Chapter 10: Chapter 10: Finding The Grimhold
Horvath walked out of the store unbothered by the smoke coming off his clothes due to the electrical shock. He then slammed his cane down in anger.
'Who was that young Sorcerer? I suppose I would need some help as well, but first I need the grimhold.' Horvath thought to himself.
"Stop right there! You're under suspicion of robbery, put the weapon down and keep your hands where I can see them!" A cop had ordered as he and another cop walked up to Horvath.
"Are you talking to me?" Horvath asked actually surprised someone had the gall to talk to him like that.
"I'm not going to ask again, drop the weapon and put your hands on your head!" The same cop said again.
"Hmph, Do you know who I am?" Horvath asked superciliously.
Without waiting for a response, Horvath simply send the two policemen flying with a wave of his cane and entered one of the police cars.
He placed his hand on the top of the car and it transformed into a black sports car and drove into the direction of where he had seen in his vision that he had from using magic and Dave's words to remember the day he was imprisoned 10 years ago and see what happened to the Grimhold.
(Rooftop in New York)
We had landed on top of what I believed was the Empire State building and I hopped off the Eagle.
Dave then also got off the eagle and started to freak out a little.
"This is not happening, This is not happening, ugh I taste sour in my mouth." Dave said anxiously.
"Take it easy Dave. Deep breaths." Balthazar said.
Right after Balthazar's words, the steel eagle moved and went back to becoming a gargoyle connected to the building. Dave started to freak out even more.
"What?!? Now that is not happening!" Dave exclaimed.
My eyes shined at the magic as it was similar to both a Transformation and the Piritotum Locamotor spell that McGonagall used to animate the statues during the battle of Hogwarts.
This spell though, was a lot more powerful than Transfiguration. A Transformation spell from the Transfiguration branch of magic could do something like animate a Statue of a flying creature, but it wouldn't allow it to function as the actual creature as it couldn't fly with its wings, I could transfigure it into a living being, but i wouldn't be able to control it and it couldn't be that big as the spell could only transform something into a creature that actually exists.
Also a normal animated metal bird could not fly with its metal wings no matter how hard it flapped them. Somehow Balthazar was able to animate the eagle and allow it to fly and move with only his thoughts.
I was really looking forward to learning this magic as I had already imagined a time where I could control an army of statues like McGonagall did.
After the eagle was fully transformed back into its statue state, Balthazar walked over to a pigeon and started to speak to it comfortingly as Dave continued to freak out all the while the both of them were ignoring me.
"No, no, no, no, no. You are not doing this to me again! Do you have any idea what my life has been like for the last 10 years?!?" Dave exclaimed.
"I've been stuck in an urn for the last ten years." Balthazar replied
Dave paused as he knew his life wasn't that bad, but he wasn't done venting.
"So have I! A figurative urn of ridicule! Did you know that is certain parts of the tri-state area, they still refer to having a nervous breakdown as 'pulling a David Stutler? Did you know that?" Dave explained frustrated.
"Try to be a good listener Dave." Balthazar replied uncaring of what Dave said.
Dave just waved his arms in exasperation.
"Can one of you explain to me what's going on? I got involved for no reason here?" I asked interrupting their argument despite knowing the situation.
"Fair enough. That doll that Horvath wanted, it's called the Grimhold, it's a prison and it contains the most dangerous Morgannians in history, each locked within a layer of the doll. Horvath seeks to free his fellow Morgannians and destroy the world. This. Must. Not. Happen." Balthazar said, enunciating the last four words as he was wrapping something around the pigeons foot.
"Yeah, for sure." Dave said obviously feeling out of his depth with the situation not knowing how to respond.
"Doll? Wait you said Morgannians, do you mean Morgana as in the enemy of King Arthur and Merlin?" I asked
"Yes, Morgana is one of the strongest Sorcerer's in history and was Merlin's greatest enemy. Myself and two others were the sole Apprentices of Merlin, the other two were Horvath, which you already met and fought, and a Sorcerer named Veronica." Balthazar explained as he released the pigeon.
