Chapter 407: Mature Lady Preys on a New Boy by weirdfantasies89
My name is Tyler, I'm about 5'10 and lean. I was blessed with good metabolism, on top of my few visits to my college gym weekly, I have a great body. I've been described as a 'pretty boy' a lot. I've had huge success in the dating pool. I've got a clean neck-length shag of brown hair and green eyes. I was clean and hairless all over, which got me a lot of criticism but boy did it get me laid.
My fun in college didn't end for a while, but finally, at 23, I'd graduated and was set up with a fantastic opportunity in finance. I was from Sacramento but was invited down to LA for an internship at a fairly small, but successful, finance company. They were putting me on their team and said I had huge potential! I was even going to get set up with my own apartment!
With graduation months behind me, and a fresh start ahead, I packed my things into my car, said bye to my friends and family, then set off down the long road. When I arrived in LA I was in awe, I'd come from a poor family and had never really left the city much, except for Disneyland. I had finally made it.
About two months went by, I had settled into the new place really well, and was a pro at my job. The boss even said that I was about to get hired full time with salary and benefits. I was going to get more money than even my parents were making! I made fast friends with my coworkers as well.
One night, when they got comfortable enough they invited me out to a local dive just outside of a university neighborhood. The bar was called The Spruced Oak, a rustic and barrel themed bar, very 'lumberjack'. The bar was lit up with people fresh off of work, middle-aged men and women, and a regular university crowd. The bar was overpriced to push back against too many frats from entering, it didn't stop the overprivileged university kids from coming though, especially with these insane happy hour deals they had. It was hard to hear though, it was so loud.
We took a seat at our booth and immediately ordered drinks for the table. Beers all around, as I shared my most recent exploits in college, cracking up my coworkers. Telling them about the time I put away 20 beers despite being a lightweight and not puking once... until I got to my class lecture the next day.
My elder coworker told me to go up and get them some more beer. I got the bartender's attention and ordered for my table. As I leaned against the bar scrolling my phone, I heard a seductive tone beside me.
"Well helllooooo~"
I looked over to see a woman who I was not at all attracted to, her smile wide and her eyes looking me up and down. She was roughly in her mid to late 40s, possibly early 50s, and was clearly showing her age. Shorter than me, about 5'5 or 5'6.
The woman was stocky, a mom body with a wide set of hips and wide set of breasts that were perked up by her purple bra, some of the aged fat spilling over. She had black hair in a karen-style bob. Her skin was tanned from exposure to the LA sun, clearly made a habit of tanning, but creating a lot of freckles spotting her skin. Her face had intense laugh lines, making her cheeks puff a bit, and her nose was on the larger side, clearly bulbing a little from her apparent age. She was wearing a black shirt that exposed her wide cleavage, and white pants that clamped to her figure. She was not what I would call curvy, but bordering on it, as if she was earlier in life.
I gave a polite smile and silently went back to my phone.
"You come here often sweetie?"
She wasn't getting the hint.
"Uh... no not really." I was blunt and didn't look up from my phone.
"What's that?"
"I said not really!" I looked up at her, her ear turned towards me.
"Well I'm sure glad you came tonight then! You come here with your friends?"
Good lord get those beers please, get me away from this woman!
"Yep! Just waiting on those beers!"
"Are you even old enough to drink honey?"
"Yup!" I said, full condescension in my voice.
"Well I'm gonna need to see some ID..."
She reached across and yanked my wallet away from my side of the table.
"Hey! Give that back!"
I was truly annoyed, my phone down now. She pulled her arm behind her, forcing me to get closer to her. Every time I tried going around her or reaching past her, she'd move her face in the path of mine, teasing me. Making me collide with her bosom a few times. I pulled away revolted.
She opened the wallet, looking at my ID. Taunting me.
"Your name's Tyler? Oh my goodness so young!"
I heard cackling in the corner to see my friends laughing at the situation I was in. I was bright red in the face. She tried to toy with me more, baiting me with the wallet. I gave her a look. She scoffed.
"You're no fun! Your generation is always so sensitive about everything!"
"I'm not sensitive, I'm just pissed, give me back my wallet!"
"UGH! Fine! You could at least play along!"
"With what?"
"You've never been flirted with clearly."
She tossed my wallet back to me. I was now bright red.
"Don't be so embarrassed honey!..."
She put a hand on the small of my back making me lurch as she caressed it in a slow circle with her fingertips. I felt my muscles tense and electrify with adrenaline in my lower back, almost cringing. Get off of me!
"...I'm just having some fun with you is all... you like older women?"
I pulled her hand away, "No, not really my type, thank you."
"Really? You ever been with one?"
"No, don't plan on it tonight either."
"But we have so much more experience honey!"
"You a sugar mamma or something?"
She laughed outrageously, high pitched and annoying, causing people to look over.
"...I can be. Do you want one?"
"No I just didn't think you existed."
"No no, we exist. We're just picky. You should feel lucky!"
I don't know what came over me, but I wanted to play along, tease her back now for humiliating me earlier. I was gonna lead her on, and dump her ass alone in this bar.
"So you like younger guys then?"
She leaned in closer, hand on my thigh, squeezing me slightly.
"I LOVE younger guys."
"Too bad I'm not into older women then."
"That can change."
I chuckled, "Maybe it will, who knows?"
Fuck no, it wouldn't change.
"You think?" She smiled wider, eyes scanning me up and down again.
"Let me see how I feel at the end of tonight. Maybe I'll change my mind."
"Oh you will honey, one way or another..."
The bartender handed me the beers just in time. I gave her an extremely cringey wink as I walked by her. She sucked on her fruity cocktail, exaggerating her lips.
I walked back to the booth, all of coworkers still laughing at me.
"Oooooh! Look at the ladykiller over here!"
I scoffed, "Shut uuuup man, that was the worst thing I'd ever experienced in my life!"
We ribbed each other for a little while after, them calling me a chaser or a gold digger the whole time.
We went another few rounds before I started to feel dizzy and eased up a bit. Just then though a cocktail landed at the table.
"From the woman at the bar." The server said.
I looked over to see the same woman from earlier giggling as she finished up her identical cocktail.
Still cocky and playing along with this charade I was putting on, I made my friends laugh as I took a long sip of the fruit cocktail, making eyes at her and raising the glass to her.
"You're really going home with her tonight aren't you?"
"Hell no dude, I'm just not gonna say no to free drinks..."
They all cackled again as I sipped at the cocktail.
Another few hours passed, a few of my coworkers had left for the night, I felt great though weirdly enough.
The last few of my coworkers began to exit, as I tried following them I lost balance, my muscles felt way too relaxed, but I didn't feel drunk at all. I wasn't dizzy, I felt great even, a weird exhilaration, my body was hot and energized, but relaxed at the same time.
"Woah you good?"
"I...I think so...I'll grab an Uber it's f-fine."
"Ah man you're drunk. It's all good you can miss one day, boss loves you anyway so he'll understand. I'll cover for you, tell him you're sick. You gonna be okay by yourself?"
"Y-yeah man... I 'ppreciate it..."
"Alright buddy, get home safe, I'll see you day after tomorrow."
I saw him exit, I was alone in the booth now as the bar began to get quiet. I began to zone out a little, what the hell was going on with my body? I wasn't freaking out or anything, it felt kind of nice, and I was fully conscious, but my words were slurred, and my arms and legs felt like noodles.
Just then, the woman from the bar leaves her stool and comes over to my table.
"Ugh! I was waiting for those assholes to leave! Finally!" She said, hands on her hips.
She scooted beside me, and wedged me into the corner of the booth. Her face very close to mine, her breasts pushing against me, her fat enveloping my right arm as she locked me in.
Her hand went behind my back and grabbed my side, pulling me closer to her. The other snaked up my shirt and began fondling my pec.
I gasped, what the hell. Every touch felt like a hot wave of pleasure, like my whole body was a clit.
"That feels nice doesn't it baby? Get nice and relaxed... Nice. And. Relaxed" She breathed into my neck, sending another vibration through me, my shoulders immediately began slacking, same with my jaw, hell all my muscles.
"What... what did"
She nuzzled herself into the corner of my neck and shoulder, her nose burying into my flesh, breathing me in deep, letting out an intense sigh.
"I didn't roofie you if that's the concern, but I overheard how you're a lightweight, so I made sure the bartender put way more rum than he should have, and I added my own little aphrodisiac."
"You... drugged me?"
"Not really... a little, just enough to get you right where I wanted you. Because now you don't want to leave do you?"
"Mmmh" I groaned, I could move but this pleasure was intense, I really didn't want to leave this feeling, what the fuck is she doing to me?
"Here, I bet this will feel good"
She gave me one long, hard, kiss on my neck, holding her face there for almost ten seconds. I gasped audibly. It felt so fucking good. A shock of electricity traveling from my already sensitive neck up to my brain, flooding me with some kind of dopamine. I began to pant slightly.
"You want another?"
"Hmm?" She began pulling on my nipple now, her three thick fingers grabbing a pinch of flesh.
"Ah! Yes! Please!"
"Mhm. Of course you do baby..."
She began to pepper my neck with hard wet kisses, groaning and moaning into my neck. Each kiss an electric shock through my body and right to my dick. My cock hurt from how cooped up it was getting. I was more erect than I'd ever been before in my life. I hated this woman, drugging me with an aphrodisiac and toying with me even more now! As I tried to remain stoic she bit into my neck HARD.
