Chapter 273: Prescribed Medicine! by ThreeLeggedGals
Sam hated hospitals. They were supposed to be a place of life yet wreaked nothing but death and sickness. The sounds of people groaning and coughing, and the nonstop beeping of monitors, all made him uncomfortable. So when Sam kept feeling a dull pain in his testicles he knew he'd have to go to the place he dreaded most. Having no other choice since it came to his health, Sam got dressed in some casual clothes that were rather tight in certain areas and left the quiet sanctum that was his home, something he rarely did.
As Sam made his way to the hospital he began to wonder if he truly needed to go to one. It wasn't an emergency and the pain, although quite uncomfortable, wasn't debilitating. Just as he began to have second thoughts about going to the hospital, Sam noticed a clinic tucked away in the corner of a dimly lit back street. Pulling over and getting out of his car to investigate further, Sam saw that the clinic was open and that the waiting room was empty. Ready to go inside and get things over with, Sam's intuition was telling him to at the very least look at the review of the rather shady medical practice in front of him.
He took out his phone and searched the name of the clinic, Futa Health World, but got zero results. Sam started to feel the dull pain in his testicles again and threw caution to the side. He entered the clinic, telling himself that if anything seemed off he'd just leave.
Able to get a much clearer view of the clinic now that he was inside, Sam's initial worries quickly disappeared. The place may have seemed shady on the outside but its small interior was not only nicely furnished but well maintained, the marble floors having a fresh coat of wax on them. The waiting room chairs all had soft-looking cushions, there was a large fish tank with all forms of exotic marine life swimming inside, and Sam became happy after seeing a dispenser filled with cucumber water.
'Wow, this place is nice. The owner should seriously put a sign on the main road, I barely even saw it when I drove by.'
Sam brought his attention to the front desk where he saw a beautiful receptionist, a pale woman who appeared to be in her late 40s with large breasts that were barely contained in her medical scrubs. He stared at her for a moment and started to get nervous, realizing he'd have to talk to her if he planned on seeing a doctor. Despite being 21 years old and gone to college where most people grew out of their shy shells, Sam had yet to do so. Working from home and only going out for groceries greatly diminished his already lacking social skills, making the anxiety he felt whenever faced with a pretty woman skyrocket. He balled his fist and was about to leave, not wanting to embarrass himself in front of the pretty receptionist but the dull aches in his testicles reminded him why he was at the clinic in the first place.
Burying his nervousness and taking a deep breath to calm himself down, Sam walked to the front desk and began the first human interaction he'd had in months. The receptionist didn't notice him as he walked up to her and it was only when he got closer to her was when he noticed she was speaking to someone else.
"OoOoOhHhH! Just...Just like that. Mmm, work that tongue on my..."
"Oh, I didn't...OoOoHhH...didn't hear you come in. H-How can you?"
Sam had rang the bell on the receptionist's desk to get her attention, preferring to do so over rudely interrupting her conversation. Yet, looking at the woman now after having done so, Sam felt as though letting her finish whatever she was doing may have been better. It was as if the tables had turned with the woman seeming far more nervous than Sam had ever been, with him now being fully collected and ready to introduce himself while trying to understand what he'd interrupted.
"Uh, my name's Sam. I don't have an appointment or anything...I just needed to see a doctor."
"You're a...OoOoOoHhH...very handsom man Sam, my name's...Ugh...D-Donna! Just take a...OoOoOoHhH, God!!"
Sam looked at Donna with confusion written all over his face. She was now sweating and had leaned forward against her desk for support. She was breathing hard and to add further mystery to what was happening, Donna's body was erratically shuddering. His curiosity rising, Sam figured it wouldn't hurt to ask her what was going on, fixated more on that than the fact he'd just been called a woman.
"Are you okay?"
"P-Peachy as can be! Have a...FUCK!...S-Sorry, about that. I...OoOoHhH...s-stubbed my toe under the desk. Just...UuUgH...have a seat. I'll see if there's any opening."
Sam was more confused now than he was before but figured that he was fixating too much on something that was highly irrelevant. He turned around and began walking to the row of seats, causing Donna's jaw to drop.
'God, damn! Guy's got one hell of an ass. Mmm, it's super phat, perky, and jiggly! I was gonna lie and say we're fully booked but...I know someone who'd love a boy like him and needs to take better care of herself. When was the last time she got off?'
Donna stared at Sam's phat bubbly booty, licking her lips at the way it jiggled with every step he took. She had told Sam how beautiful she found him but now that she was staring at him, she realized just how stunning he was. Flawless fair skin, jet-pale hair tied into a man-bun, pretty hazel eyes, big soft-looking glossy lips, and the part of him that she loved more than any other, his large plump butt.
She pressed the red intercom button on her desk. There was nothing but static for a few seconds but eventually, the line was connected and she heard the voice of someone she knew could use some fun.
