House of The Dragon-The Beauty, The Bold, And The Black Dread

Chapter 70: Conversation With The Queen II

(Third Person POV)

[Around Two Weeks Later]

After the brief but brutal Plague, King's Landing was able to recover from the deaths of those who were unfortunate. Despite surviving the Racking Cough, King Viserys was still left bedridden. According to the Grand Maester, it would be normal for him to be somewhat weak as his body would begin to heal. 

The people were in mourning, counting their losses, and were deeply saddened to hear that Princess Rhaenyra's sons were among those who died. Claw Isle and Driftmark also suffered great losses, a couple hundred people died there. Fortunately, the Plague only affected the Crownlands as the roads were shut down until everything passed. 

As the Crown was recovering, Prince Baelon and Princess Helaena decided that they would leave in the coming days, knowing that their Father would recover without issue. 

It was on this day that things began to stir. 

Daemon Targaryen had arrived. 

The Rogue Prince walked down the halls as he had his hand on Dark Sister, "Where is my brother?" He asked as he made haste

Ser Harrold walked behind him, "He is bed, My Prince." He said, "What is the matter? It is unusual for you to come with such haste." 

"I need to speak to him." Daemon said, "I have come across a grave matter. It appears that the Plague was used to our enemies' advantage. They have began to move." 

As they turned the corner, Daemon saw that Baelon was walking down the hallways. The Heir heard the sounds of Ser Harrold's armor clanking and he turned around to see his uncle. 

"Daemon." He said with surprise, "You've come. I have sent letters and had no answer." 

"My apologies, Nephew." Daemon said as he walked, "We need to go and speak to the King. Now." 

Daemon walked past him and Baelon immediately rushed over to keep up along him. 

"What?" I said, "What is the matter? I do not think he is going to be in any mood....our nephews have just died, Uncle." 

"I am aware, it is a great tragedy." Daemon said, "But in our moment of weakness, our enemies will strike." 

Baelon's face hardened, "What happened?" 

"Our Strong friend has been spotted in Claw Isle." Daemon said, "And it appears that the rumors about Trevor having a bastard is true. The fool, he went ahead and seduced Corlys's bastard daughter who has Targaryen blood...." 

Baelon scowled, "That son of a...." He said, "He intends to make a move?!" 

"This is good, keep Rhaenyra here." Daemon said, "We have his wife and daughter, what is the idiot going to do? Absolutely nothing. We will destroy him." 


Rhaenyra was in her chambers, sitting down in her chair, holding a cup of tea. After the time spent in the Red Keep, she had calmed down. The first few days were incredibly hard for her as she was in a deep pit of despair. 

She was inconsolable, her daughter Aemma had trouble in calming her down. All she could do was weep for hours on end until she fell asleep. She rarely ate, which worried her Father even more. Helaena spent hours every day trying to get her to eat and was barely successful at times. 

But now, she seemed to be better. She was still grieving, however. She found it hard to believe that her two sons were gone. It was incredibly hard, especially when her own husband rarely showed any emotion when it had happened. Which is why she rushed over to King's Landing right after they passed. Trevor Celtigar did not seem to care, which was very unusual in Rhaenyra's eyes. 

She sighed as she wiped a single tear coming out from her eye, "Oh...." She said, "My boys...." 

There was a knock on the door and Rhaenyra looked up, "Y-Yes?" 

"It is I, Rhaenyra." Alicent's voice was heard

"Come in, Your Grace." Rhaenyra said

The door opened and the Queen walked in, a slight smile on her face. 

"Hello, are you feeling well today?" Alicent asked

Rhaenyra nodded, "Y-Yes..." She said, "How is Father?" 

"He is doing well, he just needs rest." Alicent said, "It appears that what he has is a mere side-effect of the cough....but we will pray for his recovery....." 

"That is good." Rhaenyra said, "I cannot handle another loss at this moment." 

"I understand." Alicent said as she stood in front of her, "That is why I have waited this long to speak to you about something, Rhaenyra." 

Rhaenyra frowned, "What do you mean?" 

"You and Baelon's fight." Alicent said, "From two years ago." 

Rhaenyra looked away, "Have you spoken to him?" 

"Neither him nor you wanted to speak about it over the past two years, Rhaenyra." Alicent said, "There were rumors that were immediately shut down. I did not believe any of those rumors but there were things that concerned me. Over the past two years, Baelon seemed happy. He and Helaena seemed happy. But any mention of you always made him act was unlike him.....he is not that way normally." 

