Chapter 27: Chapter 27
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Raine walked towards his father's office today, as he had every previous day. Once inside, he saw Alexander standing at the window, looking out at the view of the city stretching before him.
-Father, what are we going to do tonight? - Rain asked, standing beside him.
-The same thing we always do, Ryan. We're going to try to conquer the world. - Said Pierce, then raised his right hand and made the gesture so famous in twentieth-century Germany.
I woke up from this horror in the car on the way home.
-I see you're awake. - After giving me five minutes to recover, he began to tell me the story of my absence. -"Remember, you were gone for seven days. All that time we spent in our villa. - Said Pierce, turning his head back towards the window.
-Was all this necessary? - I asked, trying to realise how little conscience this man had.
-I'm sorry, but it was required. Otherwise you wouldn't have been allowed to do our work. - Alexander answered with a stony expression.
-I understand your act, because it was for the good of the organisation, but the residue remains. - I looked him in the eye. After expressing my opinion in the salon hung some oppressive atmosphere.
All right. - I decided to defuse the negative atmosphere. - What are we gonna do? Take over the world? - I asked my father.
At that moment, the mask of indifference fell from his face for a moment. And his eyebrow went up high.
-What makes you think we're going to take over the world? -How do you know? - He asked, trying to figure out how much I knew.
-Well, that's what the Nazis were doing, and Hydra was their research department. - I repeated the lines from the history book.
-Hydra existed long before the Nazis. It's just that at that moment our plans coincided, and we joined their side. - Pierce told me another version of the story.
-Can you elaborate? - I was kind of curious. No, of course I knew about the non-human on another planet and the ram's head accidentally mistaken for an octopus, but it's still curious to hear it from a knowledgeable person.
-Hydra is an ancient order created for one purpose. I won't share it with you, just know that it's purpose is nonsense for stupid fanatics and was used to gain power in the beginning. Over time Hydra has grown into a powerful organisation with people in many areas of human society. Most of the chapters have long since stopped believing in the tall tales told by their predecessors.
For the most part, a few trends that formed during World War II are now prevalent. Risen from the ashes is the direction of artefactoric of extraterrestrial civilisations. Its creator and first head was the famous Johann Schmidt, although he is better known as the Red Skull. Johann was all too eager to surpass human limits, and for the power to match the mutants he paid with his face. A mere discrepancy in a single sign of the formula made the closest man to the Führer himself, an unwanted madman. After Skull's demise, his place was taken by Daniel Whitehall. If I'm not mistaken, you were supposed to have met him on your last mission as a mercenary? - He asked, looking at me and getting a nod he continued his story.
-So Daniel took over Johann's baton and went in search of some rare artefact. And the funniest part was how his search ended. He managed to get his artefact, but he wasn't allowed to play with it. Two days after the search was over, his base was overrun by US forces. You're probably wondering how that old rat still hasn't crumbled to dust. Well, some of the Hydra heads were curious about that too, so they sponsored his research. He was slowly but surely gathering strength and accumulating loyalists. And those jerks didn't even notice that he was no longer dependent on them. - He grimaced, talking about this brainchild of Frankenstein in stereotypical scientist's glasses.
-So here's my direction. We are realists and we see where humanity is driving itself. We know that despite all the diplomacy, all the handshakes, all the rhetoric, to make the world a cleaner place, sometimes you need a good broom. Most people aren't willing to get their hands dirty. People have so many rights and freedoms these days that for a maniac to get the death penalty, he would have to kill three innocent people first. And for any criminal with connections, getting behind bars becomes an impossible task. In today's world, too much is at the mercy of the spineless. But for stability and prosperity it would be enough to remove only 1-2% of the world's population. Mankind needs a guide who will not let a dozen pompous turkeys who only dream of a nuclear strike on the enemy ruin all the achievements of several thousand years. - At that moment he stopped, it seems he remembered a moment from the past.
-All right, let's move on to the latest trend, which is favoured by one of the heads. It focuses on genetics and human enhancement. Their main development is trying to replicate Erskine's serum. As you can imagine, not very successful. Although they have other projects with more favourable outcomes.
-Whitehall was defended by some kind of enhanced soldiers. They could transform into forms closer to animals and were very strong. Is this one of the experiments of this direction? - I interrupted my father.