"Dr.Johnson, are you there? Or should I say "Dr. Hung Like A Horse?"
"Ugh, Mom, I told you not to call me that. My first name's perfectly fine."
"I know sweety, your mom's just having...OoOoHhH...having a lot of fun."
"Mom, are you...No! No, I swear you better not be fucking my patient from earlier!"
"Willow! Of course not, I would...Oooooh, yeah suck it harder, slut!"
"Un-fucking-believeable! You totally are, aren't you, mom?"
"It's just a harmless blow job, sweetheart!"
"Harmless my ass! I checked her out over an hour ago! How many times has she blown you?"
"We're still on the first one! She can't swallow the whole thing but she's doing the best she can on the parts in her mouth! I still haven't cum for the day yet and my balls are feeling fuller than usual. I wonder how good her pussy is?"
"Mom! She's getting married tomorrow! She literally showed us pictures of her fiance!"
"I know, for as big and strong as he looks he must be pretty small where it counts. I just showed her bulge and she got to her knees without me saying anything. Anyway, I have a patient for you."
"Ugh, fine, I'm coming."
"You seriously should be! It's not good to not cum for so long, Willow. Especially with how big your..."
The line cut off and Donna rolled her eyes at the fact her daughter had hung up on her. After a couple minutes Willow walked into the waiting area and shot her mom an angry look who was resting her head on her hand, acting as if she wasn't having her cock slobbered on by her daughter's patient. Willow brought her attention to Sam who had his breath taken away the moment she walked into the room. He had thought Donna was quite beautiful but after seeing the doctor that'd be helping him, Sam had fallen head over heels for her.
She looked like a younger prettier version of Donna who wore big nerdy glasses, something that he found extremely attractive. Just when Sam thought his doctor couldn't get any hotter, she opened her lab coat, revealing a pair of big perky tits. Sam was more of a butt guy but knew great boobs when he saw them and as he blatantly stared at them, Willow began looking him over.
Willow had seen plenty of attractive men before with some even being professional models but none of them looked as good as the man sitting in front of her. The gorgeous short white man she was staring at had checked all her boxes and when she noticed the soft meat of the man's butt squished out beneath his while seated she felt her heartbeat quicken.
Donna smiled at the way her daughter tried to hide the aroused state she was in but being a futa herself there was no way she wouldn't notice the large tubular object slowly snaking its way down her daughter's thigh. Enjoying both the blowjob she was receiving and the sight of her daughter getting hard, Donna whispered just loud enough for her to hear and not Sam.
"Quite the looker isn't he? You thinking about fucking him?"
"W-What? N-No! he's a patient, mom!"
"Yeah, a super hot patient with great lips and a super phat juicy ass!"
"It...It's that big?"
"Big? That boy's got a wagon that jiggles like jello! A big, round, soft, dump truck of an ass! The kind of boy any futa would pin down and fuck silly!"
"I'm...I'm not like you! I don't go around fucking everyone I see, especially my patients."
"Really? Then I must be getting old, my eyes just aren't what they used to be."
"What are you talking about, Mom?"
"That I must be seeing things and that wasn't the cock that your sisters are jealous of growing down your thigh. Gosh, I'm always surprised at how big you are! I mean your sisters and I are all big but it's almost kinda scary with how big yours is!"
Willow's face became red, enough for Sam to see the flushness of her cheeks through her beautiful pale milky skin. She looked down and confirmed the throbbing bulge snaking its way down her thigh and quickly closed her lab coat. Knowing that nothing good would come out of continuing to entertain her mother's antics, Willow walked over to Sam to introduce herself.
As she made her way over, Sam began getting nervous again, even more than he was when he first saw Donna. The big toothy smile and friendly wave Willow was giving him made butterflies form in Sam's stomach. He'd never had much luck when it came to women but was willing to use all the good fortune coming his way for the rest of his life if it meant having a shot with his doctor. Sam took a deep breath and mustered the courage to talk to her, standing up to meet her but embarrassingly knocking over the pile of magazines on the coffee table in front of him. He quickly bent over to pick them up, pointing the phat bubbly booty her mother had just teased her about, directly at Willow. Her eyes widened at the large jiggling backside in front of her, biting her lip after noticing the way it ate her patient's underwear, leaving nothing behind but the elastic waistband.
Sam put all the magazines back on the coffee table and turned around to face his gorgeous doctor who was smiling at him while awkwardly crossing her legs.
"H-Hi, I'm Dr.Johnson but please call me Willow!"
"I'm...I'm Sam! I uh...I like you...Uh, your clinic. Your clinic is really nice!"
"Thanks, the location sucks but it was all I could afford. Anyway, what brings you in today?"
"Oh! I've been feeling some...discomfort down...down there."
"Not to worry, I've helped plenty of boys before, I'm sure I'll be able to help you!"
To Sam, it appeared that both women were simply staring at him out of shock but in reality, they were eyeing him as the exotic prey he was, prime for the taking.
