In MHA as an Uzumaki

Chapter 11: Chapter 11: Why is he confused?

"So, you're saying that you created a life form using your quirk?!" Mom asked with clear shock on her face. She kept looking at Ell on my head.

I already told her general idea of what happened that lead to the creation of Ell.

"Technically no, but yes." I replied with a serious face. Well, as serious as it could get in that situation.

"What do you mean 'Technically no'? You know what, nevermind. Just tell me that it's safe to be around." She said with worried expression.

"Of course it is! I created it after all!" I replied with a prideful tone in my voice.

"I have seen your 'Jutsu'(s) as you call them. So I disagree. You being it's creator makes me even more worried." She said as if stating the obvious.

"Oh comeon! Those are supposed to be used for attacking! They have to be dangerous! You have so little faith in me." My voice had slight hint of disappointment.

"Okay, fine. I'm sorry, alright? I'm just worried about you." She apologized.

"I know. It's alright. I love you too, mom." I said with a smile, which was a complete 180 in my expression.

"By the way, I named it as Ell. Ell, this is my Mom." I replied while formally introducing her to Ell.

Ell, flew over to Mom and checked her from all sides. Obviously curious to look at the second human it has ever seen.

After doing so, it came face to face with her and then gave her the cheek rub.

"What's she doing?" Mom asked.

"She? It has no gender actually. It's purely made of special kind of energy." I said correcting her.

"Whatever it is, 'it' sounds like referring to an object. This is clearly a living being. I'll just go with 'she'. Anyways, you didn't answer, what's she doing?" She replied.

"Makes sense, I guess. As for your question, that's her way of showing that she likes you." I answered her question while also being lost in my thoughts.

'I really am a shitty Dad huh? I didn't even realise that I was objectifying it *ahem* her unintentionally.'

"Oh, one more thing, she refers to me as her dad since I created her." I said to mom.

"What?! Wait, I became a grandma already?!" She was even more shocked than when I told her that I created Ell.

Women are really very concerned about their age huh? I thought it was just to make it funny that they acted that way in mangas.

"I guess that's true. But, aren't we getting late. When are we supposed to meet your friend?" I said reminding her of her rush she had in the morning.

" Oh, I almost forgot about, let's go we are already late!" She said while taking her car keys and leading me to the car. She brought out her phone and called someone, I assume her friend.

"Hey Asuna! Listen, something came up, so we'll be a little later than our agreed time. Maybe an hour or so." She said.

"It's fine. Sorry for being nosy, but what was it that could make YOU forget about time? I know what a punctual freak you used to be." A voice from the phone replied.

"Yeah yeah, whatever. I'll tell you when we get there. Bye" Mom said. After that she hanged up the call.

"Mom used to be a punctual freak too?" I asked her teasingly.

"Haru-chan~~ What did we talk about eavesdropping on other's conversation?" She had that evil smile. It sends shivers down my spine.

"Sorry! I wasn't eavesdropping! You know that my quirk enhances my hearing too, right?" I replied hurriedly.

Why am I so terrified? Have you ever wondered what constantly being tickled feels like? It's fun at the beginning, but after some time, it becomes damn painful.

I have a very sensitive skin. It was the same in my previous life too. Just a little touch in the ticklish area is enough to get me start laughing.

She knows it. She uses it. She wins in it.

However, she only uses it whenever I'm trying to tease her and she doesn't have a way to retort or is being lazy to figure out a way to do so.

"Anyways Mom, I'm curious about this friend of yours, how did you meet and all that stuff." I said trying to change the subject.

She allowed it. Of course she knows my behavioral pattern, that's my mom afterall.

"It's a long story, but we have an hour so it should be enough. You see,...." And she kept telling about the stories of her past with her best friend for the whole car ride.

[ Asuna Shiranui POV ]

"Ne, Mama, you never told me much about her, your friend. Who is she?" My daughter, Rika, asked me.

"Hmm... Right. Her name is Yuhi. She and I used to be best friends, like as best as they come. We still are, but you know what I mean, right?

