Chapter 46: Titan
"Roko!" Helena cried as she scrambled to her feet, "Hold on, I'll dig you out!"
"There's too much rubble." Roland said as he stopped Helena from running to wards the collapsed ruins, "It'll take all day to find him. We can leave finding his body to the authorities. He's probably dead anywa-"
"I'd prefer if you checked if I was actually dead before you write me off you bastard!"
"Roko?!" Helena cried as she heard his voice leak out from the wreckage, "Where are you?! I'll get you out!"
"No, don't even bother. I don't even want his help. Let me just..."
With great effort, Roko pushed aside the debris on top of him and shoved Bedlam's body off to the side.
"Roko!" Helena cried as she ran up to him, almost tripping over some of the remains as she hugged him, "Oh thank god you're alive!"
"You used Bedlam's body as a cover?" Roswell smiled as he and Roland joined them on top of the detritus, "That's pretty clever."
"I had to decapitate him on the way down." Roko said as he glanced towards the headless body that he had used to cover himself, "Past that, I could only hope that the body would just fall on top of me. Still, I wouldn't have been able to do that without that headshot you made."
"Really?!" Helena grinned bashfully, "Aw thanks! I wasn't sure if I could make it myself."
"You made it from all the way back there?" Roko asked as he glanced towards where the bodies of the girls they had moved were."
Off the top of his head, the distance from the center of the warehouse where Bedlam had been standing was about 15 meters. The distance from the warehouse to the girls was about the same amount of distance, so another 15 meters.
"You made a headshot from about 30 meters away?" Roko raised an eyebrow, "That's impressive."
"A little under 30 meters probably." Helena nodded, "Roland and Roswell was trying to drag me back as well."
"Still can't have been an easy shot."
"I'm just glad I could help." Helena blushed, "That and getting a hit off on Bedlam felt really good."
"Be careful." Roland frowned, "He might regenerate his head."
"I don't think so." Roko said, "The side that Helena blew off has pretty much stopped healing so at the very least, the body isn't going to recover."
"So he's dead?" Roswell asked hopefully, "Finally?!"
"I'd prefer if you actually checked if I was dead before you write me off you bastard!"
"There we go." Roko sighed as everyone turned around to try and locate where the voice had come from, "There's the other shoe."
"I'm going to kill you all!"
"Keep talking, Bedlam, help us find you." Helena called as she looked over the wreckage.
"I'm going to murder you! I'm going to tear out your heart and feed it to the wolves!"
"Gee, haven't heard that before." Helena said as she began searching through the rubble, "Ah! There you are!"
Removing a piece of wall, Helena picked up the tiny disembodied head of Bedlam who glared daggers at the group though its effects were rather ineffective.
"Aw, he's almost cute like this." Helena giggled.
"Careful, he's still regenerating." Roland smirked as he poked Bedlam with his sword.
"Interesting that it's attempting to reconstitute an entirely new body instead of a new head." Roswell mused, "And in doing so, leaving behind the book."
"Speaking of that, it should be easy to retrieve the grimoire now." Roko said as he turned to the body, "Looks like everything's wrapped up quite nicely."
Bedlam's head began laughing, almost manically, "Did you think I'd have no connection to my body despite being beheaded?!"
Roko turned Bedlam's body over before he notice the grimoire glowing with dark light in the body's hand. At once, Bedlam's body turned into a mass of black and red liquid that surrounded the book as it began to morph and grow, the black liquid on the ground that formed the magic circle funneling into this orb. The black mass continued to grow until it lashed out and grabbed Bedlam's head from Helena's hands. Bedlam laughed as he was subsumed into the inky water, his mad howling coming through just as clearly from underneath the black mass.
