Hogwarts: Through the Veil of Time

Chapter 41: CHAPTER 40

I nodded at this and quickly finished the remaining juice. In principle, something similar was observed in some fragments of the fragments' memories. Take, for example, the same elf. For about twenty years, he taught at the Imperial Academy of Magic, which was in the capital. There was a kind of exclusion zone around it, which formed itself "ordinary people were simply uncomfortable being around it. It's a pity, such a pity, that I have almost no memories of these, only a dozen vague images.

"You're always in such a hurry, in such a fuss, running here and there," I noted, also getting up from the table.

"I took all the extra subjects. It's even good that the schedule was changed because of the Dementors, making it quite linear. According to the old schedule with many groups, I would most likely not have been able to attend some subjects.

We left the great hall and headed back to the Ancient Runes office. Yes, a double lesson. That's what I decided to ask about.

"And there weren't any double classes before?

"According to senior students, usually separate hours are allocated for additional classes. Different subjects were often taught at the same time, so it was practically impossible to attend them. It was.

"Hmm, I see," I nodded as we strolled along the corridors.

Daphne came around the corner of another corridor intersection, having just waved goodbye to a plump, tall girl in Slytherin colors, our classmate. The girl went in the other direction, and Daphne found herself practically next to us. In fact, as did the three Ravenclaws who were walking quite far ahead.

"Greengrass," I immediately nodded with a slight smile.

"Granger... and Granger.

Hermione immediately assumed an offended and distant look, showing her "Fie". By the way, Daphne did the same, and her "Fie" was not demonstrative, but at the same time much more qualitative, or something. But, besides this, she pressed the school bag that hung from her shoulder more tightly to herself.

"I noticed you have an overabundance of books on runes...

"I won't give it to you, that's my story, end of story.

"You're breaking my heart.

"Then you need to hurry to the hospital wing. Madam Pomfrey is a great specialist in all kinds of injuries.

"I don't understand," Hermione shook her head. "How can you, Hector, be so different?"


"Yes. Sometimes understanding, sometimes smart and serious, sometimes arrogant, eclipsing even Malfoy. And with the Hufflepuff guys he's generally simple, familiar, as if he studied with them from the very beginning. Somehow even hypocritical from the outside.

"You're missing the point, Granger," Daphne said for me. "He's acting as the situation demands. From his point of view. Pursuing his own goals. Hypocritical? Oh, yes!"

Daphne smirked, glancing at us for a moment.

"But life is a complicated thing in general.

We approached the office doors, and inside the Ravenclaws who had arrived a little earlier were already sitting down in their places.

"All the world's a stage," Daphne continued her monologue as she entered the office. "In it, women and men are all actors. They have their own entrances and exits..."

Daphne gave Hermione a sly look as we walked between the rows of tables to our seats, but Hermione just looked at the brunette in surprise.

"And everyone plays more than one role," I finished.

"Shakespeare," Hermione stated the fact.

I took my desk on the left side of the aisle, Daphne on the right, and Hermione stood looking at us.

"I didn't think you were familiar with the classics," she said to Daphne. "I thought purebloods hated everything Muggle."

Daphne looked at Hermione with slight and almost imperceptible surprise.

"You look smarter, Granger. Free advice I once got from my parents. Close the book and open your eyes. We travel by train, carriages, use radios, collect firearms, cameras and film for them, architecture, and even the same elevators at the Ministry, plumbing at Hogwarts. Although…

Daphne waved her hand dismissively.

"No one expects any understanding from you.

"You? "Hermione's aggression awakens.

"Don't ask a question you don't want to know the answer to.

Hermione turned up her nose and looked at me.

"If you have any questions, be sure to contact me. I've been here for a while now and I know a lot. And also, Hector, I don't recommend talking to Slytherins. It won't lead to anything good.

She turned and walked back to her desk. The Ravenclaws sat quietly and pretended to be busy, but as soon as Hermione moved aside, Anthony Goldstein, who was sitting in front of me, turned to look at me.

"Considering how you stood up for your sister in front of Malfoy, I expected something similar here. Why?

"Don't get involved in a fight between two women if you don't want to be the one left holding the bag. They have their own methods, they'll sort it out themselves.

Anthony nodded and turned away, and a moment later Professor Babbling entered the room. Well, let's continue the lesson.


In the midst of the day's bustle, I didn't even notice how evening had come, dinner had passed, and I was already sitting in the faculty lounge, to which I still can't get used to.

"Hector," Cedric came up to me, pleased and smiling in his own way. "There you are."

Without further ado, the headman beckoned to the next chair and sat down opposite, leaning forward a little.

"I want to make you happy. We have assembled a full team and are ready for training. True, training is prohibited until the end of the first two weeks "according to the professors' plan, we should spend this time helping the newcomers adapt. But this concerns training specifically on the field and specifically in Quidditch. No one is prohibiting flight training.

"I see," I nodded with a smile. "That's great. When? Tomorrow? In the morning?"

"Whoa, whoa, boy, don't rush things, "Cedric stopped my enthusiasm. "But yes, you're right. In the morning, but the day after tomorrow. And in general, every day, for an hour. We need to get used to each other's flying style. And then, from September fifteenth, we'll move on to training twice a week, specifically in Quidditch. How's that, okay?

"Of course," I didn't hide my joy.

"That's great," Cedric stood up and headed towards the older boys.

Justin, sitting on the couch next to him, decided that silence was an unaffordable luxury in this situation.

"Quidditch? In what role?


"But you didn't say.

"I didn't do it on purpose. It just got forgotten in all this hustle and bustle.

"I understand," the guy smiled back. "I myself couldn't get used to all this at first…"

Justin gestured meaningfully around the area.


"Are you comparing Hogwarts to a mental hospital?

"You just weren't here in the past years. There's no other way to say it. But maybe that's just my "Muggle" opinion?

"Who knows, Justin, who knows... It's too early for me to draw conclusions.

"The main thing is that one day it won't be too late.

"Profoundly thoughtful.

"My father beats deep thinking into me," Justin grimaced, clearly remembering something unpleasant. "In words, it sounds good. In practice... So-so."

Silence reigned in our modest company, but it was not destined to last long "my classmates quickly gathered at the table, and we began to check whether all the homework had been done, because tomorrow would be an especially difficult day.

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