Chapter 4: Double Down
Rolling out of bed and going through my morning routine I ended up looking in the reward space of my system, not having an inventory kind of sucked but if that item drop reward from last night meant anything then that problem was solved, trying to pull out the bag of holding a panel appeared in front of me asking me to... I get to customize it? Hell yeah, deciding to go for more of a medieval satchel instead of a big bag so that I could strap it to my body around my hip/thigh area as that would make it more convenient to have on me and would be less likely to separate from me. For the color and material I went with a black leather and grey cloth mix, adding on a silver clasps to actually fasten it closed I confirmed my input and it was now in my hands.
Testing it out I fastened it to my body with the straps and started putting some basic thing in there like snacks, candy, water, changes of clothes, a knife, a first aid kit, flashlight, and a bag of zip ties. Trying to prepare for most situations I might end up in... as well as preparing for vigilantism, of course I still intended to go to UA but that was still 3 months away, I wanted the rewards and EXP now rather than later. Going through my options for a disguise to conceal my identity, I had a solid idea with what I had. But now that I had the idea I put a pin in it and got back to my regularly scheduled training arc.
Right now my vitality is lacking the most, as things stand I am squishy and I learned from that fight last night that my stamina bar depletes when I do things during combat and is used to fuel certain physical abilities. Where MP fuels summoning familiars, transformations, and the less physical abilities. The real question is... how do I train vitality without looking like I need to be put in a mental hospital... I could have my banshee start slugging me or maybe my vitality would increase if I do stuff that is more physically demanding than I should be capable of? I'm not sure, but the most accessible option would be...
My banshee appearing in front of me having already fully activated [Bark] and become wood it already understood the assignment and without hesitation it's fist sent me tumbling with a punch to the chest, but instead of trying to get up I simply put up my guard and let the banshee do it's thing. The thing in question being stomping on me, I didn't last more than 3 minutes under my banshee's assault as I didn't want to know what happened if parts of my wooden body completely broke off. However my theory and pain paid off, the banshee's strikes did increase my vitality from 7 to a solid 13. I probably would have been hospitalized if it weren't for the fact that injuries taken during the use [Bark] don't completely transfer over when I return to normal, thankfully Vitality is tied to stamina, defense, and health regeneration so it should be worth the beating. Though I don't have a health bar so I assume it's just my bodies recovery time from injuries, maybe working out while injured like this might also increase my vitality and my other physical stats.
Dropping down again and cranking out some push ups, which hurt like a bitch considering most of my banshee's stomps landed on my arms that I was protecting myself with. a solid 4 hours later and I stopped not because I was tired or it hurt, but because I was hungry. I had skipped dinner last night and only had a small breakfast this morning, but after eating the food I realized an important detail... food restored my health, or at least healed my previously very purple bruises. Very nice discovery, right in line with my previous discovery of water, and possibly other liquids recovering my MP. Being healed although not fully, I checked my current gains.
[Vitality 13-->15]
[Strength 18--> 23]
Very nice gains indeed, my stamina now went up to 75 instead of it's previous 35 before I started training vitality. Resisting the urge to have my banshee beat me again for more vitality, and definitely ignoring my own inner masochist that may or may not be forming at the pain gives me stats realizations. Hopefully that detail doesn't grow enough to become a perk in the system... random thoughts aside I started training with [SPECIALIST] as it would serve it's purpose of separating my vigilante identity from my normal identity via using a completely different quirk, how was I training it? I activated offense mode and while basking in it's red afterimage aura goodness that despite already having seen it, still managed to tickle the coolness factor in my brain and started practicing with [Brawling]. And by that I mean I was sparing with my Banshee who I could finally keep up with, she was still stronger than me and offense mode managed to close the gap somewhat. But I was learning, Defense form... For all intents and purposes I felt unstoppable, my banshee's punches barely hurt at all and I was able to see the damage she was managing to deal healing. Although it wasn't rapidly fast or anything I was able to notice over time that different light bruises disappeared during our sparring. and it just so happened to make me glow yellow when I was in defense mode, though it sadly lacked the cool afterimage aspect of offense mode and instead made a reactive swirling pulse of the glow around my body when I was hit.
