Chapter 16: Wizard with a Mutation : Chapter 16
Disclaimer - The rights of the respective characters are with their respective owners. I don't mean to violate their intellectual property rights and thus, only my original characters are my IP.
Wizengamot Gallery, Magical Britain [1980]
–Scott Winters–
He stood in the Gallery area, impatiently tapping his foot, along with a dozen other people as they all waited for the vaunted Wizengamot to begin, once all the members had gathered, obviously.
The time was now 11:30 AM and there was still no sign of any members of the Wizengamot, let alone the pompous nobles who he expected to be late. The problem was that none of the people who were with him in the gallery were acting as impatient as he was, as if this was all within the norm.
Bunch of self important bastards.
He rolled his eyes as he finally heard the door creak, his attention shifting to the massive door that could probably house three lines of people at the same time, opening.
He noted various people coming in, their clothing suggesting they were nobility, and yup, they sat in the nobility section. As far as he could tell, the Wizengamot was not completely rigged to be in favour of the Noble houses, at least on the surface.
The seats were a mix of hereditary and appointed seats.
The Warlock had one, aside from cases where he abstained from voting due to some conflict of interest or whatever.
The Minister of Magic, Head of Magical Law Enforcement, Head of Transportation, Head of Education, and more, every single departmental head had a seat, which was an appointed seat, in theory, but the appointed people danced to the tunes of the nobility sitting in front of them so what difference did it make?
Then, Hogwarts actually got a seat, which had been empty for decades at this point because Albus bloody Dumbledore already occupied the position of Chief Warlock.
The distribution between hereditary and non hereditary positions was skewed in the favour of the nobility as well, with 35 seats being assigned to them and the rest 15 being appointed officials. Though, out of those 35, maybe 7 would be independent of the nobility votes as, more often than not, the ministry officials appointed with a Wizengamot seat were recommended by the nobles and were members of the poorer pureblood families who had fallen out of their fortunes.
He sighed as more and more of the nobility entered the Chambers, the hub hub increasing proportionally. The senior Ministry officials arrived soon as well, all coming at the same time, probably trying to project a strong front of their faction, though their positions were laughably compromised.
Then, he came.
He instinctively straightened up as he felt the atmosphere in the chambers change abruptly. His eyes narrowed as he looked at the opened door.
With a dramatic entrance, Dumbledore entered the Chambers, silencing the entire place without even doing anything, with the nobility looking at Dumbledore with barely repressed awe or hate, depending on their alignment on the moral as well as magical spectrum.
Dumbledore, was followed by multiple people, belonging to the more prominent families of the Light Spectrum, though his most ardent follower, Lord James Potter was notably absent, as he had been for the past year or so.
There was a hushed conversation within the nobility as an unassuming looking woman took the seat of Lord Potter.
Whispers that were quashed by the gavel of Dumbledore who began speaking. He had to hand it to the old woman, even benign this far way, he could feel the old man's magic, perfectly controlled and restrained and yet, polished and sharp, ready to be unleashed at a moment's notice.
That was not something that could be built within a few decades. No, Albus bloody Dumbledore probably had been training since he got a wand, relentlessly. That kind of prowess could not be built by just being magically talented or just hard work. The man probably worked himself to the bone, and then some.
Usually, even that doesn't guarantee becoming an Archmage but the man had gone ahead and become that as well. An Archmage, the strongest one alive, if the reports were to be believed. Albus Dumbledore and Voldemort, two active Archmages in the same era, both of similar prowess though it is common consensus that should both of the mages fight to the death, none would escape alive, such was their prowess.
Alas, this Voldemort fellow was quite crafty, never meeting Dumbledore head on, with the intent of finishing the fight. Most of the time, it was only because he was there to stall Dumbledore to stop him from single handedly stopping whatever assault the Dark Lord had mounted on some innocent shopping district.
Though his presence was surprisingly lacking on the raid in Diagon Alley. He had half expected to fight Voldemort himself when he saw that his members were attacking Diagon Alley in broad daylight and that was why he used lethal force with his lasers. He didn't want to have any distractions in his fight with an Archmage level wizard. Alas, the man didn't show up at all, which was good.