Suddenly a loud tearing sound was heard and Willow quickly turned around, giving Sam her back. She walked to the counter in an odd way where her mom was seated and whispered into her, causing her to smile at Sam. They both nodded in agreement and Willow, without turning around, called for Sam.
"Sam, could...could you come here, please."
He did a quick jog over to them, his butt clapping along the way with it sounding like music to the ladies' ears.
"Do you live with any family members? Dad? Mother? Brothers? Sisters?"
"I with my dad. He's probably home watching TV since he has the next two weeks off."
"Mom not in the picture?"
"No. Just me and my dad for as long as I can remember."
With pure lust burning in Donna's eyes, she gave Sam a wide grin and gave him a pen before speaking to him in a deep sultry voice that carried nothing but hunger behind every word.
"Perrrrfect!! Be a doll and write his number down for me. I'll need him to come in and run some tests. Mmm, some very long and in-depth tests."
"O-Okay! His name's Avery"
Sam wrote his father's phone number down, not seeing anything out of the ordinary with Donna's request but to the side of him just outside of his peripheral vision, Willow gave her mother a disapproving look. However, Donna shot a glare back at her daughter that was so serious and lust-filled that Willow genuinely became concerned for Sam's father. She knew that when it came to self-restraint her mother had practically none, something she hoped she hadn't inherited like her sisters.
Willow eyed Sam's juicy bubble butt and put a hand on his shoulder. She told him to go to one of the two examination rooms and wait for her. Sam followed her instructions and began making his way there, not feeling the laser-like focused stares of both ladies on his plump backside. Once Sam went into one of the rooms, Willow brought her attention back to her mother, who had gotten out from behind the desk, the upper half of her raging 12 inch erection covered in thick strands of saliva.
"Jesus, Mom! Put that thing away! What if he sees you?"
"Then he'll get to take my cock in his phat ass before his dad! Mmm, if he looks half as good as Sam that man's gonna seriously get it. Been a while since I've been this excited."
"I'd ask you not to but that look you gave me a second ago is all I need to know that I'd be wasting my time if I did."
"Right, you are. This girl behind the counter tried her best but her mouth just wasn't as good as I'd hoped. I'd have fucked her already but Sam came in and threw that plan out the window. Shame really, those lip fillers she's got just aren't the same as big natural cock sucking lips."
"For the love of Christ, please tell me Mindy's still awake and didn't pass out with your dick in her throat."
"I thought her name was Quin."
"Not the point, Mom! Ugh, whatever just...send her home."
"Oh, we'll be having fun alright, can't say the same for the boys though."
"I...I'm not gonna fuck him."
"Sure you're not, all you did was tell me that you'd love to fuck him while that monster between your legs was throbbing like crazy."
"I said I'd love to" doesn't mean that I'm...I'm going to. Now, I have a patient to see. Send Mindy home and clean the mess you made behind the counter. I swear it's like your precum gets everywhere except the girls' mouths."
Donna watched as her daughter walked away from the counter in a funny-looking manner as if something was wrong with her leg. She wondered why Willow was walking so weirdly and smiled when she saw the tattered remains of her daughter's panties fall out of her bell-bottom pants legs. They no doubt had been what everyone heard rip earlier and they were drenched in sticky precum. Donna exaggeratedly cleared her throat and got her daughter's attention, pointing out the sticky mess she left behind. It caused Willow to blush and she quickly snatched her ripped panties off the floor and put them in the inner pocket of her lab coat, briefly revealing the behemoth that ran down her thigh. Willow saw the smug look on her mother's face and acted as if nothing happened before entering the examination room that Sam was in. Donna chuckled and went back behind the front desk where Willow's patient, Mindy, was still catching her breath.
"Looks like your time's up, slut!"
"Can I see you again tomorrow?"
"Aren't you getting married?"
"Yeah, but I have time in the morning before the ceremony. I could stop by and..."
"As tempting as the idea of you kissing your soon-to-be husband with my cum still on your tongue would be, my schedule just got filled."
"F-For how long?"
"If today goes as good as I hope, for the next two weeks. Mmm, maybe even longer. Now get going, I gotta make a phone call. Someone needs a very thorough rectal exam."
(Too Good Not To)
Willow pulled a stool from the corner of the room and sat down next to Sam who couldn't help but feel embarrassed at the fact he was so short next to her. He stood at a meager 5'2 and Willow was easily a foot taller if not slightly more. She gave him a big warm smile and readied herself to fill out Sam's patient sheet, struggling to keep her lab coat closed so it could hide the throbbing bulge that strained against her pants.
"Okay, Sam. Since it's your first time here, I'll need to fill out your patient sheet before we proceed further."
"Great, let's start. How old are you?"
"Perfect! Young, and durable! H-How tall are you."
"I...I'm 5'8"
"Nothing to be embarrassed about, the growth hormones that would've gone towards your height just went to...other places."
