I want my normal life back!!!


'Ahhh ... .again I am at the entrance of the highschool. Why do we have to come to school 6 days a week? Why ahhh… it's just Why is everyone smiling, is there any reason to smile. Girls in a group Of three Walk through the entrance smiling like there is no tomorrow, boys come with their hand on their friend's shoulder. But why there is no hand on my shoulder, why I am not smiling 'yeah I choose this path' i am responsible but being alone is not bad I never become class monitor, never do the cleaning, teacher never ask me questions 

'Laugh' I am free from any duty! I am free!

But now I also hate coming to school daily, waking up early, brushing,i like showers and breakfast! 'Laugh' '

'I should enter otherwise people think i am a creep standing in fr….'

'What am I even saying no one is going to see me anyway.'

'First go through the gate then climb three floors. Why the hell!! The floor Increases the more senior we become. Climb these mountain-like floors every morning without a hand in your hand. 'Ahh…. It's like a dream to have someone's hand in my hand'. The classroom door is the worst. When I enter I see smiles ,laughing and those people who have been with me from when we were children but none of Them is who I call a friend.' 

As I approach the classroom gate. Voice of a girl came closer.

< hey hey have you there>

'What a girl voice could It be my ,someone is calling me'

[Just when our main character turns with a hope in his eyes that girl just brushes past him and goes towards another girl and from this our main character hopes are crushed once more.]

'Whyyyyyyyy!! Literally there is no God in this world. If present then why is my life Like this.'

[The girl whispers something to another girl, but girls don't even know that their whispering is loud enough to hear.]

[Our main character slave of one's habits of hearing and seeing everything even if he doesn't have to, Slightly leaps towards the girls and hears.]

'Girls really should not believe everything that people say they Might be talking about in movies. 'Laugh' even if it really happened, why didn't I have knowledge about what I see eve… wait!! There is a boy who came for four Days. What's his name ahhh.. yeah roy. But he might be sick or something else. For now I should just leave this topic. Back to the classroom where those worst people reside.'

*creak* door open and as I can see just Like I predicted smiling. But he is not here. I hope he will be absent today. I Don't want to see that.. *thud* someone hits the main character's shoulder. Main character moves His face and says,

''Hey!!! Can't you see. ''


*GLAREEEEEE* 'Here comes the person whom I hate the most.his name is Raj. Above average marks in class, good in sports and why he is so handsome. Look at that smile, that smile can pierce any girl in one shot.'

*GLAREEEEE* [Both of them glaring at each other 's face, one's face saying 'just go away' and the other face saying 'who'.] ---

a girl grab the hand of Raj and took him with her inside the classroom.

'Huh!! That Jasmine is always sticking to Raj.(In a sarcastic way) Raj see my new hair color , Raj see my new clothes,Raj this Raj that. What did she think of herself as a goddess? 'But she is somewhat sexy'

Shit!! What am I even dreaming of?'

[When Jasmine is talking to Raj, Raj turns his face and looks towards the main character. 'Like saying who is he']

[Our main character is confused because this is the first time when someone looks at him back.]

''What the heck!! Is he looking at me? No way no one looks at me, even if someone looks at me they ignore me like I am even not there just like Jasmine did now.''

[Main character look At his both sides and back but no one is standing there. 'He is really looking At me' but giving The impression that I didn't see the main character sit down on his desk and unpack his bag.]

Class starts 

'Yeah, the first class is Hindi. Sir just came in to tell us good 'good' stories and leave simple, but next is maths and English. They give me a headache. Even in the class our main character keeps looking at the desk of roy.'

'This is the fifth day he is absent again. I hope he is 'alive'.'

