ever... Nevermind."
"Ughh, spt it out, (Y/n)! Especially if it's important!"
"Okay okay!" You inhaled slowly, then exhaled slowly. "...I've been having... dreams, lately." Your friend rose a brow.
"What sort of dreams? Nightmares?"
"I'm- um. No.. Kinda like visions...of- of another world!"
"Just-- ...Promise me you won't turn evil, okay?"
Tenko's brows furrowed slightly. "Why would I ever do that??"
"I-it could happen to anyone, really! Just.. being sure."
"...Hm.. Alright. But you have to promise me you won't turn evil either, okay?!" He shook you playfully, making you laugh.
Prying his arm off your shoulder. "Okay! Okay! I won't!.. You don't have to worry about me."
'You won't have to worry about me at all..'
Fearing what your parents might do if they found out you had snuck out with a friend, you climbed back in through the window yourself and tossed Tenko his things. Told him to wait out here a little while until things had calmed down. He patiently did so. Thankfully, Jin was kind enough to provide the two of you with dinner earlier, because there would likely be no food for the rest of tonight.
After closing the window, you tiptoed around to the door of your bedroom. Your speaker and everything had turned off already. You weren't sure if that was because they ran out of batteries or if someone else turned them off. Playing it natural, you grabbed a cup by the door and tiptoed out with it in hand. The lights were off. Very little dusk light trickled in through the windows.
The kitchen you entered was especially dark. Only one lone window over the sink shed any light. After entering, you flicked on the switch.
You gasped. You dropped the cup at once. Similar to before, your mother sits hunched in the former shadows of the kitchen sink. Now illuminated eerily by the dim orange light, the ginger's head jumped to a raise. She wasn't usually one to wear makeup, but... Thick streaks of mascara drenched her cheeks. Made it look like she was still crying even though they were already crusty and dry. "(Y/n)?" She horsed, then sniffed. You stood there stiffly. In a way, you had come to expect this...but still. Why did she have to make you so sad like this? Simply for being gone?
Yet....your mother smiled. That was a surprise. It wasn't exactly genuine, but at least she was trying. Just a tad too forced. Nah, it was more like the kind of smile you get when you're uber-drunk.
"Baby~!" She stretched out her arms in welcome to you. She had three knives sticking into her gut. That was the first thing you noticed, telling you something was severely wrong. "(Y/n), my baby! I'm so glad you're okay~!" The woman giggled, pushing herself to stand. She wobbled a little once on her newly placed legs and used the sink behind her to reclaim some lost balance. There were no empty bottles or any sign of drugs left around!
"Hi...Mom.. I'm really sorry for leaving. I know... I shouldn't. I won't do it again. Just, please.. take the knives out of your stomach." Your weary eyes watched her closely. Chloe pushed herself from the sink and stumbled towards you.
"It's okay, I'm fine, I'm fine, it's okay, I'm alright, I'm okay. Mommy's okay." She droned on as though she were in autopilot. The woman wrapped her arms around you and pulled you close. You felt the handles of those knives rub against your belly and chest. The sounds of them digging even deeper into your mother's torso made your own stomach churn. "It is you I was worried about.. I haven't seen your father all day. And with you gone, I thought-..." She pulled you to her even tighter, repeating those same disgusting sounds with the knives as her blood dripped onto the floor. "...I was certain he had taken you from me already sweet (Y/n) precious baby.."
"Um...Mom..?" Blood was getting all over your shoes, little droplets sprinkling your ankles, legs, and pants that stopped past the knees. "P..please stop, Mommy... I know you're immortal, but this is getting scarry...." You whined. But the woman couldn't seem to hear you. Her arms wrapped around your back held on to one another with an iron grip.
"I tried.. I tried.. I tried so so hard to make him change; to make him better!" Crying a little, your mother leaned into you, stabbing the knives through her even more. A new wave of blood splashed onto the ground. You wavered under the new weight. Her whole body...was trembling.
"..M-M-Mommy? A-are you talking about Da-ad? What happened???"
Mom wiggled her chin into the crook of your neck and hid her face within your hair, shuttering breaths tickling the hairs of your neck. She was on the verge of tears again. "He's a monster Hell bent on creating another monster." Her sobs sharpened into chuckles. Chuckles that shook both hers and your body. "You're- you're- you're the second closest he's ev-r gotten.. I had to eat the last.. I had no choice.. His regeneration could only be beaten by my own- I-- A-HAH!" Her mouth opened wide in a laugh that shook your eardrum. A drop of spit slid from her mouth onto the base of your neck. Your joints all locked up. Like an old wooden puppet, you stumbled away from her, pushing now against the woman's bloody torso. "A-ha-a-ha-a!" Her laughter sounded so painful. Drenched in emotions you could only experience in your darkest nightmares. "Thirty-seven! That's how many children I've had! -n y'r the Thirty-seventh! My baby! My child! Trust me I really don't want to hurt you!!" Her laughter faded back into sobbing. One arm of hers wrapped around the back of your neck while the other plucked a knife from her stomach. More blood gushed out but the wound was quickly sealed. Your own mother pulled you closely, muffling your shouts with her chest as she stabbed you once, twice, and thrice in the back! All while she sobbed into your shoulder. "M' sorry, baby.. I- I really am!"
You twisted free of your mother's hold around her neck, however, she managed to catch a fist full of your hair. "Momma, why?! I- I don't want to hurt you, why are you--?!"
"Because I don't want to lose you, (Y/n)!! Not as the sweet little girl you are!" She gasped when you tore one of the knives from her stomach. "Baby, I just don't want him to turn you into another monster!!!"
