In HxH with my fairy godmother

Chapter 3: Chapter 03 : Nen? Sorry, I Spent It on Wi-Fi


'…' Thought

"…" speech


Something happened.

And now, I'm kind of… Nenless.

Or to be more precise—my Nen was sealed.

And all of this? Because of a fat old lady.

But before I get into that, let me explain what's been going on for the last four months.

After getting started on the road of Nen, Ging and I decided it was time to do Water Divination—the test that determines your Hatsu affinity. I took it upon myself to explain everything I knew about the classification of HATSU even babbled about the hisoka's personality test ,Ging had almost bet his entire fortune on me being a Transmuter. According to Hisoka's crazy logic, the hedgehog-haired bastard figured that since I "lie too much," it was obvious I'd be able to change my aura's properties.

…He says this as if he isn't a walking deception himself.

Anyway, the test was simple: take a glass of water, put a leaf on top, and infuse it with your aura. The way the water reacts determines your type:

If the water overflows, you're an Enhancer—meaning you're the "I-punch-things" type.If the taste changes, you're a Transmuter—meaning your aura can turn into something else, real or imaginary.If the color changes, you're an Emitter—congrats, you get to shoot aura blasts like a wannabe Super Saiyan.If crystals or other impurities form, you're a Conjurer—basically, a walking 3D printer for Nen objects.If the leaf moves, you're a Manipulator—aka a control freak, usually over people, though one guy just really liked controlling dogs. Bless his soul.And if something completely different happens, you're a Specialist—Nen's biggest wildcard, the rule breakers and the rarest of the six types.

I explained all of this to the dumbass beside me in the most detailed, articulate way possible.

And then, against all odds…

We both turned out to be Specialists.

Which made me look like a complete liar since I kept talking about the rarity of the specialists.

Ging's glass of water turned into a mirror with glowing numbers inside. We tested it three times, and each time, a different number appeared. Something told me he was about to get some broken, gamer-like ability. I could already picture it: stat screens, experience bars, maybe even skill trees. Figures.

But my results?

Way worse.

The first time I infused my aura, the water turned into… Coca-Cola.

I almost had a heart attack on the spot, thinking I was about to end up like Tserriednich. But before I could panic, Ging took one look at it, dipped his finger in, tasted it, and casually said:

Ging: "…Sweet. Sugary."

Insert: "You drank it?!"

Ging: "Well, yeah. It smelled good."


Ging: "Then I'd be dead."


The second time, the water turned into milk.

The third time? Orange juice.

So either destiny wanted me to become the world's greatest bartender, or something way deeper was going on.

Ging, of course, found this hilarious.

Ging: "Oh man. What if your Nen just lets you make drinks? That'd be so useful in combat. Imagine this—'Oh no! I'm dying of thirst!' Bam! Fresh lemonade."

Insert: "…I hate you."

Ging: "No, really, though! You could go pro—own a bar, serve high-class criminals, call it The Spirit Well or some cool shit."

Insert: "Ging."

Ging: "Or maybe—maybe—your Nen lets you enhance the drinks! Like, you make a protein shake and suddenly you gain a six-pack!"

Insert: "Ging."

Ging: "Or what if you could spike people's drinks with Nen effects? Like, one sip and they fall asleep! Or one sip and they hallucinate! Or—"

Insert: "SHUT UP, GING!"

He was dying laughing at this point, but I was too busy trying to figure out what the hell my Nen actually meant. Nen abilities usually have some kind of meaning behind them—something tied to your personality, desires, or subconscious mind.

So why the hell was I producing beverages?!

I had no idea.

But I had this sinking feeling… that this power was going to be a lot more important than I thought.

And, as I would soon find out—

It was also the reason for that old lady .

Unlike the other five Nen types, Specialists don't really get to choose their abilities. That's what I always thought, anyway.

So after a long discussion with Ging, we decided to take a different approach: instead of forcing a specific ability, we'd let our Nen manifest naturally—let it take shape on its own. Since Nen is tied to will and desire, whatever ability we got would be the most suitable for us, even if it wasn't the most powerful.

For weeks, we meditated, experimented, and trained, trying to coax out our unique Hatsu.

And let me just say—I called it first.

Ging? That bastard ended up with a gamer-like system.

It wasn't anything crazy like RPG mechanics or level-ups, but when he used Gyo, he could see a status screen—his own stats, skills, and some information about his opponents. The catch? He could only see details he already knew or had figured out logically. Basically, he turned into a human calculator.

More of a development ability than an immediate combat one, but still ridiculously useful. In just three days, he mastered ramen-making to the level of Ichiraku himself. It was outrageous.

As for me?

Well… mine didn't manifest in training.

It showed up when I woke up one morning—

To find a fat old lady in a tutu and holding a magic wand hovering above my head.

I didn't even get the chance to process it before Ging let out a scream:


And unlike him, I kept my cool. I swear. No crying. No panicking. Just calm, rational thinking.

…Okay, maybe I froze a little.

After we both got our shit together, I took a better look at her. That's when I knew.

This was my Hatsu.

She looked exactly like the Fairy Godmother—not the Disney one, but the one from Shrek. And yes, her smile was just as creepy.

Naturally, we had to test it out.

Since Nen abilities usually had a price, I needed to figure out what mine was. So I did what any reasonable person in my situation would do—I made a wish.

Now, let me preface this by saying that we were slightly hungover at the time.

Yes, I know we were barely eleven. And yes, I know we shouldn't have been drinking. But in our defense, we just had to know what chocolate milk mixed with wine tasted like. (Verdict: awful. The kind of awful that made us test different types of chocolate next.)

