Chapter 1: Dying Sun, Hardened Hearts
The sun was dying.
For billions of years, it had been the source of life and light for the Earth and its inhabitants. But now, it was swelling into a red giant, threatening to engulf the inner planets and scorch everything in its path.
Humanity had tried to find a way to escape the inevitable doom. They had built rockets, probes, satellites, and space stations. They had explored the solar system, looking for a new home. They had even attempted to create artificial suns, hoping to replicate the fusion process that powered the original one.
But nothing worked. The technology was too limited, the resources too scarce, the time too short. Earth was doomed.
Until they came.
Alians, large space ships hovered above earths atmosphere, one ship spanning the size of the Madagasakar island, visible even from thousands of miles away, and not just one but 20 of those, accompanied by many smaller space crafts resembling ramoras (a type of small fish) accompanying sharks in the ocean.
Many smaller ships hovered above authoritative areas of almost all countries.
In united states, a massive space ship can be seen above the pentagon, armed forces surrounded the immediate area and evacuation of people were under way, amidst the chaos a blue light beamed from the ship to the ground, it created a small typhoon which threw small debries all around, after the dust settled, three individuals could be seen, they stood tall and imposing, they were taller than any humans even though they resemble that of humans at least two of then did, one was a green skinned alien with red and green markings on her skin and was wearing a full body tactical suit of unknown materials and technology, the next one was a girl with purple skin and long pointy ears, she carried a large gun on her back contrasting her small frame, the last one does not resemble humans but has a humanoid appearence with metalic grey skin color and some dark and deep cut marks across his face, he had a larger frame and the tallest among them about 2.6 meters in height with a devilish aura around him.
The soldiers on ground fired at them witbout hesitation and emptied their clip but what they witnesed next made their legs go numb, the bullets stoped upon contact with their suits and dropped like they lost their kinetic energy upon contact and didn't even made a single scratch on their armor, the purple alien girl irritated by the sudden enmity quickly pointed her gun at the group of soldiers, just the pressure excluded when pointed by that gun was enough for the poor soldiers to shatter their mentality and cowered in fear, but before anything bad happened the gray individual spoke something incomprehensible to the girl and she lowered her gun and took a step back, the grey individual then took a few steps foreward and spoke
"We apologise if we startled you humans, we are not here as your enemies but to rescue humanity from the brink of extinction."
He then proceded to lend a hand to the soldier who was on the ground and helped his to hit feet. The actions of the alians helped calm down the situation, and asked to meet with world leaders.
Similar events played throughout the world, some countries took extreme measures towards the aliens but unfortunately for them, some alians werent the friendly ones thus some countries faced retaliation.
The aliens called themselves the Peacekeepers, they were an advanced alien civilization that belonged to the Intergalactic Federation.
The alians were closely resembling humanoid species, most had similar stature to humans but had different body parts, color and some of them also have a pair of antennae on their forehead, most have various bodily markings, such as stripes, spots, or swirls, that are unique to each individual. These markings are usually in contrast to their skin and scale colors, such as yellow, orange, red or brown.
They claimed to have been monitoring the Earth for a long time, and had decided to intervene when they saw the impending catastrophe. They offered to rescue the Earthlings and take them to a new planet, one that was safe and habitable within the Federation's territory.
There was a catch, though. Due to space constraints, they could only transport 70% of the Earth's current population, roughly 5 billion people. And they had to include all kinds of animal and plant species as well, to preserve the biodiversity of the planet. They gave the humans a deadline of one year to decide who would go and who would stay.
The choice was not easy. Across the world, governments, organizations, and individuals debated, argued, and fought over the criteria for selection. Some proposed a lottery system, some a merit-based system, some a voluntary system. Some wanted to prioritize certain groups, such as children, women, or minorities. Some wanted to exclude others, such as criminals, sick, or elderly.
In the end, humanity showed its best and worst sides. There were acts of generosity, compassion, and sacrifice. There were also acts of greed, violence, and betrayal. Many elders willingly gave up their spots to allow the younger generation to survive. Many children refused to leave their parents behind. Many families, friends, and lovers were torn apart by the fate that awaited them.
The day of departure arrived. The Peacekeepers had prepared 20 massive ships, each capable of carrying millions of passengers and cargo and a fleet of thousands of relatively small ships, accompanying them. They had also set up a network of portals, connecting various locations on Earth to the ships. The humans had to enter the portals with their assigned wrist bands, and they would be transported to their designated vessels.
The final goodbye was heartbreaking. Tears, hugs, kisses, and prayers filled the air. Some people smiled, some people cried, some people screamed. Some people thanked the aliens, some people cursed them, some people ignored them. Some people looked forward to a new life, some people clung to the old one, some people had no hope at all.
The portals closed. The ships departed. The Earth was left behind.
The sun was dying.