"Aw come on, not again!" Roland moaned as the mass bulged up and began to take shape of a monster. Legs formed out as the mass built upward, spawning arms and a torso but stopping at the base of the neck. This new monster stood like a giant shadow, almost at the same height as the warehouse, standing on legs that ended in a small stumps and armed not with any sort of weapon but proper hands. Bones once again poked out from the dark liquid, but no longer in odd places or improper angles. In fact, the liquid on the surface seemed to rush around the body in small streams, almost resembling sinew and muscle.
"It just keeps learning." Roko growled.
"I wish it'd learn to give up." Helena frowned as she uncorked a bottle of blue liquid and drank it, "I'm running out of mana here."
The giant pulled back its titanic arm and threw a punch at Roko and Helena. Roland and Roswell quickly stepped in and blocked it with their shields, straining to hold it back. Roko stabbed his sword in between the shield and Helena fired an ice spell at the torso. As the monster pulled back its arm the ice spell hit its body, shattering upon impact.
"Well aren't you a sturdy one." Helena said.
"Split up." Roswell said to Roland, "We'll flank him."
"I don't take orders from you." Roland growled but went around the giant all the same.
"Can you keep going?" Helena asked Roko.
"Even if I can't, I must." Roko sighed as he looked up at the eldritch giant, "Analyze."
Health: 100%
Mana: 100%
Attack: 76
Defense: 89
A highly detailed monstrous replication of the human body. Without having been incubated, its composition had to be compromised. While it has less health than normal, the rapid flow of the liquid around its body acts as a powerful barrier against most attacks. Inside its body is the grimoire and Bedlam's head which continues to regenerate.
"Wait, The blurb works?" Roko frowned, " it because Bedlam's in there? Or did using Bedlam's body as material make it more...human or something? Wait, does that mean...Scan!"
Level: 45
Strength: 58
Dexterity: 53
Constitution: 65
Intelligence: 49
Wisdom: 48
Charisma: 70
Spells: None, ???
Weakness: Water
"It works!" Roko cried, shocked, "It's weakness is water? Where could I even find some water? We're in the middle of the cit-"
Roko's eyes darted around the warehouses until his eyes settled on a water tower a few meters away.
"Push him back!" Roko cried as he ran past everyone, towards the water tower.
"You're not going to help?!" Roland objected before he was forced to block another punch.
Roko reached the water tower and quickly climbed up the ladder, an almost laborious task as the tower stood a good few meters taller than the giant itself. Pulling himself up to the tank of water, he took a moment to survey the battle as he caught his breath. Roland and Roswell were doing their best to force the monster back towards the tower. Helena was doing her best as well though her ice magic seemed to not even faze the giant. Turning his attention back to the tank, Roko climbed up and flipped open a hatch to look into the tank. Thankfully there was water in it, almost full to the brim with it. The problem now was how he was going to dump it on the monster.
"Let's see what we can dig up." Roko gulped, "Analyze."
Water Tower
HP: 92%
Mana: 0%
Attack: 0
Defense: 50
An aged water tower holding approximately 28,000 gallons of water. While the purity of the water could be better, it is harmless to drink. The ladder on the inside of the tank is missing for unknown reasons. The bottom of the tower is improperly reinforced and could burst if left alone for a few years or breached.
"Oh?" Roko felt a smirk pass his lips, "This could work."
Roko got on top of the roof and looked out over the warehouse district, the staggering height instilling a dizzying feeling of fear. Shaking it from his mind, Roko looked down, reigniting his acrophobia which he stubbornly pushed down to check on his friends. Roland and Roswell were making progress, almost forcing the giant Bedlam monster right underneath the water tower. Helena was running about, making sure the monster didn't stray too far left or right to avoid the trap that she had caught on to. They weren't the most subtle so Roko suspected that Bedlam has caught wind onto their plan, though the exact details might still evade him. There was no way for him to know his own weakness after all.
"Put him under!" Roko called out, catching the attention of his allies.
