Ice vs Fire

Chapter 43: Clash of Titans

Round four begins!

Julius! Julius! Julius!

The crowd is cheering for the Champion while the Challenger gets cheered by only a few of his fans.

What effect do you think this imbalace will have on the boxer's metallity?

We humans are heard creatures we seek companionship, love, validation of others to feel fitted on this case the Champion has a way bigger advantage.

Ohh the Challenger is hanging his left arm low and there it is round three is being repeated again.

"Thuck" "thuck" "thuck" each of the Challenger's flicker jabs feels like a knock on Champion's tight guard but he won't open.

Hehehe if 'he' dosen't wanna open well then I'll pry it open with my powerful right.

"Boosh" Challenger slices through thin air Champion escapes this powerful right by the skin of his teeth.

Don't worry I ain't done yet "shu" "thoop".

Champion's guard saves him again.

So that's all you got?

What do you mean you are the open hiding behind your guard and you tuant me for my power?


So then behold my full potential.

Oh my gawd what are we watching?

Oh no Rob is taking the widest swing of his life.

Champion steps left and "booom" both Challenger's and Champion's left collide once again he feinted his wide strike to bait out the champion.


And Champion wins the exchange his full force gets channeled through Challenger's half jab.

Now then if you don't have your flicker and your right is dodgable then who do you think will win?

Yo mama.


Who said I can't use my left "Robert takes his orthodox stance".

Wow he can still use his left.



He can't he is bluffing if Champion even gets a slight hint he will come at him like a raging bull.

That means he is in deep trouble.

Both boxers wait for an opening to take advantage of.

Ofcourse they are first rate boxer they won't make a mistak-

Champion takes a south paw stance he is fully open for the flcikers.

I'll flicker his burning resolve.

Oh look at that Challenger also takes a south paw stance.

Yes Coach he is at a huge advantage you know champion is left handed and Robert is right handed if they both exchange blows Champion will most definitely lose.

So it seems so simple to you huh? You think Champion will just let Rob punch him? Even in the previous echanges he dodged Robert's punches mid exchange.

So our only hope is-

Our only hope is if Robert uses his foot work and nullyfies all of Champion's punches.

And there it is Robert's footwork he is hopping like the gravity is weaker under his feet.

From one foot to the other now Champion doesn't have the chance to just close the distance and engage in close quarters.

Shit so now that chimp can also hop like a kangaroo.

He is definetly the strongest challenger Julius as ever faced.

Julius don't go into 'his' range wait for the right moment until then save your energy.

If I just keep standing here and stare at him there will be no right moment to strike.

No don't gooooo!

Champion leaps forward how will the Challenger react?

"Thump" "thump" "thump" the Champion is stopped by three quick straights.

What he can punch that fast with his right?

*In the gym while practicing*

Hey Robert you have been training this your jab for quite some time.

So don't you also train your jab I do but the difference between me and you is enormous I'm just an amateur boxer and you a Europion belt contender.

So what do you want me to do?

Train your right aswell it could come in handy.

Hm you are correct thanks faucet nose.

What you still call me with that name?

Sorry I can't resist it's an old habit you know.

*In the present*

So faucet nose's I mean Jimmy's advice did come in handy literally.

What 'he' can flicker jabs with both of his arms?

Julius has to find another way to knock him down.

What happend you were very confident when you were fighting with 'those' challengers where did your confidence go?

You really think I give a shit about confidence?

What do you mean? Julius?

Robert listen closely even a small rat has the confidence and courage to scare a person but power is obsolete no matter how long your reach is you won't be able to do anything.

Hehehe are you serious? Champ you should know the relationship between speed and power.

You two know this is a boxing match not a debate?

Yeah yeah.

Then box. "The referee interrupts both boxers for speaking too much".

"Ting" Round four ends with Robert the Challenger striking three straights into Champions face.

Julius what do want to do in the next round?

I don't know Coach you should you tell me 'he' is not going down without a Deathmatch.

No one wants to go down without a fight but you are the Champion you make people go down.

You are correct.

Then don't worry no one can change the outcome of this match.

So Rob nice straights you have the upper hand 'he' disabled his own dominant hand.

He didn't disable it remember in the third round even if his hand was broken even if 'his' boxing career would end after this match he won't back down from using it.

How are you so sure?

He is a fighter, a raging bull that no matter how many times hits an obstackle will keep on marching forward.

"Ting" Round 5 begins.

Champion takes his orthodox stance again.

Rob was correct he doesn't know when to stop "Samuel thinks to himself".

Well then.

But Challenger dosen't change he is boxing in southpaw without any problem.

