If You Raise Three Idols Well They Will Confess Their Love chapter 98
98 – That’s All Sun Taeyang Wants to Do.
Episode 98
Oh Yuri always wore a mask called acting. She then played the role of Oh Yuri that her people wanted, hiding her true feelings. This is because I had experiential knowledge that it would help me succeed, and I also had the ability to do it. And she was flawless in maintaining it.
She was already a skilled actor.
Oh Yuri could not hide her unusually distorted expression and asked as if she was sighing.
“… Why?”
“Because I do this because I want to.”
Seo Eun-byeol’s firm tone of saying that nothing was wrong made her suppress her suppressed emotions her once again
“There’s no way anyone would want that!”
She said, looking at her Oyu-ri with pity.
“No, it’s more than I thought. “If I get paid enough.”
“And I have been promised enough in return, and I am already the recipient.”
“… “What is that?”
“Well, is there anything great about it? It’s like money and opportunity.”
Oh Yuri thought that Seo Eun-byeol was not that kind of person. Although they had only become friends for a short time, she had seen a person named Seo Eun-byeol for quite some time. And the person she saw and judged during that time, Seo Eun-byeol, was not the kind of person who would sell herself off so cheaply. But deep down, she felt wary of her own judgment.
‘Could it be that I had arbitrary expectations of her Eunbyeol and her older sister and hoped that she would act according to those expectations? Maybe, like the people I thought were the worst, I gave things I didn’t need and hoped that Eunbyeol would give me something in return?’
Neither the data that investigated her reflection nor the plan that prioritized her safety her her her were the things she had never said she wanted. Nevertheless, she prepared it, thinking that Seo Eun-byeol would want it, and she was disappointed when she did not accept it.
Oh Yuri draws a conclusion from such thoughts.
‘… I was the same person as those who expressed favors.’
As she was avoiding Seo Eun-byeol’s eyes due to her sense of desolation and self-deprecation, Eun-byeol spoke as if making her point.
“I understand? So that means there was no coercion in me doing this. “It’s all my choice.”
Oh Yuri couldn’t answer. And Seo Eun-byul said, “She draws a firmer line than ever.”
“It’s none of your business. If you have feelings for me, just pretend not to know. That’s what I want.”
At her words her her her, Oh Yuri could only nod her head helplessly.
“Yuri Yuri. Goodbye today too!”
Daily life has returned.
As usual, Oh Yuri started training like a treadmill, and Seo Eun-byeol said a simple greeting next to her and followed Oh Yuri’s hard training schedule.
They gather at this early morning and practice early in the morning without saying a word, then follow the official training schedule prepared by Flower. After the schedule is over, they gather again at night to practice, then exchange brief greetings around midnight and part ways to live the same life again tomorrow. It will.
At least until Oh Yuri entered Girls 100’s dormitory and began her training camp.
It was as if the series of commotions that had occurred before her and her feelings had never occurred.
It was just the two of us.
It may have been the beginning of a huge event that would shake up the entire Flower Entertainment, but for now, it was just the two of them.
Therefore, if the two remain silent, it ends as if nothing happened.
Oh Yuri joined in the silence. Then there will be no need for annoying conflicts or wasting energy.
Because she can only invest her time in her own development.
In the first place, it was uncharacteristic of her to put herself out there to investigate her her own introspection of her.
It goes back to the way it was.
Like an egoist who only cares about himself without investing in others.
Just like Oh Yuri, who always wanted to be like that and did that.
That’s what everyone hopes for.
“Unni Eunbyeol?”
“Huh? Yuri Yuri, why?”
She knew that better than anyone else.
That’s why I eventually accepted it.
“… Let’s slowly turn off the lights and go out. “Before the security guard comes.”
“Is Seo Eun-byeol here?”
During training, Manager Bae Sang-cheol called Seo Eun-byeol out. It wasn’t a rare thing.
Because it was something that happened occasionally.
“… Eunbyeol is in the locker room right now.”
“Okay? Then, she can go there.”
And it is also something that Oh Yuri has been ignoring, pretending not to see it.
It’s the same today.
She will put this out of her mind as if nothing happened, and she will complete her training as usual. That’s not just doing it for yourself, it’s doing it for everyone.
However, she was unconsciously following Ban Sang-cheol.
She carefully muffled her footsteps so as not to be detected.
Why? What does she want to confirm in a story that has already ended, and is she starting this tiresome task again?
Before Oh Yu-ri can even come up with an answer, she carefully follows his steps. And I saw Bae Sang-cheol and Seo Eun-byeol face each other in front of the dressing room.
“If I had known you would come at this time, I should have been waiting in advance. What is it about you? It’s annoying.”
“Sorry. “I need a little preparation.”
“… Preparation? Ha, yes, preparation would have been necessary. That’s a good attitude.”
“Yes, because it’s important.”
“Okay, then let’s leave, because time is running out.”
The conversation continued casually, as if nothing had happened.
Although her reluctance was evident in his tone of her, Ban Sang-cheol did not treat her forcefully, and Seo Eun-seong did not show her rebel side of her.
It was just as expected.
However, one thing was different from what Oh Yuri expected.
‘Yuri Yuri, how do you relax when you’re so scared and nervous?’
