In HxH with my fairy godmother

Chapter 1: Chapter 01 : Insert Name Here


'…' Thought

"…" speech


Ring Island. That's what they called it. A perfect circle of land surrounding a vast, silent lake at its heart.

And on its shores stood a boy.

He looked about ten, with a buzz cut of black hair, pale skin, and dark eyes that didn't quite belong on a child's face. Most kids his age had a kind of energy to them—wild, restless, full of life. But not him. His gaze was heavy, distant, as if he were somewhere else entirely. Some people might say he looked tired. Others, that he looked out of place.

They wouldn't be wrong.

His name? Not important. Not yet.

What mattered was this: he didn't belong here. Not really. Like so many stories before, Because in the quiet corners of his mind, there were memories—memories that didn't belong to a ten-year-old. A past life. A different world. A time when he had been older, when he had lived, when he had died?

And yet, somehow, he was here.

His story starts like this.

Hello, everybody.

I was one of you once. Just a regular guy in his twenties, fresh out of medical school, stuck in a stressful, underpaid rookie job. Single, had a few girlfriends along the way, but nothing serious. A bit introverted. Loved music, anime, and movies. Played basketball—not professionally, just for fun. Even picked up the guitar for a while. My family? Loving, but crazy as well.

Then, something must have happened to me. Because I died. Or at least, I think I did.

I don't remember how. No flashes of light, no tragic accident. Just… nothing. The only things left from my past life are scraps of knowledge—fragments of my old language, bits of anime, music, places I've been. But faces? Names? Blurred, like childhood memories you can't quite grasp.

And now?

Now, I'm in a ten-year-old's body. A body that looks a lot like my old one. And I'm standing on an island called Ring Island, in a world that shouldn't exist.

At first, I wasn't sure. But then I heard the name of our neighboring island—Whale Island. And the kids here? All five of them dream of becoming Hunters. That's when it hit me.

I was in the world of Hunter x Hunter.

Still, I needed proof. So I went to the town square, found an internet connection, and started digging. And that's when I saw him.

An old man. Weird, Enel-like ears. Goat-like facial hair. It took me maybe ten seconds to recognize him—Isaac Netero.

The last thing I remember about him was watching him get beaten by an ant king, while praying after every blow.

That's when I knew for sure: I must've met a ROB (Random Omnipotent Being). Or a system. Or something before coming here,

How you ask ?

Because of my fu****g name.

The language here was basically Japanese. Took me a while to get the hang of speaking and writing it.

To the people around me, my name didn't seem strange at all. Just another normal name. But any English speaker would take one look at it and know something was off.

And no, it wasn't some ridiculous name like Bob Uchiha or ripped straight from a famous protagonist.

In this life, I was an orphan—or more accurately, recently orphaned. My father's name was Haruko Here, my mother's was Ino Name. And for reasons I can't begin to understand, they decided to name me… Insert.

That's right. My full name in this life is Insert Name Here.

I repeat. My name is Insert. Name. Here.

So yeah. Either I met a ROB or used some transmigration system, and somewhere along the way… I must have forgotten to pick a name,or…there's no or huh..

I tried everything.shouting :

"System menu!" Nothing.

"Link on!" Still nothing.

"Status!" Nope.

"Open sesame! Mirror, mirror on the wall! Plus ultra!"

Not a damn thing.

So yeah, no system for me. No handy interface, no overpowered cheats, no guiding voice in my head.

But I did have something. A sharp mind. A highly analytical talent—kind of like the one Ging had.

And Nen? Nen was still a distant dream. For now, I was completely nenless. But I'm kind of 10 so…

The internet here is… weird.

The connection speed is fast—surprisingly so—but the interface looks like something straight out of the Windows 98 era. Clunky design, outdated fonts, and a general lack of anything flashy. Multimedia content is scarce. There's a YouTube-like platform, but most of the videos are either dry documentaries or patriotic songs with heavy political undertones. No Facebook, no Instagram—just forums.

Most of these forums are divided by geographical regions. The one I'm in has about 200 users, probably all from the neighboring islands. Conversations are slow, mostly local gossip, trade discussions, or the occasional argument about which island has the best fish.

And the phones? They're just that—phones. You can make calls, but that's about it. No cameras, no internet browsing, nothing fancy. And they're expensive. Especially for a kid from an island.

Most of my time is spent fishing or helping the neighbors with farming and carpentry—odd jobs here and there. It's basically freelancing, just without the fancy term.

As long as you work, getting food and clothes isn't a problem. But anything remotely technological? Out of reach. If you want a radio or a proper phone, you better be rich or living on the mainland.

Now, let's talk about Nen.

I'm not going to bore you with a long-winded explanation just to pad the word count. If you know, you know. But here's something I can tell you—when you've lived a life without it, you feel it when you finally have a body that does. It's like an extra sense, something just beneath the surface, waiting to be tapped into.

I usually meditate while fishing, and my aura nodes? Pretty much already open. But even so, I can tell—I'm not ready to control it yet.

Not yet.

But I'm getting close.

Figuring out the timeline was simple. The safest way? Just head to Whale Island, find Gon, and see how old he is.

But in the end, I didn't even have to.

Remember when I mentioned that most of the kids on my island wanted to become Hunters? Well, it was the same on the forums. Island Boys was filled with wannabe Hunters talking about their dreams, and honestly, it bored me to death. I felt like Shikamaru being forced to listen to Naruto go on every single day about wanting to become Hokage.

Then, I saw him.

A user named nigg, with a panda as a profile picture. In my old world, that username would've raised more than a few eyebrows. But here? I had a very good idea who it was.

Ging Freecss.

I reached out, and sure enough, we were about the same age.

And that's how I ended up here—on a ship headed to Whale Island, about to train with some kid so we could become Hunters.

I mean, what else was I supposed to do? This is Hunter x Hunter. The world runs on the survival of the fittest. And if I wanted to survive, there was only one option—

I had to become one of the strongest.

By hard work.

By "cheating."

By any means necessary.

And so, my story begins.


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