I Don’t Know the Original, I’m Too Busy Trying to Make a Living

chapter 71

At the start of the meeting, the administrator shared some good news.
“Pablo, the head of the trading company, has started receiving large orders for Green Herb Soap from the nobility.”

Penelope’s face lit up, and the vassals buzzed with excitement.
“At last, we’re able to sell luxury soap! Selling to the nobility should bring in significant profits.”
“Let’s push forward with the soap workshop’s production. How is the construction of the cosmetics workshop progressing?”

“It’s about halfway done.”
“Already halfway?”
“Thankfully, there are many construction offices within the territory, so the work is proceeding smoothly.”

The facilities manager’s response brought a satisfied smile to Penelope’s face. It was fortunate to have so many builders gathered within the territory; this would make it easier to construct more buildings in the future.
Penelope smiled broadly as she mentally listed the structures she wanted to build.
‘I’ll build a school, a fire station, and a hospital. If there’s enough surplus, maybe even a theater and an art gallery?’

Constructing these buildings alone would create jobs, and where people gathered, money would naturally follow.
‘Even the new administrators I hired are starting to adjust to their roles. The workflow feels much faster now.’
Penelope’s lips curved upward in satisfaction.

After the meeting ended, Penelope shared a snack with Sain. Today’s treat was chocolate cookies and herbal tea.
She and Sain chatted about various topics.
“How’s your new tutor?”

“They’re great!”
Sain’s face beamed with delight, and Penelope felt a smile forming on her own lips.
“What’s so great about them?”

“They’re kind and… um… they wait until I understand everything!”
Sain’s eyes sparkled as he described his new tutor.
Penelope had spent a lot of effort selecting the new tutor. She had even sought advice from Bake, the principal of the elementary school.
When Penelope explained the situation, Bake had looked at her with sympathy.

“In that case, may I recommend someone? They’ll do their utmost to teach the child.”
“Please do!”
Thus, the new tutor was chosen based on Bake’s recommendation.

The new tutor, Damian, was an academy graduate. Though slightly inexperienced as a teacher, he was exceptionally kind and gentle. He not only taught Sain the Imperial language but also shared miscellaneous knowledge and occasionally played with him in the garden.
Sain quickly grew as attached to Damian as he was to Penelope.
“Damian said that once he finishes tutoring me, he plans to work as a teacher at the intermediate school.”

“Then you’ll be able to see him there too.”
“I want to hurry and learn the Imperial language so I can go to school!”
Sain clenched his small fist with determination.

‘He’s so adorable… like a baby chick.’
Penelope resisted the urge to hug Sain tightly and shower him with kisses. Instead, she suddenly had an idea.
“Rather than staying here, how about we visit the school today?”

“Visit the school?”
Sain’s eyes widened in surprise, and Penelope nodded.
“Today’s a holiday, so we should be able to visit the elementary school. What do you think?”

Sain’s eyes shone brightly with excitement as he answered. Penelope stood up and said cheerfully,
“First, let’s change clothes and wake up Ahwin.”

An hour later.
The carriage carried four passengers: Penelope, Sain, Ahwin, and Lianel.

Ahwin had reluctantly joined after being woken from his late morning sleep by Penelope, while Lianel had been included to meet Professor Bake. Knights and Lianel’s attendant escorted the carriage on horseback.
Ahwin’s face twisted in visible shock when Penelope permitted Lianel to join. From that moment on, he remained completely silent.
Lianel, for his part, acted as if Ahwin didn’t exist.

“Thank you for your kindness, Lady Penelope,” Lianel said.
“It’s nothing. I didn’t know you were acquainted with Professor Bake,” Penelope replied.
“I sponsor several students personally at the academy. Some of those students were under Professor Bake’s guidance, which is how we became connected.”

“I see…”
Penelope cleared her throat. She could feel Ahwin glaring daggers, his eyes narrowing into sharp triangles. He clearly disliked her even speaking to Lianel.
‘What a socially inept Tower Master.’

