I Will Be the Only One Who Heals at the Prison Academy

chapter 470

470 – Finding 100 Nymphs

Find 470 – 100 Nymphs

Rumble, Giik-.

The luxurious door of the chairman’s office opened.

Soon, I saw open windows, a desk, a sofa, and a table facing the city.

A woman wearing glasses welcomed us.

“Nice to meet you all, cosplayers. “I am Miss Ditch.”

She was a woman with blonde hair tied back.


Isn’t that what I, who can be called an alien, should say?

“Are you the chairman of N Company?”

“Is it so. I heard you said you wanted to meet me? “I’m not the type of person who meets people without a plan, but cosplayers are always welcome.”

Huhuhu – It was the president, Miss Ditch, smiling and nodding.

Soon, Victorica pokes my side.

“Hey, isn’t it Arnoy?”

That’s right.

I thought the chairman would be Arnoy.

But when I think about it now, my thoughts were funny.

There is no way Arnoy could run such a large company.

“Do you know the name Arnoi?”

I asked.

Then the chairman laughed and said, “You mean a game character?”

Of course, we were not talking about the game character Arnoy.

“I’m talking about the real Arnoy. Nymph of ditch water. It must be here somewhere. Otherwise, it must have been somewhere else. What did you do with Arnoy?”

I asked.

The game company’s chairman, Ditch, soon showed a quite serious expression.

“The real Arnoy… ?”


“Are you saying you believe that the Arnoy in the game will exist in real life?”

“The order is wrong. This is because Arnoy in the game was modeled after a guy who existed in reality. So do we. “Stop making half-hearted remarks.”

“Victor, you can find out these things by torturing them without wasting time.”


Enio made a shadow flutter across his palm

I don’t know what to do with that, but it’s probably not normal.

The chairman’s eyes, visible through his glasses, sparkled at the strange phenomenon.

“Well, that’s… ” ! Could it be that it is a void attribute 《Void Grab》? Oh my goodness, I never thought the day would come when I would actually see it! It was real, not fake… !”


The chairman rushed towards Enio.

Then he rubs his cheek against Enio’s cheek.

“It’s true. Then here is Nike or Victoricado?”

Nike struggles as if embarrassed by the sight of the chairman hugging Nike and Victorica.

“What! Go away!”

“… Suddenly what?”

Victorica asked.

Then the chairman of N Company adjusted his disheveled glasses and cleared his throat.

“No, you were rude. Because I’m a bit of a fan. Great. I knew this day would come someday. “There is an elevator here that can only be used in the CEO’s room.”

It appears that this CEO’s room was not on the top floor.

It turns out that there is an elevator that can only be used in this room, and you can go through it to the top floor.


We all boarded the elevator together.


An elevator going upstairs with a soft mechanical sound.

Finally, the door opened and a landscape that looked like it was made of all kinds of Lego and blocks was revealed.


The sight of a large space filled with game consoles and figures is truly every gamer’s dream.


Meanwhile, a little girl was lying on the sofa playing console games.

“Arnoy, guests have arrived.”

Chairman Deitch said.

Then Gamer Arnoy spoke without even turning his head from the huge monitor.

“Don’t talk to Arnoy while he’s playing a game… ! Very important now… We are now in the final battle with a very important boss… !”


Now that I see it, the screen displayed on the monitor is quite impressive.

You’re fighting a huge dragon.

“Arnoi is me.”

I told that guy.

Then Arnoy turns his head.

Soon, his orange eyes grew to the size of bells.

Then he throws the console away and rushes towards us.

“Ahh… ! Viktornoy… ! And the manager… ! Enio and Victorica… ! Are they really right? ? Is it true that they are not cosplayers…? !?”

Arnoy shed tears.

And then I finally cried.

“Find 100 nymphs, it’s too late… ! I found this Arnoy too late… ! This Arnoy has waited here, lonely and unhappy, for over 10 years… !”

… Lonely and unhappy?

I looked around.

To be honest, this top floor was heaven.

Isn’t this the Pantheon, the land of the gods?

Then Arnoy noticed and said, “I was lonely and unhappy for about a year…” ” ” !” And corrected the situation.

What a funny guy.

Chairman Ditch smiles immediately.

“Well, I found Arnoy in the back alley looking through a trash can. Nymphrani. They’re a mysterious people, right? “I couldn’t believe it at first.”

