Chapter 189: Rock King
"How nice of you to visit the throne room again, Roko." Rivera said coldly, "I didn't think you had the time to come bothe- I mean, visit me."
"Well, I left some meals left behind before I left." Roko sighed, "But I'm here just to check up on you."
"Are you now?"
"It's been two weeks. How's the procurement of noumenite going?"
Rivera leaned forward, her gaze pointed downward as she covered her face with her hands.
"I'm going to assume that's it's not going well then?"
"NO ONE HAS ANY!" Rivera let out a frustrated burst, "I'm not the only one I know who would like a noumenite, but I'm the only one who NEEDS a noumenite!"
"Should've figured a material as rare as that wouldn't be easy to find." Roko crossed his arms.
"I even went to less credible sources for it and they don't have any either." Rivera rubbed her temple, "I asked everyone I knew too. I didn't expect this search to be this hard."
"If it was that easy to find, we wouldn't had to rely on you to begin with."
Rivera didn't reply, sitting there in deep thought, or at least pretending to be in deep thought.
"So..." Roko said, "Do you need our help finding one?"
Rivera didn't answer. She didn't even look at Roko.
"Are you going to answer me?"
Still nothing.
"Are you too embarrassed to ask us for help after saying you'd handle it?"
No response.
"Okay well we still need to get this done so do you mind if I just go looking for one anyway?"
"I'll just take your silence as a yes then?"
No reply.
"Great." Roko clapped, "So I'll just...head out. See what I can do about this noumenite thing. Uh, I'll still be around for the rest of the day before I return to the encampment. You go ahead and call me if anything changes, okay?"
"Great. I'll be using your library."
And then Roko left.
"Hey Vine."
"Well if it isn't my favorite human." The elven librarian didn't look up to greet the old acquaintance.
"I'm your favorite? Really? Not Corissa?"
"Corissa didn't pass the Hero's Trial to start looking into the restricted section. Though she is a very close second."
"About the restricted section. Can I still look around in there?"
"Be my guest. I wouldn't have stopped you if you came here without even completing the Hero's Trial."
"Are you sure you want Branch hearing that?"
"Branch hasn't been around that much."
"Any idea what he's been doing?"
"Not for certain. Though I have been hearing of this secret fanclub that I'm not saying he's been a part of."
"What's the fanclub about?"
"...So what're you reading?"
"Cool Campus Collegiate. It's about elves if they were in a human high school."
"Hm. Slice of Life then?"
"Shounen Battle."
"Shounen ba-in a high school?!"
"Well it WAS a Slice of Life until the author introduced this new power system and people started fighting each other. Now it's become so popular that the author's pretty much shifted gears."
"Hm. Title still sounds very Slice of Life though."
"Yeah, she's been talking about changing the title recently."
"Sounds pretty interesting though."
"Yeah but I'm not sure about the sex scenes."
"Why are there-" Roko stopped himself, "Never mind. Look, do you have any books on noumenites?"
The information around noumenite was scarce, even from the restricted library. Roko spent more time reading about gems and their affinity for magical enchantment more than about actual noumenites. It was enlightening but provided no new information on where they could find it. Still, Roko made sure to borrow one or two books as he left the library later that day to confirm the shipment of more materials with Treesa. As it turned out, Mistral had come to visit along with the dark elves that had left to help with the reconstruction of the camp. Except instead of going to the camp, she went to the village to bother Treesa. Along with Spark. So Roko made sure to quickly confirm the shipment before escaping to his home that he felt like he rarely had to use ever since coming here. And come the next day, the supply cart was prepared and Roko began the trip back to the camp, cold-heartedly and cruelly leaving Treesa to her fate of socializing with her arch nemesis. At least, according to Treesa anyway.
After monstrously and inhumanely abandoning the inn keeper that he never actually registered a room with, Roko returned to the kitchen and went right back to preparing for the day's meals. He continued on this schedule for a day or two as he finished the books he had borrowed from the eleven library. And when he felt ready, he passed a message to Kaguya. Just a request for a small meeting. Though when they finally met in one of the farther caverns of the cave network where no one else usually traveled, the atmosphere was more serious and solemn than one would expect from the innocent request.
"It's been a while." Kaguya said as she set down a simple lantern on a crate, "You've been quite busy these past few days."
"Turns out it's much harder to replace Corissa than one would think." Roko said.
"And yet you seem to have done her work and then some."
"A lot has to be done." Roko sighed, "Including...procuring noumenite."
"Mhm." Kaguya said, her reply hiding any hint of her thoughts but her casual response spoke to her understanding of this eventual meeting, "Well if you need help, I can see what I can do. What do you know about noumenite right now?"
