In A Noble Magic Academy, The Only Spell I Know Is Scan

Chapter 185: Build Up

C"So the moving decision has been finalized?" Rivera said as she lazily read the report, "Wow, so efficient. I guess now I have to send agents to confirm the status of the mana environment in preparation for permanent enchantment."

"You sounded a bit sarcastic there, Queen Reveria." Roko frowned.

"Who? Me? Sarcastic? No, I'm just in awe of your sheer efficiency." And then in a smaller voice, "At giving me work."

"Brook, I think your mom needs a vacation." Roko whispered.

"Damn. Must be serious if a sick man is saying that." Brook smirked, "Though I won't disagree."

"Quiet in the throne room." Rivera frowned.

"That being said." Roko coughed, "Do you actually think it's possible to create a permanent sanctuary enchantment? I mean, sanctuary is derived from holy, which is anti-magic."

"Without a clear understanding of holy, I cannot say for certain." Rivera stated, "However, it should theoretically be possible. There are a few different methods of permanent area enchantments, each with varying effectiveness. Further understanding of the environment will help narrow down what methods we can use."

"I'm surprised you're helping at all mom." Brook said, "The concerns of the dark elves' leader doesn't require you to do anything."

"Well aside from the fact that we essentially conquered the land in question and therefore have territorial rights..." Rivera sighed, "We're still in the weeds of forming an alliance so we can't really easily refuse. Then there's also the fact that we're the only ones with enough magical expertise to do something like this..."

Rivera sighed again in an increasingly depressing manner. Roko glanced at Brook who just shrugged. Roko cleared his throat and straightened up as he addressed the queen,

"Perhaps you could visit the site yourself, Queen Rivera?"

"Myself?" Rivera scowled, "Why would I do this myself?"

"Some fresh sunlight does wonders for the body I hear. Being somewhere new can help unclog your mind and release stress."

"I was not aware you were a vacation planner, Roko." Rivera scoffed, "Truly, you are a man of many hats."

"I'm just trying to look out for you." Roko shrugged.

"By giving me more work?"

"Seems to be what I do best." Roko smirked.

"...What possible reason would I have to do environmental analysis personally?"

"Aside from a show of alliance with the dark elves? Perhaps you could be scouting out the area for yourself."

"For what reason?"

"Perhaps to move Brea's grave there."

Rivera's eyes widened in shock and anger but she didn't make an immediate response. Roko knew why and he moved to take full advantage of it,

"Think of it. Your fear is that the monsters may find it and turn the body of your founder into more monsters. What better place to hide it than in a place they cannot see or even enter?"

Rivera considered this idea briefly but replied in short time, "You understand the political ramifications, right? To surrender the care of the grave of the patron of Granreveria to someone else?"

"You certainly won't be able to escape from something like this scot-free." Roko began, "But the logic is unassailable and serves as a solid motion towards establishing an alliance with the dark elves. If your two races were arguing over who deserves the favor of your patron, Brea, then placing her grave safely in a sanctified third party's land can help both races move on from this issue and establish peace. The majority of people may understand why we need to move the grave currently and we can use that to push the need for an alliance. After all, the grave can't be relocated into Arbrea without disrupting the forest's magical ecology. Not if we want to use sanctuary to safeguard it. Without sanctuary, I don't know if there's any defense you can muster that can properly defend it with just pure magic. They can eat magic. Even if you come up with a complex magical system to keep the grave safe, it won't last against millions of monsters. Even without the grave, the monsters know of Granreveria's location now. Moving a city of this size is impossible so what you need are allies that the monsters don't know about. That being the dark elves."

"Hmmmm..." Rivera thought over this proposal with a serious glare in her eyes, "I can see your position as optimistic as it is. I'll give it a shot...on one condition."

"What is it?"

"You have to write the speech I give for when we implement this."

"Oh you motherfu-" Roko growled as Rivera sneered back at him triumphantly.

"You're not the only one who can give people work, you know." Rivera gloated, her voice only a step away from outright cackling.