Though, judging by the magical feedback he was getting from his enhanced senses, if Voldemort was just as strong as Dumbledore, he was getting genuinely worried about his ability to truly kill off this guy, because these guys were monsters, so far ahead of Charles that it was not even funny.
Even that Native American guy who had gorged himself on over 300 wizards and a thousand No-Maj was no match for these guys in terms of pure magical disposition, which was all that guy had going for him.
"Since we are waiting for the rest of the members to arrive," The amused, yet firm voice of the Chief Warlock reached every corner of the chambers, "..might as well get some announcements out of the way. Unless anyone has any issues with that?" The way he peered at everyone in the nobility gathering without his glasses on must have been intimidating because everyone agreed.
"Good. Now, we have a substitution here, to vote in place for Lord James Charlus Potter, one Ms.Chamberlocks. Aside from that, we have some absentees, some who had sent in their votes in advance, and more." Dumbledore gestured to a stack of paper sitting in an unlocked chest on the right of him.
"Those will be opened after the present members are done with the voting. Now, as per standard procedure, we are to wait an hour after each and every announcements, provided that a majority is not reached to start–"
"Ahem," A smooth voice interrupted Dumbledore's speech/
"Yes, Lord Malfoy?"
"With all due respect, Chief Warlock. We already have a sitting majority of 47 people here and I see two advance vote proceedings in the protected Ministry chest. I think it is safe that we get things expedited, especially since the bill is of such importance with ramifications across all sectors of Magical Britain. So, I propose waiving off of the announcements to create a one time exception, for today."
"I second the motion." A portly man sitting right behind Malfoy stood up enthusiastically and shouted his support for the motion. Kiss ass.
"I see, Lord Malfoy, Lord Carrow. All in favour of the motions to be waived for expedited voting?" Dumbledore asked everyone in the gallery and he watched as all the sitting members drew their wands and tapped something in front of them, with a small circle lighting up green, indicating that the votes had been recorded, and it was an affirmative.
According to his knowledge, it was fairly basic, with green being YES, red being NO, and Blue abstaining from voting.
As expected, most of the votes were green with only two being red, which were wizards so old that they probably would have been closer to the founding fathers of the USA.
"I see. The motion is passed with a majority. Waiving off the announcements, we now move on to the flagship bill for the day. The bill will now be distributed in writing to all the members as well as the members of the Gallery." Dumbledore announced as a series of ministry employees began distributing the bill to every single member.
Meanwhile, in Malfoy Manor.
"My Lord, what do you think of the bill being passed today?"
He glanced at one of the many minions, who immediately bowed when their eyes met, too terrified to meet the eyes of a known legilimens who could tear the secrets out of their mind.
He then twirled the wand in his hand, "A commendable effort, Lucious has put up but it is all useless."
"Useless, my Lord?" Ah, the minion was trembling now.
"You see, Lucious and his father, to an extent, have been holding on to the notion that revolution, true lasting change, can be brought about in a civil manner. They still think that needless bloodshed can be avoided to fulfill our goals."
"Is it not possible, My Lord?" Hmm, two questions in a row. This one might have some spine in him, after all.
"No, it is not possible simply because you can't fight the system with the system, not with Dumbledore at the helm. You can't rip apart the society without at least ripping apart the pillars that propped that fake world up. You need blood, sacrifice, and death of the few to save the many."
"So, Lucios was doomed to fail?"
"Crucio!" He smiled at the screams that filled the room. After he felt like it was enough pain without permanent damage, he stopped, "Yes, he was going to fail and that was to be the point of that futile exercise, that unless and until you can dissolve that affront to society and instill a True LORD as the head, lasting change cannot be bought."
"Understood?" he leaned down as the man's entire body was wracked with spasms from the spell.
Even so, the man tried to bow, "Y-Yes, My Lord"
"Good, now Leave. I need to be ready to educate Lucious once he returns, defeated."
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