Chapter 128: New Responsibilities Arc - Character Ranking
Hey guys, so we have finally concluded with the sixth arc of the Injustice: The Path to Hell series. Just 36 more arcs to go!!! And they only get crazier from here. Now before we move onto arc 7, Gotham Gang War, we must do the customary character rankings. Now. I know that this covered all the episodes of YJ season 1 up until the simulation. There's plenty of characters to include so let's begin shall we?
1. Teth-Adam/Black Adam (Holding Back I).
2. Amazo.
3. Wotan.
4. John Smith/Red Tornado.
5. Gerad Shugel/Ultra-Humanite.
6. Red Torpedo.
7. Red Inferno.
?. Clark Kent/Superman (Holding Back II).
?. J'onn J'onzz/Martian Manhunter (Holding Back II).
?. Barry Allen/Flash II (Holding Back II).
?. Nathaniel Adam/Captain Atom (Holding Back II).
12. Jason Blood.
13. Pamela Isley/Poison Ivy.
14. Esau Jacobson/Maelstrom (Mastered One Tail).
15. Kaldur'ahm/Aqualad.
16. Connor Kent/Superboy.
17. Baran Flinders/Mammoth.
18. Bruce Wayne/Batman (Unspecialised).
19. Alton Carver/Talon.
20. Oliver Queen/Green Arrow.
21. Lawrence Crock/Sportsmaster.
22. Dinah Lance/Black Canary.
23. Esau Jacobson/Maelstrom (Mastered Tailless).
24. Albert Michaels/Atomic Skull.
25. Bane.
26. Esau Jacobson/Maelstrom (Base).
27. Roy Harper/Red Arrow.
28. Jeffrey Burr/Kobra.
29. Jade Nguyen/Cheshire.
30. Barbara Gordon/Batgirl (Unspecialised).
31. Richard Grayson/Robin (Unspecialised).
32. Werner Vertigo/Count Vertigo.
33. Eric Needham/Black Spider.
34. M'gann M'orzz/Miss Martian (Mental Block).
35. Artemis.
36. Matson/Hook.
37. Wally West/Kid Flash.
38. Selinda Flinders/Shimmer.
39. Joker I/Clown.
40. Professor Ojo.
41. MONQIs.
42. Professor Ivo.
Now, I have not included every member of the Justice League, only those that have been name dropped in the story. This goes the same for the members of the Light and their operatives/allies. Especially so for the Apostles otherwise this would be ridiculously long. So I've kept this ranking to those characters that have been named, while not including those that I can't rank due to spoilers.
Now, as you will notice for the likes of Superman, Martian Manhunter, Captain Atom and Flash, they have the brackets (Holding Back II) whereas Black Adam has (Holding Back I). This is not a typo. This represents how much they are holding back, tier II and tier I. During the battle against Maelstrom, Aqualad and Miss Martian, Black Adam had to use more of his power but still nowhere near his full power. Hence the differentiation.
Otherwise he would be in the interchangeable positions of the league members. They don't possess a number because due to them holding back so much, it's impossible to accurately rank them.
However, I'd once again like to mention that these tiers are not 100% accurate, just because someone is ranked higher doesn't mean they can't lose to someone lower. These rankings depict them at THIS moment in time of the story so characters can improve and develop their skills and rank higher on the list. Not only that, but this is done in a 10 out of 10 fight systems in an environment with no advantage for one person or another. A person is ranked higher because they would win 6 or more out of 10 fights.
Anyway, hope you all enjoyed and if you have any questions about why I have ranked certain character where and why, feel free to ask and I will explain away. Other than that, I hope you're excited for what's to come in arc 7, Gotham Gang War, I know I am.