Don't worry I'll punish you for using an unorthodox stance.

An exchange of punch happen and Robert starts using his legs.

So can you catch me now?

Hopping in the entire ring huh? Huh? "Something clicks inside of the Champion's head" if he uses his right for jabbing then he won't have his chopping right in the close range.

Julius get close fast catch him and show him your true power.

Why coach dosen't he have hi- oh he himself surrendered his powerful right.

Now that both boxer have lost their advantages let's see who will be able to win.

Don't worry even if he dosen't have his chopping right those flickers are more than enough.

You don't get it Nic do you?

What are you saying?

Look at Rob why is he not throwing those flickers in front of Champion's face? He himself knows that if he misses Champion will instantly take advantage of that and he won't have his right to defend himself.

Not only that if he can't use his left than with what hand will he guard?

Oh I didn't thought of that.

"Both the Conner men watches the boxers closely".

Julius! Julius!! Julius!!!

The spectators are going wild this is the most intense fight fought in this stadium noone could have predicted the outcome of this match.

Here he comes Rob stay alert!

'thump' 'thump' 'thump' each step the Champion takes is like a earthquake.

Challenger doesn't jab he is waiting for the right moment.

Well said by the commentator but he cannot jab would be a better description.

"Shoosh" get ready cause if you miss me you won't be able to see me in the ring again.


What? Happend to me?

"Thump" "thump" "thump" now the earthquakes are being caused by the Challenger.

As Julius was getting closer he was fully focused on Robert's right hand but he dismissed the possibility of a left to the body which dug deep inside Julius's stomach and

"Thump" the Champion is down!

No 'he' can use his left? But didn't Julius destroy it?

No Nic a fist is not destroyed if it can still punch look at his face the bones in his hands are giving him jolts of lighting with each passing second.

Julius get up get up get up!

What are you saying get up wasn't I up a second before did my cerebellum stopped working? I can't remember a thing "Julius looks over the crowd where he sees his girlfriend crying" Joeline why are you crying? Oh I'm in middle of the match I'll kill that bastard who made you cry.

Champion gets up at the count of 8 but he is clinging to the ropes to stop himself from falling.

Shit he is up and I can't use my left anymore.

Where is he? "Julius furiously looks for his opponent".

I'm here are you blind?

There you are standing so proudly huh I'll knock out you so hard that wtf "Julius gets dizzy and falls down a second time".

Is this the end? Coach.

"Julius's coach holds onto his towel" I cannot-

I cannot what?

I cannot stop this match Andrew stop me from throwing the towel at all costs.

Yes sir I will.

Julius! Julius!! Julius!!!

I can't lose not to 'him' after so much struggle if I lose to the guy who made Joeline cry I won't be able to forgive myself the crowd really wants me to get up the Coach really wants me to get so will I let this internal voice that is telling me to give up stop me? No not at all.

"Thump" Champion punches the canvas and gets up as his life depends on it.

Box "the referee gives Robert another chance to knock down Julius once again".

Oh no tripple down is game over and in his conditions he "everyone on the Julius's as well as Robert's seconds were shocked".

Champion dashes forward like nothing nothing happened it is the litral opposite of what we were expecting.

Is this your second wind then don't worry I'll gather each ounce of my strength and deliver it straight to you Julius.

No Julius don't go he is setting up a trap for you.

Trap or not you are telling me I'll let him live after he has saddened the person I care for after he has downed me in front of millions of my fans no way I'll let him get away with it.

"Ting" just as Champion and Challenger were getting into an exchange but the round is over.

Julius you gotta use your prefrontal cortex if you let your emotions take control of you not only will you lose the belt you will lose a lot of self respect.

So you are telling me to just that all that in?

Yes take it Julius because it's hard to take it in lashing out, doing things that are bad then blaming it all on their emotions that's a commoner's way of living not yours Champ.

"Julius's coach brilliantly explains the importance of self control".

Look at them the entire stadium they are all here to cheer for you they want to see you win you are the hopes of millions of people you are their role model don't disappoint them ok?

Hehehe I'm "aahhfffu" "the Coach holds Julius nose".

Wait 3 seconds then breath out then take a 3 second long breath good now we talking.

I'm sorry for not seeing the full picture I was blinded by my own pride, the pride that made me lose sight of what is more important? my pride or my duty.

Then let's go and show them that you are 'the' Julius Shulz.

"Ting" round 6

Don't wait for him Robert go in and knock him down once and for all.

You don't need to say it twice Sam.

Julius you are the strongest person I have ever smashed my fists with literally and I believe you think the same so take it take this opportunity and show me why you are where you are.

Both boxers pour their sweat and soul into the match and...

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