She chuckled as she latched her mouth onto my neck, sucking and giving me a huge hickey while her eel-like tongue swirled on the patch of flesh. Her hand move to my neck, squeezing lightly, holding me in place as my fingers dug into the leather, and my legs began to kick.
"Gah! AH! Oh!"
"Mhmmm~ Mhmmmmmmm~!"
POP! She let my flesh free from it's damp prison, a large bruise now forming across my neck.
"You wanna go home with me don't you baby."
I didn't respond, trying to regain my composure.
"Say it. Say you wanna come home with me."
I didn't give her an inch. She only let out a throaty chuckle in response, as if to say 'challenge accepted'. She licked her lips and aggressively grabbed my junk through my pants. I grit my teeth.
She adjusted my cock, pulling the head up through my waistband so my dick was pointing right up at my chest. She began applying pressure with her palm, harshly rubbing my dick's shaft up and down through the fabric of my pants.
She buried her nose back into my now wet neck, she then groaned again as she began to lick me. Her slimy long tongue, hard and rubbery, digging into my skin, hardly lapping against my neck, sending pure bolts of electricity into me. I couldn't hold my composure, a moan escaped me, followed by a series of whimpers. Each lick getting a reaction out of me as she grinded her palm into my cock. Each whimper from me met with a dominant and husky moan from her in return, she wasn't getting off at all, clearly meant to almost mock me. Goading me on, wanting me to cum in my pants right here in the booth.
It was working, precum was forming through the bottom of my shirt.
Her hand moved to my tip, playfully rubbing it through my shirt with her index finger. A trail of precum coming off of her finger as she moved it away from the pool forming on the bottom of my shirt.
"Look at that, already so wet. You want more?"
"You don't want me to stop though. Especially when I do this."
I spazzed as her fingers moved under my shirt and she glided her palm on my tip, swirling around it and pushing out the precum onto my bare stomach.
"Still want me to stop?"
"That's what I thought."
She unzipped my pants aggressively, and pulled my cock out through my underwear, she took the precum from my tip and used it as lube, making my cock nice and wet while she began to expertly give me a handjob under the table.
"UGH!--MMMMH! MMMMMNH!" She slapped a hand over my mouth. Her soft and chubby hands clasped over me, a pocket of humidity forming over my lips from my intense breaths.
She cooed, "Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. The whole bar is gonna hear you..."
She wanted them to see though, that's why she was doing this, humiliating me, trying to dominate me and make me do what she wants. I couldn't give in. Unable to move as she forced me into the corner of this booth, now stroking my cock under the table, unable to escape.
He soft hands focusing more on the tip, the aphrodisiac doing it's job as every stroke was an intense shock into my body. I was losing my mind.
Hot electricity traveled from my balls and up my dick. I was about to cum, I was gonna cum a lot, I was gonna lose to her. Godamnit. I hate this! Stop!
"You getting close honey?"
She yanked her hands away, I gasped in disappointment. Her warm body moved away from me. She zipped up my pants, leaving me with a painful erection crammed into my tight pants. That pain in my stomach forming from the blue balls I was left with.
"Wh...why did you..."
"Come home with me."
Fuck... I couldn't do this. I can't go home with this disgusting perverted woman.
"Say it."
"I wanna... I wanna go... home... with you..."
"Marie. Say it. Say you wanna go home with me, Marie."
"I wanna go... home with you... M-marie."
She grinned ear to ear, I on the other hand was angry, this woman had drugged me, edged me, and was forcing me to go home with her. I was beat red.
"Let's go then baby. I'm gonna show you a good time. Gonna do terrible things to you tonight young man."
"Ugh...I wanna...-"
Before I could finish my sentence, she yanked me out of the booth and carried me outside. I was barely able to walk.
She dragged me to the parking lot, where her silver hybrid was waiting. She slammed my limp body against the car doors and grinded her plump body against me, she smelled like sweat, booze, and cheap perfume. Her fat squishing against my firm body, her boobs pushing against my chest. Her crotch rubbing against mine. Her hands harshly kneaded my flesh, she growled.
"URGH! God! You are so perfect! So fucking hot!"
She stimmed as her hands aggressively squeezed my pecs, my jaw, my throat, my abs, my back, everywhere.
"You were trying to lead me on tonight weren't you? Say it. You were weren't you."
I was putty in her hands right now, not able to do a thing against her, I just had to ride this for now until I could get away.
"You were gonna try and leave me alone in the bar weren't you?"
"Naughty boy. I'll have to punish you a lot later."
Her hands clasped the sides of my face, almost smacking me. Her glare was deep, piercing into my very soul. Hunger on her face. I felt awkward keeping eye contact, every time I tried looking away she pulled me back, forcing me to look into her brown eyes. She bit her lip.
"Open your mouth, mommy's gonna give you a big kiss."
I braced for the worst, and slacked my jaw a bit, the only invite she needed. Her less than attractive face, her folds and slight wrinkles, her thick nose, her bad tan, rocketed towards me with her tongue out, hot breath hitting me as she gasped into my own mouth. Her eyes closing with pleasure.
"MMMMMMmmmmmmmh" She moaned into my mouth.
She smacked her lips on top of my own. Devouring my mouth. Her hands holding my head in place as she forced her tongue into my mouth. Her tongue a rubbery and long eel that took up my entire mouth, dominating my own tongue, forcing her spit in my mouth. She moaned and groaned inside me as I winced from each wriggle of her tongue exploring my cavity.
Wet smacking and moans could all be heard, her lips pushing against mine. I was barely kissing back, each time I tried to pull away she'd force me back by my cheeks, prying my mouth open and diving her tongue inside yet again. Her breath tasting of fruity cheap booze.
She was ravaging my mouth, making sure to taste every inch of my mouth. I could hardly breathe. Occasionally pulling out, letting me know how much she was enjoying the position I was currently in.
"Mmmh- mmmph- MMPH!- Fuck yeah- mmmmh. Mmmmh. Ugh! You taste so fucking good baby- Mmmph *smack* mmmmph. Mmmmmmm.- You like that baby? You like how I taste? Have some more baby- Mhm~ Mhm~ MMMMMM!"
Squelching and writhing inside me, her tongue didn't let up, barely catching a chance to breathe, my jaw beginning to hurt after minutes of this. Her thick body and her crotch still grinding into me all the while, driving me crazy.
Finally she pulled her tongue out of me. Licking her lips.
"God I could just do this all night. You're so fucking hot. I bet you're glad you changed your mind about me, huh?"
I didn't respond, simply continuing to gasp for air and hold my composure while she still grinded on me.
"Come on. Let me drive you back to mine." She whipped me around, grabbed a handful of my ass, turning my face red again, and shoved me into the passenger seat.
I collapsed in the seat. She jumped into the drivers seat and reached across me, making sure to kiss me a few more times while she buckled me in.
She was clearly excited, her driving showed it. She was pulling out way faster than what was safe, and taking off down the street. The night time sidewalk whizzing by me.
"God I'm so fucking happy you have no idea. I knew I wanted you as soon as you walked in with your little friends. Your biggest mistake was trying to lead me on honey, I know your type. Cocky little pretty boys, undisciplined, and best of all... bored."
"You don't know it yet, you mindless little fuck machines shoving your dick in whatever moves and looks at you. You've never had someone like me, someone who's gonna open your world up, show you things you've never experienced, and do things to you that are gonna make you scream! We're gonna go aaaaallll night honey. Gonna make you mine."
Jesus christ. Was I being kidnapped?
"RRRGH! I just can't get enough of you! You're so hot and young! Can't wait to have you begging for my pussy tonight."
Good lord, someone help me.
She yanked me out of the car when we parked in her condo. She dragged me into the elevator, taking every chance to feel me up and fondle me. Pushing against me in the elevator, rubbing my crotch again, making sure I was hard.
She pulled me into her apartment, and slammed the door behind her. Clicked on the lights. The apartment was relatively large, a wide white carpet living room with plain couches and a flat screen, a single bedroom with a bathroom attached and a full kitchen. A relatively plain and boring house, it smelled very lived in and wafted with the scent of her bad perfume.
"I'll give you the tour later, come on, we're going to the bed."
She dragged me by the front of my shirt, pulled me into the bedroom and THREW me on the king bed, her sheets white linen and soft, I was almost sinking into them.
"Stay there."
I couldn't move even if I wanted too, whatever drug she was using on me seemed to be hitting it's peak now, my body hot and sweating with horniness. The sheets were so comfortable I was about to pass out right here. Thank god I didn't have work tomorrow.
When she came back she was fully naked, exposing her folded and aged body. her arms and legs jiggled slightly. Her ass was huge, pockets of cellulite lightly exposing themselves each time she tightened her glutes. Her thighs were thick, large, and voluptuous. Her breasts were less perky at her age, and were wide, but were large nevertheless. Her body wasn't a pretty sight to look at honestly, a larger woman with a mom bod. She had a clear bikini tan that went right up her crotch and taint. Her pussy was recently shaved, a hard stubble clearly formed around the entrance. Her camel toe very prominent as some of the fat had gathered in the lowest parts of her abdomen.
In her hand was a glass of water. As she walked over she pulled my head up by the hair and forced it down my throat, I gulped loudly as I didn't even recognize how dehydrated I was. It was a wave of relief honestly, I was cooling down slightly, I was made even more relaxed. When I was finished she harshly dropped my head back on to the pillows.
