Chapter 9: 8: After The Ups, There Are Downs
At age 16, after a failed attempt at entering UA high, Touya Todoroki...killed himself. Right in front of his own father...
The rain waters washing over the grave site set the mood perfectly. Cold. Beating on their shoulders.
Endeavor, his wife, and his kids, stood before the grave of the eldest Todoroki sibling. They were joined by many. A crowd of black surrounding the freshly crafted, simple yet elegant gravestone.
Not a soul cried. Not that they weren't sad. They just...had no tears left. That, or they were still in shock.
Right when their eldest looked like his life was turning around for the better...he just had to go and make a show of how he truly felt, didn't he?
The red-haired dad towered above the crowd. No one joined him under his umbrella. Even his own wife and children stood at a distance.
After everyone's peace had been said, the pelting of the rain picked up even more. One after another, the crowd began to back away, leaving the site in utter silence.
Rei couldn't look her own children in the eyes, yet she nudged them on to leave. was just the father who remained.
...So much blood...
Red as his own hair. Staining the familiar floorboards of his own home. The shrieks. The cry of Toya's younger sister. That screaming, wretched voice of his eldest son cursing his very name. ... cursing it with his very last breath, before he dropped to the ground...his white hair painted with blood.
Endeavor's eyes were blurred, sizzling, boiling tears at last sprung from them to join with the cold rain. His breathing hitched, several times catching himself from breaking down into a complete sob.
Toya was right...
He did this to them.
He did this to everyone.
This was his fault.
...Or was it...?
Another man in a dark trench coat emerged beside Endeavor, patting the taller one's shoulder to alert him of his presence. The giant of a man sniffed, wiping his steaming tears away.
"It hurts..." It was a voice he didn't recognize. Eyes darting, the elder man peered down on a young man with short black hair.
"Who are you?" The hero hissed.
"I'm with the police." The generic-looking man revealed a badge to prove it. "Heard this was an odd case."
"The suicide?" Endeavor growled.
"No, before that... We wanted your side of the story before continuing the investigation."
Endeavor glanced again at his son's grave, then his eyes scanned over the dark green trees and other graves sprinkled around. "...I thought it was a miracle at first... Both Rei and I did.. One day, Toya returned home...claiming he--had lost his qu-irk.." His voice weakened, easing into another sob. The elder caught himself soon after, taking another deep breath. "...He was just as determined to become a hero, though. I should have.. I- I should have-"
"Rewind a little bit. Did your son ever say how he lost his quirk? Because if so then he wasn't lying. The autopsy revealed there wasn't a trace of his quirk left.. Like he never had it at all... We've had instances in the past where trauma can block someone's quirk..but this is different. Because there wasn't a strand of DNA to any quirk in him. Are you sure he even had one?"
"Positive." His brows were furrowed, eyes staring dead ahead.
" . . . So far, there hasn't been a single drug or quirk found that can erase another's quirk to such a degree... But.. there are rumors floating around. ... Have you ever heard of All For One?"
"This wasn't him."
The detective's right brow lifted. "..How can you be so sure?"
"Time and time again, my son said it was a little girl who stole his quirk. She tricked him into holding hands with her, then left. He claimed she was far younger than himself too.. Maybe four or five. ... The man's breaths grew in intensity, remembering the countless times his son would whine about losing his quirk. The regret clear in his eldest's tender voice. "...White hair and sparkling blue eyes... That's what he always said she looked like. .. His story never changed over the years either..."
The agent at his right scratched his chin.
"Hmmm... Blue eyes? Our most recent victim of the same kind of quirk loss described the same thing.." Endeavor's whole body turned, a hopeful, sad look in his eyes. "Crystal blue eyes... He made a big deal about how pretty they were too... She had different color hair, but that kind of thing can easily be changed. And if she really was only four when your son lost his quirk...the ages match up as well..."
"...What are you getting at?"
"Mr. Todoroki, I believe the boogyman of the underworld has found a way to reincarnate himself somehow.
. . .
And we could use your help tracking this 'little girl' down.."