"This is so petty."

"Hmmmmmmmm? Are you not going to do it?"

"No, I'll..." Roko sighed, "I'll do it..."

"Very good." Rivera nodded with a triumphant smile, "Then I shall expect your speech by next week. And I will join you in your trip to the former orc grounds tomorrow morning."

"Fantastic." Roko said dryly.

"Now that it's decided, you all may leave as I make my preparations."

With a bow, Roko and Brook left the throne room where they stood outside for a moment to process what happened.

"I don't think I've ever seen my mom so happy." Brook remarked.

"Spite is a powerful anti-depressant." Roko sighed.

"Do you need help writing that speech?"

"No, I can almost read and write again. I'll be able to finish it by next week."

"I'm surprised you accepted the terms."

"I certainly could have argued my way out of it." Roko crossed his arms, "But Rivera clearly wasn't in the mental condition to accept it. Besides, the more I suffer, the happier Rivera will be which was the point of the entire exercise."

"It wasn't to resolve the ongoing political issues?"

"That's just a bonus."

"Hmmm..." Brook smiled, "I'm impressed. I've never seen someone play my mom so easily."

"She's well aware of what went on. I didn't trick her into anything she wasn't aware of."

"Mhm. Now tell me how you really feel."

"It's easy when you can tell them exactly what they want to hear."

"Aha." Brook smiled slyly as Roko covered his mouth.

"I can't believe I'm still sick." Roko scowled.

"If it makes you feel any better, I wouldn't be able to tell if I didn't know."

"It doesn't really."

Roko arrived at the Granreveria gate the following day to four whole carts packed with items. One was full of building material. Another was packed with tools. Another was full of supplies. And the last was full of furniture.

"I don't think I'm am as invested in this as you guys are." Roko said, "And I was the one who came up with the idea."

"What do you mean, Roko?" Helena grinned, "We're just doing our part for the plan!"

"We each contributed a cart of supplies." Kaguya explained, "Helena sourced the raw materials, Momo collected the tools, I selected the furnishings and Corissa supplied The living supplies anyway."

"I feel like I should be contributing something too..." Roko frowned.

"You contributed the idea! And we're already counting on you to plan out the reforms. And the enchantment. Honestly, the enchantment's the most important part."

"I guess so."

"Problem. I'm the one in charge of the enchantment."

"Queen Rivera?!" The princesses cried as the elf queen float down towards them with Brook walking up to them not far behind her, "You're coming with us?!"

"I see you decided not to tell them." Rivera smirked.

"I figured you'd enjoy the surprise."

"Why Roko, what's made you into such a considerate person all of a sudden?"


"Okay but what's new?"

"Umm...not that I don't appreciate your presence, Queen Revera." Momo said, "But why are you coming with us exactly?"

"Magical atmosphere confirmation."

"Is that it?"

Everyone turned to look at Roko. Roko turned to look at Rivera.

"I don't mind." Rivera smirked, "It's your plan after all."

Roko turned back to the princesses, "We're planning to put Brea's grave there."

"Whoa." Helena said, "I mean...I guess that makes sense are you sure?"

"It'll be good for the alliance." Brook replied.

"I mean, I'm sure it would but...that's a pretty big thing to just put in an old human masquerading as an elf's home."

"I could just hide it there without telling him." Rivera mused.

"Will all due respect, Queen Rivera, Enlil is not the type of person who will take that well." Kaguya said.

"Perhaps you're right. But if he doesn't like the idea, we're back to having no plan." Rivera sighed.

"I'm sure Roko can convince him anyway." Helena quickly added, "Right, Roko?"

"I have to do it?" Roko scowled.

"I'm sure we can convince him anyway." Helena quickly corrected.

"In any case, we have to see if the environment is able to host an enchantment to begin with." Brook cut in, "So let's just do that first, shall we?"

"Okay, then off we go!" Helena called, "Everyone, forward march."

"So does Roko not get a bed this time?"

"Thank god." Roko growled.