"Aww, look at you. my boy's so sleepy! Don't worry baby, you can go to bed after this."
She climbed on top of me, putting her full weight on my dick, almost crushing me. She reached down and pulled my shirt off and threw it aside. She went down on my torso immediately. Her hands forcing my head down, grabbing my cheek as her thumb harshly stroked the side of my face.
Her mouth enveloped one of my nipples and began sucking really hard, I gasped again as her tongue circled my raw nipple and flicked it. She let it out with a pop then moved to other parts of my chest and abs. She began slowly making love to my flesh, focusing for long minutes on individual parts of my body, giving me hickeys and bruises all across me. Licking my nipples and fondling me. Moaning all the while, grinding her bare pussy on my crotch.
She grabbed my cheeks again, forcing my head back, her thumbs right under my chin as she grinded her soft and naked body on me, saturated me in her sweat and hormones. The smell of her pussy was becoming intoxicating, the acrid smell permeating the room now. She was lightly nuzzling and breathing on my neck as she whispered to me.
"Mmmmm. Feel how wet I am?"
The moisture of her vagina was beginning to seep through my pants, good god was she wet.
"That's all because of you. God I wanna fuck you so bad. I bet you wanna fuck me so bad too don't you?"
I was not going to admit that I was crazy horny, that I frankly wanted to stick my dick in anything right now. I couldn't give this woman the satisfaction of admitting it, she's done enough to me. She gave a throaty chuckle, seeing my clear frustration.
"We don't have to fuck tonight then. But I'll let you use your imagination a little bit. Let's get these off first..."
She aggressively YANKED my pants down, pulling my underwear off too, exposing my red hot and painfully erect cock.
"Such a beautiful cock..." She wrapped her hand around it, climbing off of me and laying beside me. She began stroking it slowly and lazily. I shut my eyes, even a lazy handjob felt like 9000000 volts surging through me, it was all I could do to keep my mouth closed.
"You're so cute."
She jacked me for another few minutes, making sure I maintained my erection.
"Here, turn towards me."
I moved my body as best as I could, limply lying on my side now, looking at her at eye level with me. She smiled as she played with my hair, massaging my scalp, relaxing me. I tried looking away again as her look began to descend into that same hungry glare from earlier. She wasn't having that at all.
She adjusted herself and moved closer to me, her breasts fully mushed against my pecs. My small waist being enveloped by her large hips and belly. She then lifted one of her thick thighs and then CLAMPED down on my dick. My cock sandwiched between her sweaty legs, directly under her throbbing pussy. I could feel her heartbeat through it. Her fluids leaking onto my cock, mixing with the sweat and creating a natural lube.
She then tightly wrapped her arms around me, locking me into her, making sure I could only move my hips as she crossed her arms around my back, keeping my arms at my side. I felt completely immobile as her nose was pressed against mine, a big smile on her face as she breathed her boozy breath onto my face. She giggled as I reacted, recognizing what was happening. I wasn't going to fuck her but she was gonna make me cum between her thighs!
"Mmmh, I can feel your cock twitching honey." She whispered directly in my face, "You're so good. Momma's gonna start moving now okay? Make sure to give me a big big load."
"Uugh..." I breathed out as she began moving her hips, my cock fully trapped between her pussy and thighs, creating a tight damp space. It felt like the real thing.
She moaned back at me, whispering right in my face each time a whimper would escape my lips, goading me:
- Me: Ugh!...Uhn!...Mmh!..Guh!...UGH!...GUH!...
- Her:...Yeah?...Yeah?...mhm~...mmm~...feel good baby?...
As her thick thighs and hot pussy glided along my cock, now sheen with cream and sweat. Her ass would tighten right as my head would punch through the other side of her trapped legs. My cock head poking through like a gopher on the other side, almost immediately swallowed again by her large ass and fatty thighs.
My mind was in a haze, all disgust and pride had begun leaving me, I was trapped in this moment with her, unable to move or leave, and was beginning to surrender to the full feeling. My dick was electrified, my balls tight, I was going to cum any second now. I didn't even realize that my hips had begun to move on their own, meeting hers and now smacking against her hot wet flesh.
Wet smacking as our hips collided, eventually hers stopped moving, as my eyes rolled back in my head, I was now full enveloped and hypnotized in her embrace, dropping the act and fully whimpering and moaning as loud as possible. It was like fucking the hottest pussy I'd ever been in, I really thought I was fucking her right now.
"Theeeeere we go! Theeeeere we go! That's a good boy! Keep fucking your momma. Imagine your dick going right up her hot dripping pussy!"
I picked up the pace, her words searing into my mind, the thought of me putting my cock in her drove me insane. I wanted to fuck her so bad. So fucking bad. I wanted her to take care of me, and make me cum like this all night!
What happened to me?! Literal hours ago I was disgusted by this woman! Now I'm here clapping against her thighs?! You came here against your will! Just enjoy the moment for now then leave as soon as post-nut clarity hits! Just cum for now! For now... just for now!
"Uh huh. Uh huuuuh~ That's it boy, keep fucking my thighs. Give me a big fucking load. You wanna kiss? Huh? You want mommy to give you another big kiss?"
"GUH!-- Y...YES!- Glmph-"
She grinned as she shot her tongue in my mouth again, gasping between kisses, keeping her hand on the back of my head while she ravenously fucked my mouth with her tongue. I lost it, I began to grunt like an pathetic animal inside her mouth, my eyes at the back of my head, my body completely surrendering as she pulled me into her as close as possible. The sweat and heat building and building between us as my hips went into overdrive!
She swirled her tongue inside me, dominating my tongue with hers. I began to kiss her back, losing myself in the feeling. I started screaming in her mouth, the intense pleasure building to an uncontrollable degree, my body began to tighten and writhe.
She pulled her tongue out of my mouth, smiling again.
"You gonna cum? You about to cum?"
"That's it boy! Cum for me! Cum for mommy! Cum! Cum! Cum! Cum! Cum!"
A hot blast painfully shot up my balls and right out my cock, unleashing the thickest white rope of cum I had stored in me, the blue balls I had from earlier immediately gone as I felt my energy get sucked out of me. I blasted the biggest load of cum I'd ever shot right between her legs and vagina. The sticky mess exploding all over my own cock as it was still trapped in it's wet prison. I just kept on cumming though.
"Oh! OH! Look at you go! Keep going baby! Give me more!" She laughed, breathy and ecstatically, right in my face, almost mocking me as she dominated this cocky boy from the bar, who was so full of himself, so pretty, so confident and now a sweaty mess at the mercy of her thighs alone.
The jets of white cum now pooling between us as my hips were still firmly locked against her huge thighs. She smiled as she felt me shift my hips, squeezing whatever was left out of my cock.
"Guh...guh....aguh..." I panted, twitching each time my cock would spew another small burst. I was completely drained of cum and energy.
She held me close, just looking at the mess she made of me, so proud of herself. Grinning ear to ear, locking her eyes with mine. She held me close to her for another five minutes, keeping me embraced in her fat and sweat, pushing against me even harder, her hands scratching my back up and down. Finally she took her arms away, and pulled my cock out from between her legs. I flopped back on my ass, a wet and sticky trail of cum, vaginal fluid, and sweat followed, pooling between my abs and all over my balls.
My arms were splayed out like a starfish as a wave of cool air hit me. Free from my prison. She giggled again, a hand playing with my hair.
"How'd that feel baby? Glad you came over now?"
She laughed again, the sight of me now a wet sticky mess, turning her on from this act of domination, with just her thighs alone. She knew how I saw her, what I thought about her. She wasn't delusional, just evil. She knew that she was going to get me addicted to her, and my original disgust at her only made it better. I was going to be hers no matter what. This pretty boy who tried leading her on for spite was going to now be at the mercy of this older, chubby, perverted woman. This was step one, and it was a total success.
The relaxation hit my body right after, I was spent, and without warning I passed out.
As I faded I heard her...
"Aw you going to sleep baby? That's okay, I'm just getting started on my end... hope you don't mind..."
I blacked out.
I wasn't fully unconscious throughout the night, I came back to in small bursts, but my brain didn't have the energy to register what was going on. I felt myself cum a few more times, and later on I felt an intense feeling in my gut, like I really had to pee, like something was entering me, it felt foreign and invasive. I couldn't tell what it was.
I then felt energy and consciousness return to me, I SPRANG awake. The morning light entering the blinds, I was fully naked still, covered in dried cum, A LOT of dried cum. My mouth tasted funny, a really bad aftertaste as I smacked my lips, not morning breath definitely. My dick was flaccid, like my balls were actually empty and nothing could turn me on right now. My body felt sticky with dried sweat and oil. I felt dirty.
I looked around and couldn't see any sign of Marie, thank god. Her side of the covers were rumpled like she'd gotten out of bed a while ago. As I stood up out of my side of the bed, a searing and burning pain shot up my taint, I groaned as soreness went up my lower back. Sitting felt really weird, and it hurt to stand up. I felt empty though.
As I grit my teeth and stood up out of bed. I grabbed my clothes and put them on, in a rush to get out the door. I grabbed my keys and phone and went out to the living room.
I saw Marie, no makeup, in a robe, cooking breakfast, it smelled great admittedly. She looked up from her pan and smiled again.
"Well good morning handsome. You sleep okay?"
The casualness of this angered me, like she hadn't just drugged me and coerced me into going home with her.
"No. I didn't. What the hell."
