Chapter 57: You're Stuck In Here With Me!
Hikari found it was best to not think of scientific phenomenon and mix them with magic. More importantly, a group of 50 more angels appeared before her the moment she gave her confirmation.
Before her, the angel Etila bowed along with the other angels. "My goddess, we have all gathered."
"I see that," Hikari said and pointed at Amelia, "by the way, she's here as well."
Several of the angels gasped. "Lady Amelia?"
Hikari shrugged. Not only did she not want to think of time, she didn't want to deal with this situation either. Therefore, she had an idea. "I have a job for most of you."
The elf pointed at all of her 100 subordinates. "Help these new angels get acquainted with this place. If any of them want to go elsewhere, they are free to do so. In the meantime, I have to take care of previous arrangements."
Hikari looked at the vampire and dragon. "You two will come with me…" Then she looked at Amelia. "You will also come with me!"
Amelia didn't hide her surprised expression. "But what about the other elder gods? Do you remember what we discussed before?"
"Of course, I remember it, but everyone keeps saying I created that world. In that case, what does it matter? None of the elder gods interfered with me while I was there. In that case, you will come with me and deal with your sister yourself. Hmph."
Before the other goddess could refuse, Hikari grabbed her by the shoulder and began dragging her towards the back of the throne room. "By the admission of everyone I've spoken to that world is mine. In this case, that would also make you my daughter. By definition, that sister of yours would also be my daughter. Therefore, both of you two will get along."
"Wait, wait, wait!"
"No, I will not wait. Everyone has been telling me to do this or that, so now I get to flip the coin."
Hikari could no longer hold back the laughter. Her laugh erupted like a crazed scientist as she dragged Amelia up the spiral staircase. The angel maid from before chased after them.
"My Goddess, what about us?"
"You can assist the new angels." Hikari gave her head a pat with her free hand. "Don't worry, I will come back, and you will be able to reach me freely now."
The angel smiled and bowed. "Yes, My Goddess."
I wish I could make it an executive order that people would stop calling me that. In the end, Hikari did no such thing. She nodded and sent the maid off. Now with her three companions—one of them reluctant—she headed back towards the trophy room.
"It's better if we get back to those elves before the next day starts over there."
Mizuko tilted her head. "Mistress, are you really taking me? And what's the point of taking this one?"
"This one is called Amelia, and she's a goddess of that world. She is having a bit of sibling rivalry, so I am making her deal with that."
The vampire clapped. "As expected of my mistress. To have a lower god do your bidding."
"I am afraid you misunderstood something. Whatever, it was expected for us to return soon after I left, but the time differential of the domain changed plans a little. However, I still intend to go back."
"Master, does that mean you are accepting this vampiress as part of your harem?"
"What are you talking about!? I just thought she would want to come. Also, she's the head maid, isn't she? That'll make certain duties easier. Anyway…" Hikari gestured at the globe. "It seems we've arrived."
Amelia frowned. "Are we really going down there!? I also want to bring my maid if…"
Hikari channeled her mana into the globe. "You will be able to call her over. You will be solving your own problems, young lady."
A tunnel of darkness cut off the poor pink haired goddess. Several flashing lights blinked around them as the universe seemed to fold in on itself. A second later, they were all standing inside of the great hollow tree known as Saisho.
As for the tree herself, her avatar was snoozing on the middle of the rounded table. Most of the occupants had left, and it was only her and the witch remaining.
The moment the four girls arrived, Saisho snapped awake. "You're back!"
"I said I would come back, but things happened a bit different than expected."
"So, how about it? Did you learn the truth?"
"Yeah, that's not something I am certain about, but since you all seem to think so, it allowed me to bring this one here."
"Little Amelia?" Saisho raised her eyebrow. "Normally, I would be against this, but if it's you bringing her, it should be fine."
"She's worried about those elder gods."
Saisho shook her leafy head. "I am their mediator either way."
Amelia bowed towards the small girl. "Lady Saisho, it's been a while."
"Indeed, I am curious though…"
Amelia looked away. However, Hikari didn't have such reservations. "She's going to deal with her own family matters. I've decided to keep my freedom. Therefore, I will do as I feel like."
Indeed, Hikari was even more convinced after seeing her group of subordinates. It's not that she didn't want to stay with them, but she remembered how free it felt to play [Gensuba]. The elf was free from all responsibilities of Earth life, and she could sink into her slothful ways. More importantly, she wanted to explore this world while she had the chance.
She could summon others if the need arose, but it wasn't like she needed to be their babysitter all of the time. If she recalled, in the game, the NPCs would roam around the property on their own anyway. Also, nobody really voiced their dissension. If anything, they seemed happy to finally be given a job. To be fair, it was only a day for them.
There was still one thing that Hikari would do. She'd bring an angel of smithing over here to help her forge a new staff. Another thing was she wanted to meet the master of this witch here.
The witch in question was smiling since the arrival of Hikari. "I am glad you are back. I don't know how I would relay the news to my master otherwise."
"Right, you talked about that. Are you also from Earth? Also, what happened to those Sha'kin we brought here?"
"Those people are fine. As for your other question, I am not. I simply adopted this naming sense from your country. Master told me a lot about it."
"I suppose that makes sense. If those people are happy, then it's about time for us to leave. A certain goddess needs to remedy a relationship with her estranged sister."
"You make it sound like it's all my fault!"
Hikari ignored the protests of Amelia. The elf felt like she was finally freed from certain duties. It's like she got the power of a judge and started throwing her gavel around. Now, that she had the gavel, she wouldn't stop using it. Hahahahaha!
"Master, that look again!"
"No, don't stop the mistress you dumb dragon! This is how things should be!"
Hikari quickly reeled herself in—much to the chagrin of a sadistic vampire. She walked over and pat the shoulder of a sulking goddess. "Don't worry about it. I will be there with you when you two mend your relationship. I might be watching from very far away, however."
"What do you mean?"
"Don't worry! I am the best healer! I would just prefer to be out of the blast radius."
Tears filled the pink haired goddess' eyes as she clung to Hikari's white robes. "You can't be serious! You're so mean!"
"Don't give me those water works now! Who was trying to make me fix all of her problems just a few weeks ago, hmm?" Hikari sighed at the pouting goddess. "Fine, I will help you when the time comes."
The elven goddess looked around. "By the way, what happened to that enthusiastic fairy from before?"
Saisho pointed towards the exit of the inner tree. "She went to sleep. By the way, are you going to at least stay long enough to see her off? That girl is like your biggest fan."
"It seems I have a lot of fans now. Should I make an autograph table at this point?"
"Nevermind...I will relay a message to her. I actually have another fairy under my wing, so if she travels to Amalin she'll be able to meet a divine fairy. Can you tell her this?"
"That will be no problem."
Kurayami tapped on Hikari's shoulder. "Master, I am not sure their personalities will mix well. Won't it be like fire and brimstone?"
"I think fire and brimstone refers to something else? But, it shouldn't be a problem. Senjo has an amicable personality. She's just a bit more sleepy."
"Yes, and the other one is like a prancing cat."