Casting me a displeased look, he answered my question.
-No, I have not heard of such improvements. Although it may be something of the latest developments. Right now they have only a few of the most successful prototypes of the super soldier serum ready. The best one is capable of increasing a soldier's abilities by 20%. It's been given to all the distinguished of our people. Unfortunately in order for the body to cope with the changes, the one who will take the serum must not be older than thirty-five and have a very highly developed body. I hope you now realise what your training was for. This serum will be waiting for you at home. After using it, your body will go into a state of rebuilding and will be improved. Normally it takes about 48 hours, but given your regeneration I think you can do it in a day. - He said with a faint smile.
-I understand that the shield offers will have to be taken as soon as the restructuring is complete? - I asked, knowing that my fate was inextricably linked to the eagle, which was entangled in tentacles up to my neck.
-Yes. -You'll go to their university for combat agents. But with all the skills you've gained through training and your holidays, you won't have to stay there for long. I'll give you permission to take most of your exams as an extern. You'll have six months to pass the non-combat skills tests. Do you have any requests for training? - Alexander asked his son, wanting to see what other talents he could surprise him with.
-An expanded course in engineering and cybernetics. - I answered not intending to hide my skills. Because I doubt I'd be better trained in that area than I was in the shield. Unless Stark agrees to teach me the ways of the world. But my sixth sense tells me he's not very good at teaching.
+1 to intuition
-Interesting. I hadn't noticed your interest in these areas before. - Pierce noted his son's unexpected choice.
-When I was a mercenary, I often came across interesting weapons. But it was the use of Stark armour that finally motivated me to move in this direction. Even with all its backwardness compared to his brands, it was an unforgettable experience. - I said, not hiding my excitement.
The rest of the journey passed in silence. When we returned home, we went up to his office, where he went to his desk and put his hand on the top of it, saying a set of letters and numbers. After that the wooden desk scanned his hand and after receiving confirmation it opened a compartment with a flask in which a red coloured liquid was splashing. By eye there was 300-350 ml. Alexander held it out to me and pointed to a chair in the corner.
-Take it here and in general the process would be better to take place inside the office. It is shielded from any observation and even from telepathic influence. - He revealed a rather surprising fact.
-Good. - I said and then walked over and sat down in the chair.
Having drunk the liquid in one go, I returned the flask to my father and prepared to expect changes.
-The changes will begin in 15 to 20 minutes. Don't leave the room until the serum wears off. I'll leave you. I still have some pressing business to attend to today. - Said Pierce, and then he slammed the office door behind him.
I didn't feel anything at first, so I looked at my watch, waiting. 10 minutes, 15, 20, 30, 40, 60. Not understanding why the serum wasn't working I decided to grab the phone on the desk and got ready to contact my father. But just as I got to my feet I fell to the floor from the intense pain all over my body. It felt like thousands of ants crawling under my skin. And termites had taken up residence in my bones. I tried to move back to the chair, but it made the pain level jump to an impossible level. Making the most logical of decisions, I simply stopped moving and relied on my regeneration to bring this horror to an end. After fifteen hours of this mini hell, the pain began to subside. And after another hour I felt a heat in my pelvis. And when I lifted my head, I could see a very upsetting picture. Let's just say Goliath and the two Davidics were ready for battle. The only good news in this theatre of the absurd was that no servants were allowed into my father's study.
After six hours of awesome fun, the effects of the serum were finally wearing off. Rising from the floor, I sat down in my chair with the last of my strength and opened my status.
Name: Ryan Pierce
-Free points:132
Peculiarities: major, lab mouse, hitman, under-alpha.
Skills/skills: "martial arts 54ur", "shooting 54ur", "polyglot 5ur", "psychology 21ur", "strategist 35ur", "stealth 31ur", "player's mind MAX", "intimidation 29ur", "animal style 13ur", "drug resistance 40ur", "hackerman 27ur", "engineer 12ur", "alpha will 3ur", "regeneration 23ur", "alchemist chef 8ur", "poker face 24ur", "howl 1ur", "falcon gaze 5ur", "pain threshold 29ur", "max strike 1ur", "masochism 13ur".
Superpowers: "time acceleration", "lycanthropy", "hellfire".
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