"Y-You mean my butt, don't you? I dunno why, all the guys in my family have big butts but mine is bigger for some reason."
Willow saw the sadness written all over Sam's face knowing that it was news that no man would celebrate after hearing.
"Sam, it's alright!"
"H-How is this alright!"
"True but some women prefer men like you who are...well developed in certain areas. I...I know a lot of women that would love you."
"Yeah, right! I'll probably die a virgin!"
"I...I wouldn't say that."
Willow was quickly losing her composure. There was something about Sam's teary eyes and his childish pouting that turned her on. She bit her lip as she imagined the faces he'd make if she gave him every inch of the throbbing cock she was hiding. She thought back to the way her mother was teasing her and how she told her she wouldn't fuck Sam but the longer he sat in front of her the harder it became to suppress her urges. Willow had promised herself that she'd be different, that she wouldn't think with her cock like the rest of her family. Suddenly she had a flashback to a couple years ago when her Mom came home after having just finished serving a year in jail for breaking a man's jaw. The man had attacked one of her sisters for sending him a video of his wife being filled to the brim with her sister's thick gooey seed before making his wife sucker her cock clean. She remembered the look of pure lust and sexual bliss on her mother's face describing the various ways she had fun with the female inmates she had been mistakenly incarcerated with. How she would repeatedly seed nearly half a dozen women a day in rough prison-style sex that Willow hated herself for finding beyond hot.
She was broken out of the flashback she was in after Sam's soft voice called her name, wondering if there was anything he could do. Willow looked at him again not saying anything as her eyes looked at the wide childbearing breedable hips that Sam had and felt a dull ache in her large balls that hadn't been emptied in over a week. Her eyes flicker back and forth between Sam's gorgeous face and his large plump booty that squished out from beneath him. Willow closed her eyes, cursing her mother for planting such thoughts in her head, and knew that the longer she fought who she was the longer she would struggle to relieve herself with her hands. Willow stared into Sam's hazel eyes and spoke to him with so much pent-up sexual energy flowing into her balls that they started pulsing as the production rate of her thick seed went through the roof.
"S-Sam, why'd you come in today?"
"O-Oh! Uh...M-My...My testicles have been aching me."
"That's rather serious! Why don't you drop your pants so I can see?"
Willow watched Sam slowly remove his clothes, not saying anything as she watched him remove every article of clothing he had on, despite not needing to. Within moments Sam stood in front of Willow completely naked with his erect penis on full display for her. Willow couldn't take her eyes off of it.
"You...You said your balls were hurting you?"
"I think I know the reason. Your testicles look quite...full. Do you masturbate frequently?"
"This is a safe space Sam and I'm your doctor, now please be honest with me."
"Y-Yes. Maybe like once every day but..."
"What is it?"
"Not much comes out! O-Only a few drops at most and it's kinda hard to cum sometimes."
Willow had heard of this before in medical school. It happened to men who tried to stimulate themselves but suffered from a mental block. In Sam's case, Willow knew what it was and subtly licked her lips. Sam had so much doubt in his system that it affected not only his body but his subconscious mind as well. Sam may have been in the driver's seat and eagerly wanted to sleep with a woman but his body desired the exact opposite, craving a massively long thick cock to bully the ultra-sensitive pleasure button inside his amazingly juicy ass.
At that moment Willow made up her mind. If touching Sam's prostate yielded some sort of pleasurable stimulation for him then she'd give him the cock his body had been desperately craving. However, if she was wrong she'd do a proper examination and maintain a professional relationship with him.
"Sam, I'm going to perform a test on you."
"What kind of test?"
"It's...a bit unorthodox but before we go any further I just need to see something. Can you lay down on your stomach for me?"
Sam did as instructed and watched as Willow put on a pair of bright pink latex gloves, grabbing a jar of clear liquid before walking behind him. He heard the sound of what could only be the liquid in the jar being smeared and before he could even ask Willow what she was doing he felt her hands on his big white cheeks.
"R-Relax Sam! I just need to check your prostate. You'll only feel a tiny bit of discomfort. I promise the same way the hormone check didn't hurt neither will this. Are you ready?"
"I...I guess so."
Willow waited until Sam turned his head back to look straight ahead of him before dropping the friendly doctor act she was performing. Her face now showed her true intentions with her eyes burning with a deep unsatiated hunger and her mouth slightly drooling. She rubbed Sam's soft globes before grabbing them, marveling at the way her hands sunk into his soft flesh. More eager than ever she slowly spread his cheeks apart and a jolt of pleasure shot down her spine directly into her throbbing monster once she saw it. Sam's beautiful pink butthole looked beyond tight and the fact there was a possibility she'd be the first person inside it made her secretly wish her theory was right.
