I Will Be the Only One Who Heals at the Prison Academy

chapter 449

449 – Traveler of the Pantheon #1

449 – Traveler of the Pantheon #1

Time passed in the blink of an eye.

It is said that the day has come when we have to leave for the pantheon.

Busy, crowded -.

“Oh, don’t push it!”

“I’m going to see it too!”

“Is that the Bifrost?”

A lot of different people gathered in front of the club room.

It must be to watch me ride the Bifrost and head to the Pantheon.

“Look at that guy, isn’t he Marquis Theodoros? “A person with a sharp beard.”

“Archbishop Oculas also came from Seonghwangcheong.”

Many famous people in the kingdom also gathered.

How many people came?

If you combine the crystal cameras filming here and there and the people reflected on the transmission screen, it was clear that people all over the world would be watching me.

Of course, it was good.

My eyes were busy trying to find a familiar face.

Nike, Enio, Victorica.

I can’t see them.

“Aren’t you here yet?”

“This Arnoy has come… ! Let’s quickly head to that place called the Pantheon… ! Rather, I can’t see the nymph sister Ariol. Could it be that I haven’t seen it? ?”


If it’s Ari Ol, she hasn’t come back since she said she was going to the bathroom earlier in the morning.

“This is to have Arnoy fetch her sister Ariol… ” ! She shouldn’t leave yet… !”


Arnoy, who ran wildly among the people, immediately grabbed the honey-colored Ariol and dragged her out.

“Hey… ! This Ariol does not want to go to the Pantheon… ! This Ariole is saying that it would be better to stay quietly in this Ludens… !”

“What are you talking about… ? ? Sister Ariol is the chief nymph acknowledged by Arnoy… ! She is to become the branch president of the nymph lover’s club and foundation to be established in the Pantheon… !”

It’s noisy.

Are all nymphs this noisy?

Of course, there were also noble and sophisticated nymphs.

Twin nymphs wearing suits.

“Are you ready?”

“It’s better to say goodbye properly.”

The twin nymph sisters spoke to me.

There really isn’t much time left to leave now.

However, I asked for a little more time.

Because the people waiting have not arrived yet.

“Victor! Come back!”

“You are our representative, so don’t lose!”

From afar, Melvin and Diarmid were seen waving their hands and shouting.

Next to them are Luke and Jin.

Did you come to support me?

The twin nymphs spoke as if urging me.

“There really isn’t much time left.”

“We have to leave.”

Is waiting now the limit?

I can’t do it.

With that in mind, it was time to step towards the portal.


I heard a familiar sound.

Soon the crowd parted and I saw something that looked like a flash of pink hair coming towards me.

“Victor! You haven’t gone yet. Ugh, I’m out of breath. We were very late. It took some time to make a gift for Victor. I made this all last night… Come on!”


Nike gave me something.

It was a square object.

It looks like it was carved out of wood.

The size is about the size of a small bead.


“Yep! It was made by carving out a baobab tree. It may not have much effect, though. You really put your sincerity into it. Even though we are far away now─.”

“—Don’t forget that we are together wherever you are.”

Victorica suddenly joined the story.

The guy must have rushed over too, but he was catching his breath as if he was in pain.


The shaking breasts are amazing.

I saw something good before I went.


At that time, Victorica rummaged through something in her pocket.

“It was made by carving out fragments of Balmung, glowstone, and Arclight crystal. You like this kind of thing.”

What Victorica took out was a cubic object.

If you look at the eyes engraved on each side, this was also a dice.

“It’s a cool thing.”

“… Victor!”

Soon Enio followed him.

He puts his hand on his knee and takes a breath.

It’s not often that I get a chance to see my precious young lady, Enio, sweating like this in the morning.

“Victor, hehe, you haven’t gone yet. I had something to give you. Take this. “It’s a dice made with eyes drawn on a material that combines obsidian and black pearl.”

It was a dice as black as pitch black.

Nike’s wooden dice.

Victoria’s Crystal Dice.

Enio’s Obsidian Dice.

“That’s cool.”

This is my first time seeing an item like this.

She held it tightly in her fist and stuffed it into her pocket.

“Thank you.”

Greet lightly.

Soon the twin nymphs shouted.

“I really don’t have time anymore!”

“We have to go now!”

I see.

I had a lot to say in many ways, but now it’s really time to leave.


I raised my fist high.

Soon, waaa━─a loud shout shook the world.

I walked towards Bifrost, leaving behind the shaking that felt like everything would be swept away.

When I come back here again, a lot will have changed.

“Goodbye for a moment.”

“I’m taking this Arnoy too… !”

“Hey… ! This ariole is really good… !”

* * *

After crossing the portal, it was heaven.

The shouts and applause that make the world boil can no longer be heard.

“This place… , Is this the Pantheon… ? ?”

Arnoy looked around first.

“It’s a little different than I thought… !”

It seemed so.

The sight of a delivery workshop with a lot of conveyor belts must have been quite unfamiliar and awkward.

“Where are the nymph sisters…” “?” ?”

Arnoy asked.

Originally, countless nymphs would have had to work for the gods in this workshop, fighting against the harsh environment.

