Hentai Compilation

Chapter 1: Story 1 [Part - 1]

[Scene - Outside Their house Kaitu was playing with his football as the ball hits a man in his 36-38 age. As he throws the ball in anger the ball hits Kaitu and he starts crying. Hearing him cry his mom came out of his to see what happened]

"Did you hit my Kaito !?" She asked as Kaito explained what happened in mostly lie, and hid behind her.

"I am telling , don't I. That boy was kicking the ball at the middle of the road and hit me. When I thrown the ball to him , it accidentally hit him , and he started crying and before you came out he even kicked me" The man said

"I didn't do anything mommy" Kaito cried out.

"My Kaito would never lie. I am calling the police..." She said

'It won't be a good time to get involved with police' The man thought.

"I know you. You are an unemployed,good for nothing guy , just aimlessly walking around all day. Who's the police going to believe!?" Kaito's mom shouted in anger, as her huge big boobs jiggled with her movement, "If you apologize, I won't call the cops on you" she demanded an apology.

In the midst, Kaito was standing behind his mom showing his tongue and Taunting the man.

"I am sorry!" The man finally said without having a choice.

"Good. From now on, don't come around my son. got it ??" She warned

"Okay!" The man left.

"Now Let's go!" She said.

"Yes , Mommy!" Kaito said as they went back to their house.

'THAT FUCKING BRAT AND HIS MOTHER!' The Man thought in anger swirling inside him , "She complained about how I dispose my trash or something before too. She is always got something to bitch about, "If I would could I would grab those tits and fuck her in front of that brat, But yeah I can't do that"

[Scene - 2 : The Man [Ichiro] speaking with his Land Lady, as he didn't paid the rent for his room for almost 4 months. So, she told him to leave the room. As he Ichiro didn't have Job or any money left , he had no other choice than leave the house immediately]

He stood outside, as suddenly it started raining, 'Why did my life end up like this. No I know, why. Since I was a kid, I was always being compared to my perfect big brother that I couldn't feel proud of anything I did. My parents only cares about him. Will I have been good, if I was the only child !?" He thought as he walked through the road.

As suddenly, he saw Kaito and His mom walking down the road with umbrellas in hand.

"Mom , What's for dinner !?" Kaito asked..

"Your favourite!" His mom replied

"Hamburger !?" Kaito asked


"Alright. Hehe" Kaito said, as he stepped a bit out of umbrella.

"Get closer or you will get wet" His mom said with a chuckle.

Seeing their conversation, Ichiro thought, 'Aaah. He sure has it good. I wish I had a life like him when I was a kid'

But all of sudden, out of nowhere, a thunderstorm dropped just right over him.

'What happened !? Am I really going to die. If so, then if anyways I can get incarnated, I hope I get a good mother' he thought as he fall down at the ground.

Some moments later...

Kaito and his mom was returning back home from market, as they a child laying at the side of the road, as they walked over to the boy.

"Hey, Kid. Are you alright !? What happened !?" She asked as she tried to help the boy up his feet.

'The kid !? I am not really young enough to...' Ichiro thought but as he looked down at his body, he was not the same manly person now. His body turned to the body of a 7-8 year old boy.

"Where are your parents !? Your house !?" She asked.

"My parents !? They kicked me out just now..." Ichiro responded.

"Kicked out !?" She exclaimed.

"My parents are gone already..." Ichiro said

"Mom , what are we going to do with this kid !?" Kaito questioned.

'This kid... He can't be actually talking about me right !?' Ichiro thought.

"Should we call an ambulance !?" Kaito asked.

"No, we should take him to our place now" She said , as she took his hand and helped him stand up.

"Your house !?" Ichiro asked.

"Yes!" She said ,picking him up in her arms, covering him from rain, "It's raining you will get cold like that" she said

'I can feel her body... I can feel her tits' He thought, 'Maybe it's my chance for revenge' He thought.

After returning back at home, Kaito went up to his room.

"You are soaked to the bone, Let's get you the bath first" She said as she sat Infront Of Ichiro.

"Huh !? Can I !?"

"Kids shouldn't be so hesitant , come" she said as she pulled his hand and took Ichiro with her in the bathroom.

10 Minutes later, Ichiro sat at a small tool at the bathroom , completely naked, as he looked down at between his legs.

"I will wash your back, it's hard on your own right !?" Questioned Kushina [Kaito's mom] as she entered the bathroom - completely naked. Ichiro was completely stunned to see her completely naked.

