Chapter 23: Chapter 23: Grindstone
A/N: [ Itachi Uchiha's POV ] is the same as [ Haruki's POV ]. The only difference is the former is the latter's POV through clone.
So when Itachi uses the pronoun 'I' in his narration, it means Haruki uses the pronoun 'I'.
I hope you'll enjoy the Chapter!
[ Itachi Uchiha's POV ]
It's been about 4 months since I joined MLA. They've been testing my loyalty this whole time. It was annoying, but I had to go along with it.
One day, some no-name moron came to me with his group of 20 runts and started 'interrogating' me. This was way beyond humiliating. I can tolerate those people with higher positions doing this, but this idiot whose only achievement is that he's been here longer than me dared to treat me as if I'm beneath him?! I wanted to show him how waking up with a broken jaw feels like, but I held back.
My statement to them was a fairly simple and a cringey one. The same as a typical villain's statement should be, "You think I need to be cunning just to deal with you?! I can turn this place into a blood bath within seconds!"
After which I had to take some beating. I allowed them to put up enough of a fight that could get me the attention I needed. I won but not without taking, apparently, a few hits. I had to hold back so much that a fight that could end in a few seconds took me 10 minutes.
This incident made me look like I'm over-confident of my strength, arrogant even. Such people are easy to manipulate. That made them confident enough to believe that they can easily control me, and even in case I do betray them, they already would have gathered enough understanding of my strength and weakness. They can easily deal with me. That's also why I held back when I was being beaten. To get them off of my back, even if it's by just a little.
The information I was sending back to real body was through Ell, so they couldn't find anything suspicious that points towards me being a spy.
As for my quirk, I told them it is called [ Wood Physique ]. My toughness and endurance is super high, can regenerate from almost anything and strength is off the charts because of the quirk. Over that it gives me some control over plants or trees around me. As for my weaknesses, I let them decide it on their own.
Anyways, these lunatics really are doing everything they can to recreate the Meta Liberation War. I had to go through some lectures about their ideologies.
All I understood was that Destro was a fool who never really understood what his mother actually wanted. All his mother, who is known by the name of 'Mother of Quirks', wanted was that her son to not be treated as an outcast. All she wanted was her son to be accepted into the society as just another individual with his own differences.
Maybe her murder got his mind to be consumed by hatred? I can understand him. I mean I was about to be thrown in the same pit. I do have some sympathy for him, but it doesn't matter though. He's dead already. Leaving this mess for the world to deal with.
Freedom that these people so desire is the kind where no one is free of the threat from the other person. Quite ironic, isn't it? The current world is not that much different though. Living with these people of the dark side of the world at least taught me that much.
Only difference is that all this darkness is hidden beneath the surface. It's disgusting. But atleast this world has some place where you can stop and catch your breath. Atleast it has, even if few, something that gives them hope. A reason for them to be happy. A reason to make their life worth living. Something that makes their life more than just about survival.
I can't even imagine how messed up life would be if each morning I have to make sure no one is standing outside my door to kill me or rob me. Or each night before I fall asleep, I have to pray that I don't get killed during my sleep. Everytime my friends or family members are out there, I have to constantly check on what's happening with them.
Sure, they'll be in for a big surprise if they ever try those sh*t on me, but from a normal person's point of view, how frustrating and depressing that kind of life would be?
The peace I can see right now, maybe it's built up on the corpses from the war, but at least it is here. It's not fake. It may not be pure, but it is real. If it is fake, then what are those lives that were lost worth? Did they gave up their lives for nothing?
Sometimes people get indulged so much in their self-made reality of the world that they forget that it wasn't self centred people like them that kept this world at peace, but those who were willing to help others, those who could see the world as more than just themselves are the ones who made it possible.
I admire such people, but I'm not one of them. I'm not proud of it. But that's just how I am. I may be selfish when it comes to people who I care about, but aside from that I try my best to be like them.
After seeing how deluded these sh*t-heads are, my conviction about what I wanted to do here was weakening. I don't want to kill anyone. But these are the people who will kill others without even hesitating. These are the people that I 'need' to kill.
They are evil. I have no doubt about that. But what gives me any right to punish them for it? What gives me any right to take their lives?
My mind was in turmoil. Deciding to kill someone is already a huge burden, let alone the massacre I'm planning.
