Hell's Empress (books 1-4)

Chapter 7: 6: Bakugo's On My Hit List

 "You sure you're not gunna be lonely without me, right..?" Tenko asked, balancing on the stone wall lining the sidewalk you walked along. His hands were stretched out on either side of him, occasionally glancing down at your simpler form of travel.

 "..I'm just glad your mom finally decided to leave that wretch, even if it does mean you'll be moving away... I'll be fine."

 "But you're not very good at making friends on your own." Tenko laughed, hopping down a small decline in the wall. You clicked your tongue and rolled your eyes. But, he had a point there.

 It was a somber evening. School had just gone out. And only two days ago had you heard the news about your friend's parents getting a divorce. There was still a lot to process about this situation. Tenko was the kind of friend who could always rely on you. Whenever he was scared to go home and face his family, he would spend the night over at your house. His sister sometimes joined him as well. And though he was a little upset about not being able to play with other quirks like before, he understood the reason and was fine with just keeping the one he had already. There were plenty of ways he could play with it, after all. And, like always, he was excited to train with it and become a hero. If anything.. you were a little worried about him being lonely, since you had Twice/Jin to visit now.

 Six years had you two been friends. That was now longer than you had been friends with Chloe before your deaths...

 "...If you're ever feeling lonely, just remember me every time you use your quirk, alright?"

 "I already do! How could I not??" Tenko laughed aloud. You chuckled softly at his right. Of course.. it was a silly request. "We can still call each other, right?!"


 "Great! Then let's make sure we get into the same high school at least, preferably one like UA!" That name being said aloud, in the world you considered so real...was so weird. You two were eleven now, more than a decade old!.. Now how funny was that?.. So close to finally fleeing elementary school! "Promise you'll always be my friend.. Alright, (Y/n)?" You stopped walking after he had done so, the two of you locking eyes. One of you up on the wall while the other was on the sidewalk, you stared at each other for a moment.

 A little smile stretched across your lips. "Of course, Tenny."


 "Moooom, I'm home!!" You called after entering through the front door. Across the house at the sliding back door was your mother. She stood in the open door, leaning against its frame. Outside were the flowers she planted earlier that year, now dying to the creeping winter. "Mom?" You left your shoes by the door and dropped your bag onto the floor. She didn't respond, in deep thought or perhaps even dissociating. "Mom!" As you approached, your worry grew. Was this just a really old person thing or was it normal for grown-ups' minds to wander like this? Because on top of your dad doing this on occasion, these kinds of long stares were happening more and more frequently to your mother too. "Mom?!" At last by her side, your hand gripped her arm.

 Chloe's bright crystal blue eyes left their unthinking haze behind, snapping into the present suddenly. With a horrified look, she gasped and spun around, looking up instead of down. Her arm. It was..trembling. She stood there like that for a moment, panting hard and blinking in almost disbelief that there was nothing there.


 Her eyes snapped down to your small frame, her attitude quickly sifting into her normal, motherly smile.

 "Oh! You startled me, (Y/n)! I thought you were somebody else!" She chuckled.


 Chloe pursed her lips, expressions tightening. Her crystal eyes bore a hint of sorrow.

 "Just an...old enemy is all." She didn't look all too interested in explaining, so you let her go, not forcing past her comfort zone. She had been alive for more than two hundred years, after all. No doubt she had made a lot of enemies along the way... Your mom shut the back door and slipped past you to the living room. "...Can you wrap yourself in a blankie for me, dear?"

 "Mhm.." You scurried off to your room to do just that. Your mom sat down on the couch, still staring out the glass door at the backyard. You returned to the living room all wrapped up like a burrito and jumped onto her lap. She readjusted your much bigger body on her lap and held you snugly in her arms, breathing a sigh of relief.

 She constantly made comments about how fast you were growing, wishing you could just stay little forever. You could understand her desire to keep you small. Again, being so old must mean time flies extra quickly. So to her, you were probably only a baby in her arms for a couple of days.