"...Gem compatibility is determined by the composition of the gem." Roko said as he pulled out his notebook and consulted his notes, "Both in the material that make it up and the organization of that material. This goes for it's magical qualities and physical qualities. Both of these are intimately intertwined as both determine the ultimate identity of the gem. The quality of the magic in the gem determines what kind of magic can best be enchanted to it as well as the gem's color. It's structure determines the complexity of the enchantment that can be attached to it."
Kaguya didn't reply though she nodded along, letting Roko continue.
"Noumenite in this regard is a blank state. A gem with unidentified magic in a universal structure. This makes it infinitely enchantable. Though overwriting any existing enchantment is not recommended. Particularly strong enchantments have been said to twist the structure of noumenite itself, turning it into different kind of gems. Lesser quality noumenites have been reported to turn into different gems when exposed to particularly strong enchantments however there are legends of a high quality noumenites that retain their clear coloring and flexible structure. There are also theories that noumenites are actually plentiful however, their exposure to wild mana turns them into gems, however that's never been proven."
"Interesting." Kaguya said, "I understand why it's rare but that doesn't explain why it's discovery is so heavily restricted. Do you have any idea why?"
"Noumenite are devoid of definition and therefore seek definition. They have the unique trait of absorbing nearby mana in order to stabilize itself. There are no actual confirmations on whenever this turns the noumenite into different kinds of gems, rather that the absorption rate is as dangerous as mana poisoning. Excessive exposure to noumenite is said to drain your life and the lives of those around it. Furthermore, the ability to take in any enchantment naturally makes it an extremely potent weapon in the right or wrong hands."
"Very good Roko." Kaguya nodded, "You've done your research well. I just only have one more question for you."
"What's that?"
"Why would my country hide noumenites if it reporting it would bring us out of our poverty?"
"That is a question I cannot answer."
"Then let me tell you, Roko." Kaguya said, more serious than Roko had ever seen her, "It's because it's our weapon against each other. I'm not saying everyone in power has a piece of noumenite at their command but enough of a history of suspected noumenite use has taught us to keep any we have in secret in case our enemies use them against us. Do you understand? My country would sooner kill each other with this treasure than use it to rise out of our position. That is the cold, heartless country of Fuyuki. The country that I belong to."
"I understand." Roko nodded, "And in consideration of this, I don't think it would be easy for me to ask you to give me any noumenite you might find. If needed I will find some other way."
"Your consideration is greatly appreciated." Kaguya said, "It almost brings a tear to my eyes, how sympathetic and understanding you are. For all you've done, I couldn't possibly find it in myself to refuse your earnest request. Therefore, I've come to you with a hint."
"A hint you say?"
Kaguya held out her hand and Mikado placed a large locked wooden box in her hands. Taking out Calcify, Kaguya nicked her thumb with it ever so slightly to draw a drop of blood and smeared it over the lock, the unusual crystalline lock absorbing the blood before popping open. Drawing the cover open with baited breath, Kaguya turned the box around to reveal a large smooth white stone.
"This is..." Roko said, unsure what it was besides the fact that this was not noumenite.
"This is an Abnegate. It's a somewhat rare stone. You might pay a pretty penny for one but it's otherwise a pretty paperweight."
"Okay...what does this have to do with anything?"
"There's a little secret to abnegate that my family has kept secret for years." Kaguya said in a hushed tone, "It's structurally...very similar to noumenite. Apply immense pressure to it in a mana rich environment and you can slowly whittle out a piece of noumenite. Or so I've been told."
"I see." Roko said, "So this can become a noumenite..."
"That's the idea. Of course, I've never done it myself but I have no reason to disbelieve it. Though the amount of noumenite you craft out of it will depend on your own skills."
"So I have to chisel the noumenite out of this?"
"Correct. Though like I said, you'll have to also apply great pressure to it while in a mana rich environment. The change is said to start at it's deepest core and will grow out from inside the stone. It's an immensely time consuming process. And you can't stop in the middle of the process, at least traditionally."
"I see. So the carver is risking their own life, poisoning themselves to make noumenite."
"Indeed. But you've been doing that already so I figured you'd be up for the job." Kaguya smiled, "Though this process is supposed to only be able to create low quality noumenite."
"It's only similarity is the structure, correct? We can make it like noumenite but that doesn't change the volume of mana in it. Maybe if we could remove the mana from it...using a holy spell."
"Oh my, innovating already, Roko?!" Kaguya laughed, "True, we've never had that avenue open to us before."
"The problem now is getting Corissa to help us." Roko sighed.
"What about the gravity spell?" Kaguya asked, "Could we ask Rivera for an enchanted piece like with the wind spell?"
"If it's like the wind bracelet, then it's charge likely wouldn't survive the entire process. If this is the one place I can actually use magic then I'd probably be able to get by using the scanned copy of gravity I got from Hyacinth."
"You sneaky devil. I didn't know you were scanning things like that without us noticing."
