Chapter 17: Chapter 4: Part 5
You know, when one goes on an outing with a pretty girl, one expects a modicum of peace and silence to envelope the evening. Having a slow but steady wind, and a sunset to enhance the rosy and romantic atmosphere if that was what the person was going for. One did not expect to have to battle gigantic monsters that looked like bad science experiments.
"Selena!" I shouted and Shuna looked over at me while she was maintaining a barrier, preveting a particularly lizard like monster from breaking in and possibly eating us whole. Selena instantly materialized much to Shunas shock and she could sense the seriousness of the situation. "Protect the innocent!" I shouted as Selena nodded and flew high into the air and spread her light all over Karakura town.
I could see some of the innocents being covered in a shimmering barrier as they fell asleep, probably due to Selena's influence. "Shuna, how good are you with Aspectual Magic?" I asked her. "I can handle it pretty well" she said. "Good, I think we should try and take these things down as best we can, worst possible scenario is we flee" I told her as she nodded, dropping the barrier while I had Selena place one on me and her.
Using my source to produce magical energy, as much as it could handle, I began my first spell. These beings, I could feel the spiritual energy rolling off them. It was obvious they were spiritual, so magic was the best option, followed by mystic arts if I needed. Using the knowledge that Selena was protecting the city, I began incantating a spell. Fire began to form and so did spheres of water that shot forth, tearing holes into these monstrosities.
Shuna herself was firing off ogre flames and such, causing them to scream in pain as they fell to the ground. What surprised me though was the fact spectral entities resembling humans came out of the ash following the monsters defeat. "What the hell?!" I shouted and Shuna herself had some kind of shock as well.
"What is that?" asked Shuna, her voice oddly calm. "My guess, souls maybe?" I said unsure, but I took out my blade, Mugen, to fight with along with my magic as well. Mugen was a god class weapon, allowing me to take on the properties of spiritual lifeforms. I did not know what that meant, and I will find out later, but the blade was sorely needed as well. Might as well practice my swordsmanship right.
I readied my sword as I coated it in my fighting spirit, it having an eary glow as I aslo began to pump some mana into the thing, allowng magic haki to begin to form around my blade as I began to slash at the beasts. I think it also finally hiy me how dangerous some worlds are, what with giant monsters coming around, eating and digesting souls in their wake. Whats next, monsters stuff humans into sacks and blend their corpses?
Shuna was making short work of them as well with her Aspectual magic. It was quite a sight to see, her usage of her flames which seemed to elegantly dance to an otherworldly tune. It didn't take long before we made short work of the beasts in this area, when we encountered someone who looked like they were going to a funeral.
He had orange hair that was very unusual for Japanese people to have, he was also wearing what looked like funeral garb as he wielded a sword that was too big for his body to handle, atleast it should have been. Next to him was a girl with black hair who seemed to be out of breath, as if she was chasing him.
"Th...there you are Ichigo" said the girl who had to catch her breath. Ichigo, the boy, looked at her with some worry. "Rukia!" he shouted as Rukia decked him on the head. "Idiot! What were you thinking!" she shouted as she went to full on lecture mode it seemed like. "Sorry!" said Ichigo as he finally took notice of us.
"Hey! Who are you?" he asked while pointing a finger at me and Shuna. "First of all, its rude to point" I said as he lowered his fingers with slight embarassment. "Second of all, I am Thomas Evans and this is my companion Shuna" I said as I introduced us to the two new individuals, which looked shady to some extent.
"Nevermind that, what are two normals doing with dead hollows and weapons!?" shouted Rukia. "Hollows? So that's what their called" said Shuna as another one appeared nearby. Ichigo seemed to prime his sword, ready for to swing it. I, however, seemingly stole his thunder as I pulled out Mugen and sliced the hollow apart, releasing the soul within.