"He WON'T!" Swinging your hand bearing the knife out, you cut the hair off that your mother held on to and fell back. You stumbled and tripped until you fell against a mostly decorative small desk. "M-mmom, I swear! I won't let him!!"
You landed on the ground, hard, and reached back to feel the bloody wounds still there. Your mother had convinced your father to suppress your regenerative quirk somehow! How she managed that was beyond you, especially if the whole thing about eating her past child was true!! "Mom! What happened to the others?!" You found yourself asking as she neared. She was a wreck, somehow both laughing and crying at the same time!
"Well-m-all the ones deemed failures were used f'r Nomu scraps-- a-and I w's forced to-oo-oo! I'm so-orry, (Y/n)! I tr-ied t' ke-ep you with me as long as I could!" Your mother pounced on top of you, pinning both of your legs between her own. Your head bumped against the small desk as you tried and failed to evade her swings. Your arms held above you, acting as your only shield. Her knife stabbings felt like little pricks, your adrenaline was so high, but the blood gushing down your arms and onto your face reminded you that action needed to be taken now! But at the same time, you didn't really want to hurt her!!
Thinking quickly, you grabbed the third and final knife lodged in her stomach and yanked it out. You tossed both blades aside and threw your hand up to grab your mom's forehead. Your hand started to glow at once, the familiar tingling sensation trickling into you. She continued to swing desperately at you, cutting up your face, your arm, and your sides. She fought and fought until the last ounce of her quirk had been drained from her body. You hoped that now, for a second; now that she was mortal, she may just be easier to talk to and fend off.
Your mother's body instead shriveled up where she sat on her knees. Her thighs over you dried like raisins. Locks upon locks of ginger hair fell into your face. And by the time you blew and wiped all of that hair away, the hollow eyes of your mummified mother bore down on you like a curse.
"MOM!?!!!?" You screamed. That was NOT what you expected would happen at all! "MOM-MOM-MOM-NO-NO-NO-NO!!!" You shoved the corpse off of you, which snapped in half upon hitting the ground. Tears filled your eyes, shielding you from the finer details of what you had just done. Your mother, once your best friend!! WHY DID IT HAVE TO COME TO THIS!?!
...What have you done..?
There was nothing for you to do but run. If your father really was the monster your mother so claimed, then there was no use in running to him!
"(Y/N)??! What's going on in there!?" Tenko called from the direction of your room. It was a struggle to stand up again. With all this pain and all of this stress and adrenaline, it was hard to do anything! But using the mini desk in the hall just outside the kitchen, you managed to stand from the pool of your own blood by the time Tenko appeared. "(Y/n)?? OH MY GOD!!!"
"WAIT, (Y/N)!!!"
|| Decay
You sprinted to the door and slapped it. The entire door crumbled away in a moment. You ran outside and stumbled down the front steps.
|| Blueflame
You created a small flame wall over the grass and concrete to wall-off your friend from following. Then, using a combination of two different quirks, you sped down the sidewalk at quicker-than-average speeds, not breaking a sweat until you were at least a mile away!
You had no idea what you were going to do next, but you knew you just needed to GO! You couldn't risk putting anyone else in harm's way!
Bloody. Blood still leaking from your wounds, collecting with older dried blood to form a sticky paste. Breathing erratic. Thoughts nowhere and everywhere at once. You were in survival mode, which you were fairing terribly at. Your eyes. They were filled with blood and tears. It stung so bad! The taste, the smell!
You sat alone in the darkest corner of the darkest alleyway you could find. All sticky and gross. With all of these open wounds, it wasn't hard to imagine yourself getting sick after this.
Who knows? Maybe you would die here, pathetically here on the street. Wasn't hard to imagine, sad as it was.
. . .
"He-here it is, boss! Don't know what it could be, bu-ut I think it's human! Saw it running really fast earlier!!" A thug pointed down the alley you were hiding in. You scooted your back further against the brick even though it stung to do so.
"Ughhhh... We're not here out on patrol for silly little pets-- ...That is a lot of blood.." The masked brunette noted your blood staining the ground. His golden eyes followed the trail of crimson liquid all the way to the distant corner. His shoes scraped over the concrete some as he entered, the thug who led him here trailing behind. Eventually, he stopped at the edge of the darkest shadow which you hid under. "Are you human?" The black-masked man asked. You nodded your head, something that was just barely noticeable to him thanks to your white hair. He could hear your erratic breathing, something you tried and failed to calm. "Well come out here. You don't want to die like that, do you?" The man was kind of scary. Though you recognized his voice a little for some reason, the fact that the light behind him made his body out to be a looming silhouette in the darkness really didn't help.
Despite this, he was right. You didn't want to die out here like this. So, you slowly crawled out from the shadows, holding closely the arm that bled the most. Both strangers gasped.
"It's a little kid!" The thug.
"She's filthy." His boss.
That comment...somehow..sounded so familiar... Your eyes broadened slightly. You weren't expecting to run into another familiar face.
"...Kai..?" You croaked weakly, then dropped onto your knees. Your legs just gave out! Your whole world spun now that you dared stand while so little blood was in your system. The stranger before you flinched a little.
"How do you know my name?" He questioned. But you decided fainting would be better than answering that. So, you plopped onto your side, letting the darkness win out for once.
If you were going to die, then so be it!
It was impossible to imagine how you would move on from this anyway...
. . .
"Hhhh... I'm not carrying her."
"Uh-m, yessir?"