Anyway, like a true child of the 21st century, my first wish was simple:

Insert: "Alright, Fairy Godmother. Give me an iPhone 10—free music, free streaming, solar rechargeable, indestructible, unlimited internet, fully customizable. Oh! And—"

Before I could finish, she waved her wand—

And sealed my Nen.

Just like that, she vanished.

Leaving me with nothing.

Ging? He collapsed on the ground, howling with laughter.


Insert: "I—what the—WHAT THE HELL?!"



Ging: "A test?! Bro, you wished for a whole-ass dream device! You should've started small, like, I dunno—a sandwich?!"

Insert: "A sandwich wouldn't have told me the conditions, dumbass! This way, I at least know how it works."

Ging was still rolling on the floor, holding his stomach.


I sat there, still trying to process what just happened.

Insert: "First of all—shut the hell up."

He ignored me, still wheezing.

Ging: "Oh man, you should've seen your face. 'Oh, Fairy Godmother, please grant me a new iPhone—'"

Insert: "Dude, it was an experiment! I needed to know the conditions!"

Ging: "Experiment my ass! Bro, you asked for unlimited internet!"

Insert: "…I mean, if it was an option."

He just started laughing harder.

Insert: "Alright, jackass, let's focus! At least I figured out my ability's conditions."

Ging: "Yeah, condition number one: you're an idiot."

Insert: "Condition number two: I will kick your ass as soon as I get my Nen back."

He wiped a tear from his eye.

Ging: "Okay, okay, fine. Let's be serious. You made a wish. Your Nen got sealed. Now what?"

I crossed my arms, thinking.

Insert: "Well, obviously, the Fairy Godmother takes time to fulfill a wish. That means she's burning through my aura, and I can't use Nen until the wish is granted."

Ging: "And how long does that take?"

I shrugged.

Insert: "No clue."

Ging: "Pffft—so you could be Nenless for a day… or for years?"

I felt an uncomfortable chill run down my spine.

Insert: "…That's a terrifying possibility."

Ging: "Bro, what if it takes a lifetime?"

I grabbed his collar.

Insert: "Don't even joke about that, bastard."

He just grinned.

Ging: "Nah, nah, you're fine. If that was the case, she probably would've told you. But man, the fact that you of all people—Mister 'I'll train to be the strongest'—just Nen-sealed yourself for an iPhone… The universe has a sense of humor."

I sighed, rubbing my temples.

Insert: "Alright, screw the phone for a second—how do we fix this?"

Ging: "What's there to fix? You just wait, I guess. Maybe it'll be a week, maybe a month. Who knows?"

Insert: "There has to be a way to shorten the waiting time."

Ging stroked his chin, clearly enjoying watching me suffer.

Ging: "Maybe. You could try wishing for something else—"

Insert: "Oh, yeah, let me just wish for my Nen back! What a genius idea!"

Ging: "Hey, you never know. Maybe she'd just double-seal it."

I groaned.

Insert: "Bro. If I stack another wish on top of this one and it extends the seal, I swear—"

Ging: "Nah, nah, you gotta test it out. Imagine if you wish for a sandwich, and she lets you use your Nen for like ten seconds before sealing it again. You'd be the world's first 'time-share Nen user.'"

Insert: "…Why do you sound like you want me to be a walking sitcom?"

Ging: "Because you are one."

I let out a long sigh.

Insert: "Alright. Let's break this down rationally. Nen abilities usually follow logic based on the user's will, right?"

Ging: "Sure."

Insert: "So what do we know? I made a wish. My Nen got sealed. That means the Fairy Godmother needs a certain amount of time to fulfill the wish. Logically, the bigger the wish, the longer the seal."

Ging: "So a phone was too big. You should've started with a rock."

Insert: "No one wishes for a rock, dumbass."

Ging: "I dunno, man. I'd make some hilarious wishes. 'Oh, Fairy Godmother, bless me with the ability to fart fire!'"

I shot him a glare.

Insert: "You have a gamer system that lets you analyze everything like a human wiki, and this is the direction your mind goes?"

Ging: "Hey, at least I can still use my ability."

I felt my eyebrow twitch.

Insert: "…Say that again."

Ging: "At least I can still use my ability."

Without hesitation, I lunged at him.


He dodged, laughing, as I swung a punch at his head. The worst part? He wasn't even trying.

Ging: "Wow, you really lost all your juice, huh?"


Ging: "Bro, at this rate, I'll be the older brother by the time you do!"


We scuffled for a bit, him laughing, me swinging wildly, neither of us landing any real hits.

Eventually, I flopped back onto the ground, panting.

Insert: "Alright. Plan B."

Ging: "Plan B?"

Insert: "If I can't use Nen, then I'll just train physically until it comes back. No point sitting around waiting."

Ging nodded, a rare moment of seriousness flashing across his face.

Ging: "Yeah. That makes sense. Even without Nen, there's a ton we can work on."

I smirked.

Insert: "And when I do get my Nen back? You better be ready, because I'm kicking your ass first thing."

Ging: "Ohhh, scary! What are you gonna do? Wish for super strength?"

Insert: "I will personally wish for the ability to slap you across time and space."

We both burst out laughing.

The situation sucked, but at least I wasn't dealing with it alone.

For now, I was Nenless. But I'd get stronger.

And when I do…

Ging was going to regret every single joke.

Ging: "Bro, imagine you try to become a Hunter, but they ask for a Nen demonstration and you just stand there like—'Uh, sorry, my Fairy Godmother's still buffering my last wish.'"

Insert: "…I hate you."

Thus began the tragic tale of how I became Nenless.


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