"What was that!?" screamed the girl Rukia. A look of confusion marred her face, as if she was trying to dissect what we did. "A sword" I said in a plain voice that seemed to elicit shock from the little girl. "I know that! But how! you don't look like a shinigami!" shouted Rukia as I raised my brow.
"I'm a human, thank you" I said as I felt a massive amount of malevolent energy begin to seep into the air. I also noticed an archer that was garbed in white priestly clothes. In his hand was a bow made out of energy. "Your gonna fall behind Shinigami" said the mysterious, priest?, as he shot multiple arrows which felled many hollows.
"Damnit!" shouted the strawberry as he jumped off to presumably kill more hollows. "Damnit, Ichigo!" said Rukia as she ran off towards his location. "What is going on here?" I said outloud.
"I have no idea" said Shuna as we went searching around for some hollows so we could eliminate them from the world. What I still didn't understand was what they were and why they contained the souls of what looked like deceased humans. Was there a place for them to rest, to retreat?
It wasn't something I could ponder as me and Shuna was going through swathes and swathes of these things, cutting them and burning them to a crisp and releasing the devoured souls that were held within. It was like an enigmatic massacre that could even be labeled as cruelly genocidal.
Then, I saw it. It was a hole being torn in the fabric of space and times, something that should not have been possible. Big hands which looked like they were composed of the darkest substance ever known. It had a mask which donned the beasts, the hollows face. A pointed nose and a flat expression. Its body seemed to convulse with arms and legs which kicked and stretched with people who must have been devoured by the hollow.
I noticed the two kids were bickering, as the hollow seemingly observed unnoticed. I jumped with great strength, the road cracking under the force as I grabbed the two bickering teenagers and brought them out of harms way. "Selena!" I said as two new barriers began to cover the two.
"What are you doing old man!?" shouted Ichigo as I cracked one across his head, and I made sure to get the one with glasses. "Why are you interfering?! This is between me and Ichigo!" shouted the priestly boy as I sat him down.
It was then he seemingly noticed the barrier put on him by Selena. "What is this?" he asked as he poked and prodded at the thing. "It's a barrier, will prevent all damage" I explained curtly to him as I was envisioning how I would take the thing down. "But, is there a limit?" asked the kid as some thought seemingly struck his mind. "Oh I'm sorry, my name is Uryu Ishida" he said. "Thomas Evans" I replied in turn.
As I gazed at the beasts, a thought clicked in my head. "Selena, are there barriers preventing property damage?" I asked her as her avatar manifested near me to Uryu shock. "Of course" said Selena as I grinned.
I began gathering mana in my legs as I approached the beast, creating platforms of solidified mana. I felt fresh as thoughts and images began to swell up in my head. 'Magic is the art of causing change in according to the will and laws of the world' I remembered, the thoughts of two systems interbreeding, but the core thought of will and image remained the same.
I closed my eyes as I felt the mana swell within me. I had images of great fire and the images of hell were very prevalent. I began to mold shapes which surrounded the hollowified giant. I then began muttering an incantation under my breath.
Oh gracious flame, striking flame
Oh burning embers of revelation
Strike the evil, slay the evil, purify the evil
and return the world to the light!
-Flames of Revelation!
A great upwelling of flames emerged from the circle. The creature, which seemed mindless now began to scream in pain. Holy flames which were dyed a purplish crimson began to devour it as nothing was left except the transparent souls of the lost.
I jumped down and saw a Shuna with her jaw touching the floor. I grabbed her and handed the kids my number. "If you want to contact me for anything" I said as I hauled out of here, leaving the hang out, the date as plain as I could put it, on a high note.
[A/N: Hey guys hope you enjoyed the chapter! Sorry for not updating constantly, but I hope this chapter was good enough for your taste. What did you think of the arc or date with Shuna? Should I do more? Also, I think I'm gonna skip over poseidon training the Mc. Im sorry, but I feel like I drawn out the arc and I feel like it would be just a repeat. Of course, in universe explanations will be given, and I hope you enjoy!]