Rhaenyra looked down, "I do not wish to speak about this." 

"I am sorry, Rhaenyra. For your boys, I really am." Alicent said, "But I have given you enough time to yourself.....I need to question you about this.....about your husba-" 

"There is no proof that Trevor was responsible!" Rhaenyra cut her off, "By the gods, Alicent, can you not realize that it was Baelon overreacting? H-He could have died and I understand." 

Alicent sighed, "He seems very adamant that it is the case." She said, "But you are right, there is no proof. He's made up his mind, Rhaenyra. Once he finds the proof, he will deliver justice. There is no way around it. The way Trevor has been acting, it adds to the suspicion. He has not once visited the Capital....he did not show himself during your boys' funeral....granted, you did fly here right away so it is understandable." 

Rhaenyra stood up, "I...." She said, "I cannot just accept the fact that accusations...are thrown at my husband's-"

"I know, Rhaenyra." Alicent said, "I know how you truly feel. And I admire and respect that devotion to him...if that is what you want to call it...but I know....gods, I was blind....I did not see that the way you look at Baelon is the same way he used to look at you.....You do not love Trevor, not anymore...but you love Baelon, don't you?" 

Rhaenyra looked at her, "I....." 

"I thought as much." Alicent said with a frown, "You broke his heart, Rhaenyra....." 

"I...bro-" Rhaenyra said as her voice trembled and she stopped herself, "I broke his heart??? Alicent, he shattered mine...." 

"Baelon has his flaws, Rhaenyra. But he always means well." Alicent said, "I know very well the kind of man he is....and I don't blame you....I really don't blame anyone who looks at that boy and immediately falls for him. He is kind, gentle, and strong....but Rhaenyra, you are in a serious position. You defended someone who may or may not be a traitor and he tried to help you.....and you refused...." 

Rhaenyra began to shed tears, "You don't get it, do you?" She said softly, "How I feel? Tell me, Alicent, how would you feel if the man that you fell in love with when we were girls...would turn out to be a manipulative rat who did not care for you after all....? That you made a mistake...." 

"I envy you, Rhaenyra...." Alicent said, "The fact that you think you made a mistake. You who had the choice to marry who you wanted.....And I understand if you did in fact made one.....Trevor...he was kind to you..." 

"Oh, please...." Rhaenyra scoffed, "How can you talk when you were the one who married my father when he was grieving the death of my mother?" 

Alicent frowned, "That is not fair, Rhaenyra...." She said, "That is not fair at all. I had no choice in know that....and that was my point....You had the choice yet you chose wrong, it seems." 

"What kind of woman am I, Alicent? A whore?" Rhaenyra said, "Is that what you wish to tell me?" 

"Do not put words in my mouth, Rhaenyra. That is not what I wish to imply." Alicent said, "You know well enough what I mean...." 

"All these years, you have known that I felt like an outcast....a stray...." Rhaenyra said, "My own Husband grew distant and my feelings for him grew void.....I...and you...despite not having a choice, you were happy with how it turned out. So even if you had no choice, you did not suffer what I did...."

"I know, Rhaenyra. I had no choice in marrying your Father when we were girls, when we were sisters..." She said, "And yes, you are right. It turned out good, better than what I had thought.....I gave birth to four beautiful children...gave you beloved siblings....but most of all, I raised a beautiful boy who grew up to be the man that he is. Rhaenyra, became a mother to a boy who did not come out of my womb. So believe me when I say this; I care about Baelon and his well-being, more than you can hope to fathom. So how do you think I feel when the woman that I grew up with has fallen in love with him, with my son?" 

Rhaenyra shook her head, "I know these feelings are wrong." She said, "I know...." 

"They are not wrong, Rhaenyra...." Alicent said softly, "It is the situation that they arose from that is wrong. I need you to work with me, to help you.....if Trevor really is responsible....then you are in danger, your daughter is....." 

Rhaenyra looked at her, "My won't-" 

"We will not harm a hair on Aemma's have my word..." Alicent walked up to her and grabbed her hands, "I just need you to tell me that you are not with Trevor....that should he be the culprit behind this.....that he is only acting alone and using you...." 

Rhaenyra began to cry, "I.....I am so sorry, Alicent...." She said, "I could not see it.....the kind of man he is.....this...." 

"This is my fault...!" 

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