All day... I sparred with my banshee all day, and got the gains to show for it. [SPECIALIST] really shined with it's neutral mode increasing my recovery rate for stamina and MP, allowing me to jump back into training much sooner. looking through my system notifications brought a clear smile to my face.
[Due to fighting for extended periods, stat points have been gained!]
[Strength 23-->29]
[Vitality 15-->19]
[Agility 17-->20]
[Due to sparring with {Banshee} it's level has increased!]
[{Banhee} LV3-->LV5]
[{SPECIALIST} has leveled up! LV2-->LV6]
[{Brawling} has leveled up! LV3-->LV7]
I don't know why I didn't train by actually trying to spar with my banshee before, as a matter of fact now that I was thinking about her... it doesn't take any MP to keep her summoned, just the initial cost to bring her out. I could permanently have her tailing me after becoming actually invisible, which I didn't know till she pulled that trick on me to get behind me when we were sparring though.... Why didn't I think she could do that in the first place, she's a ghost... My own stupidity aside I had managed to fully recover and my banshee was actually stronger now, though I don't know how she had reached level 3 before our spar... It was either that thug or the time I had her beat on me, probably the thug and I just missed the notification. And from now on she will be following me at all times while invisible.
Double checking yesterday's notifications I can safely assure myself that it was indeed the thug who leveled her up before and I simply didn't notice because I was tired. Eating dinner and going to a neatly folded pile of clothes I got ready for my plans of very legal heroism... Now being dressed in black sweatpants, red shoes, a red hoodie, and a black cloth mask covering the lower half of my face. I completed my getup by strapping on my satchel and tying a red cloth to cover it from view in a way that still let me reach down into it. I was now ready for vigilantism. Leaving the house through my bedroom window due to the fear of someone passing by witnessing me leaving through the front door, at least this way they might assume I robbed the place rather than pin this vigilante identity on me. activating defense mode I dropped from the window to the ground and then swapped to offense mode and I was off, running faster than I have ever moved since arriving here I ducked into alleyways and searched for any evildoers for me to dispense totally not painful justice.
Boring... that is what combing through the alleyways was, I decided to attempt climbing onto a building and just parkouring through the city and I started managing to cover more ground due to not needing to turn as much. Honestly I guess using offense mode to traverse the city like this does grant some good EXP for it, I made it as far as I had gotten last night in almost half the time and [SPECIALIST] had reached LV8.
Continuing my exploration in search of thugs I eventually managed to come across a group of men threatening a very visibly tired man who looked like an office worker, though at least these guys had the brains to wear masks... very cheap All Might masks but still masks nonetheless. Jumping from the roof above them as I switched to defense mode I landed on the smallest of the group, immediately dropping him due to the sudden weight of a human being crashing down on him. I made no hesitation to swap into offense mode and slugged the nearest still standing thug in the balls, 'sorry bro...quickest way to bring you down' I thought to myself as he crumpled to the ground clenching his family jewels. The remaining three men were obviously very angry when they caught up with what was happening as I stomped on the head of the man I had dropped down onto to make sure he was unconscious before charging the three still remaining men.
"He busted Kujo's balls! Avenge him!" one of the men called out as they tried to retaliate...Thankfully they only resorted to small time crime because of their quirks being deemed as useless by society... Though it was likely also them being idiots as they thankfully didn't jump me and came at me one on one, taking advantage of my increased strength and agility due to [SPECIALIST] I managed to actually beat the scrawny man who stepped up first rather viciously. Blitzing him and grabbing his shoulder I took a page from Batman's book and hammered my fist into his face till he went down and then triple tapped his face with more punches just to be sure.
"the fuck is this guy? I've never seen heroes beat people like that" the remaining two men said as they took a step back, thankfully the man I was saving had already fled the scene. charging the next one so that they didn't have time to plan I quickly dispatched him by grabbing his head and forcing him down into my knee with a disgusting crunch of his nose breaking before I gripped him by his clothes and thew him at the brick wall of the alleyway, sending him to dreamland before I heard noise behind me. Switching to defense form I felt a fist hit the back of my head and thankfully bounce off... wasn't this supposed to be nightmare difficulty? why are the thugs so easy? Turning around as I switched into offense mode I put my entire bodyweight behind a haymaker into the last of the thug's gut, doubling him over before quickly slamming my knee into his head and sending him to dreamland.