"No we have one. It's just...we ran out of room so we kinda put it on top of a bunch of stone plates."

"That doesn't sound comfortable."

"I don't need it." Roko insisted loudly.

The group arrived at the orc camp to see another cart already there. A less robust cart compared to their own and made of black wood. Its contents seemed to have been unloaded a bit already. The contents' owner was nowhere to be found but it wasn't hard to guess whose it was.

"Surprise!" Reaumur, Ohm and Drift all popped out from inside the cart as Roko's group came over to investigate.

"Why is it when we need someone it's always you three?" Helena grinned as she placed her hands on her hips.

"Wow, it almost sounds like you didn't want to see us again so soon." Reaumur smiled, "Plus it isn't just us three. It's us five!"

Penny poked her out in front of Reaumur, panting happily as Klaus simply blinked into view next to Roko.

"Aw, we always have more time for more doggos!" Helena rubbed Penny's cheeks as Reaumur hugged the sociable dog from behind.

"What are we then?" Ohm sighed with a smile on his face.

"Do you want to try petting the dog, Rivera?" Momo asked.

"Can I?! I mean-" Rivera cleared her throat, "No, I'm good."

"QUEEN RIVERA?!" The dark elf trio all cried out in shock as they finally noticed the elf queen, "What are you doing here?!"

"Magical atmosphere confirmation."

"Can you not just...get someone else to do it? It's not that hard a task to do is it?"

"I have my own reasons." Rivera said smugly.

The dark elves turned to Roko.

"We're moving Brea's grave here."

"Roko!" Rivera frowned as the dark elves gasped.

"You said you don't mind since it's my idea after all."

"Cheeky little human." Rivera sighed, "Well whatever."

"Brea's grave here?" Reaumur frowned as she did her best to process the ramifications, "I guess that's a good idea but...uh..."

"I'm gonna be honest, I don't know if I'm smart enough to think of all the consequences." Ohm chuckled nervously.

"Perhaps we should go tell Romer?" Drift suggested.

"Romer's here?" Kaguya said.

"Yep. We're here on orders from Polaris to help the old elf move in." Ohm explained, "They should be inside the cave."

"Alright then, I think it's about time we start working." Rivera said, "I'll begin the analysis and start scoping out the area for myself."

"Reaumur, Ohm, Drift, would you like to help us unload our cargo as well?" Momo asked.

"Holy hell that's a lot of stuff." Ohm whistled.

"I can't believe you found all this in like two days." Reaumur gulped.

"Is that a chandelier?" Drift said, "I didn't think they made any that big."

"Anyway Roko." Brook said as everyone moved to begin their work, "We should try and convince that old man about our plan now."

"You sure you don't have anything else you want to do?"

"I figured I'll lend you a hand when you need it."

"Thanks but I don't think it'll be that difficult."

Roko, Brook and Klaus found Romer, Enlil and Ereshkigal in the central chamber. What used to be the orcs, or rather, Waur's throne room. The very same room that Roko collapsed the ceiling in order to flood the entire complex and escape. Enlil and Romer were standing there looking up at the hole with uncertainty.

"We'll need to patch this up with some stone." Enlil said, "I don't know how we'll be able able to do it without further damaging the surroundings."

"Rocks around the edges seem a bit brittle. Might need to patch in some clay first before we begin building back up."

"I do want to rebuild the small lake there. I'm sorry if that makes it harder for you."

"It does change the types of materials we'll have to use." Romer sighed as he noted it down on his comically tiny clipboard compared to his frame.

"Who could've done something like this anyway?" Enlil frowned.

"Who indeed?" Brook smirked as she called out to the two elves plus a human.

"Ah, Brook." Romer said, "It's been a while. What are you doing here?"

"Well, I'm just following my mom this time."

"Your mom, the queen huh?" Romer stroked his chin, "You were here at the raid so I suppose you would be a good candidate to help out. Though what exactly are you here to help with?"

"Well for starters, I brought the culprit who made the hole in your ceiling." Brook patted Roko on the shoulder.