The place we arrived at was empty and felt like a ruined abandoned factory.


Soon the twin nymphs riding the Bifrost behind us spoke.

“This place was closed for a while.”

“Because nymphs should not become entangled in the Bifrost.”

Indeed, it seems that everyone has moved their working locations because I connected the portal to this factory. Arnoy, who found out about this, trembled as if he was extremely sorry.

“It’s a shame that I missed the opportunity to meet many of Arnoy’s friends… This Arnoy even prepared a flag to show to her friends… !”

It was Arnoy waving the orange flag.

Next to him, Ariol said, “Well, it’s not too late…” ” ! Let’s go back to Ludens, which is like heaven… !” They were busy being afraid.

Of course, now is the time that cannot be turned back.

When it comes to Victor’s dice, there is no moving forward.

The only thing to do is to walk forward.

“I’m going.”

I escaped from the closed factory.

As I step out into the hallway, the whirring, whirring sound of the machine running is loud.

Jiying, clang-.

The sound of items coming out of the conveyor belt.

And the nymphs diligently putting it into the box can be clearly seen beyond the window installed in the hallway. There was no way Arnoy could have missed that.

“Seeing that… ! There are a lot of nymphs… ! Like this Arnoy, it must be a ditch water nymph… !”

Arnoy’s fuss was loud.

Perhaps because of that, the nymphs working at the factory also raised their heads and made eye contact with us.

Those eyes were lifeless.

It’s like Ariole shaking with fear.

Of course, Arnoy waved his flag as if he was even more excited.

“This Arnoy is the head of the nymph lover’s club… ! And he serves as the director, director, and president of the Nymph Relief Foundation of NV Company… ! It’s nice to see you all… !”

Bung bung, bung bung bung-. Fluttering-.

The flag is waving wildly.

Seeing that, the nymphs working in the factory stopped what they were doing one by one and came rushing towards the hallway.

“… An earthly nymph?”

“It’s a strange thing… !”

“You’re not working even though it’s not lunch time… ” . I am very envious… !”

“Hueheh, this Huenoi is curious about what the ‘nymph lover’s club’ is… !”

The response is good.

It seems Arnoy also felt that.

“Mmm, if you’re curious about what the nymph lover’s club is… This is what I want you to taste… ! This is the honey candy made by Viktornoi… ! I saved a lot for today… !”

─Throw Nymph Bigi wildly!


Arnoy took out a handful of candy wrapped in small white paper from his pocket.

Then, he started throwing it out the window, and the nymphs who caught it opened the paper packaging, started tasting the candy one by one, and loved it so much.

“It’s so delicious… !”

“I can’t believe I can eat food this delicious on earth…” ” ” .”

“A nymph lover’s club. Very nymph-friendly…”

“Everyone is interested in the nymph lover’s club and the nymph relief foundation… !”

I knew that Arnoy took a lot of honey candies when he entered the second semester.

I thought he was going to eat it all by himself, but it turns out he was putting it in his pocket to share with other nymphs.

It’s like a squirrel gathering food for hibernation.

Of course, the twin nymphs frowned as if they did not like this sight.

And then he said something to Arnoy.

“Can’t we just give the nymphs in the ditch water who haven’t evolved anything to eat? How much more of earthly candy? “Don’t you know that if you give them such luxuries, their taste buds become picky?”

“Don’t cause an accident.”

That seems to be the case.

Of course, Arnoy said, “Wasn’t this a paradise for nymphs… ?” ? Ludens candy is a great thing, but what’s wrong with giving it away… He seemed to feel puzzled.

Phut! Bang!

Soon, someone made a loud noise.

A slender nymph with blue hair screams wildly as she strikes the table with a terrifying whip.

“Everyone go back to your place! Work! Day! Did you forget that the owners said that the number of orders for the 3rd team is the lowest these days? And bring all the candy you pick to Caloris! I will ‘seize’ it! “Give it to me!”

“Hey… ! The candy that Sugarless managed to pick up… ! I mean, I haven’t even tasted it yet…”

“Ha, I’m just going to lick it once… ! No way… !”

It’s so pitiful.

Was this exactly what the colonial boy workers who were invaded by the imperialist powers looked like?

No matter how much Arno was, he couldn’t help but feel puzzled by this scene.

“Wasn’t this a paradise for nymphs… ? ? Why can’t the nymphs in the small ditch freely eat even the candy they pick up from the bottom? ?”


Then someone appeared.

It was a nymph with brightly tied up pumpkin-colored hair.

Long and slender.

Although she is very beautiful, her personality seems strict and strict.

「Menu All」

Menuol said while looking at the name tag attached to his chest

“We nymphs were created to be helpers of great masters. Being able to serve them is our joy, happiness, and reward.”


Menuol stepped on the candy that had fallen on the floor with his sharp shoe

A nymph that crushes candy by stepping on it.

While he was confused by the sight he was seeing for the first time, Menuol glanced at Ariol.

“Ariol, the person in charge, I need to talk about you leaving the room on your own. And did you say Arnoy? It looks like a nymph who was left behind during the ‘Great Escape’. Since joining the Pantheon, it is mandatory to complete the nymph training program. Ariol, you too will be ‘re-educated.'”

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