Infinite Recall

Chapter 2: 2)The King is no longer

At just 9, Dio Aethereus, the genius child of Mario and Lisanna, took down an entire Wyvern alone, with no help whatsoever. "Blessed by the heavens" is what they used to say every time his name came up.

"Yes, Emily, I understand you love me, but do you realize that I love myself more? Do you actually think your love for me compares to my own? Don't make me laugh, have you not seen my eyes? They're perfect, stop! Don't look into them, you're staining them!" Dio said while covering his eyes with his hands.

"But it was you-"

"I don't wanna hear it, Emily, can you kill a Wyvern? Yeah, I didn't think so, until then, don't bother me," he covered his face and ran away.

"Dio! No, please wait! I promise. I'll kill that stupid bat-like creature, I'll work on myself for your sake!" Emily screamed as she waved.

"Yeah, screw that, I'm 9 years old and you're like 15, where's your shame wench," He screamed and took this opportunity to get away.

"Guess I'll practice for a bit?" he muttered to himself after running away from the rather pedophilic Emily.

Mages. In a world full of magic and life, animals and beings flourished and suffered at the same time. It was only natural that individuals who could somehow manipulate or learn the way of this magic would arise; these individuals were called "Mages". The mystical energy in the world that allowed the existence of magic was called Mana.

After years and years of constant struggle and pain, the mages of the past discovered a method to smoothly use and transfer this mystical energy. Complex runes and words etched onto their very souls, all in the hopes of channeling mana. This was the foundation of spells, the first and most important step towards becoming a successful mage.

However, what the ancestors failed to take into consideration was the decline in talent and the growth in lethargy. Initially, when the spells were created, the mages of the previous generation would take a few days to properly understand and utilize them. Unfortunately, through the passage of time, the quality and mindset of the mages drastically fell.

It was almost to the point where people aspiring to be mages or young mages would take days to learn a single spell and weeks to use them. It was quite shameful, but that was, unfortunately, how nature worked.

Memorizing the structure of a spell and then performing it until you have complete control over it was the most basic path to becoming a successful mage. Of course, this was easier said than done. The stronger the spell, the more complex its structure. Meanwhile, creating a new spell altogether was something left to those who could study the runic scriptures.

"Hmm, I guess this goes without saying, but I really am perfect, huh?" Dio said as he admired himself in the puddle formed from his sweat. "I'm nine years old, and I can already use tier 2 magic. shoulders hurt from carrying the talent of this entire world. I doubt if there is anyone who can ever order me around hahaha"

"DIO!!! GO TAKE A SHOWER AFTER YOU'RE DONE!!" a voice thundered from inside his house.

'Guess I take that last sentence back..'

"Yes, mother dearest!" Dio screamed, but let's be honest here, all of us know that it was more of a yelp.

He was used to practicing in the backyard of his house. It was serene, other than the sound of the leaves rustling when he practiced his wind magic or the splashing sound of the water droplets while using water magic; it was quiet. The yard itself was isolated, which was another reason Dio preferred to train here; it was quite spacious and had trees all around its borders. Multiple training dummies were left alone in the corner for Dio's father, Mario.

Both his parents were Mages of some sort. His mother was a lightning-element user, and his father was a magic swordsman. Even in the times when magic was dominant, there existed stubborn individuals who insisted on continuing the use of weapons, and once again, after decades and decades, a method for both these styles to co-exist was found.

Magic swordsmen were mainly adept at spells that enhanced their bodies or aided them in close combat. Of course, there was no rule that forced them to not learn any other spells; it was just that spells weren't that easy to learn, and most of the time, mages were required to choose. It was mainly to utilize and avoid the waste of any time or talent.

Another important factor in learning spells was talent or affinity. There were no specific grades for this talent or affinity. It simply determined which element an individual was suited to learn. However, even those who didn't have any affinity could learn every element, of course, that is assuming they are able to. For example, Dio's mother, Lisanna, was a Lightning mage, an element feared by everyone. It was rare and extremely dangerous; the speed and versatility it offered were lethal. She had a lightning affinity, meaning the element that she was suited to learn was lightning. Of course, whether she did or not was completely up to her.

"Mother...before I proceed to bless the water by allowing it to caress my skin, I have to ask-"

"Hush. I know what you want to ask. It's about what I think of your future, isn't it?"

"....." Dio simply nodded. No matter how much people admired him and called him a genius, he could never understand the ability of his mother to predict his words or actions.

"Haah..what am I to do with you," she sighed. "Listen carefully, Dio. No matter what, know that I will love you, okay?" Her tone suddenly got relatively serious.

"Your future….I'm sure there are going to be many ups and downs, mostly ups but I want you to know.....Whether you choose to be the strongest mage to ever exist or the sloppiest it at the top or at the bottom, there will always be a time when you feel alone or lonely. So I ask you, Dio Aethereus, my pride, and joy.." she said as she kissed him on the forehead and ruffled his hair.

"I ask you…. to choose your lonely"



. (This is not free real estate. Stop)



"You were right, mother…." Dio said as he recalled the past. He was currently seated on a throne that oozed the "I'm the ruler of this world" aura. In front of him was a huge bronze sphere, above which were multiple magic circles. It was ironic because he lived miles deep underground; it was somewhere no one could find him. It was his hideout of sorts. Other than a selected few individuals, there wasn't anyone who knew the location.

To put it into perspective. His talents and abilities encompassed the entire world, there were simply no more challenges left. He overcame everyone and everything until there was only one left. Himself.

'Come here..' Dio sent a telepathic message to one of the individuals who knew his location. He didn't exactly trust many people, but one of the perks of being the absolute was that nobody would dare betray him. Although there was a handful of people he relied on for certain things, one of which included his first subject, Iori Crypt. However, before he could convey his message to the person he called, Dio could feel his eyelids betray him; perhaps his own body parts weren't in the contract of non-betrayal. 

"Aaah...fck it," Dio groaned as he gave in to the sensation. It was weird. He was the sorcerer supreme, a little sleep was only a single spell away from fixing, and yet he felt like all his senses slowed down, although the one thing that appeared to be racing by was the passage of time.

"My Lord, the supreme one, the ruler of all, the all handsome, you have called for this humble….... Slave…."

"My king,,,?" he stuttered as he fell to his knees.

'Iori! What's wrong??' a voice asked him telepathically.

'It's….. My…. King…' Iori replied in a hoarse voice.

'Speak goddammit!!!' the voice replied in an agitated tone.


'The King is dead…'

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