With a hand steadier than a surgeon's, Willow slowly brought her lubed finger to Sam's butthole and began applying pressure. She instantly noticed that Sam was clenching and reminded him to relax but was shocked that when he did his backdoor stayed just as tight. A huge grin similar to her mother's formed on Willow's face and she applied more pressure, causing Sam to tense up. Willow continued pushing her finger against his butthole until with a faint pop it slid inside him.
"AAAHHH! This feels..."
"W-What did you say?"
"Oh, just that you have uh...strong anal muscles."
"T-That's good?"
"Very good! I'm gonna go a little deeper now."
Willow slowly sank her index finger down to the knuckle inside Sam's butt and quickly realized something. She couldn't feel his prostate whatsoever. She moved her finger in multiple directions for a couple minutes, practically fingering Sam's ass but she couldn't find it. Curious she pulled her finger out of Sam's butt and shuddered again at the sight of it tightening back up as if nothing happened. She quickly grabbed the long thin camera that was used for colonoscopy procedures. She only had it in the clinic because her mother ordered it by mistake instead of buying the endoscope she had originally asked for. Willow had planned on returning it later today but was thankful that Sam had come in before she did. She lubed the scope before bringing it to Sam's butt and pushed it inside, where Sam immediately could tell what was inside him wasn't Willow's finger.
It felt far too thin to be any of her fingers and because Sam barely felt it inside of him he opted not to say anything, relaxing as it slowly went deeper into him. Willow looked at the handheld device in her hand that displayed the live feed of the camera. She was absolutely baffled at what she was seeing, the inside of Sam's butt appeared to be just as unbelievably tight as his anal ring, and to add to her shock his prostate, which was supposed to be no more than 2 inches deep inside of him, was still nowhere to be seen. The scope indicated that it was nearly 7 inches deep but she still hadn't seen it yet. Willow continued to go deeper and deeper until finally she found it. Sam's prostate was huge, nearly twice the size of what it should be, and a foot deeper than where it was supposed to be located. She nudged the camera forward just enough to lightly touch it and just as she had hoped, Sam reacted positively to it being touched.
"OOHH! T-That..."
"Felt good, huh?"
"No need to be ashamed, Sam. A man's prostate can give just as if not more pleasure than a woman's G-spot when stimulated. Yours is much larger than normal, almost as if...."
"As if what?"
"As you were developing your body grew a female G-spot but since you don't have a vagina it formed inside of your prostate since its pleasure receptors are the same. You've got both a female and male g-spot perfectly formed into one big button that when stimulated should make you feel pleasure greater than anything anyone has ever felt before."
Sam began attempting to process the information he'd just been given. He didn't understand half of it. It was something that he thought was impossible but he figured since Willow said he was healthy there was nothing to really worry about.
"So...I'm okay, right?"
"More than okay. You're perfect, Sam!"
"But my balls still ache?"
"Oh, don't you worry about that! I'm about to give you exactly what you need and fix that problem!"
Willow extracted the scoop and tossed it to the side, not caring about it anymore. She instructed Sam to keep looking forward and when he agreed to do so, she began undressing. Willow practically tore off her clothes and tossed them to the side, wanting nothing to stifle her range of movement. In no time flat she was standing behind Sam completely naked with her gigantic pale cock, covered in a crisscross of angry-looking veins supplying the monster with the blood it needed to stay hard. Its length was a frightening 14 inches long with a girth so thick her hands couldn't wrap around it and had a phat-spongy head that was slightly thicker. It jutted straight ahead of her and had a slight upward curve to it, perfect for digging into the holes she found herself in. Beneath Willow's mammoth-sized pale cock sat two testicles each the size of apples so full that Willow could feel them getting heavier as they continued to produce more of her unbelievably thick seed.
She put her fingers in the jar containing the lube and scoped everything out, coating every inch of her cock so that it would slide in with no resistance. As she was doing so she felt a pair of eyes on her and turned around to see her mother, poking her head through the slightly opened door with the same smug grin on her face from before. Willow began whispering to not alert Sam of what she was about to do.
"What are you doing, Mom? Get out of here."
"Don't mind me, I'm just waiting on my phat boy booty to arrive. He said he'd be here in an hour. Hmp, I knew it."
"Knew what?"
"That no matter how much you tried to act differently, you were just like the rest of us. When a futa gets horny and there's a nice ass in front of us, it's getting fucked. You're no exception to that rule."
"I...I'm only doing this once, that's it!"
"You say that now but...Mmm, fuck look at how tight he looks! Yeah, once your in that ass you'll see why me and your sisters fuck the way we do."
"I'm not a virgin, Mom!"
"Shit, you might as well be. This isn't one of those loose hookers that I see take out back once in a blue moon, that's a once-in-a-lifetime booty in front of you and if you ever take any advice from me it's this...Fuck him like it's your last day on earth, go to town on his ass the same way I did in the stories I told you about when I was in jail, and don't fight the urges that'll come when you do. Give him every inch of that phat monster I'm so proud of and I promise you that sexy little bitch will live to serve your cock. And...make sure to empty those balls, Willow. Those poor girls look way too full. They're making mine hurt just by looking at them."
