Chapter 3: Chapter 3: Reborn
Chapter 3: Reborn
It was dusk, the horizon of orange sunset showered over the land of Teiko when Kuroko was led into a grand hall which served its purpose as the main venue for ceremonies. The grand hall was then renamed the Ceremony Room. Isolated from any opportunities to escape, Kuroko found himself back in the Ceremony Room, just like the first day he came to Teiko. On the other end of the grand hall, Kuroko saw Teiko's devil master had settled himself comfortably on the throne with a huge smug on his face.
"A... akashi." Kuroko greeted the master reluctantly, his eyes was plastered at his feet, growing a sudden interest in the delicate details the fine embroidery adorning on the high-quality traditional kimono he was forced in.
"Welcome back, my dear Tetsuya." Akashi replied with a smirk. "Do you remember this place?"
Every single soul of people had hailed Akashi as their supreme sovereign were present in the grand presence of their supreme leader. They had viewed the ceremony as a joyous and blissful event. The return of the wife of their monarch would calm his rage. Lands no longer destroyed, resources will flourish, the capital shall expand.
Tetsuya-sama has returned. Teiko will be blessed!
Kuroko glared at Akashi, the man who was revered and hailed infamous devil because of his devilish ways throughout and beyond the lands of Teiko. The man called Akashi Seijuurou was someone to be feared. Kuroko had learnt the hard way.
"Is this my punishment?" Kuroko glanced at the thousands of spectators, Teiko's vassals and military forces. Kuroko's voice was nonchalant as ever. "Shamelessly embarrassed for the rest of my life? Am I worth so much of your troubles?"
Kuroko's words were plainly ignored, his chambermaids had made Kuroko sit on the queen's throne next to Akashi. "Was this why you had adamantly thrown out all my clothes? So that I can't escape?" Kuroko tugged at his choker and clanged his ankle chains in discomfort.
The ceremony had begun, extravagant and luscious food were served. Kuroko touched none of it as the ceremony continued, although he viewed himself as a captive, the delicious smell of food in front of him had not increase his small appetite of hunger.
"Kurokocchi! Look, it's your favourite vanilla milkshake!" Kise placed Kuroko's favourite drink in front of Kuroko.
"Kise-kun, this is not going change anything." Kuroko was inscrutable as ever.
Kuroko was nothing but still a child when he had arrived Teiko for the first time. He was small and thin, malnourished to the extend Akashi had made Midorima Kuroko's personal paediatrician, which had resulted in Midorima's prescription of supplements and feeding Kuroko with more food. Kuroko Tetsuya was a sacrifice chosen by the vast lands the humans reside in name of justice and law. Kuroko had known they had saw the worthlessness and held no value in his efforts, achievements and family name. Kuroko had lost faith in the devils clad in human skin, proclaiming the Kuroko family were cursed, and they should be prosecuted. The only child of the Kuroko family watched his clan massacred before his very eyes, his stepbrother suffered from protecting the only child of his family.
Kuroko reminded himself that was then, this is now. You're no longer a small kid. Kuroko and Akashi were surround by Akashi's loyal vassal, the miracles. Akashi who could not tolerate the nasty food of humans made from livestock, Murasakibara Atsushi had taken charge of dealing with business and everything related to food. The miracles were fully aware and had experienced first-hand that displeasing Akashi means a total destruction of the world. An apocalypse would befall humanity, the devil would curse the humans to their infinity of sufferings, with no endings.
"Do not test my patience, Tetsuya." said Akashi. He took a small portion of the few dishes and placed them in front of Kuroko. "Eat."
"No." Kuroko had adamantly refused. "I am not a monster."
Akashi sighed and put down his chopsticks. "Isn't three years enough? I gave you three years of freedom. Now it's my turn." He glanced at Aomine. "Bring him here."
The great doors of the grand hall opened, a man whose features Kuroko recognized and was all too familiar was tossed at their feet.
"K... Kagami-kun...." Kuroko paled as he saw the battered form of his dear friend and turned to face Akashi. "What's the meaning of this, Akashi? How dare you kidnap my friend? You promised not to hurt anyone!"
Akashi's heterochromatic eyes had glinted over a distressed Kuroko. Kuroko had tried to stand from the throne and rush to his dear friend, but the chains that bounded Kuroko's ankles by Akashi's order were biting into his pale delicate skin had made it impossible for Kuroko to move freely.
"Calm down, Tetsuya. I did nothing to the humans that you loved so much. This guy came to us on his own, and took down half of our forces." said Akashi. Akashi snapped his fingers, Kagami's consciousness returned. Temporarily. "The ruckus stopped after sending Aomine out to the front lines."
"Kagami-kun was the reason behind the huge explosion and ruckus awhile ago?" It finally dawned on Kuroko that Kagami had actually chased after him all the way from Seirin. It was a first. Kuroko was barely visible, humans that did not possess spiritual power or with low spiritual power had a hard time realizing Kuroko's existence. "Why, Kagami-kun?"
