Chapter 41: Chapter 41: The Hidden Beast!
"Mr. Oboro, please follow me."
The subordinate led him up the winding mountain road, where luxury vehicles belonging to other family heads lined the way. As they climbed higher, an imperial palace came into view, majestically perched on the mountainside. Not just one palace, but several, spread across the terrain.
The entire mountain range, with a radius of over ten kilometers, belonged to the Ten Dons. A private sanctuary, guarded by constant patrols and strict security measures. While inconspicuous from the base, up close the palace walls rivaled those of Mount Kukuroo in height and grandeur, though adorned with more pomp than the Zoldyck estate.
Security personnel conducted thorough checks at the entrance, making sure visitors were not carrying weapons and briefing them on protocol. Oboro followed his guide down the long stone path, a slight smile playing on his lips as he noticed several auras watching him from the shadows.
"This Oboro is a formidable Nen user," a voice echoed from a high floor meeting room where nearly thirty figures had gathered.
"He has single-handedly eliminated the elite forces of both the River and Qibu families. His power is undeniable."
"I have researched his background. He fought in Heaven's Arena as a ground master. Although his popularity has waned, some still remember him. His connection to the Fells family is still unclear, they were hardly worth mentioning a few months ago."
"There is also Fells Lily, daughter of Fells Maibo. Given her and the butler David's acceptance, his claim seems legitimate."
The assembled observers took turns studying the approaching figure through the window.
"I have reviewed his combat footage. Combined with recent events, he is extremely dangerous," one man said, his arms crossed behind his head. "In single combat, none of us here could match him, except perhaps Sato." He glanced at the ninja standing near the Ten Dons, silent in his black robes.
"His Hatsu involves complex incantations. Even in direct combat, it would be a challenge to understand its rules and limitations. He is a true master," the man concluded.
Don Brown sat quietly, smoking a cigar and letting his subordinates discuss. There were dozens of Nen users in the room, including the elite Shadow Beasts.
"Hey Achiuwa, you sound worried," someone teased.
"Please! No matter how strong he is, with our numbers here, we can handle him. It might cost a few lives, but that's how it is in Meteor City," Achiuwa rolled his eyes.
"The weakest dies first, that's our way," another man grinned, his wild hair matching his wild aura.
"I volunteer you for that honor," a woman remarked dryly.
"He spotted us," the ninja beside Brown suddenly announced.
"Oh? Such perception... Perhaps we are kindred spirits," Achiuwa whistled.
Brown tapped his cigar, silencing the room. "Restrain your excitement. For now, he's one of us."
The don rose and went to meet his summoned guest.
"This Sato has been with the old man for years."
"He's trained in Kumogakure Ryu, a professional ninja, not some street recruit. Each of the Ten Dons has similarly trained guards. That's how they maintain their power."
"Show some respect. We may be from Meteor City, but we're family now. If the Don heard you..."
"It's a partnership, not ownership!"
"Is there really a difference?"
After Brown left, a young man in a baseball cap grinned. "Anyone want to test this newcomer's limits?"
"Be wise. He's a made man now, possibly our future ally."
"Don't worry, I have a plan. I'm too comfortable here to risk going back to Meteor City."
The boy left, leaving his companions shaking their heads. More than half of the room was from Meteor City, but Green had always been particularly reckless.
Oboro noticed the baseball-capped youth loitering in the corridor ahead, clearly out of place among the suited guards. No one stopped him as he leaned against the wall and watched Oboro with playful eyes.
The guide nodded respectfully to the boy, but remained silent.
As they passed each other, Green's eyes narrowed under his cap. His aura flared aggressively, but without killing intent, a mere provocation, carefully calibrated to avoid serious injury. He knew his limits and the consequences of truly threatening a family leader under Don Brown's protection.
But the moment his aura touched Oboro's, a paralyzing cold shot through his body. His vision blurred as needle-sharp pain stabbed through his skull. He staggered, his hat falling, only to be caught by a gentle hand.
"Your hat fell," Oboro said softly, patting the pale youth's shoulder with brotherly concern. "Walk more carefully. It would be a shame if you were hurt."
The crushing pressure vanished as quickly as it had come. Green's face flushed as he accepted his cap with stiff movements.
Oboro walked on, pondering the interesting thoughts he'd glimpsed in the youth's mind.
Minutes later, he entered a meeting room filled with familiar faces from the charity gala, including Badim. Her previous condescension had vanished; the Fells Family now stood as her equal, perhaps even her superior.
The seven family heads rushed to greet him warmly. Power was everything in their world, and recent events had reshaped the hierarchy.
This is the core circle of the eight families under Brown's authority," Oboro observed. He responded with fake enthusiasm, discussing business matters while keeping an eye on the dangerous presence lurking in the shadows. Not since his encounter with Hisoka in the sky arena had he felt such carefully concealed bloodlust.
Finally, Don Brown emerged from a side chamber. The seven family heads shouted "Boss" in unison. Oboro simply nodded at the surprisingly young Don, barely in his forties, though his brief appearance in the original story hadn't conveyed his age.
"Everyone is here. Please be seated," Brown gestured to the table. With four chairs on each side, Oboro took the second position on the left.
"Oboro, is everything settled?" Brown's eyes fixed on him.
"Yes." Oboro knew he meant the absorption of the River and Qibu families.
"Good. Unlike some, I believe in nurturing talent. Those with ability will always find opportunities under my leadership," Brown said.
"I will strive to meet your expectations," Oboro smiled, emphasizing the last words. The Don's supposed mentorship was purely transactional; he valued money above all else.
"I have called you here because our regional forces have become restless. You must keep them in check and prevent internal conflicts. Avoid violence if possible."
"Yes, sir."
The message was clear, the Fells had claimed enough territory. Further expansion would not be tolerated.
The discussion deepened, covering changes in the industry, continental affairs, and events in the other nine territories. Oboro noted that the Families were increasingly operating like legitimate businesses, minimizing obvious criminal activity.
Hours passed before the meeting ended. As night fell, servants brought food and wine. The atmosphere relaxed, and Oboro, as the newest member, became the center of attention.
It was all theater, of course. But for now, he would play his role.