"No? That's not what I saw, you were out like a light. You sure seemed to be having a good time last night!"
"I didn't. You fucking drugged me."
"Oh my god. Are you on that still? Baby the aphrodisiac was mild at best, you just aren't good at holding your booze. Truth is you wanted to come home with me after all..."
"...I need to go..."
"You can go out that door baby, but I'm telling you now you'll regret it. Stay and have some breakfast, and let's have a chat, I've got a good proposal for you."
"I don't fucking care. Don't contact me again, you're fucking crazy!"
I stormed out the door and slammed it behind me.
I took an Uber home and immediately took a shower as soon as I got in. The post-nut clarity was hitting really hard even now. I reeled at the thought of the events that transpired. I wasn't traumatized or anything, just disgusted, more with myself for not willing myself out of that situation. That disgusting woman.
I got out of the shower and felt refreshed, I'm just gonna put this behind me. Or so I thought... I looked at my phone to see a missed text from an unknown number.
???: Honey you just ran out before I could say anything! You're so sensitive! We had so much fun last night, did you forget?
It was her. It had to be.
Me: I don't want to remember at all. Please leave me alone.
Marie: Awww, honey, let me say what I wanted to say at breakfast, and then you can decide if you still want to put this behind us, okay?
Me: Okay. Fine. What was it.
Marie: Well first of all, you need to come back anyway.
Me: Why?
An image popped up of my wallet in her hands.
Marie: You forgot your wallet silly! ;)
Fuck. No way this doesn't end in some kind of transaction.
Me: What do you want for it.
Marie: For the wallet? Nothing, just getting to see your beautiful face is enough. However, you should hear my other proposal, and if you don't like it then I'll hand the wallet to you and we go our separate ways.
Me: Fine, just tell me!
Marie: Why are you trying to get into your finance? You really want a job behind a desk for the rest of your life? That's what you want?
Me: That's how this whole country works, and yes that is what I want.
Marie: What if you didn't have to work at all? I'm a rich woman honey, I can take care of you. I'll feed you, I'll give you financial support, pay your debts, drive you, and set you up for life! All you have to do is service me 24/7. And by 'service' I mean a few errands and of course just a taste of what we did last night... Sounds like heaven to me!
Ew. She wants me to her be her fucking servant?!
Me: I'm not a sex toy, and I'm not some indentured servant, go fuck yourself!
Text bubbles showed up then disappeared, I figured she was done. She hadn't responded for a little bit, putting me at ease, it was over.
I received a text from one of my coworkers no more than a minute later.
Coworker: Hey man you feeling good? You coming in Monday? You drank a LOT!
I was texting a response until I received another message from Marie: *7 video's sent*
I flipped back to our text chain and my eyes widened with fear and rage at what I saw.
Marie: Well I was hoping to be nice about it baby, but I guess you're forcing my hand a little bit. It would be a shame if these got uploaded and your lovely little finance company found out their coworker is a perv.
I saw each video underneath, each one a different position she'd put me in, the gap in my memory from last night now fully filled in.
The first video was a flashlight being shined on my bare cock, the only source of light in the dark background, presumably right after I'd passed out. This was the first clip of the amateur porn-show she was sending me. Her hand came into frame and began jerking me off, my cock still moist and sweaty from the 'thigh-job' she'd given me. I was clearly rock hard again though, her one hand was immediately perking my dick up. Her hand was gliding up and down the shaft with expertise. It was a short video, she sensed my body tense up in the clip and picked up the pace, rapidly jerking me off until I shot another thick rope on my body, I heard myself whimper in the background while she chuckled behind the camera.
The videos only got worse. The second one was my face right between her thighs, her body pinning my head between her full weight, not able to move my neck as I was forced under her. She angled the phone so we saw the whole thing, her whole body exposed as she looked up to the camera and gave a wink with her tongue out. She then brought it back to her pov. Her thick pussy was shoved into my mouth, I was reflexively licking, listening to her directions as she cooed 'keep licking boy' to me. Her stubble digging into my face as her acrid pussy was grinding on my mouth and nose. Her other hand grabbing me by the hair as she shoved me harder inside her. I smelled it last night and I can only imagine what a mouthful of it must of tasted like, hence the weird aftertaste in my mouth. She moaned, "Good boy! You like how I taste huh??" then grinding her scratchy flesh harder into my face. Wet streaks and pussy fluids coating my mouth and chin. She brought the camera really close to my barely conscious face, showing my tongue was indeed inside her. Ravenously licking her large pussy like I was drinking water on a hot day. I seemed excited to be tasting it. The thought of it now though made me nauseous.
"Oh! Oh yes! That's it! I'm cumming baby! UGH! UGH! UGH!" Driving her thick hips on my tiny face, I groaned in response as she shook and screamed in orgasm. Then laughing again in her ecstasy, "Good boy~". Pulling my hair harder, and pushing me in deeper again, teasing me. I groaned in response.The next video was her and I making out again, both of us upright, my body limp but hers virile and active. She was cross legged on the bed, with my legs wrapped around her waist while she held me up, letting me lean on her, my arms limply over her shoulders. Her arm was holding the camera over my shoulder, behind my head. I saw her moan and passionately tongue me, my mouth reflexively kissing her back to the best of my ability, she was clearly in control still. Her eyes slightly open as she made love to my mouth. Her other hand buried in my hair, grabbing a handful as she kept making out with me, letting the camera see her thick tongue slime and worm it's way into my mouth.
"You like that?" She said, briefly pulling away but keeping the camera on me.
"Huh?" Pushed the camera closer into my face.
"You love your new mommy don't you?"
She smiled into the camera, pulling me out of frame.
"Hear that? He loves his mommy!... Want another kiss?"
"Y-yeah..." I moaned from out of frame.
She gave a deep and throaty chuckle, seductive, as she put both our heads back in frame, her staring at my open mouth another second before vacuum sealing her face onto mine. Loud smacking and squelching heard as she continued to fuck my mouth with her tongue.
The next video cut right into the action. Me on my back again, legs bent as Marie was aggressively sucking my cock. Exaggerating herself as she loudly sucked and slurped on my dick, not gagging once as she took it all the way in her mouth. I was clearly not very conscious throughout these videos but you could even then hear me moaning and whimpering in the background. Each time being met with another playful "Mhm~" in response. She bobbed up and down my dick for about five minutes before I started whimpering louder. Sadistically I see her look up at where my head was, her mouth stops and locks her lips around the tip of my penis, slowly and harshly stroking my shaft while her eyes drifted up towards my head and glared. She laughed like the sadist she was while she drained my cock of cum. I couldn't see how much I did cum because all I saw was her suck in her cheeks and expertly swallow down my semen in seconds. Clean my tip. Then smile for the camera.
The videos got weirder and weirder. The next was me on my stomach, ass up and my ass being shown from her POV. My pink butthole showing proudly in the shot. One of her hands enters frame and begins rubbing one of my cheeks, met with more moans in the background. She grabs a full handful of my ass, growls, then SMACKS her hand across, making a searing red handprint stain my skin. I yelp in the background.
"God you've got such a nice fucking ass... UGH! I just wanna...MMH!-"
Massive blows against my now red ass.
"Mhm? Yeah? You like getting spanked momma's boy?"
"Fuck yeaaah... gonna make this little ass red..."
She moves her hand to my cock and begins jerking me upside down, my body reflexively reacting, lifting my hips up more, arching my back. Then brings her hand down on my cheeks again. Smacking some precum out of my cock with each blow.
Then she did something I didn't expect. She flipped the camera, an unflattering selfie shot, the flashlight on her now. She leaned down, my ass and back now in view, and shoved her face right in my ass!
Her eyes squinted devilishly towards my girlish moan in the background, laughing while she ate me out. Occasionally looking into the camera, as if she knew I was watching the video. Her nose poking out between my cheeks, while she ravenously devoured my hole! Wet smacking and squelching of her tongue against my asshole, while my girlish moans only grew louder in the background. A free hand coming up to harshly grab my ass and spread my cheeks so she could get better access. She dragged her tongue to one of my cheeks, swirled it, and then sucked on the flesh, giving me a hickey right on my ass with a loud POP! As she released.
"Mmmmm, baby you taste so good! I bet... I bet I could get some fingers in there you know? You want that? You want Mommy to make you feel REALLY good?"
She chuckled. Good god no... she didn't...
I skipped ahead in the video by roughly two minutes, and I nearly puked in anxiety. The video cut to the original shot, a POV of my punished ass, bright red. Her ring finger and middle finger JAMMED all the way up my wet ass, squelching and writhing, finger-fucking me with a steady pace. It was jarring to cut to as I heard myself scream off camera while she slowly worked her thick fingers in my asshole.
"Yeeeaaaah baby, that feels good right? Never been touched there before have you? Makes you really wanna cum bad, huh boy?"
"Hmmm? You wanna what baby? You wanna cum while Mommy finger-fucks you?"
She gave another breathy and throaty giggle, she put the camera on a tripod and began milking me, her fingers pressing into my prostate harshly while her hand worked my cock! I began SCREAMING! The feeling must have been intense but I don't remember a thing!
Her hands lubed me up with sweat and precum, easily able to work my slick cock with fast and heavy strokes while her fingers kept the same pace, rubbing my male g-spot with intensity!
"Shoot it out boy. Cum for me."
SPLURT! A MASSIVE rope of cum BLASTED downwards like a silent waterfall! More cum than I knew I could produce! Basting the sheets below me while I let out the most girlish moan I could ever hope of making!
