Chapter 30: It’s Time
Tatsumaki felt the urge to vent her frustrations growing stronger with each passing second.
She knew this would happen sitting in this room. She could feel Caspian's gaze, no matter how much she tried to deny it. Part of her enjoyed him looking at her, which only fueled her irritation. It was one thing when she looked at him. But how dare he keep staring at her!
This had kept her attention throughout the entire emergency meeting, everything else a buzzing in the background. That was until that punk with a baseball bat tried to act all tough. It's a good thing she was here to put him in his place.
At the very least it helped her vent a little, but it wasn't enough. She had managed to refocus on the meeting, though she occasionally stole glances at Caspian, who, annoyingly, met her gaze every time.
Thankfully, Tatsumaki found a distraction to latch onto the moment she heard Lady Shibabawa's prediction. Others, however, didn't seem particularly interested.
Child Emperor, lollypop in hand, shared his thoughts. "What? What the heck is 'the outsider?' Is this a joke? I have cram school, so can I leave now?"
Sitch swiped his hand through the air, making the holographic note vanish. "I know you're a prodigy, Child Emperor…" He leaned forward, his hand resting on the table. "…but if you can't grasp the danger and importance, it shows how immature you still are."
"What'd you say?!" Child Emperor shot to his feet.
Little brat.
Tatsumaki had no issue with Child Emperor, but she couldn't stand such brattish behavior.
Sitch raised his hand. "Listen up! Lady Shibabawa's predictions are 100% accurate! She has predicted many catastrophes in the past. A few of them resulted in the loss of countless lives. But not once did Lady Shibabawa use the word 'trouble,' nor has she ever referred to a single entity like 'the outsider.'
Something more dangerous than a Dragon-level Threat is coming. This 'outsider' she mentions could be the key to preventing this catastrophe, or the 'outsider' could be the catastrophe itself. It will happen! And within the next six months!"
Watchdog Man, his expression unfaltering, said, "Okay, but we have no idea when in the next six months this will happen, nor do we know who 'the outsider' could be."
"Yeah, it's hard to plan for multiple unknowns." Flashy Flash agreed, seated beside Watchdog Man.
"You are correct," said Sitch. "But I want you all to be ready for a fight in the next six months. It is also critical that we begin our search for 'the outsider.'"
"Within the next six months means…"
Tatsumaki, who had been avoiding Caspian's gaze, couldn't help but turn her head when he spoke. What are you trying to pull?
"It could be tomorrow, or even today."
Sitch's confusion was evident in his tone. "That's true. Who are you, anyway?"
Caspian ignored the question and turned to Genos, wearing the most self-satisfied expression Tatsumaki had ever seen. "It's time."
Tatsumaki narrowed her emerald-green eyes. Time for what?
A series of powerful explosions rocked the Hero Association Headquarters one after the other.
Superalloy Darkshine stood. "How are we under attack? This is the Hero Association Headquarters!"
His words barely registered as Tatsumaki's attention was on Caspian and Genos, who somehow seemed prepared for this. But how?
Murmurs spread through the room.
The overhead lights turned red as an automated female voice announced over the speakers, "Emergency power activated."
Seeing Caspian and Genos hadn't moved, Tatsumaki scanned the rest of the room.
"What was that?" Sitch's voice cut through the murmurs. "What's going on out there?"
Beside him, Busho held up his communicator, while he put on his single-ear headphone. "I don't know. All communications have been cut off."
"Dammit…" Sitch frantically tapped the table's screen, pulling up multiple holographic displays, many flashing red warnings. "Impossible! H-How can this be? Destruction levels at 99.8%? A-City has been destroyed in an instant!"
In an instant, Tatsumaki felt a surge of anticipation. Hopefully, this enemy would let her vent her pent-up frustrations.
Sitch clutched the sides of his head. "Who could've guessed her prediction would come true so soon?!"
Tatsumaki sat with her arms crossed, growing bored by the rising panic. Realizing she had focused too much on them, she turned back, and her eyes widened. Genos and Caspian were gone. She scanned the room and noticed no one else seemed aware of their disappearance. Even Bang had vanished. She had been so absorbed that she had missed three people leaving.
Something hit the floor to her left. Her eyes followed the sound, then trailed up to a massive hole in the ceiling. What? You think I'll let you steal all the fun, Caspian? I need this more!
In a green blur, Tatsumaki flew through the hole and onto the Hero Association Headquarters' roof.
¤ ¤ ¤
Down below, surrounding the Headquarters, A-City lay in ruins. Though the smoke and debris made it hard to see the ground, a keen observer from above might spot a figure darting toward the area beneath the ship, and another, moving stealthily in pursuit.
The first figure moved with purpose, weaving through the wreckage with practiced ease. The second, quieter and more deliberate, kept a careful distance, their presences an anomaly amidst the destruction.
¤ ¤ ¤
A giant ship did this? Aliens? She shook her head and scanned the sky, quickly spotting the yellow-suited baldy she was looking for. He was flying toward the ship, using the massive artillery shells as springboards.
Tatsumaki enveloped herself in psychic energy and soared into the air. "Where do you think you're going?"
Her emerald-green aura flared as she shot forward, rapidly closing in on the gargantuan ship. The wind whipped around her, but she didn't notice, her focus locked on the figure ahead who had just blasted through and disappeared into the alien vessel.
So, doing exactly what she had been convincing herself not to do, she chased after Caspian, excitement bubbling up from deep within.