Not giving Willow a chance to say anything, Donna slowly closed the door and walked back to the front desk. Her words had sparked a fire in her daughter's heart that she had long suppressed. The futa, the massively hung pale sexual goddess she was always meant to be had awakened and stared at Sam's unsuspecting phat ass like a man lost in the desert would look at a glass of ice-cold water. Willow had changed, she no longer wanted Sam's juicy wagon but needed it deserved it even. She carefully got on the examination table behind him, straddling the back of his legs with her massive pale bitch breaker throbbing inches above his butt.
Sam began to feel something warm and sticky dripping onto his butt. He wanted to turn around and see what it was but remembered Willow's instructions and instead asked her what it was, unaware that in a couple of moments, he'd forever be changed.
"Willow, something's dripping on my butt? It's really warm and...sticky!"
"I know! It's what you need!"
"What do I need? I don't understand."
"You will in a second. Soon you'll understand exactly why you feel the way you do."
"O-Okay. So what now? I feel you on the table with me, are we doing another test?"
"Oh yeah! We're gonna test how durable and tight this beautiful hole is."
Willow spread Sam's buttcheeks and gave herself one long stroke from the base of her cock all the way to its phat mushroom head, dribbling a massive glob of precum directly onto the tightest hole she'd ever seen. Without waiting another moment, she planted the head of her cock on Sam's butthole, and the moment she did he completely froze.
"W-Willow, that uh...that feels kinda big?"
"Just big?"
"Really big, feels huge! T-There's no way it'll fit! D-Do you have anything smaller."
"Unfortunately I don't but don't worry I'll be least I'll try to!"
Donna was at the front desk, stroking her cock while surfing through various porn sites trying to find something to watch while she waited for Sam's father, Avery to arrive. She leaned back into her chair and began working the head of her cock while fondling her full balls, thinking of all the things she was going to do to the unsuspecting man she'd called in. Vivid scenes began to play out in her imagination and she pulled her big breasts out as she really got into things. Suddenly from the examination room came the beautiful sounds she had been waiting to hear.
"I...I dunno! I...I'm kinda scared with how big this thing is and almost feels like it's uh..."
"It's exactly what you think it is."
"You're gonna love every inch of it! Now, here comes your medicine, Sam!"
"H-Hold on. This...This is a prank, right? H-Ha, had me for a second there, Will..."
Donna bit her lip and smiled while looking at her cock, imagining the look of pure pleasure on her daughter's face.
"Mmm, that's my girl!"
(Like Mother Like Daughter)
There was no time to prepare, no warning, one moment Sam was confused about what was happening, and the next thing he knew there was the massive head of a cock in his ass. Sam had tears in his eyes not only from having a cock in his large bubbly butt but from also having one as big as Willow's inside him. His greedy butthole had taken her entire head and was now painfully stretched so tightly around her girthy shaft that he could feel Willow's heartbeat through her cock. With tears now running down his face, Sam turned around and saw a pleasure-filled expression on Willow's face. She let out a low moan as she played with his big white buttcheeks, kneading their soft pillowy flesh like the soft mounds of dough they were. Sam looked further down and saw the big breasts he'd fantasized about in the waiting room and momentarily grew excited only for his eyes to drop even further, causing the excitement he felt to die just as fast as it came after seeing the ginormous throbbing pale cock between Willow's legs.
The monstrous pale cock between his doctor's legs began bulldozing its way deeper into Sam's ass at a frighteningly fast pace. Sam put his hand up to try and stop Willow who didn't even bother to swat it away. His weak arms posed absolutely no threat to her and Willow smiled at the fact all of Sam's muscular growth had occurred inside of his amazing booty. The duality between her gigantic pale futa cock and Sam's massive white jiggling ass looked like a work of art to Willow. The sight in front of her just felt right and as she sunk her cock to the halfway mark, Willow licked her lips at the prospect of doing something she'd always secretly wanted to do.
Willow grabbed a tight fistful of Sam's hair, pulling on it until his back was arched in an extremely slutty manner. She then smacked his ass hard enough to make him yelp out loud, his voice sounding even more high-pitched and feminine than it already was. Then without a word, Willow grabbed Sam's hip with her free hand and together with the one in his hair violently pulled him down her cock as she simultaneously thrust forward with all her strength, instantly burying her monstrous pale anaconda down to the balls in his juicy phat ass.
Sam still had tears running down his face. The pain of having Willow's cock repeatedly slamming into the depths of his butt was barely tolerable but the pleasure he was feeling was just as intense. Willow's cock was bashing against Sam's enlarged prostate, slamming into it like a sledgehammer against coal in a mine. The pleasure was jolting up his spine directly into his brain, flooding it with an overload of euphoric stimulation. Sam's brain was melting, his higher brain functions literally being fucked out of him as he continued to wince after every thrust he took.
