HP: Spirit Talker

Chapter 338: Chapter 184 The Malfoy Family (Part 4)

A stream of light bathed the entire ritual area in gold, and Maya and Nanao, like two graceful fairy tale mermaids, finished their dance. A final synchronized half turn, a bow to each other accompanied by a melodious chime, a few fluid steps, and the girls knelt on opposite sides of the bowl. The circle of light widened slightly, the dry grass turned green, simple flowers appeared, and the last sound of the flute died away.

Above the Lestranges, the light seemed fainter, the barely perceptible haze surrounding the trio, originally ashen gray, had become transparent blue — wonderful progress! The prayer to the sun-faced Amaterasu ended with an astonished sigh from Narcissa and Lucius.

Not only did they feel the effects of the curses lessening, but they also saw a dense cloud the color of blood rise from Draco. Quickly, but smoothly, the cloud gathered into small drops, the drops merging into clumps of liquid of various shapes and sizes that floated in a sphere around the boy.

The fire burning in the bowl flashed gold and the bloody orb crumbled into dark, safe dust. A communal bow of thanks to the four-meter flame that slowly settled. Xenophilius and Lizzie placed their wands on the faded symbol, infusing it with magic. At my nod, a slightly faster and more lilting melody flowed from Kurumi's flute, Maya and Nanao rose to their feet and moved in a mirrored circle around the bowl of fire.

Their dance now depicted two cranes, serene, graceful, beautiful. Every movement of the girls made the heart swoon — so beautiful were they at that moment, agile, wonderful. Their eyes, sparkling with life, looked only at each other, it seemed as if they were dancing only for themselves, as if there was no one else here but them.

The whole world is just for the two beautiful ayakashi dancing in the warm golden light. It's too beautiful a sight to hide from people! Could it be that cold hearts will melt when they see this dance?

Meanwhile, Junko and Afiri approach the thin mattress Draco is lying on. The swarthy girl raises the Jed scepter over the unconscious boy, her mother grasping the shaft under the girl's hand. A few words in ancient Egyptian and a ball of thick green light spreads from the scepter, covering the boy with a powerful stream of magic. A few more words and Draco opens his eyelids, but his eyes are blurred, he looks around slowly and incomprehensively.

Junko lets go of Jed and together with Afiri they retreat to the edge of the platform, completely devastated, having used up almost all of their magic reserves. Obeying the gesture, Rachel walks up to the boy, her dark skin visibly darkened by embarrassment, while Megan approaches from the other side, a determined expression on her face.

Narcissa kneels down beside her son, and without a word, drinks a vial of potion from the boy, the same vial that Maggie drank from Rachel. The mothers (Meaghan had raised Rachel since she was four) step aside, the young mulatto lowering herself to the blond boy, both eyes already glistening, flushed, their breathing heavy.

Draco raised a trembling hand to the girl's robe, unzipping it in one motion. Rachel hovered over the boy, letting him enjoy her nakedness for a few seconds, then lowered herself gently and they merged in a hot kiss. The blond man's hands were hidden under the girl's robe, and Rachel ran her fingers through the man's platinum hair.

The sight of someone else's "first time" didn't repel me or interest me, but the circumstances demanded it. While some blushed at the oohs and ahhs of the newlyweds and others watched with interest, I simply did my duty. Kagura and an invocation to Amaterasu, plus a lot of magic, allowed us to break the curse of transformation, but this ritual is a request for a fertility blessing, and we got it.

However, we should not forget the old curses of the Malfoy family, which are a little weakened by the ritual, so the last part of the action, plus potions for the conception of twin boys, and a curse-free girl as a bride, plus the ancient ritual of "testimony", which is the first time the newlyweds in front of people, and as a result: At the moment of the couple's climax, thanks to magic and potions, Rachel will become pregnant with twins, and the Malfoy family's birth curses will be broken.

And if Narcissa and Lucius are not lazy and work hard after the ritual, they will have a second child, or even a couple, depending on their efforts. And the moment the curse is lifted from Draco and his parents, the Malfoy family will become my vassals — that's the price I've set, and they've agreed to it.

After a few minutes, the girl lunged at her husband, causing a dirty brown cloud to rise. Exactly the same clouds came out of his parents. The dirt of the curses faded and crumbled into ash, which was immediately carried away by the wind. That was it.

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