‘Nervousness is something that comes from people who lack confidence in themselves. I always work hard on my skills so that I don’t feel that way.’
‘Oh, don’t be so harsh. Yuri I admit that you are talented, but aren’t you sure you’ll face some embarrassing situations unexpectedly? It may be scary or scary. How do you relax at times like that? … It’s because I can’t calm down because of the surprise evaluation that’s coming up later. As a Flower Entertainment One Top trainee, please pass on just one good tip!’
‘… Then try this.’
‘Inhale through your nose, then take one long and one short breath in succession. Then exhale long through your mouth as if you are expelling all the air from your lungs. Repeat this about 3 times.’
‘… ‘Isn’t that just a deep breath?’
‘But it’s still better than nothing. That’s what I did.’
‘Hmm… Okay reception. I’ll give it a try later when I’m having a really hard time.’
‘… Well then, it’s not that difficult now.’
‘Hi-Hi. Because there are more difficult things in the world than a surprise evaluation!’
And Seo Eun-byeol, who was now following behind Seong-cheol, was imitating the deep breathing that she had taught.
Maybe Oh Yuri is repeating the same mistake.
She may have guessed and had unnecessary doubts.
Even though she was wary of her thoughts, her thoughts did not change.
Oh Yu-ri felt that the quiet deep breath was a signal from her Seo Eun-byeol.
Contains a cry for help.
No one wants this choice from Oh Yuri. She is rather prevalent among reluctant people.
Flower’s employees, her fellow trainees, and even her partner, Seo-eun
There is nothing to be gained by taking this risk. Rather, it is full of only what she has lost.
She will lose the recognition and support she gained from Flower.
In the first place, she doubts whether she will be able to remain as a craftsman for her debut
On the other hand, if you just ignore it and pretend not to know, you have everything to gain.
Oh Yuri will succeed. Wealth, fame, popularity, the glamorous spotlight, it’s all in front of her.
The only way to get it all is to keep working hard like you are now. It’s not about digging into what Ban Sang-cheol is doing.
In the end, the only reason left is this damn nonsense.
“… There’s really no progress. “I am.”
Nevertheless, she chooses to act that foolish way once again.
Even though she already swore she wouldn’t do it anymore, she foolishly did it.
That was a person named Oh Yu-ri.
“… Now that I think about it, I wonder if Taeyang felt this way at the time.”
Oh Yuri suddenly thought of Sun Taeyang. And she recalled that two years ago, she was also facing a similar situation.
At that time, even though Oh Yu-ri was the one receiving her help, she felt frustrated and sorry for Seon Taeyang’s foolishness, so she asked why she did this. Then Sun Taeyang answered casually as if it was no big deal.
‘Because I want to do it.’
It was a mad, self-centered, and even ignorant statement.
But it was also an overly kind word.
At that time, Oh Yuri thought for the first time in her life that she wanted to be like someone.
Of course, in the midst of the waves of her world, Oh Yuri realized that she could not be that kind of person.
But that yearning did not disappear.
“… Yes, because I want to. That’s enough reason to move.”
That may be the reason why Oh Yuri can come forward.
After organizing her her thoughts her her her, Yuri Oh writes down issues and counterarguments on her huge whiteboard her her, asking herself and rebutting them.
“Manager Ban Seong-cheol’s goal is to get me into the top 11 of Girls 100 and get on the line to connect to the top of Flower. Eunbyeol is a means to that end. We have to stop that.”
-Answer: Report to the police.
“No. If you report it like that, we can’t guarantee Eunbyeol’s safety. Considering the situation, her older sister would be considered Yoo Sa-rang. She is a b*stard who dares to do illegal things, and her suspicion alone could cause Simply reporting it will only make the situation worse.”
-Answer: Supplement the data through direct investigation and ensure that the group and Ban Sang-cheol can receive legal judgment.
“It’s impossible, no matter how hard I try, there is a limit. Besides, I don’t even know how big the organization is or how connected it is. Rushing into something without knowing anything is just curiosity. It takes too much time. Even if I succeed, I will definitely miss the golden time to protect Eunbyeol. There is a high probability that Eunbyeol will be punished as a person involved.”
The currently understood dynamics of Ban Sang-cheol, the point where Flower and Ban Sang-cheol are connected, Ban Sang-cheol’s goals, the means that Oh Yuri can use, and the core information that has been investigated even from the moment Seo Eun -byeol refused help are displayed on the whiteboard. It is all written down.
Looking at the messy diagram of the sentences and words, Oh Yu-ri felt like setting an indicator.
“Keep in mind. Oh Yuri. You are not trying to become a social whistleblower or hero who exposes corruption and corruption. The goal is to make Eunbyeol safe. “Erase all other thoughts except that.”
The solutions she came up with, from relatively moderate methods such as negotiation and inducement to extreme solutions such as kidnapping and terrorism, are erased one by one.
“The reason Ban Seong-cheol brought her Eun-byeol sister into the sponsorship was to put me in the debut group of Girls 100. It is not yet known what steps Ban Sang-cheol will take after that, but that is one fact that does not change. Then…”
And among the options Oh Yuri can choose, the best answer is left on the whiteboard.
She reads the answer.
“… We have to take down Girl 100.”