HP X LOTM : Please Call Me Mr. Error.

Chapter 65: A Peacock Prank.

It was Wednesday and that meant it was a new day.

Loki dressed himself up and walked with Dominic to the library where he spent the first few hours studying Ancient Runes, learning the various patterns and connecting them together to make all the first-year spells he knew.

It was very much like learning a new language and Loki knew that the more he tried to use it the more quickly he would learn. So he spent some of the time in the library carving out runes onto tree barks he had picked up earlier during the week by the great lake.

Once Dominic was done, Loki followed him to the Great Hall for breakfast.

Stepping into the hall, Loki scanned around the Great Hall casually but his eyes immediately noticed something strange.

'Why are their robes hanging in the air!?' Loki wondered as he stared at the robes of a few Slytherin students in the Great Hall eating breakfast.

'They look like strange peacocks with their robes stretched in the air like a fan.'

'Well it suits Malfory so I'm not gonna complain about it. Well done friends from a different mother! You can be proud of what you've accomplished.'

"Not again." Loki heard Dominic whisper.

"You know what happened?" Loki asked back.

"Well it's the twins, they've pranked the Slytherin House again."

"Twins? Twins who?"

"The red heads from Gryffindor, look at their table, you'll see them giddy."

Loki's head immediately snapped to the Gryffindor table and he did indeed see two redhead twins laughing along with their group of friends while pointing at the Slytherin table.

Loki sat down beside Dominic as usual and put down food on his plate for the breakfast, but before he could begin eating, he saw Dominic hold his hands and stop him while using his wand with his other hand to tap his plate.

Loki didn't see his wand moving and so he became confused about what sort of spell Dominic had cast.

"Huh? What was that for?" Loki asked.

"You don't know what you're eating. It is possible that the twins poisoned everyone's food, which is why those who ate certain dishes on the table have their robes floating."

"How did you guess that?" Loki asked bewildered picking up a spoonful of scrambled eggs to stuff into his mouth.

"They couldn't have cast a spell on the students because they would've gotten noticed, and so the only other option that remains is using potions."

"But wouldn't they have noticed them spiking their food?"

"They would've normally but they probably bribed the elves with something to do it for them." Dominic said exasperated.

"They've done this before?"

"Yeah, they generally pull of something like this at least once every semester."

"I see."

The slytherins looked at Loki with jealousy seeing him have scrambled eggs without having his robes lifted but no one dared to say anything because Dominic was sitting right by his side.

After the meal while Loki and Dominic were going to go their own separate ways to attend their own classes, Loki stopped him to ask him a question, "What was that spell by the way, I want to learn it so that I can use it too, in case someone decides to poison me!"

"Haha, no one will poison you. But it is good to learn helpful spells like this, I learnt this from Madam Pomfrey, the medi witch at Hogwarts, it's called the purification spell, and it banishes any impurities in whatever you cast it on. Look for it in the library, it should be pretty easy to find, ask Madame Pince."


With his curiosity sated, Loki moved towards the dungeons where his first class of the day was, potions.

But as he left he spotted Malfoy taunting Harry Potter, the Weasley kid and some other droopy boy while holding some sort of glass ball.

Professor Snape began where they had left off last time with the cure for boils potion, as he began dissecting each ingredient and explaining how each ingredient enhanced the potion or was used as a dampener to absorb the effects of other ingredients that were too powerful so that it would be fit for human consumption.

He also reiterated the point about Porcupine Quills Loki made last time allowing students to understand the dangers of absentmindedly brewing a potion.

Snape even spent an appropriate amount of time looking at Loki and making sure he wasn't playing Tic-Tac-Toe again or doing something worse.

After his potions class finished, Loki moved with the large group of students to the greenhouses where his first Herbology class was going to be conducted.

Professor Sprout was a cheerful and enthusiastic teacher with an endless amount of passion for anything plants and related.

They learnt about lavender in class, it was not only an easy plant to learn about since it was not magical but it had a special use which Professor Sprout explained.

"Lavander apart from smelling good, has one very important use in Herbology which is why you will find it in all the greenhouses in the school. Can anyone tell me what it is?"

Hermione's hand shot up in the air but Professor Sprout chose Neville Longbottom who had nervously raised his hand.

"It- It is an- an insect repellent?"

"Five points for Gryffindor. What Mr. Longbottom has said is correct. It is a simple insect repellent and because it is non-magical most other plants do not have any problems with it being in their vicinity."

After the explanation, they learnt how to move the lavender plant from one pot to another and even learnt about all the stages of the plant and its entire life cycle, including which stage of the plant was the best for use in the greenhouse.

Loki enjoyed the class since it wasn't a boring lecture but a practical event where they had to get their hands dirty.

Soon it was time for lunch, and instead of students all around being droopy or sleepy, for the first time during lunch, Loki found most students excited for their next class.

The flying lessons.

It was here that Loki heard Malfoy brag about his skills with a broom.

"I flew my broom as fast as a Helicopter! Oh you don't know what a Helicopter is? It is an iron dragon that the Muggles made! I was so close to it that it could've snapped my broom off and devoured me, but I skillfully dodged it and led it into a narrow canyon where it crashed and died."

Everyone from the wizarding world who did not know what a helicopter was admired him and his story, while the muggles and even the half-bloods were looking at him either with scorn or barely able to contain their laughter.

After lunch, Loki found himself in the Transfiguration courtyard where the flying classes were going to be conducted under the special guidance of Madam Hooch.

Madam Hooch was an eagle-eyed woman with short white hair that gave her the appearance of a stern tomboyish character making the students in the courtyard automatically listen to her.

Her stiff posture and no-nonsense attitude made them all the more afraid of angering her.

"Now step beside your brooms!" Madam Hooch shouted causing all the students to take a step forward and step beside the brooms that were arranged orderly in the courtyard.

'I can't wait to get started flying!'

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