"You never know when this stuff might come in handy but it's never usually right at that moment."
"In that case, all we need is to get Corissa to help us." Kaguya nodded, "Do you need help with that?"
"Well, she won't be happy about it but I don't think she'll stop us. Or rather, stop me."
"We could have someone else do it you know." Kaguya smiled, "I don't know any experts but you don't have to poison yourself again."
"For something this important, I can't afford to leave it to just anybody." Roko looked at the abnegate warily, "Besides, I think my...unique talents might actually help in this...creation process."
"Well you've certainly got my interest now." Kaguya laughed, "I'll be praying for your safety. As I imagine everyone else will be too."
"In the meantime, we'll need someone else to prepare everyone's dinner. And I don't want Corissa to get distracted from her homework."
"Got it, I'll do the cooking for everyone." Kaguya smiled, "But do hurry back though. I'm not sure everyone will be quite dissatisfied with my meals compared to you and Corissa."
"If the complaints are anything to go by, you'll do better than me."
It was late in the night when Roko approached the princess during a small walk around the open grounds. She turned to him with a curious smile and warmly responded,
"Hey Roko! It's been a while! How's cooking been for you?"
"More or less exactly what I expected." Roko replied, "Look, there's a bit of a test we need you to do with your holy spell."
"Oh really?"
"Here." Roko handed her the abnegate, "Try casting holy on this."
"On this?" Corissa took the rock in her hand with a confused look in her eyes, "Okay… Holy."
Nothing happened. Roko could've sworn the stone glowed for a little bit but it might've just been a trick of the light...or maybe he was just really tired. Still, Roko casted an analyze spell on it to see if it made any difference but no new information turned up.
"Did it work?" Corissa asked.
"...Yeah." Roko lied a bit, a little bit of a prayer towards his unproven idea, "I think we have what we need now."
"...Anyway, I'm going to be gone for a few days." Roko said as he took the abnegate from Corissa, "Don't worry about the cooking. Kaguya's going to handle that. Just focus on your incantation. We're all relying on you. No pressure."
Corissa didn't reply. Her eyes weren't concerned with her own situation but held a suspicion and anxiety for Roko. As if she already knew he was going to do something reckless again. And Roko, seeing this, made a quick move to try and leave, a mnove that only seemed to confirm Corissa's suspicions, the princess quickly grabbing onto Roko's sleeve and holding him back for a few more quiet seconds.
"Roko..." Corissa said, that specter of Roko's fate haunting her imagination drew more sadness and concern than she had ever expressed for herself, possibly for anyone else, "I know...I can't convince I won't tell you to should I say?"
Corissa's voice came though pained and frustrated, drowning in a deep sadness that struck at Roko's guilt. There was nothing he could think to say to assuage her worries and yet he knew he had to try. To say something comforting when he knew there was nothing he could say to soften the situation. Not exactly a lie by any means yet Roko felt just as bad as if he was.
"If you could save everyone you'd do it right?"
"If you could help anyone you'd do it right?"
"And you'd do it even if you had to suffer in the process?"
"..." Corissa didn't reply. Not because she didn't have anything to say, she just knew how much she'd agree so she simply pouted.
"It's just the kind of people we are. We want to help wherever we can. And do we ever do so with the full expectation that we're going to die?"
"Then don't go expecting me to die because I certainly don't." Roko pat the young girl on the head, "I'll do everything I can to come back to you, Okay?"
Corissa's gaze fell downward, not convinced of Roko's safety but consoled enough to slowly let go of his sleeve. Roko took a few steps away from her, doing his best not to face Corissa again. But he still felt compelled to stop not far from her and give one last statement,
"You should trust your friends more."
Before fully walking off towards his hut. Corissa watched him leave for a bit before muttering, "You should too, you know."
Before turning around and heading off to the home the girls were using.
Roko arrived at the edge of the "poisonous" area in Arbrea close to noon the next day. A special cart had been prepared by Kaguya that took them directly there. It was also loaded with some basic equipment and supplies for the long work ahead of him.
"This process usually takes at least a week in my country." Kaguya nodded, "But I'll see if I can drop by and check up on you before then."
With a final solemn nod and a wave of farewell, Kaguya and Mikado began their ride back to the camp. Roko stood there for a moment, taking in the magnitude of the duty he had assigned himself before sighing and walking straight into the field.
He wasn't sure how many times he's been back to this small field but he still felt a bit of apprehension remembering his fight with Alec. The field of flowers that were left would be beautiful if not for the battle damage, the memories and the fact that this place was radioactive for lack of a better term. Still, Roko had a job to do so he set up the small table that was given to him, laid out the sculptors tools that he'd need and sat down in front of the abnegate. It was a daunting task ahead of him but there was a part of him thrilled to set his ideas in motion. So he slowly traced the gravity magic he had stolen and began to go to work.