 You didn't mind being held now anyway. Since you had to force yourself to get used to it immediately after being reincarnated. But sometimes her coddling did annoy you. Treating you like a child, making up so many rules just to keep you home, and not to mention how she always liked to buy you soft, brightly colored clothes that made you feel even more like a baby! (A big reason why you wound up wearing your school uniform most of the time.) She was just trying to keep you as her little baby for as long as possible... Just..how much longer would this phase of hers last? You'd be starting puberty soon!-- Oh no.. crap. Forgot about puberty, nooo! Not again!!

 Your past mom didn't so much as buy you clothes on your birthday! So you were sincerely grateful to your current one, but...

 How long would this go on..?


 "I'm home! Anyone else here?" Your dad stepped into the house a couple hours later, waking you from your nap on Mom's lap. Woa, you didn't even noice yourself falling asleep! Your mom didn't respond. You just yawned. "Ah.. here my delicate rose and beautiful angel are." The man smiled, entering the living room with a pleased smile on his face. He remained his smaller, principal size as he approached and sat down beside his family, picking up your legs to set on his lap and hanging an arm over your mother's shoulder. The three of you existed like that without a word for several long minutes. "...Pretty quiet in here."

 "Yep.." Ur mom.


 "Hey, (Y/n), since the school year's almost up, mind showing me the money you've earned so far?" Your father grinned at you.

 "The what??"

 "Huh???" Your eyes widened, trying to sit up and look at the man but failing. Your dad let out a big-bellied laugh, enjoying the sight of your shock and terror.

 "Ohh, come now. I am the principle! Remember? I've been hearing rumors of your little homework business for years now. But I've been allowing you to get away with it out of curiosity. So then, mind revealing where the stash is hidden?"

 You rolled off of your parents' laps and tumbled onto the floor. You squirmed out of the blanket until finally free. Then, leaving your cocoon behind, you ran into your room. "I- I- need to--" vanishing.

 Your parents chuckled, your father standing and following behind. By the time he entered, your trembling arms had pulled the suitcase free from the closet. It was a lot heavier now thanks to all the change kids kept carrying around! You were pretty nervous, since you'd been caught red-handed. But, at least your dad wasn't acting mad about it or anything. In fact, he was showing genuine interest, like he might enjoy the result!

 As he entered, your head lowered, white hair hiding your face. And your hands fidget with each other behind your back, feet kicking the carpeted floor. "I'm sorry, Dad, for the secret...by the way..."

 The tall man, still smiling, entered your room and knelt down in front of the already unzipped suitcase.

 You opened it up for him with your foot, the sheer amount of stuffed cash spilling out. Your old man gasped and covered his mouth with his hand. With the other, he flipped through your checking book until he came upon the last page where the final number. Again, a small, muffled gasp sounded through his hand. His back trembled, accompanied by shorter breaths. You leaned curiously to get a view of Dad's face, shocked by the sight of tears running down his cheeks and onto the hand still covering his mouth.


 "My little angel.. Your brilliance amazes me every day."

 Great.. now your eyes were brimming with tears! Of all the things to see him cry about for the first time ever, this was it?!

 "Chloe!" Picking himself up quickly, your father strode out of the room. "You have to come see what our daughter has accomplished! I'm telling you, her IQ must be through the roof!!"

 "What?.. How did she make money?" Your mom stood up, getting involved. This was a strange kind of awkwardness you felt. You had a gut feeling that you should be getting punished bitterly for the secret you kept and the tricks you pulled, but instead..you were rewarded for a job well done! ...Huh?

 This didn't make any sense! Your parents were proud of you cheating the system?! Oh, wait. Nevermind. It all made sense, actually. Considering your father was a villain and all that. *sigh* You smiled at the sight of your parents trying to wrap their heads around how you earned so much money. It was...



 "Mind if I borrow this bike real quick, Jin?" You asked the plethora of identical blonds working together in the garage. It was nice coming here. You didn't have to worry so much about dropping the innocent little girl act now that the guy knew you were plenty capable on your own.

 "Aww, come on!" "We just fixed that bike!" "Sure!!" "Why don't you go breaking someone else's bike?!"

 You took that one "sure" as your answer and started to check that the tires were all filled up.

"Jin's Repair Shop"

 Simple and straight to the point. While he mostly fixed up bikes and other ridable doo-dads, people also came to him with a plethora of other things to repair. Clocks, shoes, lamps. He took them all! Not that he was extremely good at machinery, but he had a bunch of clones and access to infinite online tutorials, so it was rare to find a thing he couldn't fix!