Endeavor didn't even have to think about it. All he needed to know was that he'd get the chance to have a little revenge. Something else to take all of this anger and hopelessness out on. "I'm in."
You couldn't quite trace it, but you were particularly down the past week. Your mother noticed, but you couldn't quite explain why you were feeling so depressed. You'd suffered from depression in your past life... This wasn't it. This feeling was far deeper. Like it was curled within your very core. Not just mental, but spiritual... If that even makes any sense..
Then, the horrible news swept across the internet, hitting you directly in the heart.
Toya was dead.
. . .
You didn't even know how to process this. How could you?! Your own actions led to a still innocent boy's death! What you thought would save him only killed him in the end!
You could always use simple math. You couldn't remember exactly how many he'd killed in the show, but you knew it had to be a lot. So... At least you'd saved those lives, right?
...This was a terrible, terrible gut wrenching feeling... A burden you alone had to carry, not a soul to share your suffering with.
The rains from Toya's funeral, by happenstance, blew across the country until it was now over your small house. It had grown.
Flashes of light lit your room in quick succession, heavy rain beat against the glass. Thunder boomed and cackled overhead, teasing you in this low moment.
It was terribly dark. The only source of light being the occasional cracks of light through your windows. The sharp light pouring in played with the darkness around you, making a monster out of your shadow on the bed.
After a terrible ripple of thunder, the lights in your room flickered on then off again. The gentle humm of the air conditioner within the walls clicked off, sharp beeps from the disturbed kitchen gadgets echoing throughout the house. As your parents got up to deal with the fuss caused by the power outage, you tossed and turned in bed.
The air conditioning no longer on, the air around you slowly began to grow hotter. You needed your blankets, though. Such were the only comfort you had.
The pain, guilt, fear of what was to happen now.. It all raged through your head like a roaring train. There simply was no stopping it. No hope to shut down your racing thoughts and sleep. No, you just had to suffer now. Both emotionally and mentally.
Why did you do that? What else could you have done? Was this worse or better in the grand scope of things? What else would fly out of your control?!
And at the worst remembered.
The cherry pink sky had lit the forest beautifully that evening. Though you had a bit of the winter chills clinging onto your nose, your clothes kept the rest of you nice and warm. The smell of pine was so sweet in the air, like candy on Christmas morning.
Toya was so cute. Such a sweet, kind hearted kid, who held so much love in his eyes for strangers even with his father's terrible influence. You remembered those eyes. You remembered the way he held your hand tenderly. You remembered. You remembered. You remembered...
Such a precious life so easily snuffed out.
You may as well have killed him yourself.
His blood was on your hands. You were responsible for his!
What a fool you were! You didn't even have the excuse of being young and naive!! You could have easily waited! Could have dug a little more, did some more research, try ANOTHER approach!!
Your tears caught on fire. A bright blue flame.
The rest happened so quickly you hadn't the chance to comprehend it. Your entire body was engulfed in flames! Bright blue ones that ate at your skin the moment they were freed. Your bed wasn't safe either. The hungry flames crawled around your blankets and mattress, growing up your walls. You heard a terrifying, agonizing scream, only realizing it was your own a few seconds later. Your whole body flailed in a panic, all ideas of how to handle this situation flying right out the window! No thoughts. Only kicking and screaming. Wondering how much longer this living Hell would last!
The fire on your skin fought less and less as rain water drenched your body. Your breath was raspy, dry and sore whilst you continued to flail and scream. You opened your eyes, spotting a massive hole in the roof above you!
Slowly, the stormy water fought back the blue flames. Your mouth lost the will to scream after a while, instead focusing on taking in large, rapid breaths of air.
You lay on your side, smoke lifting from your burnt clothes, hair, and of course body. No, you didn't even have the mental capacity to even begin to consider what had just happened. All you could think was that you were in terrible, terrible pain.
Breathing intensely beside your bed, your dad stood with his quirk mangled fist still over his head. Your blurry eyes couldn't quite make out his expression. But... he wasn't happy. That was for sure.
All For One dropped to his knees, a thud shaking the wooden floor. With careful, shaky arms, the man cradled your little burnt body on the mattress. His breaths were deep and rapid, for the first time in somewhat of a panic.