"Oh! My goodness, look at thaaaat... look at all that..." She whispered, adding dialogue in the background, "So much... such a good boy... giving me such a nice big load..."
"Uhn! Ugh! Ah!"
"Yeaaah, that's it honey, breathe... you know what comes next?"
Oh fuck what comes next man. I cut to the next video.
...Oh god no...
The still of the video was the phone on the floor, looking up at my ass hanging off of the bed, ankles in the air, being held up by her thick arms. However she wasn't in view yet. But I knew what to expect, I knew that position and that camera angle. My fears were confirmed when I hit PLAY.
Marie came into view with a bright purple strapon, tightly bound to her crotch. the top of her head poking into view over her belly and boobs, to look down at the camera, making sure the angle looked good. She stepped forwards, the phone looking up between her thick ass, showing us every fold and blemish as the strapon she wore was securely fastened to her waist, some of her fat spilling over the sides.
She lined up the head of the strap to my ass. Jesus christ I couldn't look away. I was more upset as I saw how easily it slid into my ass!
"Theeeere we gooooo! Theeeeere we goooo! This feels so good doesn't it baby? Mommy's fucking you right now. Right in your sweet little ass..."
I groaned loudly in the background when she hit the strap down to the base, the full length inside of me.
"That's it moan for me boy. Show me how much you love this cock."
She began to move, causing more reactions out of me, sawing slowly in and out of my ass. She barely made any noise, letting me scream and moan throughout the whole video, capturing my ecstasy and unconscious pleasure. Quietly fucking me.
Occasionally she'd match my screams with a soothing whisper or moan, "That's right baby. Mhm~ Mhmmm~ Take Mommy's cock. Take it all. That's it. Such a good boy~"
It was ten minutes of this before she finally grabbed my cock and began jerking again.
"You wanna cum while Mommy fucks a load out of you sweet boy? Hmm?"
"Yeah that's it. Cum for me."
She quickly pulled the strap out of me with a wet and loud SPLORT, the copious amounts of lube dripping from my gaping asshole. She moved to the side then jerked me off with vigor, making me spray a volcano of cum in the air! Some of it even landing on the phone camera! A blanket of white covering the screen while I moaned as loud as I could!
Back to the text conversation...
Marie: Unless you want your bosses to see those videos, I think you should come over today. I can show you so much more than that.
I buried my face in my hands.
I sighed. Deeply. Got up and then responded.
Me: I'll come over.
Marie: Amazing! I can't wait baby, I'm fucking dripping right now just thinking of all the things I'll do to you today.
I arrived at her apartment, the nice and plain luxury condos right outside the university. I can only assume the spot was nice for her to pick up and prey on young men.
I went up the elevator, my heart beating out of my chest.
I knocked on her door, she opened it after a few moments, she was in her robe again, a big greedy smile on her face.
"Well hello. Come on in."
She opened the door for me, I went inside, refusing to make eye contact. She closed the door behind me and triple locked it.
"I hope you don't mind we're having another guest later, she's a lot like me and I told her all about you. Have a seat though, let's talk a little bit."
I said nothing and sat at her dining table, she scooted in across from me.
"You're mad at me huh?"
"Yes. Please delete those."
"Maybe I will, maybe I won't. I play this game at the bar a lot. I seduce young men like you and make them mine. I get bored with them pretty quickly but you, you're different. I don't know what it is, the cocky attitude, that pretty boy mentality that you're so much better than an ugly hag like me, or maybe you're just that beautiful. Either way I wanna keep you. I wanna keep you for a WHILE."
"This is illegal."
"Sure it is! Very much so. Unfortunately honey, you can't afford a lawyer good enough to do something about it. That doesn't mean it's hopeless though. We're gonna play a game today."
"A game? What kind of game?"
"I'll let you walk out the door with no trouble, videos gone and deleted, and you get back to your boring internship or whatever. HOWEVER, that will be after today, when my friend and I cuff you to the bed and love you up. We're going to be exploring every part of you and toy with you. You can cum as much as you want, in fact, we don't want anything left, we want you drained dry. You can't cum in my pussy though. Unless you want to... in which case you have to beg me and only me. Once you do that though... you lose..."
"What happens if I lose."
"Then say goodbye to that internship, say goodbye to your old life, and say hello to your new mommy."
"Okay fine. No aphrodisiacs, nothing."
"Of course not! I never cheat!"
"Fine. Fine, I'll do the game or whatever."
All I had to do was not stick it in her disgusting vagina? That's it? This should fine.
"Good! In the meantime, I wanna get your relaxed. Lie down on my bed, on your belly, strip for me too. I'm gonna massage you."
She led me back to her bed, told me to strip and lie down. I complied, I didn't say a word the whole time, I was too nervous. I was caught in this woman's web.
I lied on my belly naked, I felt the bed squeak with her full weight coming up behind me.
"I hope you don't mind, I've made myself comfortable too..."
I turned slightly and winced to see her clothes were completely gone. I heard the squirt of a bottle behind me, then shuddered as she let a pool drizzle on the small of my back.
She quickly began spreading the oil across my body, I instantly felt some kind of horny as her hands rubbed into my skin. She deeply massaged my tissue and muscle, gasping and groaning the whole time. Relishing and worshipping my body. I couldn't say I wasn't loving this a little bit.
Her fingers got into my shoulders, my back, my neck, and as I lost myself in relaxation I soon realized she was grinding her naked body on top of mine, as if she was fucking me. Her plump and soft body hugging and enveloping me, her hands moved off my back and she was now fully dry humping me from behind, her head right next to my ear.
"You like that? I bet you do, I fucked you just like this yesterday but you don't remember I bet. Wanna do it again? Hmm?"
I stayed silent, cringing, she chuckled, sensing my embarrassment and decided to make me squirm just a little bit more. She stuck her long tongue out and dove it right into my ear, I gasped. She chuckled again, I heard the wet squelching and worming as she made me writhe underneath her in pleasure. Hot smacking and kissing right in my hearing. Her thick hips driving against my ass slowly and sensually.
She then pulled away and got on top of me, her hands beginning to work down my back again, then lower, then lower.
"Lift your hips up."
I complied.
"Good boy."
She began grabbing, kneading, and massaging my ass aggressively. Her hands harshly digging into my cheeks as I grit my teeth. She spread my ass apart, exposing my pink ring. Without warning she began rubbing her oily fingers on it, circling around it, loosening me up again. I gasped.
"Let's get you loosened up honey. If you're not going to beg for my pussy today then mommy and her friend are gonna be using this part of you A LOT."
"Wait- AUGH"
Two fingers SHOT up my rear!
Her fingers working my prostate down to the knuckle, rubbing harshly on my insides.
"ST-STAAAHP.. OH MY-... Guh...Mmmnh!"
"There he is... just like last night..."
My dick was painfully erect, each press and prod inside me sending electricity into my cock.
SMACK! One hand landing on my ass
"Mmh! so cute, look at you moan..."
"Oh yes! Look at you! All nice and loose! Good. So good."
She pulled her fingers out with a wet plop, and let me slam back onto the bed, gasping. That was nothing like I'd ever felt before. My ass was pulsing.
She flipped me onto my back and got between my legs. Beginning to push my knees into my shoulders as if she was fucking me. Instead she began grinding her dripping pussy onto my cock, sliding up and down on it while her breasts pushed into me. A breathy moan each time escaping her lips, as if she was getting off.
"Oooh, OOOOh, ooooh, mmmh, feel that baby? I'm so wet for you right now..."
I kept silent, but I had the overwhelming urge to put myself inside her despite everything, I was red in the face, ashamed, I wanted to fuck this woman old enough to be my mom.
"Beg for it baby, beg for Mommy's pussy and I'll fuck you right now."
I stayed silent, keeping strong despite my aching cock.
"Mmm? No? Still don't want it?"
"If you say so baby, I'll just keep having my fun then."
She rocketed her face into mine, still grinding against my cock in this humiliating position. Sealing her lips on mine again, wrestling my tongue for dominance as she brutally kissed me, picking up the movement of her grinding and moaning into me.
The pressure increased and so was my climax, I began moaning back as she chuckled in response, sensing my subconscious surrender to her body.
She pulled her tongue out, and gave a wide smile, piercing me with her intense gaze.
"You wanna cum huh?"
She began picking up the pace again, practically smacking her wet pussy against my now moisturized cock.
Then intensely sandwiching my cock between her pussy lips, grinding hard and deep onto me. I yelped each time.
She leaped off of me and smacked her lips around my dick and began sucking without abandon, up and down my dick, her tongue wrapping around every inch of my shaft. Making exaggerated sounds as she gave me the most mind-blowing BJ of my entire life.
I shot one of the biggest loads, rivaling the one yesterday, inside of her mouth, no cum escaped her hot mouth though, as she chugged it down. I felt her swallow every drop and clean what was left. She gasped for air leaving behind a perfectly clean and flaccid cock.
"Mmmm, that was so good baby, you shot such a big load for me... Now..."
She pulled me up off my back and traded places with me, her thick legs now spread wide and bent. Her hot and smelly pussy, I could taste it from here, it was as if steam were coming out of it. She grabbed me by the hair and pulled me in close to her vagina.
"Look at that honey, look how wet you made Mommy... have a taste..."
She quickly dove two fingers into her gaping wet pussy, moisture leaking from either side of her thick knuckles. She truly was dripping.