'Snap out of it! I am not punishing anyone here! I am here for my family! To protect them!... And by extension many other families too.' I thought to remind me of my resolve and reason I'm here for.
[ Haruki POV ]
While Itachi was doing his own things in the dark side over there, I was spending my time to learn new things and create more seals. Along with it, I was focusing my days mostly on training in everything that I've learnt so far. I don't need new things right now. I need to make things I already have become better.
I spent some time trying to figure out how to use subconscious space to learn Nature change to next level. That brought me to Temporal Attribute. I had it on me for quite almost a year now. I never created any Jutsu with this attribute because it is really difficult to control.
The most I could do was make a [ Stasis ] seal that would work with [ Dimensional Storage ] seal and make an [ Inventory ] seal. [ Inventory ] is kind of [ Dimensional Storage ] seal but with the effect of making things inside of it experience a time stop. Which means nothing inside of it will change from what it was when I put it in there. I can put different kinds of pancakes in there and eat them whenever I feel like wanting to.
Although it's possible for me to learn how to use it in other ways, but it will take a lot of time.
I need Time to learn controlling Time. Oh, the irony.
Space attribute was fairly easier than it. Although my proficiency in it isn't as great as the basic five attributes, I can still control it to some extent. Which should be obvious by me being able to create and use [ Exile ], [ Shift ], [ Dimensional Storage ] seals.
Anyways, Eri was about to turn 5 in a few months. I had to think about what gift should I give her. Something that she'd like and also be useful for her.
'Maybe some sort of cute looking bracelet with [ Dimensional Storage Seal ]? But how will she use it? One of those miscellaneous may come in handy here. I'll use [ Trigger Seal ] in a way that it can be used as a button. Now that I think about it, I'll need add some other seals too...'
I got lost in those thoughts of how I'm going to make the best gift I have ever made for someone.
After some time, my focus went to her quirk training. I can't start actual training before she turns 7. But I need to prepare her to be more accepting to the training. Plus I need her to be able to train in the first place. Laying the groundwork if I have to be more specific.
Her quirk is too energy draining, that much was clear from the last time I let her use her quirk. She's able to activate her quirk easily but stopping it takes too much effort for her.
Her body is too weak to handle that strain and she loses consciousness in the end. So first thing I need to train her in is her physical strength.
So with that in mind, I started introducing different 'games' to her that she can play with me, her friends or Ell. Those games required her to use her physical strength in a healthy amount.
She was enjoying them. That's one of the best ways to get a kid to learn new things.
[ Itachi Uchiha's POV ]
I was constantly supplying mokuton (Wood style) chakra into the ground. Slowly making them into small sprouts in each and every corner of this whole place.
These sprouts gave me information about everything that's happening here. A [ Parallel Mind ], derivative Jutsu of Shadow Clone, is responsible for monitoring this information.
I was able to gather all sorts of information from this, although there were some embarassing moments that caught my teenage mind's attention, though the information I gathered was very important.
The attack wasn't just directed towards Mom. Although it was one of the major factors, but it was because the people in that building were going to decide on how [ Quirk Suppressors ] are going to be regulated. They can't have heroes being attacked by these now, can they?
What triggered MLA even more is, how and who is going to have their quirk suppressed was decided by these members of board and this board has a QUIRKLESS person in it who has a second highest right to give opinion on it! It has everything against their beliefs!
This makes me want to change my mind and go full massacre on them right now. I don't see anything stopping me from doing that. It's just the desire that I have. To fight these strong enemies. To check if I really am as strong as I believe. Skill wise, I am, but I want to fight them head on. I want to feel the thrill I felt when I first entered that fighting ring. I guess, Rika's personality rubbed off on me.
Aside from this, I even found another traitor just like me. Hawks. The youngest Hero in top 10. At first I thought he was betraying Hero Association, but the sprouts told me otherwise. He was actually working as a spy here.
I need to look for the time when he's out of the base. At that time, I'll strike. Also I will need to make sure he can't intervene, nor does the other heroes. They can deal with the aftermath. A barrier should suffice.
So I'm going to be busy for a few more months to finish this barrier. I have been working on it for part 2 months now.
These people are going to be my grinding stone.
Hope you enjoyed the chapter.
Stay safe folks. See you soon.