In MHA as an Uzumaki

Chapter 9: Chapter 9: Time Skipping Report

A question. Should I keep the jutsu names Japanese or English?

I personally like Japanese names better because there are very few jutsu names translated in English that gives some feelings to the Jutsu.

I give you that choice though. After all, it's you who's gonna read it.


[ Tokiton: Toki Chōyaku no Jutsu ]

It was a sunny morning. Sunlight coming through the window was lighting up the room. It wasn't too big, but it certainly wasn't a small room. All in all, it was a cozy room. It was completely clean and tidy room. Then again considering whose room it is. It isn't a big deal.

At the desk, there could be seen a young boy who seems to be at his teens, somewhere around fifteen, that's what his age seemed to be. He seemed to be writing something in his diary.

[ Inside the diary ]

I'm turning twelve years old today. It's been about 4 years since the recreation of [ Kage Bunshin no Jutsu ].

I have been writing this log book for almost the same amount of time.

After we came back from vacation, I decided to write this log book for a very simple reason. To know the path that I took after that day.

That wasn't the only reason though. I also wanted to write down the sudden inspirations I got at any random moments. They are like fleeting gust of wind they just come and go unexpectedly.

It helped a lot. I ended up creating so many different kind of seals, created many kinds of compound seals and mechanisms, made a seal printing machine that could make [ Quirk Suppression Seals], [ Quirk Suppression Field Seal ] and the like. The ones that could help in apprehending the criminals and villains.

I made a contract with the government or rather the Hero Association branch of it to become the supplier for the deals. In return, I get money, a lots of it, plus a certain amount of status. I didn't really need that money, I got my mom, but earning your own money feels waaaay different than spending your mom's money. As for status, that was a bonus.

Of course my identity was hidden. The seals were hidden inside the brand logo of the product. More specifically, I chose the seal itself as brand logo.

Told them that it was my quirk. Gave them the product and said that I need to stay anonymous otherwise villains may target me because I'm the only person able to make it. I didn't lie there though.

After a few weeks we came back from vacation, mom decided to leave the apartment and look for a house with large enough area for me to train. Since she decided to support my dream she decided to go all out on it.

I met some new people here in the new neighborhood. They are good people. Having Kagura Heart Eye is definitely a blessing sometimes. It can be a curse, but I don't need to think about that right now. Everything has its pros with its cons. Here pros outweighs the cons.

I also made some 'friends'. Well, they are 'friends' not Friends. They used to avoid me. I don't even know why. Whenever I'm around them, I could see them becoming anxious. They were afraid of something. I wasn't aware of what though.

Until one day I realised, I haven't been trying to suppress and hide my Chakra and it had grown too intense. Making it able to affect area around me. Chakra has spiritual energy in it. When I meet new people, I'm, as I'm supposed to be, on guard. This gets transmitted through my spiritual energy in the chakra, subconsciously creating an effect where they can perceive that I'm taking them as a threat and if they do something wrong, I may end up killing them.

Me smiling when talking with them only made things even worse.

No wonder those kids were so scared of me.

I wasn't one to be blamed though. For almost 8 or 9 years all I ever had in the name of interpersonal communication was with my Mom and Aunty. I trusted them enough to let my guard at temporary rest, so they rather felt I had some sort of soothing era. No wonder Mom and Aunty loved to cuddle me. So I never realised that my Chakra is affecting others mood.

After that day when I realised it, I figured out how to suppress and hide it. (It's become even more immense than it was before but now I have better means to hide it.)

But it was too late. The image that it already left on them stayed. Now, it's not the fear induced by my chakra but rather fear produced by their own brain that became a problem.

At this point, I went for the most easy and almost the only way. I stopped caring about it. It doesn't matter if they don't want to be friends with me. It's a bit lonely, spending two of your childhood with zero friends. But I have my aunty with me.

Correction, had. She got a job. Well, she's an adult who finished her studies. Of course she got a job. But that left me with less time to spend with her.

Even that time is rather spent on me trying to be considerate of her by giving her some chakra enhanced massages. It definitely improved my understanding of most important points in the world for any guy to know. I'm fairly sure my future girlfriend, if I'll have any, will definitely be hooked by this massage technique that I developed.