So, anyways, before she met me she used to be so lonely, because of her being quirkless. At that time laws against quirk discrimination was way too loose than it is right now, not that it has gotten any better now.

It was only because she was eldest daughter of a mafia boss that they never dared to lay a hand on her. But social rejection of her was all time high.

She found her oasis through books, that ended up making the smartest student in whole school. But that made her even more hated and rejected.

Later she was approached by a boy named Hikari. He was her best friend before me. Later they got married. Their son is about 6 months older than you. By the way he'll be here too.

Back to the story, when she was in highschool, your grandpa got a job in the same city as her, so I had to transfer in the same school. That's where we met.

We just clicked. Later I found out that she was quirkless. Because I was her friend, people started to avoid me too. They wanted me to be affected by their peer pressure or something. Heh! Pathetic shallow beings.

Anyways, I just kept on being friends with her and later when she and Hikari started dating I finally got myself nominated as her sole best friend. Not that it matters. But titles are special, you know.

Later, I got an opportunity to work-study in a hero agency overseas. After which they got impressed by my work and hired me as a full time employee. My job was to screen the new employees they are hiring and the criminals they've captured.

My quirk worked the best for such jobs. I chose to settle there for a while.

That's when I met your Dad. He was just a trainee back then."

I replied to her with that long a*s story.

Honestly, thinking about her Dad, it still hurts me a lot. But I can't cry. The resentment I hold for him won't allow me to cry.

'Bast*rd! Didn't even think of his own daughter!' I was fuming inside!

"Mama, why did you choose to stick by her side? Even though it got you discriminated upon, why didn't you choose to back out?" Rika asked me, bringing me out of my stupor.

"You know my quirk right? I can sense people's emotions. Hers were purest of all those I met till that point of time. You could say the feeling I got from her was too interesting. Later I found people who were even purer than her, but she had something special about her. She maintained that purity even after she reached the top. I expected her to be like this. I knew such a person was worth being friends with over a bunch of shi... stupid people."

I replied to her. Realising how stupid I was that I fell for someone I couldn't read when I could read hundreds of others so easily. For 13 years I even gave myself up to him and this is how he repaid me?!

He didn't cheat on me.

I just realised how easily my earlier words could be misinterpreted. So, no. He didn't cheat on me. What he did was something admirable. It just hurts so much that he's gone now.

He jumped on a grenade to shield his teammates from the explosion. He sacrificed his life.

I just don't know what should I do anymore.

[ Rika Shiranui POV ]

Mom is hurting. I know. Even though she's trying hide it so much I know she's hurting.

Her [ Empath ] quirk doesn't help in it either. Rather it just makes it worse. She can even perceive my sorrow. That just adds up to her own.

I try to distract myself from the pain of losing my dad, just so mother doesn't get more sad because of me. I even started distancing myself from her, staying out of her quirk's range.

'They did say there's a new safe way to suppress quirk is developed here. Maybe it can help?'

*Doorbell rings*

The sudden sound brought me out of my thoughts.

"Let me." I said to mother and walked towards the door.

*Door opens*

I saw two figures standing there. A woman and a boy. They seem to be mother and son duo Mama was talking about.

"Hello. We wanted to meet Asuna Shiranui, can you tell us if we are at the right place?"

The woman asked. She looks quite the beauty. No homo. The boy seems to have taken to some of her features on his face. His red moist hair covers his forehead. His irises are Golden much like his mother's. All in all, he looked handsome.

'Mama did say she was quite a looker in her final year of highschool.'

"Yes. You must be aunt Yuhi. Mother did tell me about you. Please, come in." I replied and welcomed them in.

Only to later realise that Mama was already there prepared to hug the hell out of her best friend. And that she did.

I was looking at them, and so was the boy. Looking at his expressions, he seems to be confused(?) Why is he confused though?


Sorry for the wait. I was having a little bit of what you'd call a writer's block.

Anyways. I hope you enjoyed the chapter.

There's one more up ahead. Yep! Two chapters today!

New supporters are mentioned in the next chapter.

Stay safe folks.

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