"What's wrong !?" Kushina asked in a confused tone as she walked over to Ichiro.

'Her Breast.... Her Pussy.... That scary woman is completely naked in front of me now...' Ichiro thought.

After some moments...

Kushina sat behind Ichiro at the bathroom, completely naked, as she rubbed his back with a sponge in her hand.

"Did you have a fight with your parents!?" She asked.

"Huh ?"

"It's normal to fight from time to time but kicking a kid out of the house is going too far and in such a rainy day too"

Suddenly, Kushina took a peak From the back as she came very close to Ichiro's back as her breast were almost touching his back.

"You are a bit small, but maybe you are the same age as my Kaitu?" She asked.

'UWOOOOH, Her breasts are pressing against my back. My cock is rock hard, I love being a Kid' Ichiro thought, as he suddenly turned around at to face her, as he pointed towards his cock.

"M--My... It got big" she said, with a surprising look.

"Yeah!" Ichiro replied innocently.

Kushina's face turned red in embarrassment.

"T- That's Embarrassing" he said.

"I know!" She responded slightly.

"Say I will wash your back too, as thanks for taking me in!" He said, with a innocent smile, but from inside he had a evil smile.

"You w- will ??" She questioned, "Go ahead then"

'I need the most of being a kid again' He thought to himself, as he positioned himself behind her as she sat at the tool now , as he rubbed her back with the sponge now.

"Does it feel nice !?" He asked.

"Yes, You are really good at this" she responded.

"I will get the front too!" Saying this he immediately grabbed he both hands, as she was stunned by this behavior.

'UHHH! It's her big boobs. I have always wanted to grope these' He thought with a smile, as he moved them around with his hands.

"Stop it!" She said with a little loud voice.

"Hn!!" He started playing with her nipples, and rubbing them.

"N-Now... Stop Rubbing the Tips so much" she said, but his hands didn't stop as he continued to rub her nipples with both hands.

"Why !?" He asked.

"W- What do you mean , Why..." She said, as she moaned out loud with him touching and rubbing his nipples.

'It looks like she is very sensitive there' He thought.

Ishiro continuously played with her breast and specially the tip points.

Suddenly, she felt something at her back as she asked, "MMPH... There is something poking at my back" She said

"Yes, It's my penis. Is something wrong !?"

"Of course there is. You can't do that to a girl" She said as she moaned once again, "Auh!!!!" As Ichiro took a step back as he brought his cock against her back , just above her ass.

'I am close already, it's coming... I am cumming while groping this tiger mom's Breast!"

"Uhnnnnnnnn!" He moaned out loud as well as Kushina because of his grip at her breast, as he finally came at her back.

"Pant...Pant..." He took deep breaths.

"Huh !? It's white... Did you seriously !?" Her face turned completely red ,as she looked away.

But all of a sudden, Ichiro came in front of her and placed his cock right in front of her mouth, "Auntie. Some white staff came out of my penis" He said innocently.

"I can't believe this..." She said as she held her head with one hand, as she said to him , "Listen... You can't tell anyone about this... It will be our secret"

"Okay!" He said, 'Alright I can use this...' he thought, "But... My penis is still all tingly" He said looking down at his penis as she also looked, and seeing it was was still hard , she was surprised with a astonished reaction.

"I think it will calm down , if we do that thing again" He said innocently.

"What !? You still got more in there !?" She asked in surprise.

"Huh! is that bad !? If we can't I might ask Kaito then..." Ishiro said.

"Wait..!" Kushina stopped her, "It's fine. Just once okay !?" She said, as laid down at the floor of the bathroom, "Y-You want to do it like this !?" She asked.

"Yes!" Ichiro replied , as he sat over her belly in no time, 'I couldn't take a good look at them from behind' He thought, 'They are a magnificent pair' He thought looking at her breast, 'Even though she had a kid already, they haven't darkened at all' He thought, as sitting over her belly he put his cock in between her boobs, as she had a evil laugh, 'They are made to get fucked'

Kushina left a moan of pleasure, as he put his cock between her breasts, "Auuhhhhh, What are you going to do ??" She asked. Her body started trembling, her pussy started to get wet by all the sensations they were feeling with Ichiro's cock against her breasts.

"I will be using these Auntie," He said as he grabbed both of her breasts with his both hands again and squeezed them tightly with his cock in between.

"What !?" She exclaimed, as she was sweating and feeling the warmth of his cock against her breast and at the same time his hands squeezing her breast made her more uncomfortable at her.

