His Breeding Obsession

Chapter 140

The middle-aged man frowned. His expression hardened, as if he’d lost his composure in retrospect.

 “Then, what do you mean?” “I’m talking about a warrior witch.” “You’re saying more and more unbelievable things.” “You humans call it the Plains of Razhul disaster, and the Great Witch who disappeared that day has returned, and I was in the palace because of it.” 

Mirania spoke slyly, as if she were a servant witch to the Great Witch.


It’s enough to make you guess.


Common sense would dictate that it would be much easier to accept that she was a witch who served the Great Witch than that she was the Great Witch.


Indeed, the man was so distracted by the appearance of the Great Witch that he no longer questioned her identity.

 “You think you can’t tell the difference between truth and falsehood when it comes to imperial secrets? You’re mistaken if you think you can just pick them up and run with them. It’s not too difficult for me to figure out whether what you say is true or not.” “It’s not a lie. If you’re so confident, you can find out for yourself. What’s the problem?” 

The man’s face turned to stone. Mirania’s demeanor was unpleasant.

 “Very well, I will suspend judgment on the truth of your story.” 

He glared at her, more cautious and serious than before.

 “Tell me your purpose in following Donnie, and why have you appeared here, on the behest of the Emperor or the evil bird Hakan?” “My arrival here was a coincidence. I know nothing of the Second Continent, so I left the palace to see what the situation is.” “If you’ve been on the First Continent all your life, it’s no wonder you don’t know what’s going on in the Second.” 

The middle-aged man nodded as if in agreement, then suddenly laughed.

 “You can’t prove it, so it’s an easy excuse to make up.” “You have a heart harder than a diamond. If the imperial palace knew of this place, they would have sent an army, not a tribe.” 

The middle-aged man closed his mouth.

 “That I am a witch can be proven by my ability to commune with nature, and that I have no harmful intentions is… well, I don’t know how to put it.” “…” “I wonder if it would help if I told you what’s on my mind.” “What is it.” “I’ve come all this way, and it’s not just because I’m bored, of course. I’m staying in the palace as a spare part of the Great Witch’s life, but it’s suffocating.” “Suffocating.” “Yes. Do you know that witches are a clan of nature?” “I have heard of them.” “Well, that explains a lot. For those of us who are nature-oriented, the Second Continent is not a good place to live. And then there’s that… High Lord. Do you know how unpleasant he is to witches, all flesh, and blood?” 

Mirania felt a strange twinge in her heart.


The smell of blood on Grecan.


The arrogant, dangerous idea of having all life under his feet.


The words she’d said to keep the man in line, to keep things in perspective, had somehow seemed genuine.


‘Is it me, is that why it bothered him?’

 “Mm-hmm, I can’t naively believe you, or dismiss you as a liar.” 

The man with his arms folded leaned back against the backrest. The prickly wariness eased.

 “And you, what does this place have to do with the palace?” “I said I was the only one asking questions.” “You may not be able to put me to death, as you have threatened to do, but it would be to your advantage to offer an explanation.” “Why is that?” 

Mirania said calmly to the middle-aged man, who waggled his eyebrows.

 “Because I can help you.” “Huh?” “Because I don’t like the continent as it is now, and this body remembers it vividly from over a hundred years ago. Perhaps you only know what your ancestors told you?” “…” “The Second Continent of a hundred years ago wasn’t perfect, but it was better than this disaster. If your group wishes to restore the strength of the past, I am willing to lend a hand.” “…” “So, tell me. What is your purpose and what is your connection to Grecan?” 

The man was puzzled. Suddenly, his stance changed.


He stared at Mirania in silence. His eyes were a little higher, looking down at her.

 “This is a school. A place where any human can study, in the tradition of the old Academia. Our hope. Our future. All of it.” “The old Academia’s belief that anyone could study? You’re wrong. The Academia was a place to train men and women who would be loyal to the imperial court and enrich the country, which means only the highest ranking nobles could attend.” “…” 

Mirania tilted her head, and the middle-aged man gave her a puzzled look.

 “You didn’t know?” 

The man coughed loudly.