But right now, with my reputation, it seems almost impossible. I am so lonely. I wanna sing that song right now.

Mom. Well, that's Mom. There's something that will always let her stay above the level of a friend. But that also makes her less of a candidate to even qualify to compete in this part.

I love her. Undoubtedly so. But there's a thing. A mother will always be a mother. You can't change that no matter how much you try.

As for those 'friends' now, they still avoid me, but the difference is, I do the same towards them. I'm responsible for unintentionally scaring them and I took the responsibility, stopped and gained control over the subconscious fear inducing and even apologized. It's their choice if they still wanna avoid me.

If you don't want me in your personal space, I won't enter it unless absolutely necessary. That's just my way of showing basic respects towards a fellow human.

There's also something more about my progress in seals. Found a way to create [ Quirk Suppression Field Seal ] into something that will protect me from emitter quirks or the quirks that need to make contact with me.

I call it [ Armor of Denial ].

May not be the best name, but it sounds perfect considering its effects.

I also made some serious progress in recreating some new Jutsus as much as I could remember. Figured out some Kekkei Genkai: Hyōton, Mokuton and Shakuton.

Kekkei Tōta is still a far cry for me.

My Chakra control is still top notch. I even used planetary Rasengan flawlessly and still had chakra left for more. I did say I could stand toe-to-toe with Naruto at his peak when it comes to Chakra Volume.

Not everything was smooth sailing though. I also faced some troubles. For one, I still can't figure out how to help aunt to control the spiritual energy.

As for the second, my memories of the canon is getting more and more blurry. There are just a few things from the notes that I still remember with the scenes and drawings apparent in my mind. Others are just blank. All I can rely on about them is the notes I wrote.

There was one thing that I didn't know why I wrote something like that in such huge letters. It was written as if it's very, very important, with all capital letters.

Why would I want such a thing? I didn't know, but it doesn't hurt to follow it. It's my plan after all. But the next page had the reason for why it was very important that I followed it.

I got very excited when I read that. I felt anticipation and just wanted to let that moment come sooner.

I was able to find which material would be the best for me to make my Bōjutsu Staff from. It needed to be able to conduct my chakra and be able to endure the nature change effects. I as I was supposed to do, bought the custom Bōjutsu Staff and Blades made of those materials.

I also recreated Chakra Armor. But unlike Raikage's Lightning Chakra Armor, mine is more condensed and defined (with proper shape) around my body and it has attribute of Earth. It's outer surface is made up of fire attributed Chakra.

I learnt Sage Mode. That's the biggest achievement throughout this 4 years.

It would be second only if I could get control over my Chakra's adaptation. It still works on it's own.

My sage mode changes my eyes into golden brown and its pupil becomes feral. The eye socket pigmentation is black in colour. It covers my whole eye socket while it also has pigmentation in pointed shape upwards on my temples. It also has three lines marked right under the eyes, where the top most lines on both sides are connected to the eye socket pigmentation.

(Image here)

I am not a fool though. All the while I was trying to get stronger, I was aware with no fighting experience, I'll make it even more difficult for my self. That's why I entered the underground with transformation technique with disguise over it.

I got beaten the shit out of me for the first few months. If not for my fast Regeneration, I'd definitely get caught by Mom everytime I went home. But the pain was a hell to go through.

But soon after 3 months I became the hell for them! None of the fighter who stepped into the ring could even touch me anywhere other than on my knuckles with their faces.

My growth spurt was even more exaggerated. My body got developed to appear like a 15 year old when I'm just turning 12 today!

'Now that I'm done with filling weekly log of mine. I should go and have some breakfast.'

I thought while I walked towards the door to leave my room.

'The time to meet them is also coming closer. I just hope she doesn't hate us.'

It was soon that my life is gonna have a new page turned into it.


So? How'd you like this chapter?

I am very conflicted about love interest here. At first I was damn clear of who I want it to be and I still want her to be but I'm not sure as before. I am even thinking of going with OC. What do you guys think is better?

Anyways, So new supporters,

Thank you,

• Maxime_Fritel


for power stones.

Stay safe folks. See you as soon as the new chapter revelation comes.

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