 Since the man still thought you had a high IQ quirk or something, he relied on you when it came to any major decisions and keep track of money. Besides that, he was doing everything else all on his own!.. Aww, they grow up so fast. He'd become a real big name in his local community too! Though he'd only had an official shop set up for just over half a year, his name was well known by all the neighbors, known for being a real big help to whoever stopped by.

 Though, sadly, because of his criminal record, Jin couldn't expect to expand his business anytime soon, and he resorted to asking you to do most of his promotional work, so you were also the mascot of his business as well.

 After filling up the front tire with air, you lit the cigarette left on the desk and set the other end in your mouth while you readied to refill the next one.

 "...-He-hey!! Who gave her a cigar?!?" All the Jins looked around frantically, each one losing their s- witnessing an eleven-year-old exhale some smoke.

 You pulled the thing out of your mouth and chuckled. "Relax, guys, I'll only have this one." Guess they never noticed the times you tried smoking around them before.

 One of them eventually charged you, snatching the blunt from your hand. "Not cool, young lady!" Discharging it into the ashtray. "You know those things can hurt you, right?!"

 "Not any more than they can hurt you." You stared up at him with mild annoyance. This was your sly way of trying to get him to quit. That, and you always wanted to know what smoking was like... There really wasn't much appeal, really. You were a little calmer at the cost of a dull headache and huffy breath. All the Jins protested and scolded you in very different but similar ways until it was obvious you had had enough and they shut up.

 "Ayo! Jin???" A brunette man tilted his head through the garage door. You frantically touched one of the Jins' hair, turning your hair the same color.







 "That'll never stop being entertaining.." The customer mumbled. "Well, my-uh- my mower broke down again. Was wondering if you guys could fix it."

 "Of course!"

 "Bring it right on in, sir!"

 "We'll have it fixed in no time!"

 "Thanks.. Oh? What are you doing here, Miss? Aren't you supposed to be in school?"

 The Jin sitting nearest answered for you quickly. "-I can make clones of other people as well as myself! This is just a clone of my sis here to help me out!"

 "Oh really~? Sure it's not the clone that is at school right now?.." The customer teased. Guess this was yours to answer. You stared at him for a little bit, joining in on the fun by sliding a sly grin into place.

 "...Maybe..?" You chuckled slowly. The man and Jins all laughed.

 "Man!.. What I would do to have a clone like that to take over work for just a day... Hey, Jin, I'll pay ya double if you can make a clone of me to go to work today!"

 "Wait, really?!" "Score!!" "Make it triple!" *slap* "We don't wanna swindle the guy!" "That's really funny coming from you.."

 As some of the Jins helped the man both with his mower and to look more into this cloning deal, you exited the shop -- basic two-car garage he rented -- and walked with your bike down toward the street.

 "Where are ya goin' (Y/n)?!" A few Jins just returning from another job waved as you passed.

 "On a quick errand! Need anything?!"

 "Naahhh, we're good!" "Maybe a few more nails would be nice!" "And some copper wires!"

 "Alright! I'll see what I can find!"

 Jin's little shop was nestled in the middle of a collection of apartments, renting out one of their spare garages attached to the parking lot in the middle. Once you had left that parking lot/col de sac, you mounted the bike and started off. The bike was pretty big for your small body, but it would do.

 This was aaallll you needed for your next quirk snatch.


 What is the first thing you try to remember about someone who just jumped you? That's right! Their hair color! After hair color and general size comes the finer details. But what if there was a way from distracting said jumpee from remembering such finer details?

 Intro, neon green hair! It is just a theory, but, if the hair color is so different and wacky, whoever is being jumped won't even be able to focus on any other details! Because they'll be so certain that the police will be able to find the culprit on hair alone!


 You hid in the bushes. In front of you, your bike lean defenselessly against the base of a street lamp. Between you and the bike: a sidewalk.

 There was something off about stalking children, but in this case it had to be done.

 "Oh and did you see him go flying?! Wheeeee-POW! Right into the moon!!" One little boy exasperated to his two friends.