“A book modeled on Nymph Arnoy’s adaptation to the 21st century… ! “Back Alley Nymph” Was also published… ! It’s in Nobel Nymphia, so read on for more details… !”

That seems to be the case.

Anyway, as I guessed, Arnoy crash-landed in the 21st century about 10 years ago.

And luckily, I met Miss Ditch, who was studying abroad in Korea, and became a gourmet.

Miss Ditch turned the story of the mysterious Ludens Island that she heard from Arnoy into a game, and that was the game D&A.

Said Miss Ditch.

“If this game becomes widely known, people who know that this game was actually a ‘real’ story will come to us. Then there is a possibility that that person is Arnoy’s neighbor or friend.”


Was the game D&A also a rescue signal for Arnoy, who was stranded in this strange world?

“10 years… ! To be exact, 13 years, 5 months and 22 days… ! For Arnoy, it was a very long, yet at the same time short time… !”

Arnoy cries loudly.

For me it was not even a day, but for Arnoy, that day must have been unusually long.

“Then, you have achieved the first achievement of finding 100 nymphs. As a reward, I will give you a “Free pass” That allows you to come to N Company and use the facilities at any time.”

The chairman handed me a card key.

It was a cool item.

* * *

“Eyes? With dice? Should the story be completely revised? “Our game doesn’t end that way?”

Chairman Ditch looked quite serious after hearing my story.

Because the details of the final game between me and the Game Master were not spread throughout this world.

Arnoy, the original story writer of the game D&A, did not know the details of the board game because he was causing a ‘riot’ in the Pantheon.

Looking at it that way, it made sense that after the ending of the game D&A, there was no Pantheon story and the game was reset by just rolling the dice.

I guess Arnoy didn’t know exactly what I did in the Pantheon.

Nike asked.

“So, the Game Master… What happened?”

“Your dad…” ” I do not know either. What’s certain is that he probably isn’t dead.”


Nike was breathing a sigh of relief somewhere.

At that time, the chairman said.

“One-eyed Victor… If you sell skins and additional DLC…”

That seems to be the case.

Now my eyes turned to Victorica sitting in front of the computer.

Victorica is sitting in front of the computer.

It’s really surreal in many ways.

“What, it’s a bad ending again! ‘Victorica’ stuck Balmung in Victor’s solar plexus!”

Victoria was playing the game D&A on her computer.

She said it was a game where she appeared as a model.

Honestly, how can I resist something I want to try at least once?

“In that sense, ‘penetrating walls’ is not a bug, but a skill that Arnoy intended historically… ! The other things are definitely not bugs caused by mistaking the code values… !”

Arnoy spoke passionately.

It seems that in that short and long period of time, the mindset of a ‘game producer’ was born.

Could it be that the reason the game used such strange codes that it was impossible to open it was because the game was created using the runes of another world?

It’s fascinating.

Chairman Ditch said, hugging Arnoy tightly.

“Arnoi, are you leaving now? I need to make the next game too. Arnoy, it won’t be easy without you.”

“This Arnoy, he hasn’t even graduated yet…” ” ! I’ll have you come visit often, so make sure you never clean up the game room upstairs… ! I also prepare plenty of Zero Cola and cider… !”

It was very skinny.

Honestly, I think I would have lived well in this world even if I hadn’t come looking for it.

… When I heard about it, I heard that there was a Lamborghini that Arnoy bought with his salary.

But Arnoy seemed to be good.

He grabs our arms and pulls us.

“Let’s go back to where everyone is…” ” ! This Arnoy, the chicken and pizza I ate in this world were so delicious… ! As expected, I want to let other nymph sisters taste it too… !”

Arnoy piled a large bag with snacks and food.

He seemed excited to meet the sisters.

“Let’s quickly go back to the club room and play this next-generation console game “Nymphtendo” Together… !”

I see.

It looks like it will be fun because it is noisy.

“So, what happens with your story now? “The sales of the DLC have been so good this time that I think we will be able to release the next game as well.”

The CEO asked us as we were about to return to Ludens Island.

What will happen to our story in the future?-.


I don’t know either.

Because it was the first time for all of us in the world after the ending.

I guess I have to move forward step by step with a clumsy feeling.

Days with no strategy and no designated spaces.

Sometimes you will stop and go back the way you came.


I took a step into that ‘unknown’ tomorrow.

After taking one step, the second and third steps were surprisingly light.

“Okay then, let’s go now. “Go home.”

“Ahh, I’m telling you not to leave this Arnoi behind… ” !”

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