You winced as one of his hands gently brushed through your charred hair. Water dropped from his hair onto your stinging body, his shadow looming over you, crafted by the lightning and moonlight.
"Da...Dad-dy..?" You whined, beginning to shiver and shake intensely under the cold rain.
"My little angel..." For the first time, his words were genuinely mournful. His arms wrapped around you again, scooting you closer against his warm body. Such a terrible pain. Your skin was scorching hot! But...your core was frigid. You whimpered and shivered. These burns were so severe. Could you even survive them?!
Your whole body fell into a numb state, a constant ringing filling your ears, ash piled in your lungs.
It hurt... It hurt so bad...
Your father's cool hand touched your forehead. "Forced quirk activation..." He mumbled. A tingling sprouted throughout your body. Starting in your head and spilling throughout the rest of you. Relief washed over you in waves. Though the tingles hurt a little, it was followed by an overwhelming sense of calm. Your skin crafted anew, shedding the layers of burnt ash. Your new, shining white hair grew back out, replacing what had been reduced to char and dust.
Your breathing hitched. He-he was healing you!
Forced quirk activation...? That wasn't... That wasn't a healing quirk...
...Was it?...
Overwhelmed by a great, encompassing sense of peace..your weary eyes sealed shut. Into a much needed deep sleep you slipped.
You again awoke, an all encompassing, snug warmth wrapped around you. This warmth was pleasant, however. Nothing like the hellish fire from last night.
Wait what?!
Your eyelids fluttered open. Bright red hair lay draping over your head and spreading over the pillow your head lay on. A bright, golden light shined directly ahead from your parent's bedroom window.. Oh, so that explained the softness of the mattress.
Your mother cuddled you, presently sleeping with her arms and legs wrapped around your smaller, delicate body. It was so warm... Thick blankets cocooned the two of you. It was like a taste of heaven. You couldn't wish for this exact moment to end...
Crap... You had to go to the bathroom.
On a mission to relieve yourself without stirring your mother awake, you ever so slowly inched out of her hold.
Chloe mumbled, starting to growl tiredly in her sleep. "No... Denji.. don't..."
"Pff!" Who was that?!
Your father was nowhere to be seen, otherwise he would probably help you in some way or another. But, alas, this problem was for you to solve.
It took ages, but, eventually, you managed to escape your nother's clutches. You hurried to the your parent's bathroom and locked the door behind you, quick to mount the toilet and pee at last. Dang that felt good. Like you'd been holding it in for days!
"(Y/n)?.. (Y/n)?!?" Your mom called, her voice falling into a tremble. It was as if she feared for your very life. "(Y/N)!!?"
"In here, Mommy!" You called. It just felt bad letting her panic like that. A thump at the bathroom was heard soon after. More followed, her fist banging against the door.
"(Y/n), unlock the door!. (Y/n), unlock the door!!" She sounded so panicked, a genuine fear that scared you breaking through her lips, shaking her throat and filling every breath. You urgently wiped and crossed the bathroom to unlock the door, then hopped on the toilet again. Your mother poured through the door shortly after, pouncing your sitting body and wrapping her arms around you. Tears filled her eyes as she smothered your cheeks in kisses. "Don't ever lock doors like that, alright, (Y/n)?"
"Errrr.... Alright..?"
"Stay in the same room as me, always!.. I never want to let you out of my sight!" Why was she so... Wait was all of that last night REAL?! Not just a terrible nightmare?!
The pain was so easy to remember. felt none of it anymore!
Numb tears entered your eyes. "...I'm sorry, Mommy." You hugged Chloe back. "I'm sorry I scared you."
What a terrible feeling...both inside and out.
Your mother remained in the bathroom with you until you were ready to leave. However, after, she insisted you stay in the room with her while she went. You stood in a corner facing the wall for privacy sake. She may be your mom, but, uhhh... Everyone deserves privacy.
When she was done washing her hands and everything, your hunger had just about reached its boiling point! It felt like you hadn't eaten in ages!! Both you and your mother's stomachs growled as you exited her bedroom, hit with the intoxicating scent of a perfectly made breakfast!