The office worker probably alerted the police or heroes so I only took a short moment to pull out the zip ties and restrained all 5 of the thugs before making my escape, going further into the alleyway I changed into one of the normal outfits I had in my bag and emerged from a different entrance to this set of alleyways and made my way home, thankfully I changed because when the authorities passed by they ignored me due to me not fitting whatever description they were given and eventually I managed to get home, though not tired as I wasn't wasn't running and neutral mode helped me stay energized. Now for my favorite activity... Looking at my system notifications.
[LV3, LV4, LV3, LV2, and LV5 thugs defeated!]
[+600 EXP]
[Level up!]
[Stat points +25 from level ups!]
[{Brawling} has leveled up! LV7-->LV12]
[Money gained!]
[Due to winning 5v1 battle, Advantage Silver Ability Ticket rewarded!]
[Due to saving your first civilian, Silver Perk Ticket rewarded!]
[Due to perfectly avoiding the authorities, Silver Ability Ticket rewarded!]
[Due to successful first time vigilante work, Advantage Silver Familiar Ticket rewarded!]
[Due to a flawless victory, Silver Ability Ticket rewarded!]
[due to successfully making first alter ego, +1 ability slot rewarded!]
Holy..... Shit..... Vigilante work might have just become my favorite activity, now imagining when I can do this stuff legally? Sitting down and pulling out the perk ticket to test if my luck is good tonight or not before I roll abilities I watched as the panels showed up.
[Rolling Silver Perk Ticket...]
[... .. .!]
[Uncommon perk obtained!]
[Craftsman: increases the quality of all crafted items by 50%]
Not too bad, but not great either. though if I managed to roll or make a crafting related skill I might be able to make good use.... does making constructs with holy power count as crafting? what are the actual requirements for it to count as a crafted item?... I'll save myself the headache and just get on with this, tearing the familiar ticket in half.
[Rolling Advantage Silver Familiar Ticket!...
[... .. .!]
[Choose between the two familiars!]
[(R) Egg]
...On one hand, that egg could be any of the rare tier or higher familiars... Buuut on the other hand, who would be able to effectively teach me how to use holy power more so than an angel? Weighing the pros and cons I eventually selected the angel and watched her appear in my familiars panel
[Angel: A winged holy being that stands for purity and all that is good in the world]
Deciding I'd check the angel out tomorrow I turned towards my ability tickets, rolling the normal silver ticket first.
[Rolling Silver Ability Ticket!]
[... .. .!!!]
[Elite Ability obtained!]
[Demon Form] (A/N: HOW, that was a 1% chance on the wheel)
[Demon Form: Allows the user to take on the appearance and qualities of a demon. Red skin, black horns, a black spaded tail, and black batlike wings. Allows for the use of using Demonic Power]
Oh the irony, if it's an elite tier ability it has to be very good, especially if it's the opposite on the spectrum for [Angel Form], I'll play with it later. advantage ticket time.
[Rolling Advantage Silver Ability Ticket!]
[... .. .!]
[Choose between the two abilities!]
Y'know... it would be so nice if I could see their descriptions BEFORE I pick, since I don't know what Ichor does I'll just go with Barrier. More defense options are always good, right?
[Barrier: an ability that allows the user to make, manipulate, and control durable barriers]
Tearing the last ticket I had I watched as I waited for the final result before I would head to bed.
[Rolling Silver Ability Ticket!]
[... .. .!]
[Non-Lethal: a toggleable passive ability that turns any damage dealt by the user into non-lethal damage. It is impossible for the user to kill.]
Now that.... I can deliver the most vicious of batman level beatings with this, but I'll dwell on all of this tomorrow, laying in bed I promptly passed out.
Author corner time! Kichiro had probably his biggest stroke of luck so far. Too bad that means he probably used up all of his luck for the next few chapters.
As always criticism and advice is greatly appreciated and encouraged!
Feel free to recommend things to add to any of the wheels, the more stuff on them the better. especially because some of the wheels like the vehicles, bases, and items feels rather lacking.
see you all next time!