She pulled her fingers out after five long seconds of fingering herself, making sure to coat her fingers nicely. Then jammed them into my mouth before I could react. She pulled my hair and made sure I stayed in place, making sure I tasted every drop. It tasted acrid and pungent, no real way to describe it. I hated it, I was disgusted by it, only at the same time I wasn't. Despite how much I was grossed out as she made me suck on her fingers like it was her own dick. I wanted more, I wanted to taste more, I wanted to drink it. I wanted it all over me, I wanted to be buried in it. The source was right in front of me.
She pulled her fingers out.
"You want more?"
I don't know what came over me, but I nodded.
She needed nothing else, grabbing the back of my head and plunging me mouth first in her warm cunt. I hungrily dove my tongue inside, her stubble scratching against me, her sweat and BO permeating my senses, her taste making me insane. I hungrily ate her, lapping my tongue inside her, drinking every acrid drop.
I groaned as I continued to eat her out, pushing past pride and letting her wet pussy spill all over my mouth and chin, swallowing with every movement of my tongue. My eyes rolled in the back of my head. I grabbed her thighs and inserted myself deeper, making her laugh in ecstasy.
"Oh yes! Oh yes! That's right boy, keep licking me! Eat your mommy's creamy pussy!"
My jaw was getting tired from my violent eating, my mouth fully inside her, my nose crushed against her skin. I couldn't get enough. My lust was pushing through the pain.
"Make me cum baby, here, like this."
She pulled my hair and locked my right into her clit.
"Make me cum, you wanna make your Mommy cum don't you?"
I didn't respond but my body did, I pierced her clit with my tongue, clearly doing the right thing as she wrapped her thick meaty thighs around my head, her claws gripped tightly in my hair. I wasn't leaving this position until I made her cum. I could barely breathe but I didn't care. I just kept going as she humped her pussy into my face, stabbing her clitoris into me.
She pulled me away then shoved my face back inside her pussy as white and pearlescent fluid escaped her lips, salty and pungent, I felt her whole body spas and shudder as I licked her to completion. She finally let go, letting me breathe white a huge gasp of air. Strands of saliva and pussy juice hanging from my face, still connected to her wet cavity that was now heaving with her breaths. My jaw was slacked, my eyes hazed, gasping for air as my entire face was coated in that fishy smell, slimy, sweet, and salty. I didn't know what to do anymore, I was completely spaced out."That was perfect baby, you were so good..." She ruffled my hair, I looked up at her, a dominant expression and smile across her face. Part of me felt pride, new pride.
"Oh, that must be Mommy's friend. Hang tight honey, lay there, and don't clean your face."
She got up out of bed, her ass jiggling with each step as she walked stark naked to the door.
I heard another woman greet her with excitement, "OH MY GOODNESS MARIE! DON'T TELL ME YOU STARTED WITHOUT ME?!"
"Of course not Grace! I just had to get him warmed up, he's a little reluctant still, you get how it is, but you should have seen him just now, he was just gobbling me up down there, he couldn't get enough! You'll love him sweetie trust me."
I heard them both let out insane cackles together.
"Mmmmm... I can't wait Marie, let me see him!"
I felt four heavy footsteps enter the room, followed by a gasp by who I assumed was Grace. I lifted my head in a dazed state to see a woman of similar build to Marie. Stocky, but no bad tan, disgustingly pale, long brown/black hair with cut bangs that didn't keep up with her aged face. Not wrinkly, but slightly chubby and definitely in her late 40s. Big brown eyes, and a slightly bulby nose that hooked slightly. HUGE ass, almost bigger than Marie's, slightly smaller boobs than Marie's. She was a little more round than Marie as well, but just as sadistic, as seen from the smile on her face when she looked at my broken expression.
"Oh my goodness look at him, he's perfect, you didn't fuck him yet did you?"
"No, not until he asks like a good boy. I loosed him up every other way though."
"UGH! This is such a treat Marie, right after Church too."
"You don't even believe in that stuff."
"It's more out of tradition than anything, God hasn't stopped me from preying on your boys yet."
"True enough!"
They both let out another laugh, insane and high pitched.
"I need your help Grace, see I like this one a lot, but he still thinks that his job is more important than a life with his Mommy."
"Oh no, that won't do!"
"No it won't. So we're both gonna bend him every which way until he begs for my pussy, and we won't stop until he does. How does that sound?"
"Perfect, honestly, I've got SO much stress to work out."
"Let's get started then!"
Grace immediately stripped down, revealing her body to me, completely shaved, but slightly chubbier than Marie. Her touch was cold too, compared to Marie who's like a furnace. Each of them climbed on the bed with me, making me get on my back, and sitting me up slightly on the pillows. Both of them lied beside me, sandwiching me between them.
Grace's hands immediately wandering me, rubbing me, grabbing my nipples harshly, making me groan. Marie helping, rubbing my legs and thighs, giving small peppery kisses on my neck. Grace was not warming up though, immediately biting into my neck making me gasp as she sucked on it, giving me a black hickey as she popped it free from her mouth. Making out with my neck, sucking and pulling on my flesh, swirling it with her tongue, jolts of pleasure beginning to shock me again. She began licking up and down my neck before grabbing me by the cheeks and inserting her tongue into my ear. Marie copying her and doing the same, their lust going from 0 to 100 as they squirmed their tongues into both my ears, my hearing just hearing their hot breaths and moans, wet squelching and writhing. I couldn't even hear myself moan as loud as I did. Gasps and sighs escaping their mouths, echoing deeply into my brain. The sounds massaging my rising panic as I was being used by two older women.
"*Mwah* God I'm gonna abuse you, I'm gonna make you squirm." *smooch* *smack*
"You hear that boy? Grace is going to make you go crazy. You can just beg me to fuck you now though and it can all end."
"Let's make him cum Marie, I wanna see how much he can shoot."
"Oh he's like a fire hose watch this-"
Marie grabbed my cock by the base, her thumb and index finger making a tight ring around my base.
"Focus on his tip Grace, he'll go nuts."
Grace put her cool hand on the head of my cock and began swirling around it with her palm, my dick still sensitive, I began to writhe.
"Ooooooo~ look at him squirm Marie..." Grace dove her tongue back in my ear.
Marie going up and down my cock, some oil still remaining from earlier, on top of all the sweat and cum. My cock was anything but dry. Making a slick hand job all too easy for them...
"S-slow d-down! Pl-pleaaase!!"
They both giggled in my ear, and began increasing the pace, my pleasure catching up again, Grace using both hands to keep my dick still while she rubbed her smooth palm on my tip, Marie jacking me off without abandon, picking up the pace.
"Ooo that's it boy cum for Grace..."
"You heard her baby, cum for your mommies..."
A spitfire shot of cum exploded underneath Grace's palm and exploded between her fingers, seeping out and pouring down my shaft. I yelped again as another shot exploded out of me as they both drove their tongues DEEP into my ear canals, their hot gasps igniting another spurt of cum out of me.
"Goood boy, goood boy... that's it let it all out..."
"God he's like a hydrant!"
Grace wringed out the rest of the cum in me and began licking off the cum pooling on top of me, swallowing every drop.
"He tastes good too. UGH! Marie! I'm so jealous!"
"I know! He's perfect right?"
"Can I kiss him?"
"Of course! He loves kisses."
"Stand up boy, come give Aunt Grace a kiss."
Grace got out of the bed and stood, beckoning me towards her. I was so weak at this point and fully in a haze. Marie pushed me out of the bed and shoved me into her, making me stumble into her cleavage. Grace clamped my face and rubbed her boobs in my face. Toying with me, before she yanked me up to her face by the chin and shoved her tongue in my mouth, more violent than Marie, and more vocal. Practically sex-moaning in my mouth as she wrapped her arms around my body. She groped and felt me up and down, dragging her nails into my back, pulling my hair, stroking my skin. CLAP! A firm hand grabbing a handful of my ass while she fucked my mouth with her tongue. Her other hand harshly grabbing my cheeks, making sure my mouth was pried open.
As soon as Grace began grinding her thick and almost rubbery cold body on mine. I felt the hot embrace of Marie behind me, wrapping her arms around my waist, grinding on me from behind. A tongue and hot breath quickly followed, tracing up my neck, and biting into my shoulder. Two large bodies sandwiching my skinny frame and pushing against me, breasts and thighs rubbing into my skin, creating a hot massage. I moaned, my erection was back with a vengeance. Both of them chuckled, sensing my continuous surrender. Grace's belly squishing and rubbing against my dick. Precum leaking out of me, making a sticky and wet surface between her and I.
She pulled her tongue out, keeping my mouth open.
"Suck my tongue boy."
She stuck out her tongue, longer than Marie's and twice as thick. I felt a hand on the back of my head as Marie guided my lips on her appendage. I enveloped my mouth around it and began sucking. A smile forming around Grace's mouth, her eyes burned into mine as I was forced back and forth on her tongue, drinking her spit.
"God he's such a good boy Grace, look at him go, he loves it!"
My eyes were rolling back, something was really happening to me, my mind still wanted to fight but my subconscious had taken over, my body wanted to service these older women. I liked being a 'good boy'. It felt nice. I continued sucking on Grace's tongue until I felt another wave of cum hitting. Disappointingly though, I felt cold air hit as both stepped away from me.
"You close?"
I nodded.
"Good. Marie, can I?"
