Chapter 13: Chapter 13: A Desperate Gamble
Chu Xun had initially believed the Xenomorph stood no chance against the pack of mutant hounds. After all, the creature's strength and speed didn't hold absolute advantage against these beasts, and even its resilient exoskeletal armor might not withstand their razor-sharp fangs.
His only hope had been that the Xenomorph could inflict enough damage to intimidate the hounds into retreating.
But when Chu Xun finally turned his gaze toward the battlefield, he realized he'd gravely underestimated this perfect killing machine.
A lion cub could never be mistaken for a house cat. How could the Xenomorph - apex predator of science fiction nightmares - ever fall to mere mutated curs?
The scene before him told a gruesome tale. Of the dozen hounds that had swarmed the creature, only two remained standing amidst the carnage of their packmates. Even these survivors bore grievous wounds, their guttural growls now edged with fear as they retreated cautiously from the black-scaled nightmare.
What shocked Chu Xun most were the wounds on the fallen hounds. Few bore the characteristic slashes or puncture wounds from the Xenomorph's signature weapons - inner jaws, claws, or bladed tail. Instead, most corpses showed horrific burns and necrotic tissue, as if doused in potent acid or searing flames. Several had their skulls half-dissolved into viscous sludge, the stench of corroded flesh hanging heavy in the air.
"Of course..." Chu Xun's eyes widened with realization. He'd forgotten the Xenomorph's deadliest defense - its acidic blood!
In the films, this corrosive fluid could melt through starship-grade alloys. What chance did mere mutated flesh have against such destructive chemistry?
The battle's progression became clear. Initially overwhelming the Xenomorph through numbers, the hounds had torn through its armored plating with their fangs. But in doing so, they'd unleashed a biochemical nightmare. Each bite released torrents of acid that dissolved muzzles and skulls alike. Now the Xenomorph stood triumphant amidst this self-inflicted slaughter, its remaining opponents too terrified to approach.
With final whimpers of defeat, the two surviving hounds turned tail and fled into the woods. The Xenomorph emitted a victorious hiss before turning to consume the fallen, its own battered body testament to the battle's ferocity.
The creature resembled a broken war machine. Its head and neck armor hung in tatters, revealing pulsating black musculature beneath. Acidic blood dripped steadily from these wounds, hissing as it bored smoking craters into the earth. The right hindleg fared worse - stripped of armor, half the thigh muscle was missing, creating a circular pit of dissolving ground where corrosive fluids pooled.
"Looks like we're both in rough shape..." Chu Xun managed a wry smile, comparing his own dire condition to the Xenomorph's. His right arm hung useless, bones shattered and flesh stripped to ribbons by hound fangs. The deep claw wound across his torso wept steadily - without immediate treatment, blood loss would claim him soon.
Darkness crept at the edges of his vision. He'd been so confident - armed with the Xenomorph and his enhanced physique, surviving the wilderness's dangers seemed feasible. Now, barely past the outskirts, death's embrace felt inevitable. The old adage "corpses pave the wilds" would likely claim another victim today.
A sibilant hiss interrupted his thoughts. The Xenomorph limped toward him, wounds partially healed after gorging on hound flesh. Though still leaking acid from its leg, most injuries had closed, demonstrating its terrifying regenerative abilities.
"Lucky bastard..." Chu Xun rasped, attempting to rise only to collapse back onto a hound carcass. "With your constitution... you'll be fine. Wish I could say the same."
The Xenomorph crouched protectively beside him, obsidian carapace glinting ominously in the sunlight. Chu Xun marveled at its biomechanical perfection - the segmented torso, the flawless parasitic reproduction cycle, every aspect engineered for maximum lethality. An organism that blended insectoid efficiency with predatory brilliance.
"Parasitic... metamorphosis..." Chu Xun's fading mind made sudden connection. The Xenomorph's triple-segmented body structure - head, thorax, abdomen - mirrored insect anatomy. Its life cycle of egg, facehugger, chestburster, adult followed classic insect metamorphosis!
If he could harness this...
"Gods help me if this fails." Gritting his teeth, Chu Xun slammed his mangled right hand into the Xenomorph's oozing leg wound. Acid immediately began dissolving flesh, but he held firm. Either this gamble would kill him faster... or grant salvation.
Survival hinged on this desperate play.