"Seems like Kagami Taiga was the only human worried enough to chase after you," Akashi smirked as he pulled Kuroko into the proximity of his body and whispered cursed words of the devil. "I'm jealous of him, Tetsuya. Tell him, 'I don't need you, Kagami', right here in his face." Kuroko had glared at Akashi and slapped his hand away. "That's nice. Those defying eyes that yearn for love and passion. Only you are worth my sufferings, Kuroko."
"Kuroko! Are you okay?!" Kagami had struggled fiercely against the military soldiers. Kagami may have been the prophesied child, Kagami's current level had made it impossible to event defeat the lowest levels of soldiers. Kagami was still merely a human. "Let me go, bastards!"
Akashi dismissed the soldiers and ordered them to untie Kagami's legs, much to Kagami's dissatisfaction. Kagami decided it was the best treatment he could get as a devil's prisoner.
Kuroko sighed. "Are you an idiot, Kagami? I'm pretty sure you didn't think of the consequences."
"Wha- you bastard Kuroko!" Kagami retorted.
"Have you ever thought what could have happened? Akashi could have killed you, Aomine could have beaten you to death, Kise could have poisoned you to death." Kuroko's deadpanned voice rang like a morning bell.
Kagami wallowed on the ground at the Teiko's rulers' feet as each word had hit a sore spot. It was jackpot. Kuroko was right. Kuroko was always right, Kagami knew that better than anyone. He had saved Seirin from a number of challenges, with that small body of his.
"You should be thankful I had decided to spare you, Kagami Taiga." Akashi smirked. "Because you're a first, who did not resent Tetsuya. But I wonder what will you do after you know of the truth?"
Kuroko's blood ran cold. "What are you going to do with Kagami?"
"Nothing." Akashi placed a wine glass of blood-red substance similar to something Kise had brought with him that day. After all, Seirin's gym hall was stained with the substance, no one in Seirin had the capabilities to identify the real identity of the mysterious substance. "You should know what you should do, don't you? After all, this isn't our first time."
Kagami frowned. He debated what was the substance and what it had done to Kuroko. He had observed Kuroko had feared that thing with everything he had. "Kuroko! What happened to you? Don't you want to go back?"
"Kagami-kun, where do you suggest I go?" Kuroko stared blankly at the poisonous drink. If he had accepted Akashi's advances, everything is over.
"To Seirin, isn't that obvious?" said Kagami. "What happened? They must have did something! And you're wearing that ridiculous kimono too!"
Kuroko had a dark expression plastered on the drink, refusing to look at Kagami. He couldn't. Kagami who had a bright future ahead of him. Kuroko can't bring himself to pull Kagami into the dull world of darkness.
"Well, I can tell you what happened." Kise took a sip of the vanilla milkshake Kuroko had abandoned.
Fear started to well inside Kuroko. "No!"
"You must have realized, Kagami Taiga is someone who belongs to our world." said Akashi. "Is that why you're trying so hard to protect him?"
"Man proposes, God disposes. There will be one day Kagami would eventually become a part of us. Not explaining anything doesn't solve anything, Kuroko." Midorima adjusted his slightly slanted glasses.
"Midorimacchi is right, Kurokocchi." Kise told Kuroko in a very worried voice. He took the wine glass and placed it within Kuroko's palms. "Don't punish yourself any further. If you like punishments so much, Akashicchi will be glad to give you some."
"What is that?" Kagami asked, eyeing the mysterious substance.
Kuroko finally gave in, tears softly rolled down the sides of his cheek. "I'm cursed, aren't I?" He grabbed Akashi's velvet kimono with his free left hand. He stared at the familiar drink. He opened his mouth and downed the contents. The rich taste of the drink overwhelmed Kuroko, his senses had long forgotten the feeling of being complacent and contented.
Akashi had sighed. "You're not cursed. You're just different, Tetsuya". The extent of Kuroko's headstrong drive to victory was like an unmovable barrier. Nothing could persuade Kuroko to change his mind. Kuroko believes strongly in his ability to achieve victory, where the amused devil's infatuation lies.
"Wha-" Kagami was beyond shocked. Kagami had assumed the drink contained poison which Kuroko's body fiercely reacted. And Kuroko had just gulped the drink which was supposed to be poisonous. "Kuroko!" Kagami had panicked as Kuroko collapsed. Being bound and tied, there was nothing Kagami could do but watch his dear friend collapsed and fall into the arms of the man revered as the devil.
Kuroko had staggered and swayed, his body shivered, his insides ran cold and finally collapsed in the arms of the man named Akashi Seijuurou. Akashi smiled. Finally, Tetsuya. Akashi carried Kuroko in his arms. "Shintarou, you're in charge. I'm going to prepare Kuroko for the ceremony."
Midorima nodded in agreement.