 “…A hundred years of the Emperor’s madness destroyed much of the material, and after that, the armies of the beasts erased the records and traces of humans, so all that remains is the record of a civilization that has been around for a long time.” “Go on.” “…I’m gathering the despised clans and training them in swordsmanship, magic, crafts, and the virtues of life. Our goal is to reduce the number of people who die in vain, crushed by the power of the beasts.” “It seems to me that you are aiming to exterminate what the imperial court refers to as the rebellious seeds. Are you the rebellious seeds?” 

The middle-aged man stiffened, as if he didn’t like the tone of the question.

 “Most of the kids here have nothing to do with the rebellion, and to be fair, it’s not really a rebellion, it’s an overthrow of the regime, which isn’t exactly normal right now.” “At least you seem to be a rebel.” “Yes, I am. I’m the Resistance.” 

The middle-aged man acknowledged with a grim expression.


A clear voice interrupted. Mirania turned her head.


The woman who had cautiously approached hesitated, looking as if she should say this or not.

Mirania’s eyes lit up.


It was the same woman who had been talking to Donnie, but what caught Mirania’s attention was the slender nape of her neck.


The woman was fair-skinned and innocent-looking, with rust-blue scales around her nape.


‘Mermaid? No, you’re half-breed.’

 “I have something to tell you.” “It must be important, because you wouldn’t interrupt me.” “Actually, Donnie…” 

Donnie’s eyes clouded with tension as the middle-aged man glanced away.

 “That’s her, she seemed to know how to work magic.” “…” “Professor, you said you needed a wizard before.” 

The middle-aged man rubbed his brow with a thick finger.

 “Yes. I did say that once. We need wizards to train wizards, so…” 

He glanced absentmindedly at Mirania. Her brow wrinkled.

 “I know where you were coming from when you said that. Donnie, I understand your desire to become a mage, but there is too much at stake to trust this person.” “There is no lie in my words. If you’re worried about snitching, you don’t have to be.” 

She smiled lazily as their gazes met. It was an uncharacteristic demeanor for someone in captivity.

 “And my offer stands.” “…” “I’m afraid you don’t have the right person to teach magic here.” 

The middle-aged man stiffened, as if he didn’t like her dismissive.

 “Don’t try to bewitch the child. You are not to be trusted.” 

Donnie gritted his teeth. Lips twitching slightly.


‘Then why come along, so dangerously.’


Mirania rolled her eyes. They may have a desire for magic, but they are basically good by nature.


Another human contradiction.


It’s human to stab one’s parents in the back.


It’s also human to lend a helping hand to someone whom one has known for only half a day.


Suddenly, there was a commotion outside. It wasn’t long before footsteps followed.

 “I don’t know if I’m too late, I’ve been busy at work and forgot to come by.” “Well, it’s a good thing you’re late, because I have a student who is anxiously awaiting your arrival, Professor Smith.” 

The middle-aged man rose from his chair and looked toward the entrance.


Mirania turned her head as well.


It was in the corner, hard to see. Moving her body only hurt her wrists, so she leaned back against the wall and relaxed her posture.


A middle-aged man walked over. The new guest’s voice was somewhat gruff.

 “Professor Horus. It’s been a month.” “Sorry for the late arrival.” “Everything okay?” “That’s what I’m asking, I hope you’re okay?” “Yes. Fortunately, there has been no movement on the palace side, so His Excellency is not in a position to be disturbed.” “I’m glad you’ve joined us, Mr. Smith.” “It is kind of you to say so…” 

There was a moment of silence.

 “…And her?” 

A voice broke through, a tone higher. Mirania raised her eyebrows.


A figure appeared in front of her. The man stared at her with a long neck, his pupils dilated as if he had seen a ghost.


Brown eyes, the usual brown eyes.


Mirania tilted her head,

‘Where have I seen him before?’ 

 “Do you know her?” 

The middle-aged man looked back and forth between Mirania and Smith in surprise.

Smith nodded hesitantly.

 “I’ve told you once before, that I lost the magic workshop to a beast and worked as a servant.” “I remember.” “She was the one who helped me then, and it was because of her that I decided to find Miss Granger.  

Horus’s face grew troubled.

 “When in trouble, run or fight, is that what you meant?” 

Smith smiled pleasantly.


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