"Wait, YOU did this?!" Enlil cried, "I didn't know you were that strong!"

"Well it wasn't my power that did this though it is my responsibility I guess." Roko sighed, "But we're not here to talk about this right now."

"Do you need something then?" Enlil frowned, "Do I need to approve of some design decisions again?"

"Oh you definitely will." Roko replied, "Though we have one big one that we need you to consider."

"What is it then?"

"I spoke to Rivera. She's thinking of hiding Brea's grave here."

"Who?" Ereshkigal said as Enlil went pale.

"She's the one who created the forest you lived in." Brook answered.

"Sounds like a big deal."

"It is a big deal." Romer frowned, "What is the meaning of this?"

"This might have been mentioned to you but part of the reason why I discovered the orc's attack was due to them invading the hiding grounds for Brea's grave in the middle of my hero's trial. These monsters reproduce using corpses as a component so it's imperative that we keep them away from a corpse as powerful as Brea. And if we're trying to find someway to avoid monsters that can eat magic, this sanctified ground is the perfect place."

"Roko." Enlil scowled, "Give me one good reason why I should allow this to happen to MY home."

"Aside from the fact this technically isn't your home yet? Think about it. Do you think you can protect you and your daughter alone?"


"If something unexpected happens, would it not be a good idea to have more allies you can call upon? Keeping Brea's grave here mean you've earned the favor of the queen of Granreveria. That'd be both her and Polaris and the dark elves that you can call upon. That's not even mentioning that by accepting this, you immediately get higher tier security and protection for your home. Is that not worth letting them hide the grave of a hero on your land?"

"...What if they decide to get rid of me?" Enlil replied.

"As it stands, it seems they have no intention of ousting you from this land. Both Rivera and Polaris have their own homes that they are tied to and still have complex magics supporting them. Moving either party out of the forest will not be a simple nor easy feat both logistically nor politically. Not to mention that if either party tried to do so, the other will instantly be directly opposing them. And more than anything, this move is to help smooth things out between the elves and the dark elves. Placing Brea's grave here is meant to metaphorically bury the differences between the two races and promote unity. Neither party would be incentivized to mess with you."

Enlil scowled as he considered Roko's solid logic.

"I can propose that we not even share the fact that this location is being used." Brook suggested, "Neither as the place for Brea's grave nor as your home. You're unrelated to the majority of the citizens. There is no need for us to even disclose this."

"Of course, doing so makes it difficult for you to receive support should you need it." Roko nodded, "But it is a possible layer of security we can give you."

"Goddammit, how are you so convincing?" Enlil growled.

"So is that a yes?" Brook asked hopefully.

"Yes, it's fine. I guess having one grave here wouldn't change much."

"We'll probably be placing protection magic around it so you might not even be able to see it yourself." Brook chuckled.

"I can't believe you guys convinced me to do this." Enlil sighed.

"If it helps, we didn't convince you of anything." Roko said, "We simply gave the best information we had and you made a decision based off that."

"Roko, I think that's 'convincing'." Brook smirked.

"Maybe but then it sounds like I'm more skilled than I actually am." Roko crossed his arms.

"Humility is for the virtuous, Roko." Romer chuckled, "You can have some faith in your own skills."

"It's not a matter of virtue. If I act too proud, it might cause a reversal of decision just on spite."

"Wow petty do you think people are?"


"I mean, he's not wrong." Enlil said.

"Pessimists, all of you." Brook shook her head.

"At least the old elf has some pride in his work. You should learn from him, Roko." Romer said.

"I told you, I'm not that convincing." Roko sighed.

"Hey dad." Ereshkigal spoke up, "Can we get a dog?"

Everyone turned to look at Ereshkigal who was sitting on top of Klaus, while rubbing his neck.

"What? Why would we get a dog?" Enlil frowned.

Ereshkigal turned to look at Roko. And then everyone else turned to look at Roko too.

"I mean..." Roko shrugged, "A blink dog can help defend you, I guess."

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