Roko could see Roland grumbling underneath his breath though he was obviously too high up to hear him. Bedlam could definitely hear him though at this point it was too late. Helena used her ice spell to make a small patch of ice behind the monster as the knights forced one last push, throwing the monster backwards and slipping on the ice, falling right underneath the water tower. The monster grabbed onto the legs of the structure to try and pull itself up once again but Roko was already sprinting back to the hatch of the water tank and after securing the strap of his sword sheath around his wrist, he dove into the tank.
Roko had never swam before. He might had taken a class or two when he was a child but all that was just a hazy memory now. He was in no way prepared for the water and he could've sworn he drowned a dozen times over just by entering the darkness of the tank. Still, he forced his eyes open and swam, albeit amateurishly towards the bottom of the tank at its center. Drawing his sword, Roko felt the pressure of the water fighting him as he raised it, praying he had enough strength to pierce the bottom. With his lungs struggling to retain their breath, Roko plunged the sword through the weakened bottom of the tank. Water began to drip out but it wasn't until he wrenched his sword back, creating a sizable gash, that the water began to drain out at immense speed. Roko grabbed onto the bottom of the tank, trying to keep hold of both the bottom and of his sword as the water flow threatened to pull him out the tank prematurely. Whenever he could, Roko tried dragging the sword further back, making the hole at the bottom as big as possible, making the 28,000 gallons of water draining faster which he couldn't tell if it was helping him stay aground or not. He focused on staying inside until he felt the pressure on him start to lessen and finally, he allowed himself to go with the flow at the last second, draining out of the tank with the last of the water.
Roko crashed onto the top of the giant monster, confirming that the water had successfully emptied all over the creature and also knocking the breath out of him. As he tried to catch his first clean breath in what felt like forever, he could feel himself slipping off the monster. With his last resolve, Roko stabbed his sword into the body of the monster, sliding down it's body until he managed to stop. Hanging from his sword, Roko shook the water from his eyes as he finally regained his sense and looked up at the faceless liquid monster in front of his eyes.
"You're washed up."
Roko pulled on his reserves of anger and hatred and slashed down the monster's body, wounding the creature as he fell the last few meters to the earth. Luckily Roland and Roswell managed to catch him before he could fall to his death.
"Did I really just do a one-liner?" Roko coughed as he tried to pull himself onto his feet, "How lame."
"Roko, the stuff you do is insane." Helena grinned as she ran up to them.
"Hey, I can't help but notice the giant isn't dead." Roland scowled.
"Analyze." Roko coughed again as he glanced at the monster to properly target his spell before taking another moment to compose himself, "While it's certainly still around, the water has drained over half its health and reduced its defense to 0."
"It might look a bit smaller." Roswell squinted, "I can't really tell."
"Is there anything we can do to finish it off?" Helena asked.
"It'll all come down to you." Roko said as he placed an exhausted hand over Helena's shoulder.
"M-Me?!" Helena yelped, surprised, "But my ice magic hasn't been very effective so far!"
"That's because you've been flash freezing the surface of your targets up till now." Roko nodded, "Against the current running through its body, it's not going to work. It's like throwing a leaf at a river. The river remains unchanged.
"Then what can I do?"
"You need to compact your ice." Roko said as he walked around to behind Helena, "Make an icicle. As big and as sharp as you can. A leaf will just float downriver but a rock will force the water aside."
" icicle." Helena gulped as he looked down at her hands, "I think I can do that."
Helena brought her hands together and pointed her forefingers at the giant, "Ice." Freezing magic gathered in front of Helena's fingers and coalesced into an icicle that kept growing bigger and sharper until it was the length of a carriage.
"You're going to need to aim it as well." Roko said as he reached around to gently grab Helena's hands, "I'll help with that."
"W-W-W-W-Wait a minute! Roko?!" Helena's face grew red as Roko hugged her from behind.
"Concentrate." Roko said, too tired to defuse the tension that gave Roland an indescribably furious look, "Scan."
Two objects became highlighted in green within the giant's body. A head and a book. There was only one shot and it was up to Roko to guide Helena's icy projectile.
"On three. One...two...three."