"Chloe!" Your dad's massive body tackled the ginger's, arms encompassing her in a tight hug. "You mustn't starve yourself like that again!" He reprimanded the woman. She whined in his hold.
"Starve?" Your big, food driven eyes tore their attention from the plate of bacon and eggs for a second.
Your dad released his wife, cupping his hand around your small head gingerly. "You have been asleep for almost a whole week! Your mother refused to leave your side in that time." Your already wide eyes broadened even more. You shot your mother a very concerned glare.
"You need to take care of yourself, Mommy!" You barked.
Dad chuckled. "That is what I have been telling her." Your mom blushed a little and stared down at you with a very distant look. Then she smiled softly.
"I...couldn't help it, dear... Not with that terrible scare you gave me..." You gawked up at the woman. Golly was she strange! It was like her loving nature from before had been amped up to 100 with you! Your tummy growled, followed by your mother's.
Your dad chuckled softly, gently nudging the two of you toward the small dining table. "How about we eat first and talk later? I know how badly the two of you need it."
You and your Mom made quick work of that meal! Luckily, your dad was prepared, offering plate after plate until the two of you were full. You leaned back in your seat, wondering how many pounds you'd gained just then; probably in the double digits!
"Now, (Y/n), I know this might be a touchy subject so early on..but could you perhaps explain to your mother and I how you caught on fire last week?" Your dad leaned his elbows on the table, facing you directly.
You burped. "...Oh, I dunno. I think I activated my quirk on accident."
"Which one?" You shot the man a 'you should know' glare.
"...My first one."
"And how did you activate it?"
You sat up a little more in your chair, uncomfortable now. Guess these weren't bad questions or anything, but it was a little odd still how straight forward your dad was being at the moment. Your mom listened with intention as well, soaking in every word you uttered.
"I, um... Guess I got really sad.." It was painful to admit the truth. Your dad hummed from across the table sadly.
"Hmmm... I feared this might happen.. (Y/n), as you grow, you might begin to experience some changes in your body. Both physically and emotionally. I should leave most of the explaining to your mother, but this process can have an affect on your quirks too, I'm afraid. It is very important that you keep your emotions in check, otherwise it may be harder to control your quirks. Especially your core quirks.."
"Core quirks..?"
Dad sighed. "..Quirks that hold some kind of sentimental to... It's rare to come by them for me, but there are some quirks I just can't seem to let go. Even if they are completely useless, sometimes we may come across a quirk that is special to us simply for the memories that came with it. I've noticed you have a few of these. Two, even, you've refused to use despite never allowing me to possess them. ... This fire quirk. It was one of them, correct?" You nodded bashfully. "..Then you must be careful. Both with that one quirk, as well as any others that might only end up hurting someone." He warned. Just from the look in his eyes, you knew exactly which quirk he was referring to.
Crap... Now you had something new to worry about, perhaps until the very day you died! But especially now. Now that your body was likely entering puberty -- what you assumed your dad was referring to. Hormones and emotions alike would soon be raging through you. Last go-round, you remembered yours being fairly tame compared to others. didn't exactly possess multiple quirks then either.
This was kind of scary now... Not only did you accidentally kill an innocent Toya, but thanks to your unstable quirks -- specifically Tenko's -- you might end up accidentally killing some more...
"To lighten the mood," sitting up, your dad forced a smile, "how about we watch some TV together? I've heard the quality of movies around here are finally returning to how they used to be back in our time.. Would you like to watch a show or two, dear?" He turned his attention to his wife, who simply nodded and smiled. You softly smiled as well.
You...really needed a break from all of this.
Later that day, your mother proposed an idea and you hesitantly accepted it.
No more public school for you. That would only ramp up the stress and emotions.
No, instead you would stay right here, tightly tucked within your mother's arms...
Bye, Jin... Bye school friends... This was for the best. Secluded but safe. Eventually, you'd have the confidence to break out into the rest of the world...
But not now.
Not until you were sure everyone would be safe.