Chapter 25: Chapter 25
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A few days after the massacre, my father came to see me. He said it was time for me to join his business. He didn't elaborate more specifically, only mentioning that once we arrived at the place, I would understand. We got into a black limousine. Oddly enough, he didn't usually use cars like this. He always said that only shortsighted idiots flaunt their position. But it seems that arriving at the meeting place in an ordinary Mercedes would be unworthy of his position. I don't know. I don't run in those circles. Although I remember a couple of moments, as a child I was taken to his friend's villa and introduced to some girl. They must have made some plans for my marriage. But then things didn't work out and my dad stopped taking me. I even remember a couple of times after that he disparaged them as fanatics.
-Rain, I heard you were contacted by Shield. - Said Alexander as he stopped looking at the road.
-Yes. -They offered me training and a job. And I think they know I'm a mutant. - I answered without even lying.
It doesn't matter that they only know about my transformation.
-It's bad timing. - Pierce Sr. said quietly.
-Some of your kind are valued in this organisation, but the assignments they're sent on don't usually end well. - He said, without explaining what he meant by not good. Though it was pretty clear.
-And you, as I see you don't know much about this organisation. - Implying to continue the story about this organisation.
-My work is closely connected with them. -My work is closely connected with them. You'll find out more later. - After that he was silent again, and in the distance the outline of the mansion began to show.
When I got to the entrance, I was told to wait in the car. And before he left, he said one thing.
-"Ryan, I'm always on your side.
After the door was closed, the entire cabin began to fill with an unknown gas and the windows were covered with metal shutters. When I realised that the matter was bad, I hit the shutters with all my might and could only bend them slightly. I got a big charge of electricity in return. And the gas had almost filled half the cabin. Realising that I couldn't do it any other way, I made a full transformation and was able to strike a couple of blows to the same plate. It sagged a little more, but it still held. Then I threw 30 points into the force to finally knock that plate out. Feeling the power surging through my body, I hit it with all my might. It sagged and held on by the snot. But the next blow, to my surprise, missed the target. I guess the gas had already started to take effect. Realising that this was my last chance to escape, I activated the falcon's gaze along with the maximum strike. Feeling the power that filled my fist I hit the panel with all my might. It was knocked out and flew a couple of metres, even hitting someone. As I climbed out the window, I saw an unhappy sight. I was surrounded. There were at least 60 armed men here, and that's just the ones I saw.
At that moment, I heard a familiar voice give just one command.
I was immediately hit by several darts. Looks like they don't want to kill me. That's scary. I don't know what was in those darts, but it knocked me out fast. After five hits, I could barely dodge, and on the eleventh, I just fell down. At the last moment before my consciousness faded I saw Pierce coming out from behind the soldiers. I could only ask one question with all my strength.
His lips started to move and he said something, but my consciousness had already faded into a fog.
As he approached Pierce, who was leaning over his son, the man couldn't help but marvel at the strength and resistance his body showed.
The dose he'd been injected with would have been enough for two elephants. Considering he'd been gassed beforehand. I know a couple of people who would give a lot for a sample like that.
But when he looked at Alexander, he put those ideas out of his mind. At least until he was 100 per cent sure of the success of his idea.
-You said the gas should knock him out quickly? - Pierce turned to his colleague.
-We didn't expect him to be so unreceptive. And you didn't warn me about its power, by the way. If I hadn't used the most powerful model, we'd have lost a lot of fighters. - He wasn't afraid to make a counterclaim.
-I thought most of the power you showed was from the Stark suit. - Pierce replied in a cold voice.
-Okay guys, load him up. - Said the scientist, waving to some of the men involved in Rain's capture.
A car stopped not far from the capture site. A man who had been following Pierce Jr. for the last few days got out. As he approached Alexander, he gave a more detailed account of the events he had witnessed.
-Fury has no knowledge of the incident, sir. - Said the man of oriental appearance.
-Okay. Now report that we've gone to my friend's house. Here are the coordinates. - Said Pierce, holding out a sheet of numbers and a picture of the house.
-I'll be here for a few days. - Said Alexander.
-Will do. Sir, I'm due to be replaced the day after tomorrow. - Said the agent.
-That won't be a problem. - Replied Pierce knowing it was one of their men too.
Turning round and following the men who were transporting Ryan Alexander couldn't stop frowning. He hadn't counted on ever having to do that to his own son.
In the place where everything used to be green and birds could be heard chirping, a battle was now being fought. A battle for the survival of the universe. Almost all the heroes of Earth were gathered in this place. Opposing them was a mad titan. whose goal was to destroy this universe and create a new one. One that would fulfil his every need. Many warriors died that day. And then the moment came when the infinity gauntlet was placed on the madman's hand. This artefact had infinite power. Power that was about to be unleashed on a genocide on a scale never before seen. The strongest heroes had tried to stop it, but each of them had failed. And now the moment has come. The Titan raised his hand and spoke his last words to this world.
-I am inevitability itself.
And then came that unfortunate click. But to everyone's surprise, the world remained intact. Turning his hand Thanos noticed that one stone was missing. And a couple of metres away from him, a small hamster stood on the ground on two legs. In his hands was a glowing space stone. Noticing such an impudent creature, Thanos rushed at it, wanting to crush the rodent. But instead of blood and squealing, he heard a squeak to his right. Turning his head, all he could see was a blue light that took another stone from his hand. Then he heard that nasty squeak from his back and before he could turn around he was sent flying by a blow that knocked all the air out of his lungs. And in his previous place stood a round ball of fur, clutching an infinity stone in each paw. Its body glowed a mixture of blue and purple. A minute later, the corpse of the mad titan was already lying on the battlefield. And on top of it was a fluffy lump of death. Barely wrapping its paws around all the stones, it uttered one phrase.
-It's all mine now! Wah-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha!
The heroes of the land didn't know how to react to this beast. They didn't even realise that Thanos would soon seem like a sweet and kind Teletubby compared to the new master of the universe....
Waking up from a rather strange dream Rain realised that he was chained. And the fact that the design to restrain him included a system that prevented him from closing his eyes made it clear that this was a rather bad development.
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