First section classes end and lunch break starts. Let's see what mom makes for lunch today. Ohh!! Yeah!! Paneer Paratha. After struggling in classes,At least my lunch is good. When the Main character is eating lunch his eyes look Towards the back gate of class (class has two gates to enter. When you enter from the first gate there is a front row and when you enter from the second gate or back gate there are second rows) he sees Raj is talking to a beautiful girl. Ohhhh…. Beauty attracton!! . That girl is even sexier than Jasmine. But she is not in our class,from the looks she must be a junior. I have seen her before Also, yeah I have seen her yesterday and day before yesterday talking to Raj on The back door. Wow! Just what are they discussing for three days in a row. I wish I could hear that. When Talking to that girl Raj sees the main character. Is he looking At me again? No way he must be looking to someone else.after saying bye in expressions to that girl Raj moves towards the main character. Main character pretends that he does not know that Raj is coming. Raj comes and stands beside the desk of the main character. But the main character again ignores him. 

Main character moves His face towards Raj and says,

'' Are you talking to me?''

'This is Literally first time when someone is talking to the main character by Coming from the front.'

'Someone is really talking to me, the main character thinks.'

'' Abhay is my name. Why are you even Talking to me!''

'' What! Your friend?''

'' I am not your half friend or your half girlfriend. Just leave me alone.''

'' Actually, we talked before due to my roll number coming before you. In previous exams for cheating I asked a question and you showed it to me.''

''Just leave me alone.''

<'Ok' for now.>

Lunch break Ends and the second section starts then ends without Any significance.

At home main character 

Someone really talked to me!!!!!! Finally for the first time!!! It Is not like He talked to me and I make him my friend, yeah!! he is my rival in love!! "which love i hadn't found yet"

But this just started. Firstly he talks today and tomorrow someone else comes.

Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha.(creepy Laugh)

Next day Abhay also enters The school with a smile.(4Th wall break) what are you looking at huh!!It's not like I don't smile huh!! I just can't smile every day. 

While sitting on his desk. I wonder who will come today. I wish a girl will come plz plz plz a girl I want a girl to talk to me. To again ruin abhay's hope Raj again came in lunch ,sits next to him and say <"hello again half friend">

'' 'Get lost half friend' and you are not even my half friend.''

Abhay Nodes his face opposite to Raj to show that he doesn't want to talk.

*clank* Raj gets up from the chair and moves towards the back door.

Abhay moves His face towards Raj To see why he left. What again today. Abhay saw that the junior girl again came talking to Raj. This is calculated As four days in a row . What the hell are they discussing? Ahhh… i Can't understand love birds. Lunch ends,section two. Then school time ends. Another day with any Hope of a girl.

From that day Raj starts to come to lunch with abhay every day. Slowly, Abhay also starts to open up to Raj.

After 2 weeks in lunch "are we friends now abhay bro"

'' No!! Not fully friends, just half friends.''

Abhay looked up and again saw that junior girl talking to Raj. She just came everyday. Is this really love birds or some other matter? When Raj is talking to a junior girl Jasmine says from her desk in a loud voice. "Raj sports teacher is asking for you, go and meet to him after class"

Raj sees Jasmine and says "do you know why sir is asking for me"

In reply Jasmine says

After hearing Jasmine and Raj talk A thought came in Abhay's mind. 

'What are they talking about SPORTS TEACHER IS ABSENT TODAY? So who is called Raj,might be a prank from Jasmine,whatever it's none of my business.'

Lunch ends and Bell rings. When Raj is going to his desk for the first time Abhay asks Raj about.

''Raj, can you come here?''

''Who is that junior girl she literally comes to you everyday? Can you tell me why she comes if you don't mind?''

'' Wow This is really a friends with benefits relationship. By the way, she is from which class.''

(With a pity looking glare)''You don't know which class she is from? Right!!''

''OK end of my question.''

Classes are not ending now.

Raj leaves but Abhay thinks so. Did I have to tell him that the sports teacher is absent and it might be a prank from Jasmine? I …

It's better not to say I think it's their personal matter.