On the other hand, Willow was in heaven. She savagely drilled Sam's butt as if he were one of the many flesh lights she'd broken growing up. The extraordinary tightness of his ass, the way his big white buttcheeks jiggled, the soft cushion they provided as she slammed into him repeatedly, and his loud ecstasy-filled whorish cries. Willow loved all of them and just as her mother had said, she soon felt herself losing what little grip she had on her self-control. As if she were slowly slipping while dangling off the edge of a cliff. Willow felt it, the moment she accepted the urges every futa had, the moment she joined her sisters in their love of savagely drilling tight holes, and most importantly the moment she became just like her mother.
Willow snapped, she'd lost her grip on her self-control and had become a feral beast. With her cock still hilted inside of Sam, she pounced on him and laid on top of him. She wrapped her arm around Sam's neck and instinctually placed him in a rear naked choke hold, completely immobilizing him. Then without any sympathy for the man beneath her begging for a reduction in the savage manner he was being sodomized, Willow cranked the power of her thrust up to eleven. Sam's eye exploded, widening like a deer in headlight as the assault on his large plump backside resumed, doubling in its brutality. He felt as if he was getting punched in his gut, Willow's cock forming a massive bulge in his stomach that rubbed against the examination table beneath him. His buttcheeks stung from the power of the thrust they were continually cushioning for him and his tiny balls were being bullied by Willow's huge full baby-makers. Sam in a desperate attempt at getting Willow to slow down opened his mouth to say something but instead of words, the girl inside him cried out in such a high-pitched voice he didn't even recognize it as his own.
Sam's brain had turned into melted ice cream. The pained facial expressions he was making after every thrust were gone and had transformed into a tongue-lolled, eye-fluttering, ecstasy-filled look. The pleasure he had been feeling from having his prostate bashed against, had increased so much that the remnants of his mind were operating in a euphoric fog, no longer caring about what was happening. His face, huge jiggling bubble butt, the fact a massive pale cock was aggressively drilling his ass, none of it mattered to him anymore. All Sam wanted was more of the pleasure he was feeling and with Willow's cock being the instrument to bring it out of him, he instantly submitted to her, giving her exactly what she wanted and in turn getting what he needed.
He clenched his big white cheeks as hard as he could and confirmed it brought pleasure to Willow by the way she began to growl like an animal in his ear. She was snapping her hips up and down so hard that Sam was feeling the pounding he was taking in his bones. Within a matter of seconds, Sam felt something welling up from deep within him. A growing pressure that made his body start shuddering and his already extremely tight ass clamped down with enough force to turn a lump of coal into a diamond.
Sam started breathing harder, he could feel his heartbeat ramping up, and his tiny penis that stuck out between his legs was throbbing more than ever. Willow saw all the signs of Sam's impending orgasm and began licking his ear, causing drool to run down the corners of his mouth. Her superior big pale cum factories felt Sam's scrunch up ready to empty themselves and she seductively spoke into his ears with such a sultry voice it rivaled her mother's.
"O-O-OOOOOH! I...I...I...I'M GONNA..."
Sam took one final deep breath before the growing pressure inside of him exploded, a massive eruption of his seed launching out of his penis as he cried out like a bitch, loving his first anal orgasm.
Willow had taken her eyes off of the beautiful phat ass she was drilling and looked behind her, shocked at the amount of cum Sam was letting out. His manhood showed no indication of being able to store such a large amount of cum.
She continued to drill Sam's ass like a rabbit in heat, not stopping even after he had emptied his testicles. A puddle the size of her hand had formed between Sam's legs and despite having clearly exhausted all his energy, Willow kept pumping her bitch breaker into his juicy plump ass like a madwoman. Sam, barely able to lift a finger, cried out as the monster in his butt continued its assault and with the way he felt it begin to throb inside of him, he knew he wasn't going to get the break he desperately needed.
Willow blew a strand of her hair out of her face. She was covered in a glossy sheen of sweat, having savagely drilled Sam's butt for nearly an hour without stopping. She had gotten off of Sam's back and had firmly grabbed his hips, propping his butt up in the prison-style manner she loved hearing about in her mother's stories. Sam was grabbing the sides of the examination table for dear life as the discomfort of having a cock as big as Willow's had returned after he came down from his orgasmic high. The pleasure was still there and felt amazing but as if his body knew experiencing such pleasure nonstop would be dangerous, it placed a limit on how good it could feel.
Not sure how much more of Willow's massive cock he could take, Sam cried out, begging the hung pale goddess cratering his ass to give him her thick gooey seed.
