I Am This Murim’s Crazy B*tch

Chapter 556

Qing crumpled down but managed to muster a smile with all her might.

Why, just look at movies and other media; how cool is it to see a character tackling adversity, burning their own self to the ground, and collapsing with a satisfied grin?

So, Qing thought she’d wrapped things up in a pretty cool way.

And this is why mass media leaves people in the lurch.

She should’ve realized that how she imagined herself looks tremendously different than what others see.

Qing’s imagination: lying there as if dead, but with a relieved smile of achievement, passing the baton to her friends.

What her friends saw: “Oh no, that girl is about to die! Like, really die!”

Qing’s knees buckled as her legs folded.

Of course, the heavy side—her enormous backside—plopped down first.

With that thud, her body tilted, and her head smacked against the ground.

Her foot bent like a sickle, arm awkwardly angled—if you were to express it, she’d positioned herself like the swastika.

No smile, though; as soon as she hit the ground, she coughed up blood, spewing it like a fountain in every direction imaginable.

The blood that didn’t spill out got stuck in her throat, gurgling with the sound of her fading breath.

So, Tang Nan-ah screamed and rushed over, pinching her cheeks to open her mouth, forcefully yanking out her tongue and turning her head.

Then she started twitching!

Her whole body seized up, flopping around like a crazy person having a fit.

Qing’s expression was a mix of disgust and embarrassment.

“Um, yeah, I really fell apart there…”

“Honestly, I’m surprised you’re still alive, Qing! You could’ve died ages ago, and no one would have batted an eye!”

Tang Nan-ah cried throughout it all.

Pulling out Qing’s tongue, she sobbed, trying to pump some spit into her trembling body, and while crying, she sent Seoliri to stitch up her wounds.

Tang Nan-ah wasn’t some average physician; she was among the best female healers.

Going by her medical knowledge, Qing was already as good as dead.

Shaking and with her heart sinking was a sure sign she had lost too much blood.

According to medical texts, shallow and fast breathing while the heart beats slowly causes the body to tremble and convulse—how in the world can one handle that?

First, stop the bleeding quickly.

Second, pray and offer sacrifices.

Even without that, with such severe injuries, a person shouldn’t have survived since the human body is naturally vulnerable to the toxins of the world.

If she did manage to survive, the future was bleak.

Fever would rage while the wounds oozed yellow pus.

That’s where desperate measures come into play—sacrifices and dedication, like feeding on thigh meat or blood to recover, all entering the realm of faith healing.

So, Tang Nan-ah cried.


“Um, you see, I’ve always been pretty resilient.”

“Resilient? Thank me for being here, or you’d be toast!”

“So, you’re saying you trust me to faint like that?”

“Ugh. I can’t take this. How am I even alive? Anyway, after you collapsed, even the Blood Ghouls ceased their movements…”

The lower-level Blood Ghouls didn’t dare to approach Qing, and with renewed hunger in their eyes, they continued their tasks against the Sapa warriors.

Desperate for sustenance in this hostile world, they only craved one thing: a taste of hearts.

But the others, bound by orders even more than their own lives, felt the sway of the power dynamics at play.

Chang Sanya had commanded to hack or shatter that girl’s limbs. The reason for targeting the little lord was unclear, but a higher-up’s orders took precedence.

But since Chang Sanya was split in half and dead, there was no need for further obedience.

The only one left holding authority was the little lord lying on the ground.

Yet that little lord was in no position to command anymore.

“So what now? What do we do? Free time? I’m hungry.” “Me too.” “Same here.”

And they couldn’t just go messing with the great master’s delicacies.

As if on cue, heads whipped around.

“Look, food over there?” “Hearts.” “Hearts!” “I want some too!” “Let’s check out the hearts!”

Suddenly, they all faced the Sapa folks, bolting towards them. Thanks to that distraction, Qing ended up buying time.

“You’d best recognize how lucky you are right now.”

“Yeah, I had an inkling.”

As Qing scratched her cheek, Tang Nan-ah lightly slapped the back of her hand.

Then she carefully began to scratch Qing’s cheek with her nails.

“Everything’s in pieces. Can you even lift your arm? How about here? Is this itchy?”

“Not particularly itchy or anything. Just…”

“Anyway, you knew that if we took down the Blood Sect leader, the Ghouls would rush the Sapa?”

“No, not really. I figured since those Blood Ghouls seemed pretty obedient, if I wiped out that Chang Sanya, they’d stop moving.”

“Seriously? You went and collapsed after just one slice?”

“Look, it wasn’t just me; you were here too. Even if Wang and Gunyongi flaked out, we could handle it.”

While it was unexpected that they all charged the Sapa, it turned out to be a blessing in disguise.

Honestly, what Qing was most worried about was the Sapa’s reactions.

No matter how reckless they were, they wouldn’t dare harm the certified heirs of the Five Great Clans. But what if they suddenly went berserk?

What could she do about that?

She had no choice but to trust her friends would handle it somehow.

At that very moment, keeping the Blood Sect from total slaughter was the best she could do.

As for the rest, she had to count on her friends to figure things out.

It was a bit alarming, but…

They too were supreme martial artists, at least brushing shoulders with warriors. They should manage fine without her. Right?


But honestly, saying they were barely supreme martial artists felt pretty embarrassing.

I mean, Tang Nan-ah could be excused for being a healer, but wow, calling themselves supreme martial artists? How dare they slap such a title on their backs?

And there they went, spouting about how enlightened they were and clinging to the title of ‘supreme martial artists’ while parading around.

My goodness.

If it were me, I’d be too embarrassed to even show my face at that level.

Amidst her uneasy gaze, Tang Nan-ah tilted her head.

“Well, thanks to that, we bought enough time to fix up Qing in a hurry…”

With the Sapa facing off against the Blood Sect, a crucial showdown for hearts was underway, the perfect moment to slip away without a hitch.

Except, they couldn’t.

Because Qing was in no state to be moved.

The only fortunate thing was that Gongson Yo-ye had brought plenty of Convalescence Elixirs and Golden Rejuvenation medicine.

While Gongson Yo-ye melted some elixirs with some creature of sorts…

“Wait a sec.”

“Uh? I didn’t do the whole bleeding thing; that was all her! I didn’t do anything!”

“So, you’re saying I gobbled up the elixirs? I mean, the Convalescence should have suffered a bit too, but what about her? Is she alright?”

Tang Nan-ah felt her heart drop.

Here she was, wrapped in bandages like some neglected rag doll, worried about another?

“This person seems fine…”

Tang Nan-ah casually sidestepped the issue

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