"Of course! I'll take the back."
Both knelt down in unison, and without warning Grace's mouth wrapped around my cock, her tongue nestling my dick. Marie then planted her mouth on my asshole, scrunching her nose against the top of my crack while she ate me out. My knees immediately began to buckle. An intense wave of pleasure electrifying me as I was wetted from both sides. Hot breath and a hard tongue prodding my hole and sliding up and down my ass. A vacuum seal clamped around my cock, Grace sucking me like a pro, her cheeks sucking in and lips pushed out to create an exaggerated look, her eyelids heavy, as if she was saying, "I know this feels good for you." She was right, slowly but harshly sucking my whole length down, pressure fully sealed on my cock, like a ring was wrapped around it, like I was fucking instead of getting a BJ. I couldn't pull back, as Marie was pushing me forward with her head, her tongue now spearing up my asshole and wriggling and spinning inside of me, making me moan like crazy.
"Mhm~ Mhm~"
I had to use Grace's head for support, which she took as encouragement, when it was truly the only thing keeping my legs from going out. My legs were literally shaking with pleasure. My ass, taint, and thighs were vibrating with sexual buildup. Adrenaline pumping as I was given the most intense experience of my life.
They maintained their pace, until they felt my balls begin to swell. Grace giggled on my cock and began to go faster, Marie pulled her tongue out and shoved three fingers inside me.
"Shhhh, you're fine baby, you love it."
She began stabbing my prostate as Grace sucked away, my eyes were now at the back of my skull, I lost myself to pleasure.
"Mhm~ I bet you are honey, look down at Grace."
I complied as was met with her eyes going up and down as she held her glare into my vulnerable expression. Dominating me with her mouth.
Grace stopped sucking, and held her lips at the tip of my penis. Then harshly grabbing my base right as I felt myself about to ejaculate. I reared in pain as fingers were still working my ass, jabbing and rubbing my prostate even still, making my whole lower half cramp and seize.
"You wanna cum?"
"Now Grace and I have been pleasing you aaaalll day and even last night. I haven't heard a single thank you."
"Neither have I."
"Tsk. Not good enough baby. Beg."
"Beg Marie to put your little cock in her pussy. Be her boy. OUR boy."
"I'll take such good care of you. Or else you can walk out the door and we'll never bug you again." Her fingers pressed into my ass harder, edging me harder.
"Beg for her pussy. We'll let you cum."
"GUHHH! I-I-I..."
"Go on baby. Say it."
"Mmmm. Really? Even if you have to quit your job?"
"You have to do whatever I say, you know that right?"
"Say you want it. Say you're mine."
Both let you a high pitched shriek of laughter, sadistically cackling over my breakdown of pride and dignity.
"It always works Marie!"
"Go on Grace, let him cum."
"Mmmm. With pleasure."
She released her iron grip and plunged onto my dick again.
I EXPLODED into Grace's mouth while Marie forced out every remaining drop as she fingered me. Grace held her gaze with me the whole time, looking into my eyes as I filled her mouth with every drop of cum left in my balls.
"AAAAUGH! AUGH! UUUNH! UUUGH! UUUuugh! Uuuuuuh... uuuhn... guuuh.."
I froze, slackjawed and silent, my sanity leaving through my dick and into Grace's mouth.
As I collapsed I felt Marie grab me from behind and pull me into her, her hands in my hair and across my chest. Grace grabbed me by the cheeks and shoved the cum she accumulated into my mouth, viciously making out with me as she swapped spit and cum with me. Making my mouth a mess, Marie came from beside me and began licking my cheek, and smacking against me while Grace tongued me. Marie pulled me away from her and shot her tongue in my mouth, tasting my cum and making out with me while Grace licked my ear and kissed me all over. Soon it was a violent tug of war between them, kissing, tonguing, licking, breathing, my vision blocked by both of their faces lighting up my face with affection. I swallowed my own cum, attempting to kiss back but I was too dazed.
They threw me onto my back, Grace watched in the corner and began to masturbate, while Marie put her hands on my cheeks, forcing me to look into her eyes while she straddled me. She began to grind her dripping pussy on my cock again, and then with no pause, shoved my entire length into her vagina. I groaned as she lit up with a smile. Fully dominating me, breaking me, this was it. This was what she was waiting for, the loss of my pride. Her pussy was warm, loose but also tight, writhing and squeezing my dick while she remained there unmoving. It was almost unbelievably hot inside her, my cock felt like it was melting inside her.
"Feel it baby, feel how good Mommy feels inside her. Your dick was made for this pussy, boy. Tell me how good it feels."
" feels good..."
"Mhm. Yeah it does. Beg me to fuck you."
"Please fuck me..."
"Good boy."
She grabbed the skin on my chest as she began bouncing on my cock, each WHAP of her hips slapping against mine sent me spiraling. My head was all the way back, my tongue out, my eyes rolling.
"Oooo, Oooo, mmmmm, yeahhh, that's it boy..."
The sheer wetness of her pussy was echoing each time she was clapping against my flesh as she brought her hips down with full force each time. Her ass jiggling and rippling with each blow. Her eyes hungry, her glare intense as she watched me lose myself to her. This cocky post-grad, so disgusted, so prideful, so secure, now a writhing mass of lusty flesh below her, begging for her, begging for her dripping pussy. A chubby older woman was dominating this tight young man, turning him into a sex toy. She didn't care how aged she was, how her body looked now, she knew what she was, and she loved it. She loved making this boy hers.
She had won.
Every plap of her doughy hips against mine made me enter into more of a deep state of pleasure each time. I began to lull off into a meditative state, letting me use her while ecstasy took hold of me. My eyes again began to roll back.
"Mmmm. I love that look."
"Oh fuck Marie, that's so fucking hot. Use him."
"You cumming baby? You gonna cum in my pussy?"
"Cum inside her boy, you're gonna be our new boy toy from here on!"
"Fu...fuck... UGH! OOOH!"
My fists tightened, my hips bucked wildly, causing her and Grace to start laughing and yipping as I turned into an animal.
Ropes exploded in her contracting pussy, the walls of flesh sucking the cum out of me and devouring my cock.
I gave one final upward thrust and flopped down onto the bed again, lifeless, limp, panting, gasping.
Marie gave a satisfied moan and threw her leg over me to climb off my dripping and flaccid cock.
I groaned for a second, barely conscious, slipping into sleep.
I heard Grace get up from the chair.
"He's all yours babe."
"Mmmmmmh..." She chortled, "Let's wake him up first."
"UOOOH!" I shot awake as two thick fingers went up my ass, harshly massaging my prostate, she grinned as she lodged two chubby fingers up my ass, loosening me.
My dick grew to size once more as I tried to sit up but my body wouldn't move.
"There he is... lie down and take it boy, Grace is gonna give you the ride of your life..."
This old woman was fingering me so well, stabbing my prostate, knowing just what spots to tease and poke while squelching and writhing inside me, grinning at each girlish reaction.
When she felt me start to like it a little too much she plopped her fingers out and quickly grabbed my cock, positioned herself, and SLAMMED her full weight on me. I let out my "O" face once again as her tight pussy clenched on the base of my dick.
Her head rocketed down and mashed her nose onto mine, her eyes locked into mine, I couldn't help but stare back as she hypnotized me with her gaze.
"Feels good right?"
I nodded meekly. She let out an insane giggle, her energy was off-putting and far too energetic.
"You're Marie's boy now, you know that right? That means Aunt Grace here gets to come over and use as many times as she likes, right?"
I nodded again. Going along with it, but the realization of what she said not really hitting me until later on, I was lost in the pleasure and wanted to please this woman.
"Mhm. You're going to get real used to this pussy baby. Once I'm done with you Marie and I are going to flip you over and show you an even better time... you want that?"
She smiled and punched her tongue into my mouth. Moaning like crazy once again as she tasted every corner of my cavity, breathing desperately into my mouth, choking on her spit while my cock was lodged up her pussy.
She pulled away after making out with me for another 5 minutes.
"Ready?" She smiled
I nodded again.
She grabbed me by the skin of my pecs and supported herself, her feet on her tip toes as she began to slam her huge ass up and down my cock.
"Uuuuuunnnghh... uuuuuuughhh..." I bellowed as the massive weight of her ass punched my gut each time she slammed her hot pussy down on me. The sweat sheen and dripping on me from each pore on her body.
She continued plapping away, drool running down her chin as she growled. Her energy and stamina was insane for her age.
"Ugh! Ugh! Fuck yes! Fuck yes! I fucking love college dick! I fucking love you little horny shits! I love fucking the shit out of you! You young hot little college boys! Take it! Take it! Fuck me like you love it!"
She was berating me, but I could barely listen, my eyes had rolled back, her pussy was clenching at just the right moments. Each slam of her ass was bouncing my body up and down, my upper back literally lifting off the sheets each time. My head shook back and forth violently.
Her tits flew up and down violently. The rolls on her body jiggled with force. Sweat flying everywhere.
"That's it stud! You like my pussy? You like getting fucked by Auntie Grace don't you?! Gimme that cock boy, keep fucking me!"
Marie was in the corner fingering herself, diving her own fingers in her mouth and back in her pussy. Her mouth open, gasping as she took in the sight of her new boy being ravaged and fucked senseless.
I was their little college fuck toy now. My mind had escaped me entirely, I felt like nothing but a sex toy.
I felt my balls begin to grow hot, and electricity build in my stomach.