Willow's eyes fluttered rapidly, so fast she looked as if she was having a seizure. Her body began shuddering harder than before, practically vibrating her cock inside of Sam's ass. Her massive pale testicles which hadn't seen any release in over a week scrunched up so tightly that veins in her ballsack became visible. Her cock throbbed faster than ever before swelling to a size so big Sam's greedy butthole became taunt around its new monstrous girth. Willow grabbed Sam's hair again and forcibly arched his back while her other hand firmly wrapped around his throat. She was drooling more than a pitbull and when Sam's heavenly plump booty spasmed all over her cock it sent Willow over the edge. She threw her head back and roared as over a week of backed up, piping hot, unbelievably thick seed rushed up her cock to fill Sam's guts.
Sam did as his doctor instructed and clenched the phat bubble booty god had blessed him with as tight as he could, milking Willow's pale cock for everything it had. The nonstop gushes of heat inside of Sam made him shudder and when he felt his stomach begin to round out, his tiny penis trickled a few drops of its water cum onto the table. Within a matter of seconds, the huge cock bulge in his stomach began to fade and he soon had a growing first-trimester bump that showed no signs of slowing down. Sam felt the thick seed inside him, sloshing around as it clung to everything it touched.
His body went limp as it was filled with copious amounts of steaming hot bull semen that was so unbelievably thick that Sam knew it'd be days before he'd completely empty himself of it. Willow grunted and heaved as she plowed Sam's ass, depositing the biggest load she'd ever unleashed into the boy's now claimed backside. She had told her mother it was only going to be a one-time thing but after experiencing just how amazing Sam's plump booty was she changed her mind. The boy was hers to mould and he was coming home with her whether he wanted to or not.
It took Willow nearly three full minutes of vicious harsh butt-cratering thrust for her huge spurts of gooey white baby batter to slow down to a trickle. Willow was panting with eyes lidded so low they barely appeared open. She looked down at the big soft buttcheeks her cock was buried between. They were bright red as if they had been spanked with a few hand prints visible from the times she slapped Sam's jiggling ass. He lay motionless breathing as if he'd just run a marathon and Willow ground into his butt in a circular motion, stirring up his semen-filled insides, prying a hoarse moan from his lips.
Willow squeezed Sam's buttcheeks together and licked her lips as she slowly withdrew from his heavenly hole. She watched as inch after cum covered inch of her cock reappeared and when it finally came to pull her phat mushroom head out, her cock pulsed, adding one last huge spurt of cum to the gallon sitting inside of Sam. With a slutty wet sounding pop she pulled herself completely out of him and stared at her handy work. Sam's butthole was left gaping, trying to close itself with gooey ultra-thick baby cream spurting out of him each time his hole winked at her.
"J-Jesus! I...I really gave it to you! Mmm, fuck! Look at all that nut coming out of your ass!! It's way...way thicker than normal. This phat ass was made to take my big futa cock. D-Did...Did you have a good time, Sam?"
"Uuuuuuuuugggggghhhhhhh!! Uuuuuggghhhhh, god!!"
"I'll take that as a yes. Whew, your ass is amazing, Sam. Way too good for a one-off. How about we go back to my place and...have some more fun."
"Am...Am I gonna have your cock in my butt again! It...It's really, really big, Willow!"
"Of course you are! It's my medical recommendation that you take this big pale meaty cock of mine at least 10 times a day. Actually..."
Willow looked at Sam's freshly used butthole and felt her balls surge with more of her thick seed, having gotten excited at the sight of Sam's backdoor scrunched closed back to its original state.
"Mmmm, make that 15 times a day, and let's throw in some oral too. What do you say, you wanna stay with me for the weekend?"
"I...I dunno! Your cock's so big and thick...and you fucked me like I was a toy and...and...O-Okay, I'll go with you!"
"Good boy, let's get going. The place your medicine comes from is already starting to feel heavy."
Willow helped Sam to his feet, biting her lip at the huge second-trimester cum baby he was carrying. With shakey, barely functioning legs Sam followed Willow out of the examination room completely naked and walked past Donna at the front desk who had a huge grin on her face, waving goodbye to them as they left. She brought the tip of her cock back to Sam's lips and he resumed sucking without hesitation. Willow then grabbed a fistful of his hair, keeping him still while she slowly began fucking his face. Sam maintained eye contact with Willow and firmly massaged her large balls as his head was pulled further down her massive length.He'd gone into the clinic for an answer as to why his balls were aching and had left with the thick seed of his beautiful doctor sloshing around in her distended belly. Her ginormous pale cock was now in his throat, being lubed in preparation for the multiple rounds of ferocious butt fucking that awaited him when he got to his new home. And when Willow's cock began throbbing in his throat Sam readied himself for another large helping of the thick creamy medicine his doctor naturally made for him.
With Willow's seed still pouring out of his phat jiggly butt, Sam began eagerly sucking out the rich gooey nectar from his doctor's massive tool. Blushing at the praise she was giving him as he voluntarily descended further down the cock that had shown him the reason he had been gifted with such a voluptuous feminine figure, remembering something his father had told him as a kid when he was sick.
'Good boys always take their medicine!'