Before ending class maths teacher Gives homework to class. "Maths homework. Oh! There are not many questions. I can just finish them now. After that I will be free at home. Solid plan"


Class ends . After ass ends Raj is departing to meet sports teacher (who is absent today which only abhay knows)

''The math homework questions are less if I complete them now. I will be free at home''

''Bye ''

Raj leaves to meet the sports teacher and Abhay is doing his homework. Every Other student leaves after the end of class. After a few minutes Abhay hears the ringing sound of the phone. Abhy moves His head up and sees that Raj's bag is there on his desk and Raj's phone is ringing. Abhay ignores for the first time. But phone rings again, abhay thinks that the call Might be important for Raj ,so he decides to See who is calling, abhay sees Jasmine is calling Raj. Did the prank go wrong or Raj didn't fall for the prank. Abhay to maintain Raj privacy didn't pick up the call. Where is Raj? He said he is going to meet the sports teacher but he is absent today. He might have gone to the gym. Abhay drops Raj's phone on the table and departs to see Raj at the gym complex. Abhay opens the back door of his class and enters The hallway. oh!! So silent and creepy who thought that after classes school feels so creepy.

*clank* abhay sees that the first gate to the roof Terrace is open ( first Gate to the roof terrace is white wrought iron gate which i don't know why made and after 2 staircase the second is a wooded Double sided gate which opens into terrace) that gate is always Closed why is it open did someone or did Raj Goes To the terrace. But the gym is downwards. 

Abhay goes Near the gate 

When abhay is moving towards the first gate to the roof terrace we as viewers can see a distorted shadow Like figure standing in the hallway slightly far away behind abhay.

 ''Raj are you there' 'Raj!!!' I don't know what it is but I am getting a feeling that what if he is up there. For confirmation Abhay decided to go up as he was climbing Abhay kept saying Raj!!! Raj!!! Are you there!!!!!''

As a viewer we can see that the distorted shadow figures also start moving towards the first gate to the roof terrace.

When climbing the second staircase Abhay sees something that shocks him.

Abhay sees that the wooden Door is open and Raj is standing on the wall of the roof of the school. What!! Why is that idiot standing on the roof of the Wall? Abhay sprints towards Raj To stop him. Raj slowly moves His Leg to fall down. RAJ!!! For instance , Abhay in a blink of an eye sees that there are many other students standing on both sides of Raj and starting to jump down the roof but in another blink they disappear. As Raj leaned forward and started to fall at the perfect time, Abhay grabbed Raj leg and saved him from falling. When Abhay grabbed Raj's leg, Raj's face hit the wall strongly due to centrifugal force.''WHAT THE F***. IF YOU WANT TO DIE BETTER DIE AT HOME OR WHEN I AM NOT NEAR. '' Abhay pulls Raj's leg and pulls Raj to get him on the roof. ''ARE YOU LISTENING ME OR NOT!!''


'What' Raj moves His head towards left and right to see the surroundings.


'' Wow!! What an excuse for sucide.''

'' So youre saying someone did Voodoo on you when you are going to gym and the next thing is that you are doing suicide?''

'He doesn't seem like lying. I am good at expression reading. Did someone really hypnotize Raj to do suicide?'

*CLANK**CLANK**TUN* What was that sound? Abhay and Raj both move towards the first gate and see that someone has closed the first gate.

''What the f***. Who did that?''

''No!! Who, you did that. ''

'' This is a prank right, Jasmine calls on the phone when I am alone. You leave your Phone in the bag.first gate was open to lure me here and then you did acting of sucide with those holographic dummies and when I come to save you Jasmine closed the first gate? Right!!! ''

'' So how is this soooo perfect?''

'' Yes!! Perfect we are stuck between the roof and first gate with no phones and no one to help and this gate is made up of metal bars i can't even break it?''

'I can clearly See fear on his face but that fear is not of lying, it's actually fear'

'' So now we are stuck here for the whole evening and night. Before someone comes tomorrow morning huh!...''

With fearfully rotating his head towards the roof Raj said (in a shivering voice)

[ how will this play off If this what is happening really prank or it's real and who is that distorted shadow figures and how will they spend their night ]

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