“I must say, I was surprised myself,” Lianel continued. “I never expected Professor Bake to leave the academy and become the headmaster of an elementary school in Halo. Had I known sooner, I might have recruited him for my own territory.”
‘Your territory? This man really can’t help but slip up, can he?’
It was supposed to be a closely guarded secret that the Grand Duke was present here, yet Lianel acted so casually.

Penelope discreetly diverted her gaze and responded nonchalantly.
“I suppose Professor Bake didn’t inform you when he left the academy.”
“Professor Bake can be quite rigid. He’s the sort of man who wouldn’t dream of asking for favors, not even in his wildest dreams.”

Lianel spoke with an expression that conveyed both admiration and mild annoyance.
‘As if you wouldn’t have refused him outright if he had asked.’
Penelope suppressed a chuckle. Lianel had a contrarian streak, after all. Her lips twitched upward in amusement as she glanced at Sain.

The young boy listened intently, his ears practically perked up. It was clear that among them, Sain was the only one with untainted sincerity.
Amid their conversation, the carriage came to a halt in front of the elementary school.
“We’ve arrived.”

Penelope held Sain’s hand as they stepped down from the carriage. Lianel followed behind, and finally, Ahwin disembarked, his hood pulled low over his head.
The elementary school, a repurposed chapel, could only generously be described as “passable.” Its worn and somber exterior bordered on decrepit.
The other buildings they’d passed on the way here had been well-maintained and respectable. To see the school in such poor condition was disheartening.

‘Education should be a priority. I’ll have to do something about this school first.’
Determined, Penelope strode toward the building. Just then, Professor Bake appeared to greet them.
“Welcome. I’ve been waiting since I received word of your visit.”

“Apologies for troubling you on a holiday.”
“It’s no trouble at all. You, my lady, are the one person in the world I must strive to impress. Please, I hope you’ll look favorably upon me.”
Penelope burst out laughing.

“I didn’t know you were so skilled at flattery, Professor.”
“For the sake of the school’s reconstruction, this is nothing. However…”
Professor Bake trailed off, his gaze catching on Lianel.

“Is that…?”
“It’s been a while, Professor,” Lianel said smoothly.
“Oh, it has indeed,” Bake replied, clearly caught off guard. He turned to Penelope with a questioning look.

Penelope feigned innocence, smiling brightly as she spoke.
“I didn’t know you were acquainted with Pellar’s Chief Administrator, Professor.”
“Yes… Of course. It’s been a long time, Chief Administrator,” Bake said, his awkwardness evident as he addressed Lianel.

Sensing the tension, Penelope cheerfully interjected.
“It seems you two have a lot to catch up on. We can explore the school on our own while you two have a chat.”
“Ahem, yes, that might be best. This way, please.”

Professor Bake, still clearly flustered, led Lianel and his aide Kael to the headmaster’s office.
Lianel offered Penelope a parting glance before following Bake.
Penelope watched them go, standing still until Ahwin suddenly appeared behind her and muttered under his breath.

“He really knows how to kiss up.”
“Ah!” Penelope jumped in surprise.
“Do you have to sneak up on me like that? You startled me!”

“I didn’t expect you to be this startled.”
Ahwin seemed just as surprised by her reaction as she was by his sudden appearance. Penelope folded her arms and looked up at him.
“Wait, are you mocking me?”

“No. Why would I? If it came off that way, I apologize.”
Ahwin’s initial surprise gave way to a sheepish expression, and he eventually looked rather dejected. Penelope felt a pang of guilt at the sight.
After a moment of hesitation, Ahwin spoke again, his voice cautious.

“Are you upset because I was sulking in the carriage? I understand if you think I dislike Lianel unreasonably. I realize I haven’t been very considerate of those around me.”
Penelope’s jaw nearly dropped.

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