Chapter 49: Kurayami's Thoughts Unspoken
A certain elf woke up nude in a small tree house room with Kurayami's warm tail wrapped around her. Despite chastising the dragon during the day, Hikari ended up having sex with her again. Well, she wasn't complaining because her body felt rejuvenated. Not only that, it was comforting to wake up like this.
Hikari turned around, and her lips met with the sleepy dragon's own lips. Kurayami kissed her master back as her eyes flickered open.
The dragon smiled and yawned, speaking in a tired early morning voice. "Good morning, Master."
Hikari felt her dragon's hands already traveling around her body. The two hands snaked down her back side before clinging to her butt. The elf sighed and grabbed her dragon's two hands.
"And what are you doing so early in the morning?"
Kurayami grinned and licked Hikari's forehead. "Last night Master was much more willing? What's wrong with this morning? As I recall last night it was 'no, don't stop!'"
Hikari bit down onto the dragon's neck.
The dragon tried her hardest not to laugh. It was as if she had teased a little kitten, and now the kitten was getting revenge by biting. Kurayami reigned herself in. "I am sorry, Master."
Kurayami never understood why this place felt different, but ever since her master became more intimate, she's been loving this place even more. Before, Hikari seemed like someone so far out of reach. She was loved by all, and she showed her own love with her actions.
Whether she went diving into dungeons, exploring some wastelands, or digging treasures out of deep trenches, Hikari had always brought something back for everyone.
Kurayami still remembered that day her master disappeared without bringing anyone, yet the elf called upon her trusted dragon first. Kurayami felt happy to be relied on, but now, she gets to experience everything with her master.
It seems that her master has grown more sentimental, but Kurayami doesn't hold that against her. The dragon also felt the same changes within herself. If it was before, she'd have never kissed Hikari so deeply. Yet, every time she got closer, every smile the dragon saw, and every little word whispered at night, there was no more holding on. The dragon fell hard, and she wanted to show her love physically.
Even as she stares at her master now, Kurayami wants to push her down in the forest. Maybe they could mark this world with their love, and leave the essence across the trees? Kurayami shook her head. The master was oblivious to such thoughts.
Kurayami still had so many things she wanted to try. Under dark spells there were naturally things like clones. Maybe the dragon could show her love with many of herself? No!
Once again, Kurayami shook her head. If it was another version of her, then the dragon would not have her elf goddess all to herself. How could she let another version of her also take a treasure of hers? But maybe it would make Master happy?
She peered at Hikari's expression, but the elf held nothing at the moment. She was serene as the surrounding trees they walked past. Kurayami added this as another great achievement. Only she got to see the faces her master made during intimacy. The way her body twitched and the lewd moans that left her.
The elf looked over with concern at her dragon. "What's the matter? You haven't said anything since we left that village."
"I was just thinking, Master. I read in a mortal book about kinks. Does Master have any kinks?"
"Just what are you thinking about!? What kind of books are you reading anyway!?"
The Master scolded her while getting close. But Master when you put your face that close it has the opposite effect. And when you puff your cheeks like that, I want to dig my fingers in.
Naturally, Kurayami didn't say that. Though she had terrible social awareness, she knew some limits. "I found them in that human kingdom."
"You mean Amalin? Where did you get time to buy a book? You didn't steal one did you?"
Kurayami shook her head. "I didn't do that. Remember, you are the one who gave me a portion of money from that request?"
"You're telling me you bought a book? When did you even have time to do that? And why would you buy one of those books out of everything?"
"Master, it was one of those brief moments when we were separated. Though, initially I wanted to stay by your side, I thought that it was the perfect time to look for such things."
Hikari sighed. "Well, I can't really fault your tastes. When we get to that city would you mind showing me that?"
"Oh! Master is also interested in such things?"
Master's face went red. "No! I am not! I just...I am worried for my safety."
"Don't worry Master! If it's just tying you down, I will make it not so painful."
"Who said I wanted to be tied down!?"
Before Kurayami could make another retort, she stopped. Her eyes darted around in the forest, following a scent trail she picked up. "Master, there are beastmen ahead."
Speaking of beastmen, Kurayami remembered that insufferable cat in the capital. She wished her master would let the dragon teach that cat a lesson. Though, her master's words brought her back to reality.
"How many are there? I heard that the beastmen here are constantly fighting."
"So far, I do not smell any blood, Master. Should I scout them out? Their scents are too strong for me to accurately gauge. If I had to guess, it's likely close to 20."
"Then, I will leave the scouting to you."
Kurayami smiled. She loved when Hikari relied on her, especially when it came to the thing she was best at. The dragon used her powerful legs to leap into the sky above the trees.
Because of her natural talent, the movements made now sound, not even when her body flew through several leaves. As she reached several hundred meters in the air, wings sprouted from her back. First, Kurayami looked down to make sure Hikari was fine. The elf sat on a small fallen tree.
Though, it was shameful, Kurayami used a spell on her master. It was one that was completely undetectable by even the elf. It was basically a spell that would return Kurayami to the position of Hikari in case there was an emergency. It was even possible that her master really did know, but she turned a blind eye. Either way, Kurayami would always cast the spell if she left her master's side.
The dragon narrowed her eyes down at the cover of trees. "[Dragon Sight]"
Normally it would be hard for her eyes to pierce below the veil of leaves, but with the spell she cast, it would change the way her eyes received information. If Hikari saw through the same lens, she'd have called it something similar to echolocation mixed with night vision.
Kurayami's eyes pierced through the canopy and scanned every leaf and branch on the ground. Several Kilometers ahead she spotted the group. Her previous estimation was on point. There were truly 20 beastmen. These ones all seemed to be cats in nature.
Each of them had spotted black tails and ears. They all sat in a small encampment. More than half of them wore armor, yet none of them had weapons, relying on their natural claws. Something that Kurayami could relate to.
If she wanted, she'd be able to hear their conversations from this distance by casting another spell. Yet, Kurayami found that idea boring. What was the point of being a stealth titan if you never used it? Eventually, your skills in espionage would grow dull.
With those thoughts, the mighty dragon flapped her obsidian wings. In a few seconds she traversed the distance of more than 4 kilometers. Normally, this speed would be accompanied by several other effects like a sonic boom, yet her skills prevented such a thing. The trees right beneath her didn't even sway from the kinetic energy.
She slowed and landed gracefully on a tree above, deactivating her sight spell in the same instance. She wrapped her tail around a thick branch and flipped over, hanging upside down from her tail like a bat.
Kurayami focused on the details of the scene. The group were talking in hushed voices. At the center of them was a woman wearing ceremonial robes and a tiara.
"Your highness, we need to make it to Elderwood by tomorrow."
"You know that's impossible, Shazir." The princess frowned and looked down at a cat man lying on the ground. "Besides, he's suffered internal injuries. I don't think it's even feasible at this point. For now, we should rest here for a few minutes. Nobody will catch up to us, and there shouldn't be another group this far out."
The black cat named Shazir sighed. "I understand, Your Highness. May Shazaal guide us to our destination."
As the others echoed that sentiment, Kurayami found it to be a good time to head back to her master.