"It's fine, Kagamicchi." said Kise. "That drink will make Kuroko go into comatose, preparing his body to fully accept Akashicchi. It's the purest blood of the devils, in other words, Akashicchi's blood."
Kagami paled. "And Kuroko just drank that devil's blood?!"
"Don't worry, Bakagami. It's not the first time he drank the blood. His body just went into shock." Aomine had just returned from getting rid of Teiko's guests and worshippers who had came to bless the ceremony between their devil master, Akashi Seijuurou and their queen, Kuroko Tetsuya. Aomine's figure had look like a demon fresh from a bloodbath. Women are crazy. He muttered bitterly to himself. Among the five miracles, Aomine possessed the raw power that makes him the best to be the military chief who takes charge of all order and law of Teiko.
Aomine glanced at Kagami, the prisoner he was forced to take in under Akashi's order. "Yo, we meet again, Bakagami. Tetsu belongs to Akashi. They're a married couple after all."
Akashi laid the torpid Kuroko in the huge bath. Kuroko had once jokingly commented the bath was huge enough to fit an entire hot spring. Akashi had the bath prepared and filled with crimson red water. It was necessary, someone like Kuroko who possessed the cursed abilities of the devils, was born with flesh and blood of a human. Kuroko was a demi-human. Kuroko was submerged in the crimson water, Akashi joined as he settled himself comfortably beside Kuroko, regardless the wetness of the water the fabric of his kimono was absorbing. He waited eagerly for his awakening.
Blood that had been blessed were the source of the redness of the water. Healers have reported the red essence were used for calming the fragile minds during the awakening, especially for young devils who have not reached the age of maturation.
Kuroko.... Kuroko....
Kuroko found himself sleeping deep within the depths of the water. He felt someone had been calling for his name. He opened his eyes. Everything was dark. He couldn't make out of anything. Where am I? His voice had echoed through the vast space. Another Kuroko had materialized like a mirror image. The only difference was the other Kuroko had red eyes, pointed ears and vampire-like fangs.
"Who are you?"
"You have to wake up. He is waiting for you." The other Kuroko said.
Kuroko was confused what had happened to him. "How do I get out of here? There is no exit."
The other Kuroko smiled. "All you have to do is remember, and embrace your true self. Then, you will have answers to all your unanswered questions. Afterall, I am you, Kuroko Tetsuya."
The mirage vanished.
"My true self...." Kuroko repeated as images from his vast memories began playing like a movie videoclip. He soon became aware of the identity of an individual name Kuroko Tetsuya as truth was slowly being revealed.
"No," he smiled at the images. "My name is Akashi Tetsuya."
He couldn't believe how he had forgotten such an important memory. As if he was brainwashed, he had forgotten the one that had played an influential role in his life. Forgotten about the life they had built together. Kuroko finally realized the last piece to the missing puzzle. Light had shone brightly from the depths of darkness, releasing him from the labyrinth. Kuroko shielded his eyes against the light for protection. The next thing he knew, he was greeted with a pair of worried eyes.
"S... Sei-kun," Kuroko whispered.
Akashi widened. "You remembered?" He whispered gently.
Akashi would not dare to push his luck. The fact that Kuroko had lost everything about him had saddened him greatly. The great extent that Kuroko had hated him, despised him and had even forgotten that Kuroko was engaged to him had impaled a sword through his heart. Akashi felt he had lost a part of himself. He had blamed the humans for destroying his love. He had suspected of underhanded tricks and revenge humans could do.
Akashi was peeved, his wrath was stirred by the greed of humans had come into play. "How displeasing." Akashi wondered who was the real devil. How could humans deceive my Tetsuya? Aren't you satisfied? You got rid of the innocent human because of your greed. You sacrificed him, he no longer belongs to you humans. I discovered his talents, took him in and raised him. Now he belongs to me. You will not have him back. He is mine.
No one could calm the raging devil master. The miracles could only pray that Kuroko would return to them. To Teiko.
"I wonder since when I had forgotten about the most important thing of my life." Kuroko smiled, finding comfort within Akashi's arms.
Akashi had slid off the layers of kimono he wore, revealing the bare skin of his neck. Kuroko clung tightly around Akashi, their arms and legs were entangled like a tight knot. Akashi had Kuroko within his grasp, and was guided to the nape of his neck, where the veins of blood flowed underneath. Without a word, Kuroko realized what Akashi had ordered, what he had wanted him to do.
To take his blood.
The starvation of three years without blood had brought Kuroko to the end of his limits. The essence in the waters had stimulated Kuroko's senses to capitulate to his needs. Kuroko bared his fangs. His fangs had plunged deep into the flesh of his life partner. Akashi had winced slightly his pain sensors had sent its electrical impulses to his brain, followed by pleasure of vampire fangs has to offer as Kuroko fed from him.
"Welcome back, my beloved Tetsuya."