"Yeah?! Gonna cum? Go on boy! Cum inside me! Cum deep inside my pussy, give me a hot load! Come on! Come on! CUM! CUM! CUM! CUM!..."
Her nails dug into my skin, the pain mixed with the pleasure like fine wine. As I began to buck my hips upward, meeting her slapping ass.
It was all too much, I was getting the soul sucked out of me. My dick was being clenched and crushed by her cunt. Working my shaft up and down, up and down!"CU-CUMMING! I'M CUMMING! AUGH!-
I began to unleash violent torrents of cum inside her as she laughed. She slammed her hips down once more, crushing my pelvis into the bed. She flung herself forward and wrapped her chubby hands around my throat, crushing my windpipe as she grunted with almost murderous and insane excitement. My face turned red as I was lightheaded, more cum erupting from my balls.
"Yeaaaah! Yeeeeahhh! That's it boy! Keep cumming for me! Keep giving me that load! Keep it going! More!"
"Uuuuuuughc--" I rasped out.
My hips flew up a couple times, violently slapping against her as the last of my cum was wrung out of my pathetic dick, rapidly losing it's erection as the last of the cum that came deep from inside me spewed inside of her.
As my air was cut off, I felt unconsciousness grow heavy in my head. Just as black crept into my eyes she removed her hands, leaving horrid red marks on my neck as I gasped for air.
I flopped back on the bed, starfishing again. Twitching. She got off of me, a river of cum leaking from her pussy as she let a playful and satisfied moan.
I let out weak rasps and pants as the cum had truly been sucked out of me entirely. I was tapped. My chest rising and falling. Legs continuing to twitch slightly as I faded in and out of consciousness once more.
"UGH! God Marie he's such a treat, I see why you want him. You think he's gonna keep arguing? Because I think I'm getting attached and I'd hate for this one to leave like the others."
"No, I think you set him straight Grace. I think he knows what he likes now. Don't you sweetie?"
"Y...yes..." I rasped.
"Do you want some coffee Grace?"
"I would LOVE some coffee... by the way did you hear?..."
Their conversation exited the room. Their chatter and cackles echoed in the background. I passed out soon after.
When I came to, a few hours had passed. I felt groggy. My legs were weak and I was bruised all over. I was lightheaded and dizzy.
The regret I felt couldn't be explained. As soon as thoughts of resistance entered my mind, like a pavlovian response, my dick sprang a little, feeling the sweat and stench of their bodies on me, the tight and hot feeling of their pussies, the saliva and deafening licks on my ear, the twinging bruises on my body from the hickeys. The thought of going back to work made me depressed, I couldn't even control it. I didn't want to stay... I had to... I was addicted to them.
I didn't even know what to do next. I simply sat on the bed for another hour before I came out to the living room, dejected and defeated.
"There he is..." Cooed Marie, "Feeling more awake now sweetie?"
"I guess."
"Hey!" Grace snapped. I jumped, a fear response instilled in me suddenly, "Say it right!"
"Y...yes! Yes M...mommy..."
"Good boy." Marie smiled, "See your phone there?"
I looked at the coffee table. Seeing my phone fully charged in the middle of the table.
"Call your internship, let them know you quit. Then call your parents, let them know you found a roommate and a full time gig, and you'll see them when you can."
"Ahp! No arguing honey! You lost remember? You agreed."
"Ye...yes Mommy..."
I called my job and did just that. They questioned me and I told them that I had been recruited by another company. My boss sighed, disappointed in me and said 'go on I guess, sorry this didn't work out I suppose.'
Marie's lips were tightly locked around my dick the whole time. She was on her knees in front of the couch while Grace tweaked my nipples. I nearly came over the phone before I hung up.
Before I could call my parents, Grace stopped me.
"Marie I have such a hot idea."
"Go on?"
Grace smiled, a devilish look upon her face.
The loose recliner chair I was in rocked back and forth with momentum in a steady rhythm.
"Hello? Sweetie is that you?"
"H-hi M-mom, is D-dad there tooooo?...." I covered my mouth, stifling a moan.
"Uh, yeah sure honey, is everything okay? You sound weird?"
I spoke quickly. "Y-yeah I-I... I-I'm o-on a treadmill-- I-I'm working out r-right now..."
"Oh, well that's good, your Dad is here by the way."
"Hey son how are ya?"
"I'm good. I-I j-just w-wanted t-to let you knowww...MMH!"
"Shh." Said Grace, her face smiling and dripping with drool inches from mine.
"S-sorry! I f-found a j-job... mmmmmgghh... a-and a roommmmate... I m-made it. I t-think I can s-support myself n-now..."
I was on the phone with my parents, the entire time, my legs were folded, knees by my head. I was completely naked and covered in sweat. Grace was fucking me in the ass with the same strapon Marie used. Well lubed, and easily sliding in and out of me. Grace was crushing down on me, punching my prostate with her hard cock, having milked me a few times over by now. She wanted me nice and vulnerable for my call with my parents. Making sure I was well and truly fucked in body and mind.
"Well that's great son! I'm happy to hear it!"
"You sound excited! What job is it?"
"F-finance... b-banking..."
"Ah, following in your old man's footsteps I see."
"I-I need to g-go. Sorryyyy...mmmmhhgghhh... I'll t-talk soon..."
"No worries son, we're so proud of you! Have fun in the city! Love y-"
I hung up and let the phone flop on my chest as Grace laughed in my face.
"Fuck that was hot. Mmmmm. Open your mouth."
I complied and hung my mouth open, she harshly spat right down my throat. I swallowed like a good boy.
She smiled again and made out with me once more while she pegged my ass.
"Mmmmmh! Mmmmmh!" I moaned inside her mouth.
Her eyes half open while she lapped away at my mouth. Immobilized underneath her, swallowing her spit and plugged up my asshole. Her stench wafted over me. I began to lose it again. She sensed my oncoming climax.
She pulled off of me and began rocking away at my hips
"You close? Huh?"
"Yeahhh, that's it baby, cum for me again. Go on."
I shot pathetic and small ropes on my chest, joining the numerous loads from earlier.
"Goood boooyy... look at that." She grabbed my cock and wrung out the rest from my tip.
With a wet plorp she pulled out of me.
"This was just what I needed today Marie, thanks for having me!"
"Of course doll! Come by anytime."
Grace grabbed her things, not bothering to wash the sweat off. She left soon after.
It was finally quiet in the apartment. I laid there, ass loosened, covered in spit and sweat. Legs finally unfolded.
I felt Marie's soft steps towards me, hands on her hips, she looked at her new boy with pride.
"You had a good day didn't you. We'll grab your things on Monday. Until then we're gonna fuck all weekend until you can't stand anymore. You like that baby?"
"Yes...Mommy..." I panted. Unable to think for myself anymore.
"Good. Learned your place finally didn't you? Mmmmh... so young and hot. I'm so lucky to have spotted you at the bar. You were a good boy today though, so you've earned a rest I think, at least until I'm horny again. I'll make us some food tonight. You rest there a bit."
"Yes mommy." I said, non-autonomously.
That night we ate, I was forced to watch her bad sitcoms while we ate. She took me to bed around 10 and cuddled with me. Exhausted, I fell asleep in her arms.
I woke up the next morning at 10am. Marie handed me cleaning supplies and told me to get to work. I was to clean her house, get her groceries, run her errands, and do whatever she said. Naked preferably.
The breaks I received throughout the day were when I was cleaning or running a task. The rest... I was flipped, fucked, licked, sucked, rimmed, pegged, fingered, and spanked every which way, every day.
That same day she had me fuck her on the couch while she watched her shows, making me tell her that I loved her each time I came. She rode me afterwards until I couldn't move. Her pussy a bottomless semen deposit, grinning each time she made me climax.
That was the routine every day from here on. I can only list some of what was done from the endless storm of raunch and sex she inflicted on me regularly. She sat on my face while she was bored and working from home. Making me eat her ass too sometimes.
Other days she'd tie me like a hog and fuck me with her strapon until I was out of cum. She'd fuck me missionary, doggy, from the side, make me ride her. I was to do every position she put herself in when she was fucking me. She loved hearing me moan and whimper on her strap. The way my ass had loosened made easy access for her. She'd peg me on the phone, she'd peg me while I watched TV, my reward being able to put on what I wanted to watch.
The make out sessions were non-stop. Her tongue was in my mouth most of the day. I had become accustomed to her spit and her rubbery appendage. Making me suck her tongue, or sometimes she'd just spit in my mouth and make me beg for it.
The hickeys never went away either, she needed me marked constantly in case I or any of her friends forgot.
It wasn't just Grace that came over. It was whole parties of sexually frustrated moms and grandmas, all stopping by for free-use parties, paying Marie each time. I was ridden, pegged, fingered, and blown constantly. They each took a slice of me. Taking turns or sometimes all at once. Fucking my ass with a dildo while I ate one of their rancid pussies out. I was a one-man buffet to them. Grace would participate 9/10 times though, group sex or not. She was over a lot.
I was broke and hypnotized into this old woman's sex slave. I had a bright future, robbed by this woman. Now though, I'm not sure I'm complaining anymore. I think this is what I wanted now, this is where I belonged. A servant and meat dildo for Marie. A year ago I would have been revolted. Now she's my goddess, my mistress, my everything. Her pussy was my altar, my cock unloading in her, I was being rewarded. I should be thankful, I need to show her how grateful I am.
I love her.