Chapter 463: Keys.
Loki left Umbridge's office after flicking the switch in her mind, making her forget what had happened.
He also made sure to implant false ones using his illusions and the same trick as before so that she wouldn't suspect the sudden jump in time. It took time to do, but it wasn't very hard because he had Umbridge's express help to know what would fool her and what wouldn't while she was in 'Mr. Error is great' state.
Loki spent the rest of the time calmly, telling to people nothing about the detention since he wasn't supposed to be able to.
After which, Loki entered the Room of Requirements since he had had a simple idea about the founders in there.
Loki was looking at the last two crystals that remained in the Room of Requirements.
"So…it's Helga Hufflepuff and Godric Gryffindor?" Loki mumbled.
Loki knew he could see a lot more now that he was a Sequence 4 and so he wanted to examine the crystals once again.
While their astral bodies were clearly visible, Loki's gaze traced the other thing that was stored in them.
And it was as he believed it to be, something that could possibly unravel the reason behind why the founders had been forced to sleep in these crystals in the first place.
Loki didn't have a concrete understanding of what he was seeing, for now, but he could vaguely sense what was going on with his newly enhanced spirit vision.
Instead of there being only a single target in each crystal, a single soul he could steal, Loki could feel the presence of two targets within each crystal.
One of them was strong and dominant, a soul that he was sure if tried to directly touch would simply obliterate him, the soul of a True God, but there was a second faint soul in each crystal too.
'No…it isn't right to call it a different soul.'
'It's more like a will.'
'A remnant will.'
'Corruption from the Original Creator?'
'But that would only happen if they became pillars…'
'So they were trying to suppress the pillars from awakening within them?'
'Did they already have their respective Sefirots?'
'Rowena did have access to the Chaos Sea so perhaps Helga Hufflepuff was one of the God Almighty pathways...what about the others though?'
'But Salazar and Godric Gryffindor are in the same group are they not? Why did both of them have to sleep then?'
'Were they doing something to share the burden between the two of them?'
'Can you even share a Sefirot?'
Loki couldn't place his finger on it yet, but he was sure that he was getting very close to the true answer.
'But why did it take them so long when it took Klein only a few years?'
'These guys have been asleep for about a thousand years if I'm not wrong?'
Loki stared at the last two crystals for a while before changing his track of thoughts.
"Alright…now that I'm a Sequence 4 I can pretty clearly see the items that are linked to their revival…"
Loki could vaguely see a thin thread of fate connected to the crystals themselves.
It was as if someone had locked them from the outside and these items were the key to unlock them.
There was no runework on them, as in the locks weren't magical in the traditional sense of the Wizarding World.
The crystals were clearly, in Loki's perception, made up of some sort of Beyonder ability that was continuously being enforced.
It was likely built using a high-level item of the Justiciar or Black Emperor pathway, possibly even their uniqueness.
And since Loki was too weak to currently contend with such a high level item directly, he was still forced to look for the items that would unlock these time capsules.
But the advantage was that now he knew exactly where he would have to look for these items.
Loki traced the two strings that were connected to the crystals and smiled since one of them was in the exact direction he'd expected it to move in.
The string that Loki had predicted pointed straight in the direction of the Headmaster's office.
'I knew it.'
'Gryffindor's item is that sword of his.'
'...but that is also probably the hardest item for me to gain since I'll have to trick Dumdum and steal that item from 'Him'.'
'....where does Helga's item go to anyway? It points in the direction of Diagon Alley if I'm not wrong.'
Loki quickly closed his eyes and performed a simple divination-
"The location of the end of the thread connecting Helga's crystal."
Loki repeated the statement seven times before entering cogitation to let his body roam the astral world to glean information that he would otherwise have to spend a lot of time to figure out.
Loki's vision darkened momentarily.
'This isn't how it used to be when I performed divination with the Ring of Har-'
Loki froze.
He very clearly felt something pass its gaze over him immediately as he began the divination, but the gaze passed over harmlessly.
Loki's breathing remained hitched the entire time.
He relaxed for a second mentally sighing in relief but panicked once again!
Not just because of something noticing him immediately, but because he couldn't stop his divination no matter how hard he tried to quit and wake up.
It was as if something had forcibly held him down.
As if to say-
'This is what you came here to learn isn't it?'
'So, look!'
Loki tried everything he could, he tried to steal his consciousness, his astral body, which was currently roaming the spirit world for information, the position he was at, the position of whatever was holding him, everything.
But nothing worked.
Loki's mind started rushing with a flood of thoughts that increased his state of panic, but almost immediately something calmed his mind, as if the immense waves his panicked thoughts created in his body of heart and mind had been forced to break and disperse by something strong and heavy.
Loki realised that he wasn't about to die just yet, and stopped resisting when he realised that he couldn't fight or even figure out what was happening.
So he did the next best thing he could, watch what was happening to understand who was controlling him.
Several thoughts passed by Loki's mind.
'Perhaps this is the same person that messed with my memories regarding my plans for Voldemort at the end of last year?'
'....will I lose my memories again?'
'Is this what happened last time?'
But he got no answer.
The dark vision soon changed and Loki found himself staring at an elaborate and ornate golden door.
'....the door's rather unique…but it still gives me the feeling like I've been to a place like this before…'
'Why do I know this place?'
Loki's memories flashed past his mind as he slowly remembered where he'd seen something similar.
'The Philosopher's Stone vault which was broken into after Hagrid emptied it! The door patterns are similar to the picture in the newspaper!'
Loki's eyes scanned the place and quickly landed on the number etched into the gates themselves.
'Vault number two hundred and twelve?'
A/N : Join my Patreon ([email protected]/hooin_kyoma_au) to read 24 chapters ahead for just $3.