"I think this will feel real good" He said, as he continued what he was doing , squeezing her breast more tightly and moving his cock in between the breasts , in short he was FUCKING HER TITS.

She started to feel more and more turned on , as she moaned every time he moved his cock and squeezed both breasts in his hands, "Ahnnn" She left a small scream, "Where did you learn something like this !! You can't..." She said, as she left a sound of moan again.

"Huh! but if I don't do this, the white staff won't come out!" Ishiro replied , remaining his grip at the breasts.

She couldn't stop moaning, but she couldn't stop him as well, cause she was also feeling good. After a long time she had this feelings, but she couldn't believe what was happening right now.

'I am FUCKING These Bitches boobs like I am being serviced by soapland whore!' He thought.

Now , instead of only grabbing her tits , ishiro grabbed the both tips of her tits, the nipple part. And as soon as he did this, she couldn't stop but scream, "S-St- Stop!" She managed to somehow in between the loud moaning of her, "I'll get mad" She gave a warning , but Ishiro didn't stop.

Instead he blackmailed her, "Maybe , I should tell Kaito then" he said

"What !?" She exclaimed.

But still didn't stop, instead he started moving his cock more faster than already it was , as her expression completely changed , as took deep breaths. Her excitement started to grow as her pussy started to open up for getting fucked.

"So , Does that feel good Auntie ?" Ichiro questioned , as his hips kept moving to fuck her boobs like crazy.

"O- Of course not..." She replied, as she closed her eyes taking a deep breath, as she felt in has ended..

But, "Uuuuhhhhhhhhh!" She screamed out as she opened her eyes and saw Ichiro pulling her nipples , "HNAaaAaAAAaAAAaaaaaaa" She screamed loudly as she felt another wave of sensation throughout her body, as she was going out of control with the touch already and now he was pulling her nipples !? She didn't know how to react anymore, her moans was not stopping, she couldn't stop them.

"Don't Pull then like that!" She said, as she was completely stunned by him pulling her nipples like that.

"waah! They got all stiff , I wonder why!?" He said, 'I will make you feel even better. Bouncing all around while rubbing my dick on them!' He thought

"Aaaaahhhhhhhh" She screamed loudly again, as his pill on her breast was getting tighter, "Stop PlAyiNg ArOunD theM lIkE tHey WerE tOys!" She said , with a unsteady voice.

'SHUT UP! You're my toy now! Let me do as I like!' He said in his mind, as he continued to fuck her boobs, and just few seconds later he felt , 'Ah, Fuck. I wanted to enjoy this a bit longer, but I am already cumming" He said to himself.

As he felt that sensation, he quickly held his cock , "Auntie, I am going to squirt out that staff again...I will end up in your face like this!" Just before he was about to cum he directed the tip of cock toward the face of Kushina, as he shouted, "I am cumming...." 💦 And his cum spread all across her face , as she sat up, 'Wait, I will cover your wedding ring with my cum' he thought and immediately brought his cook close to her hand with the ring on, and rubbed it against her hand , and wedding ring with his cum.

"Stop! Kids shouldn't do staffs like this!" She said, "Pant...pant..." She took deep breaths, as she was completely out of breath with the sensations and movements , "You have covered my face....and my wedding ring , why would you do that ?" She asked.

'Alright I showered her and her ring with cum. I love it, like violating a married woman's wedding ring, like that feels amazing' He thought.

As she sat up , and she was still naked , Ishiro could still see her Pussy, as he questioned, "why is your crotch all shiny Auntie !?" He asked , as he reached out one finger of his hand and placed it in her pussy, and it was completely wet. With all the sensations, her pussy was completely wet, she ejaculated.

Her face turned into more embarrassment, the embarrassment she didn't know she could ever be, "That's..." she couldn't respond.

'It's kinda wet, she is wet , she liked that' he thought, as his finger was still inside her as he brought it out.

But, Everything stopped as she heard a call from outside, "Mom!" it was Kaito, "Are you still in the bath ?!" He asked

"What !?" Kushina was completely started by the voice of Kaito, as hmshe quickly stood up, "I am coming, I will serve dinner soon" she said.

But didn't notice that when she stood up, the cum from her pussy spread across her legs and falling down.

'THAT FUCKING BRAT. WE WERE JUST GETTING TO THE PAST!' Ishiro exclaimed in his mind with anger, but suddenly he noticed all the cum drooling through her legs, and felt a little good, 'But it seems there is no rush, she seems to have liked her nipples played around' He thought , 'Next time I will go all the way' He thought, with a smile

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