"Whoa, you were Merlin's Apprentice? He is one of the world's most powerful magic users."
"Yes, now we need to make sure we find the grimhold before Horvath, so we should get going." Balthazar said to me before turning to Dave.
"You don't realize it yet, but the truth is, you have a very special gift. You need to see that." Balthazar said.
"I just want to be normal, normal life, I want to forget about that day in Arcana Cabana, forget about magic, I wanna forget everything." Dave replied exasperated.
There was a slight whistling sound as Balthazar looked at Dave and said.
"You should duck."
Confused, Dave almost didn't duck, but he then heard the sound of something flying through the air and ducked only to see his dresser land behind him.
"If you wanna forget about magic....Why'd you keep the ring?" Balthazar asked as he had reached into his dresser drawer to grab Merlin's Dragon Ring.
"I-i was going to sell that, on uh, Ebay." Dave replied unconvincingly.
"You're still a bad liar Dave. I oike that about you it's a good sign. You have the gift." Balthazar said as he held the ring up in front of Dave.
"No, I have a life." Dave replied exasperated.
"You're the last person Horvath saw with the grimhold, that's puts you on his list. So unless you want Horvath to turn you Into a pig who just Loooves physics. Then you better help me find that doll before he does." Balthazar said annoyed while emphasizing the word Loves by extending the word as he spoke.
"Uh uh t-this is crazy, you see how crazy this is right?" Dave asks.
"Alright, alright. You help me get the doll, you're done." Balthazar said.
"Really?" Dave asked skeptically before staring at Balthazar suspiciously for a couple seconds.
After a pause Dave then spoke.
"Can you please put my dresser back?"
Balthazar went over to the steel eagle, jumped on it and was waiting with his hands outstretched.
All while this was happening, Dave kept questioning what he was doing as if he was worried he was going to jump off the building
Just then there was a storm cloud that formed in the distance and Balthazar looked over grateful for his spell working.
"Whoa, what? What is that?" Dave asked.
"It's my Grimhold tracking device. Biometric pressure spell displaces the atmosphere above the doll looks like downtown." Balthazar said as he adopted a look of concentration.
"I guess that means we'll be making our way over there?" I asked, finally intersecting into the conversation.
"Oh, right, I'd almost forgotten you were here. I am sorry for getting distracted, I realize I never introduced myself, I am Balthazar. So what is your name and what where did you learn your magic it is different from what I have seen before?" Balthazar asked.
"Yes, I understand the situation was rather crazy and there was no time for introductions. My name is Robert Black and I am a Wizard." I explained.
"Wizard? You mean Sorcerer?" Balthazar asked.
"Not exactly, I am mostly self taught, but all my magical knowledge came form a school hidden in the Scottish Highlands called Hogwarts." I explained.
I wasn't entirely lying as all my knowledge did come from Hogwarts, I just didn't actually study there as I was alluding to with my words.
"Hmm I have not heard of it, but it has been many years since I have been in Europe so many things could have changed. I must also say you are amazingly talented for someone who is mostly self taught. I will also thank you for saving Dave from Horvath." Balthazar replied.
"It is if no consequence. I just happened to be in the area and saw someone being attacked with magic so I stopped them." I explained.
"Well despite your apparent skills and talent, I can handle it from here, you should leave the city while you can, I'll handle it from here." Balthazar replied.
Balthazar didn't want someone so young to be caught in the mess that is going on with Horvath.
It has to be said, that I am still using my shape-shifting ability to appear in my early 20s, although i looked to be late teens, even younger than Dave.
"If you are worried about me, your concern is appreciated, but not needed, I am plenty skilled enough to protect myself. And I'd like to help. If you are dealing with powerful forces that seek to destroy the world, I will help." I explained.
Balthazar nodded and looked between Dave and I. He seemed to come to the determination that having someone powerful to help protect Dave when he wasn't there was a good idea.
"Very well. Your help would be appreciated." Balthazar said.