 "Heh, yeah!! But I liked the part where he smashed his face open!!" There was a familiar voice. Like the voice of a distant, long-lost cousin. You stretched your legs and crouched even lower as they neared.

 One spiky-haired kid walked along the sidewalk with his three friends, only the blond recognizable. You had done the math prior. The little Katsuki should be about seven right now. At the crucial age for his character to evolve. You bet by now he was already a pretty big brat, but why not give him some character development a little sooner than later?~

 "Hey, look! It's not even chained up." A brown-haired kid with wings mused.

 "What an ugly-a## bike!" The mini Bakugo walked up to the mechanism and kicked it. ...HE'S ONLY SEVEN, WHY IS HE SWEARING ALREADY?!




 You pounced the boy from behind and wrapped your arms around him tightly, one arm around his body and the other around his neck. Since Bakugo was quick to squirm, you made short work of draining his quirk using both hands!.. Something you didn't even know you could do until recently. All of the brat's friends scurried off to save their own lives or call for help.

 Tiny explosions from the boy's dying quirk cut up your shirt, penetrating your skin. But those were mere fire crackles compared to what his future self could do.

 "Hey, kid!!" As you feared, am old neighbor caught wind of the situation and started crossing the street with his cane raised above his head. "What are you doing to that boy!?"

 "This brat here was trying to steal my bike!!" Hence the bike being there in the first place. It wasn't much, but it didn't paint you as a kidnapper or bully either. The old man calmed down some but still approached all huffy-like. Meanwhile, poor Bakugo could hardly breathe, you were choking him a little harder than planned without realizing it. Better say what needed to be said before that old man could overhead you. "I'm just borrowing this one, alright? Come back next year, same place, same time. Neon green paint. I'll give it back if you're punctual." When you realized the kid was falling faint, you let him go.

 The little boy gasped and coughed, grabbing his throat and rubbing it tenderly. You turned your head to the old man so that Katsuki would catch as little of your face as possible. Instead, he only saw your school uniform and neon green hair.

 "I don't know what'chr doin', but that ain't no way to deal with a bike thief, kid!" The old man griped. You just looked at him like. -_-

 "Alright, gramps. Maybe someday I'll open a bike charity or something for all those poor naughty children. Happy?"

 "That's not what I'm talkin-- Hey!! Get back here!!" Too late. You were already racing away on your bike. Dang were you in a sour mood today.


 "Go hero.."

 "Mmh.. I was certain you'd have a quirk like that." AFO thoughtfully rubbed his chin. You sat on the couch across from your dad seated in the sofa as Mom made dinner. A random show of House Hunters or something played in the background just to fill in for white noise.

 It was a casual weekend evening and your family wasn't known for doing anything special or exciting to pass the time on these mini breaks you had from school. This game you played with your father was as close as it usually got to an exciting pastime activity.

 "Do you have any..... Quirk scanners?"

 "You'll have to be more specific." Smirking.

 "Hhh, the kind that lets you see how powerful someone's quirk is. I dunno what it's called!"

 "Haha! Yeah, I have one of those. It's called an Ability Enhancement Analysis Quirk." Placing his hand on yours, his hands glowed for a brief second, quickly passing it onto you. You squinted, the new quirk suddenly activating. The whole house darkened by several shades, only a thousand or so stars producing light from within the outline of your father's body, all mixing together inside of him like a raging inferno.

 "Woah.. That's a lot of quirks..." Then you shifted your attention to your mother. "Woah!!" Her entire body was glowing a bright white! And that was it as well. No secondary quirk as you had expected to see. "...How come you only have one quirk, Mom? Didn't Dad give you a regeneration quirk?" You couldn't read her expression, so you deactivated the quirk. She stared at you, mentally pausing to think.

 "-Your mother has always been a remarkable woman." Your dad interrupted the silence for her. "Her quirk is no different."


 "Did she eat the quirk?" You asked while casually handing your dad back his quirk.

 "Pff!" Chloe almost spat into the soup she was stirring.

 "No, my dear. I will explain it another time. But, for now.. do you have any... ~mmm?... Telekinetic quirks?"

 You quickly shuffled through the mental quirks you had, a skin this game was designed to train. After all, in a pinch, it was important to know beforehand which weapons were at your disposal.

 "Mmm? No! Go hero!"

 "Darn..." The man chuckled, again picking up a hundred yen bill from his pile on the coffee table and placing it onto yours. Your pile was far bigger by this point; a little unfair, since this man had so many quirks, it was easy to just guess a random quirk and the likelihood of him having it was high!

 Yes, this was essentially a game of Go Fish, but traded out for "go hero," referring to having to go find a hero to steal said quirk from. It was a game both you and your dad made up, being a game only the two of you could play.

 It hadn't taken long for the two of you to find out stealing quirks from one another was impossible. Not sure why or how's but that's just how it worked. But, thankfully handing one another a quirk was still very much possible. ...Kinda like how the OFA quirk works... Hmmm.

 "Do you have any flame quirks??"

 At last, your dad clicked his tongue and shook his head. "Only fire protection, which I would consider separate. I find such a quirk unnecessary with how easily it is to destroy things other, more creative ways."


 "That is, then, a no. Go hero."

 You sighed, handing another buck to your dad. You were the one who recommended the use of money as a reward system for this game. "Your turn."

 "Hmmm.." rubbing his chin, "You don't happen to have any explosion quirks, do you..?" Your eyes widened a little.

 "..Which one? I have two."

 "Two?? Quite the collector, are we~? Tell me then, which of these two is your most recent?" Folding his hands together, your dad's eyes studied you with great interest. Your own eyes darted away. What was this guy getting at?..."

 "Um... It..makes your hands sweat a nitroglycerin-like substance, which can be detonated in the palm... Blast protection included." Dad leaned his elbows on his knees, smiling with great interest.

 "What an adaptable quirk?.. I'll take that one then." It was painful, but, playing by the rules of the game, you had to hand it over this round. You gave your dad the spiky blond's quirk and watched him carefully as he sat up. Rolling back his sleeve, your dad activated it and




 Little flickering explosions lit his palm. "Impressive~" He mused some more. "...Bakugo Katsuki, was it?.. The kid you stole it from?" A lump collected in your throat. "My... What a blessing this boy was born with.. While not the most impressive in its current form, I can see how extensive training can unlock great potential within. Heck, even a point-blank explosion can be like a gunshot to the head! I must admire your ability to find such quirks. A lot of research and countless hours were spent tracking this one down, I can imagine." He smiled slyly, like there was something else on top of what was exiting his mouth.

 Nodding slowly, "Mmhm.. now, can I have it back, Daddy?" You reached out for his hand, but he drew it away in a hurry, clicking his tongue and shaking his head once again.

 "While I admire your passion and ability to seek quirks out, I'm afraid you're still missing a major step..." His red eyes darkened slightly with the downward tilt of his head. "You are terribly easy to track.." You gasped, sitting up straighter just because that felt right. "Luckily for you, I have followers on the inside who have helped cover up your shenanigans throughout the years, but doing so hasn't made my life any easier. ... Because if word got out that someone was going around stealing quirks, there are those who would reasonably assume I was on the move again. There's no telling the struggles I would face. Both you and I now...You might not understand why yet, but I simply cannot let that happen. ... Do you understand what is at stake here?" You nodded frantically, hands nervously fidgeting with each other on your lap. "Good... I hope that you will learn from your mistakes in due time. Until then... I'll just have to keep this quirk with me as a reminder..." Your blue eyes widened again, a faint gasp fleeing your mouth.

 "Wh-why?! Why not another quirk?!" This was really bad! You'd sort of made a promise to Katsuki, saying he could have his quirk back in a year! If you failed to give it back, then... Would he ever have the chance to become a hero?! How much of the original timeline would CHANGE exactly?! And for better or worse?!

 "That part is easy.." Your dad leaned back in the sofa, relaxing. "Unlike most cases, this is the only one that bubbled up to the surface. Which means there is already suspicion of my return stirring among the population..." His hands clasped together on his lap, still staring you down with a terrifyingly calm scolding glare. "While I do not fear the ramifications from this, I believe now is the perfect time to learn a lesson on cause and effect. ... Now, watch as a new generation falls into the grip of fear..."

 "That's something no quirk has the power to fix, I'm afraid..."

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